Friday, May 28, 2010

My Uncle John and the toll booth story

My Uncle John and the toll booth story

In the passing of those in our lives we try to find some meaning in their time with us and to be profound or deep or philosophical. Which may or may not really apply to who that person was or was not in their life.

I can’t really claim to know my uncle as a man but I knew him enough to know that he cared deeply about those things he cared about. And what he cared about evolved. He evolved as we all do.

I could say lots about what a great person he was, and the drive he had to never quit. I could also say lots about less than terrific choices he made in his life. We all make a bad move here and there.

He was my father’s brother. They loved each other in their way, meaning that I don’t think they had a good role model for how to express emotion in their father. I remember meeting my great grand father as very small child, and I mean very small. I remember running around where he was and that he was there but not the man or who he was just the stories which I try to filter back to light from the teller to the truth. He wasn’t a warm fuzzy kind of guy, My father and uncle were not warm fuzzy guys but were more so than their father.

So my uncle was always a part of the family gatherings when he could be their. Another part of my not knowing him so well was that for a while we lived nearer to each other then for a long bit we did not live near each other. Thousand of miles apart.

One memory that I always think about my uncle John is that he was dead, long before he was dead. When I was younger my uncle was referred to as Sonny because he shared his first name with his father just like me but people don’t call me Sonny they call me the kid version of my name in the family. It’s fine it’s who I am in the role it shows that my father is in their minds too when they call me by the kid version of my name.

So my uncle Sonny. Sonny did this, Sonny did that, all the stories started that way. Well I was listening to a story one day and like most kids your hearing of adult conversation is much like the Charlie Brown cartoons wahwhawanWhanhwahwanwah… Sonny got shot at a toll booth …wahwhawanWhanhwahwanwah… what wait rewind please … Sonny got shot a toll booth on his way home.

Well unbeknown to me at the time my mother and father had just seen the godfather James Caan plays Santino Corleone aka Sonny, they may call him Santino once in the movie the rest of the time it’s Sonny. My mother’s family is Italian and when you’re little relatives are relatives and you don’t make the subtle distinctions as to which side is which just that family is family and Sonny was gunned down at a toll booth.

OMG Sonny was gunned down at a toll booth. So I assumed that we would go to the funeral. We did not so I tucked it away that he was dead. Meanwhile he had moved across the country so I didn’t see him anymore, he was alive my father probably called him but it would have been after I had gone to bed and never heard the conversations, We never went to Cali then. His kids came to visit without him so that sealed it in my mind he was dead.

Years go by and then at a family gathering there he is sitting there in a t-shirt, cut offs, lounging in my grandmother’s yard.

He says Hey

I say, I thought you were dead.

Everyone laughs thinking I’m being a smart ass about his life and some choices he has made … but I really believed up to that point that he had died gunned down at a toll booth.

He played it off with me saying something like not yet

It was much later that I put it all together about why I thought he was dead when I saw the Godfather myself and click the light went on.

While we weren’t close like some uncles and nephews he was family and would do what he could to help you if he could because you were family.

My family is strange in a lot of ways some bad, some good. One of the strange good ways is that my cousins are more than cousins. We had large gatherings for years

So my paternal grandmother had four children 2 boys and 2 girls in total they had 12 children 6 boys (one is me) and 6 girls we have had to date 25 children 16 boys and 9 girls

I hope we continue to be strange and that the next generation which is starting to multiply will gather together someplace and continue to have close family ties. If nothing else it makes for good stories later on… like your uncle who was gunned down at a toll booth but not really.

In other news…


I don’t have to work on Monday

I’m pretty sure I’m still invisible

Traveling to see that large ass group of relatives this weekend because 5 of them are graduating from High School this year including Doodle. YAY for doodle and cousins.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

mirror, mirror, on the wall....

Mirror, Mirror

Looking into the glass and in the looking back we see a person

The person we see isn’t the one the people around us always see

Usually the mark isn’t too far from the mark but there are times when what we see in ourselves is completely missed by those around us.

Sometimes it’s a positive difference that the world sees
Other times it is a negative difference that the world sees

In the looking glass I see me

What do you see when you see me

In other news…

I am truly invisible

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

bananas and pickles... no I don't but I've seen it.

You may have noticed or you may not have noticed that my writing has fallen by the side lately.

Deep introspection, reflection, seething, wrestling with, and journeys deep into the abyss.

However, I’ve gotten to the point that I like who I am, with some improvements necessary.

Who isn’t without need of improvement, seriously. Yeah you there ego manic I’m sure you think you’re perfect but you’re not.

I like me for me

I like the way I dress
I like my hair
I like my sense of humor

I accept your differences and your right to be different

When our lives collide please accept that I’m not like you
Don’t ask me to change to fit some preconceived idea of what you think the world should be like that you got from too many years of someone telling you that this is the way things work. They don’t work that way. They work the way you want them to work.

If you like to hang your Christmas tree from the ceiling do it … I don’t but if you want to it’s ok

If you like you peanut butter sam-ich with banana and pickle make it that way … just don’t ask me to take a bite.

I knew all of this and didn’t listen to a lot of the noise out there in the world but it gets lost

In other news…

Some jokes aren’t funny

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

I should wake up earlier

I suppose I fancy myself a writer. I’ve done it for a while in blog form. Then if you count all the years I’ve kept a journal by bed side. Then further back in high school I kept a journal as well. I’ve been writing for the greater part of my life.

I wish I had some of those ones from high school to re-read now all these years later. I remember writing a few things specifically in those journals about how I did not agree with the crowd but it was easier not to say it out loud that I thought they were wrong. I’m still like that to some degree although mainly it’s not that it’s easier not to say the other person is wrong it’s just less of a headache most of the time.

I’ve always found it easier to express how I’m feeling in written words because I can take the time to consider what is said and how it might be received and reword things accordingly. Not to mislead anyone but to make sure that the intent of what I want to say is heard rather than explaining things once they are misunderstood. That is a hard hole to dig back out of, mainly because we, our society as a whole, do not trust anyone. Then to if someone isn’t really willing to listen to what you have to say they certainly are less likely to read anything you’ve written.

My speaking style is similar to my writing style. Which is to say I don’t really have a style of writing or speaking

However, I consider what I say most of the time. As in I’ll pause and actually listen to what the other person is saying. Which sometimes appears that I’m not going to reply because I’m not saying anything right away.

There are times when my tongue has been loosened up by the bourbon or Guinness that things will just come out. Now in those times it’s pretty clear what the meaning is but it’s not always understood in how it’s spoken. Well it’s clear to me while I’m saying it or at least it is in my head.

So I fancy myself a writer, I have a few people who like what I write and probably more than a few which would say STFU invisible don. I fancy myself this but I’ve fallen out of the practice of writing. I filled the time with things which distract me from the things which are on my mind. Things which in the scheme of things do not matter a bit, yet at times have been all encompassing. They are good distractions as long as they remain distractions and not compulsions.

So I may be a dreaming fool …but I’ll be trying to put the words on the paper and try not to worry too much about what I write these days.

In other news…

I knew something before today but the nail has been driven home

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, May 3, 2010

not titled

I love court

In other news…

Well I don’t really love court

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

It came from where?

Completely random thought

So honey is one of those foods we as the people discovered that it is just awesome tasting stuff. I imagine some cave dude or dudette was trudging and saw the golden goodness just dripping from some log or tree or where ever the bees had made it. I’m sure it was a hot day so the honey was oozing out of the hive because I’m sure our cave friend has discovered that bees are evil mean nasty beasties.

Then the light casts onto the honey then there we go just like walls with the wet paint sign on them today … our fingers go into the shiny wet stuff… yeah we’ve evolved.

However unlike today the tasty discovery is about to happened with our cave friend.

Then I would imagine there were several minutes of poking and licking. (Leave it alone)

Later comes the discovery that honey is actually barf, insect barf at that. Yeah that golden yummy goodness is bee barf, upchuck, vomit, puke, etc.

It’s one of those things that is so good we don’t care where it comes from. Hell it could be bee poop and we’d still eat it. It is that good.

Not too many other foods enjoy that status, except the egg but lots of people are more then a little grossed out be the egg and were it comes from and what it may be. I’ll leave it alone in case you are eating an egg.

In other news…

Clover is my favorite total spy

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


There was a point when I started but I lost it

There was a point when I started but I lost it

So it’s Saturday morning not early by a farmer’s standards and gawd-awful if you are a night owl/stripper. Not sure why I tossed stripper there but they do tend to keep late hours. I’m not entirely sure why though perhaps it’s because most of us have more to do when it’s day time and if we want to fit in a little extra curricular voyeuristic watching of naked people the only time slots for this are lunch time out by the airport or very late at night in the sketchy neighborhoods.

Anyway strippers were not the topic du jour but there rarely is a topic I just dive in and rant or blather on endlessly. There generally is a thought that brings me to the keyboard but not much of one or there is some grave social injustice that needs to be righted… as in corrected not shifted to the right politically.

Why does the right get to be called right? I think they like it because it makes them sound correct when they say I’m right sided politically. I don’t like that we need different terms for this so someone get on that I’m still trying to figure out how I can get some stripper time in my day and haven’t got time for the whole restructuring thing.

There was a guy who I was station with or with whom I was stationed, either way the point is he dated a prostitute… I kid you not… actually dated a prostitute and not for money dating I mean this was his girl friend and when he want to the base to be all cop like she went to the club where she worked and humped guys in town.

How was your day dear?

Well I arrested a couple of guys for assault, how was your day?

Well it was a slow day only 3 customers today what would you like for dinner?

Hey to each his own, at least he didn’t have that nagging question in his head I wonder if she is having sex with someone else … yes she is. I sure it would work the other way too but boy prostitutes aren’t in huge demand with the ladies and by boy I mean adult male not a little kid because that is messed up. Just so we’re clear. I mean I stretch the line for argument sake and be all devil’s advocate but only to a point.

The reason I sat down today to scribble electronically is another blog I’m reading. Based on the idea that the writter of said blog can live on 365 dollars a year. Yup a buck a day. I thought WOW what freakin’ awesome idea how cool is that. I even got further excited about it because they too do not eat the dead woodland and plains creatures. Hell yeahs.

Build up, excitement, let down. The writer of this blog is not doing very well on this quest. In fact some might say they are sucking at it but I continue to read maybe the bus will turn around at some point. Once you get lost enough it’s better to just have fun with it so that’s where I am with this one. I would try to do it as well but I have the kid to feed and he isn’t on board with the whole he do you think we can live on a dollar a day for a year.
Yeah try that with set up with any middle class teenager in the US and see what they say. So I’m not trying it at least not on the weeks that he is here in my house. I’m processing the idea and will get back to you on all of that.

In other news…

I’m not dead, no plans on being dead in the near future but that’s out of my hand in a large way

Beauteous day out there so I’m going…you know out there in the world with the grass and the trees and the day light. Well not too far out I’ll still be with in 60 to 100 feet of the computer most of the day. That’s about as far as I can go on the property and there aren’t any plans for leaving the property today work like things in the yard but it’s sort of fun playing in the dirt. Well not really but I’m telling myself that it is so I’ll do it rather than start up POTCO and stay inside all day. Wanna ride in my war galleon?

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
