Tuesday, September 4, 2001

The invisible don and dog show

OK Tuesday and I'm back at work -- I really hate the long weekends because it is so hard to come back to work after them --

It's dogs first day alone in the house and I'm kinda worried about that because he was fairly hyper at 530 this am when I left --

Dog you better be sleeping -- I'm sure after 4 days of living together our cat to human psychic-link is working

I mean wherever I go in the house there he is so I'm sure I have no problems with the cat to human esp thing

dog also has a rude trip to the vet coming up soon too

The ol' snip snip visit -- dog was an abandoned kitty and I'm not going to contribute to the problem of abandoned kitties

So after a few more weeks our relationship is going to be put to the test

I'll let you know how that works out

I'm sure his opinion on the matter will be much different -- but he can't type so you'll have to take my word for it because I simply do not have the time to teach him to type

Oh and this is not going to become the invisible don and dog show either -- he is new and gets some spotlight and in few weeks you'll be asking what happened to dog??? And I'll be like nothing he sleeps all day and eats -- i want his life he can come work for the museum.

Speaking of working for the museum - I need to do that so I'm out

Monday, September 3, 2001

We got chewed out by the life guards and they were not like the girls on baywatch

So I'm being very bad about updating all of a sudden -- it's the busy thing again

I just read sunshine17's entry on surfing

It reminded me of when the other one and I were learning to surf

We were out on the waves mainly sitting --trying to look cool without actually surfing -- but we were doing OK and had actually ridden a few in without falling off the boards.

Well at one point when the beach is packed with people I'm sitting there on my board and not paying attention to anything really

All of a sudden I'm yanked under the water something has my ankle

I barely get a breath before I'm under and trying to pull my leg away from whatever has me

My mind is all SHARK OH PHUCK

I think that I'm gone

Then I'm free so I get to the surface and climb on the board and paddle toward shore


I'm under again

I'm really freakin out now I'm kicking and punching under the water at nothing

I get to the surface again and this time I pull my legs up on the board and paddle with just my arms

The other one comes up and is choking and laughing

He grabbed the leash and pulled me under both times

He thought it was funny until we both noticed the life guards were on the shore yelling to see if we were alright -- because I guess one of them saw me go under both times rather violently and thought what I thought -- shark bait -- we got chewed out by the life guards and they were not like the girls on Baywatch -- they were both guys and we didn't care much for them pointing and telling us that we weren't being very cool -- we went back out and surfed for a while longer then left the beach

Well I laugh about it now but at the time I wanted to beat the other one silly -- I'll have to see if he remembers that one

I didn't do anything over labor day and couldn't even have a beer because I'm still on an anti-biotic from when I was sick -- funny how they don't work when you drink

oh dog is fine he is sleeping now but I'm sure he sends his best too

Sunday, September 2, 2001

They took the serious beat down

Invisible don is sad -- his college team got beat

They took the serious beat-down too


Marshall Thundering Herd drops the season opener in the Swamp -- Gators suck --OK anyone in Florida -- I'm sorry

So I didn't really expect them to win but you know it would have been nice to see them go in a win but not every wish can come true

dog is sleeping now

I will be soon too

Saturday, September 1, 2001

I named it Dog

OK -- I have noticed something that may not seem like earth shattering news to anyone and not even to me

No one comments on the difference in the banner that runs on d-land and the one that runs on my older pages.

I thought it would be funny to contradict the things but hey that is just me

So one of my parental units has a b-day today -- I'm not calling so I suspect that the peacemaker will have something nasty to say to me later on in the day or I will get a blazing e-mail telling me what a Bastard I am -- and now I can say not only that I'm the King of the Bastards and I am 85% bastard how much are you

any way

So it is a misty rainy morning it is rather quiet here

I have a cat now or more to the point a kitten

I'm not sure why I have this but I do now

I named it dog

So if he ever gets away I can ask people if they have seen my cat, dog.

Can you imagine the looks -- i can

So dog and I are drinking coffee -- I am anyway dog doesn't like his

Side note for all you in the SPCA or PETA -- I'm not really giving the cat named dog coffee -- it's mine and if he wants some he can go to the store and buy his own.

OK well I'm off to go do something productive and see if I can't snag a pizza heat wave bag while the delivery guy is away from his car