Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I wish that you knew when I said two sugars I actually meant three

As I alluded in my previous issue that the beta unit came for a visit for the holiday. Good form and all that. It was a good Christmas and Doodle and Stuntboy were here as well.

One of the things the beta unit got me for Christmas and if you are the Other One and are reading this SPOILER ALERT you are getting this too come back and read later. If you are not the Other One please read on.

The gift in question is a set of 3 DVD’s of….

Wait for it…

… all of our home movies from childhood.

I know… Awesome

I get to see moving pictures of myself running amok as a child. It was great fun. I got to see a lot of people who are no longer with us too. Most everyone is running amok for the most part. Because it’s a home movie camera and you’re supposed to act stupid or not. Anyway the home movie camera is still with us and it is way more advanced and not just the fact that you don’t have run to the local photo hut, have the film developed wait days and then watch the movies months afterwards. Now, It’s all sort of instant. But our behaviors are curiously still the same and in some cases even more stupid.

Well the jaunt down memory lane was much fun. The beta unit and I watched and chatted several hours away watching our lives play on the brand new 32 inch tv I know 72 would be better. I’ll get there one of these days. I’m really just waiting for the ionized paint and you can just paint your wall as a TV it should be great fun.

Anyway back to the films, discs … past life in the present. It was a good time and much-ly appreciated present. If you are a relative of mine you are in them too and you are as cute as the dickens well… you were …lol I kid, I kid.

Most of the things I remembered and some I did not. I may see if I can get them on the computer at some point. You might be in the movies too. Yes you.

We watched days gone by from county fairs, pageants, plays, birthdays, Christmases etc. In watching I also picked up some things to remember when filming that should have been followed then and will be helpful now as well and I’ll pass those tips on to you here.

1. Don’t be afraid to zoom in, you are not George Lucas you can’t fix it later in editing. Twenty years from now you’ll wished you had zoomed in on to the stage to see whom ever it was up there. You won’t remember.

2. If you pan the camera, meaning to move it from side to side do it slowly the camera will not fix this and editing won’t help either. And if it’s that fast in real life we’ll get it without the blurry follow along.

3. Clothing choices of the day no matter how hip and with it are going to be for the most part out of style in a generation and they are a good laugh.

4. Sucking up to relatives looks like sucking up to relatives even without sound.

5. Careful about those nasty faces you make when the person you are making them at turns their head and doesn’t see the nasty face. The camera will see it for them and then they’ll see it later in the home movie, yeah its very funny.

6. All the silly little crap that your kids do are great fun for later. film it all or take pictures, if you can.

7. You will be surprised what all you remember about your life if you get to see it again.

8. Hiding your face doesn’t make you disappear you just look silly with your hands in front of your face, smile and get it over with or obscene finger gestures are fun… look grandma shot you the finger. ROFL …

9. Talking older relatives into doing the really hip things are great for film and good for a fond memory like an 80 year old woman on a Harley Davidson motorcycle holding what looks like a pot leaf and shooting the peace sign. This particular 80 year old woman lived to be nearly 100 and still remembered who you were by your voice but couldn’t see that well.

10. Babies and baby animals are cute but only a few minutes at a time 60 to 90 seconds and then find something else to shoot then come back to the them, go away and then come back

11. Live, laugh and enjoy the camera may be watching you, well in our day it is more likely that multiple cameras are watching you as opposed to one or none.

12. Don’t forget to turn the camera off when you point it at the ground. I know you really liked those shoes but no one really looks at shoes, well yeah that guy does but that is why he doesn’t get invited to things

One last thing, It was a very good present and if you happen to film birthdays and Christmas and film the actual gift not just the unwrapping part. The alpha unit filmed the unwrapping of the box oh what is in the box it‘s almost open... what is it… CUT

…next gift paper shred… CUT… WTF mate show the gift we won’t remember what we got or bought in twenty years. This isn’t Se7en… what’s in the box

Oh and man my jump shot from little league basket ball was awful but I had good hair and that’s is what is important.

In other news

You are reading this in your pajamas and you aren’t wearing underwear. Yes you know who you are and all I have to say about that is, thank you.

Still in other news

I’m still invisible don, you’re special, yes you, and I have to renew my gold membership soon. I know it is that time again.

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bob Costas is an idiot too

The news of my demise is once again, premature I know there are those who would prefer I be not seen ever again and this is not my way to press the thumb at them but merely to say I’ve not stopped my dabbling in the written world. I know, I know but it gives me joy. Well both really, pressing my thumb at people and writing. However the lack of writing has been due to the beta unit visiting and all the holiday muckity muck. It is bad form to sit and ignore others in your home to journal away, especially as it isn’t a paying gig, maybe someday. Hope and dream.

A reoccurring bother of mine is the assumed self importance of trivial matters. At the forefront of the most recent resurgence of the my cow is holier than your cow is the outrage over the NFL canceling a football game.

Oh dear bob say it isn’t so they didn’t cancel a football game, it’s the end of days, the Mayans predicted the cancellation of this very event… whoa and doom it is the end time… Oh dear bob what ever are we to do? Alas and le sigh even.

AH… get over it might be a plan.

Just spit-balling here but isn’t football a game, played by a group of commercial franchises who make a schedule up on their own and play in a series of matches culminating in a championship match between two teams. So if those owners of the said franchises decided they would just stop doing this business they could without any discussion from anyone else.

Wait what?

Yes is the answer there. Ok then it’s a game that has nothing to do with anything but that game. And the one time the NFL really makes decision that you know maybe it’s not safe for the fans to come out and get home, we should probably not have the game today lets play it another day because;


B.) we’ll look like real ship heads if someone gets hurt

C.) We make the rules so we can do this

D.) Did we mention it’s a game???? We did ok

Now the Governor of PA has called this as a sign that we are a nation of WUSSIES.

Really a nation of wussies. Maybe you have a point there but a counter point which we’ll ignore is that your candied ass probably hasn’t really had a really hard day in the last 20 years so careful who you call wussies.

However ignoring his own pampered existence he later he gets all nostalgic about a game he attended back in the day when it was snowing so hard you could barely see the field and how it was magical and football isn’t a wussies game and blah, blah, blah.

Governor that game has numbed your head and it has not thawed yet. It is a game and you sat your dumb as in the freezing cold to watch a bunch of then underpaid grown men bang around on each other, brilliant idea. Now you expect people to sit and watched now overpaid grown men play a game with a ball, your brilliance it boggling.

And I respect it was your choice to do that, really I do. But I also have the right to say you are a loon for doing so. However, had the game been cancelled because of the weather you would have been sadden for sure but ultimately alright with it because it is a game.

Now today the cities are still adversely effected by the snow from a few days ago. While it is not snomaggedon levels from last year the same problems all of our megalopolis urban centers. They have no place to put snow that doesn’t melt and accumulates over a few inches in a short span of time. This causes lots of problems all on it’s own without any help.

Lots and lots of snow causes even more problems. You know what causes even more problems. Lemmings in the snow and by lemmings I mean sports fans and people out in the snow with no real reason to be out in the snow.

Not that sports fans alone are lemming in nature I too have run with the herd a few times and I’m not proud but by in large we all have the potential to be that lemming. It’s mob mentality and the idea that closing at any time is a short coming, a failure, un-American and boarding on tyranny is just inane.

It isn’t being a wuss it’s dare I say it exercising some common sense.

What? Blasphemy ? Well I do bare the mark of a heretic but blasphemy by bob no.

We have all gotten a bit too big for our britches and the attitude that everything that happens here is so gosh darn important that the world will end if it doesn’t happen on a set and timely scheduled is ridiculous.

Because most of what 99.9% of us do is really rather unimportant but that doesn’t mean don’t do it. It just means have some sense about when you do, do what you do. Yes I said do, do. Lol and Har-dee-har. ROFL and all

Seriously another several thousand vehicles on the road thousands of people out and about that didn’t need to be out just gets in the way of the road crews trying to get things back in action quickly, safely and effectively. If they have to wait to clear a road because football fans in tread bare tires are out on the road and have caused a pile up more than just football fans are effected. Because face it left to those of us choosing to go and weighing if is safe or not isn’t the best litmus test for lemmings. Here is how that would have played out. It’s snowing and it might snow a lot, it cost me a bunch of money for the tickets, I might be stuck in Philly, I paid a lot for tickets I’m not losing that money the economy sucks right now I’ll go ahead and risk it and that is what 90% or more of the fans would have done.

So Governor, really I get it you might need some face time with the public and you want to seem like a go get ‘em kinda guy but why not use that face time to support a common sense choice that was made that maybe did help keep things from being a much more real news issue than the postponement of a game.

I’ll let you use your imagination on what the headlines might have been on this one because I have a pretty active imagination and the headline I think up might make you pee in your pants a little bit. And one more thought you hypocritical sycophant had the headlines been tragic you would have had your nostalgic foot so far down the NFL’s throat that a proctologist could have told the news your shoe size.

Maybe we all just need to take a step back and slow down a bit and not just about football, about all of it. I just spent the last few days calmly with the beta unit and you know it was alright, no agenda, no time table, no stress…ok a little stress but not a lot and I still need a lot of work on the 8 paths

In other news

NYC Mayor has a bad attitude about people bitching that snow crews can’t clean the streets and can’t cleans them without doing a shit ton of property damage.

Ah… I am a bit on the fence on this one.

Really you live in Manhattan why do you need a car? If you have car park it in New Jersey and take a taxi to it because you really are only driving your car when you leave the city anyway.

On the side of the people it you can’t get the equipment safely down the street don’t clean the street with equipment that is designed to move earth for construction.

Our major cities or megalopolises have no place to put snow when really bad storms hit. They just don’t so if you live in a major city you are going to deal with snow being a pain in your ass when you get a lot of it. So make plans to have places to put snow when you at times get a sh*t ton of it. That might mean you keep a lot open in every block or dig a melting pit that is powered by geothermal to convert the snow into water and send it down in the storm drains. There are two ideas with almost no thought point being you need a plan. And citizens really you know they city is going to mash your car or bury at the very least if you leave it on the street so don’t park on the street or don’t have a car.

Still in other news

iJ, has no business buying a firearm but looks pretty good in the blaze orange hat

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Excuse me, Satan Claus...

The path to hell indeed

Laying down after work to watch a little TV is a really bad idea when you have been up since 4:00 a.m.

Napping attack or ambush is more like it the path to hell is paved with naps and I’m not sure that that aren’t evil forces behind those naps. So I didn’t get a ton done after work and I wanna play MAG and I have chores to do and I wanna write blog… ugh.

In other news

Not fair at all. However it really is never fair. I just really don’t understand. Why, why, why? WHY? All I know is … nothing it would seem.

Then the flip side of that coin is how many times do our own actions make someone else scream Not fair at all, Grr… what are they stupid can’t they see … why, why, why? Why?

Wishes are like nap ambushes they aren’t a path to getting what you want and a lot of the times what you want isn’t really what you need.

Stephen King even said something incredibly intelligent about saying I wish was paramount to saying I give up. He didn’t say that exactly but he did say something along those lines. Don’t wish, do. Anyway when I read it I thought that’s pretty profound for someone who you wouldn’t expect to be all deep and stuff. Sort of like when I make some freaking brilliant statement. Not that I’m a great writer or anything just that usually people have really low expectations of my brilliance, intelligence and other wise smarticles, ah… hello smart particles, duh.

Still in other news

Snoop dogg on Nick? Really Snoop? But I suppose it’s better than being all gangsta’

Can you tell I’m rushed, yeah I know sorry I took a nap. I may not be updating for the next few days. Well because the beta unit is due in at some point tonight and I don’t usually blog when the beta unit visits. Those don’t always go so stellar but I’m being optimistic that things will continue on their current trend of not sucking.

So if you don’t see me on the notes or on the net much at all it’s most like not because I’m dead or even napping, it’s probably because I’m visiting with actual people, wishing, looking up to the moon and thinking… about things that are better left unsaid. Said too much, Not said enough I can’t be more clear and I wish that I could be. Leaving me confused but I can be still… ever so still and stare up in to the falling snow …

How do you say what can’t be said without it drawing assumption from others, being clearer isn’t clear that it will make things more clear but only stir a blizzard and there all will be lost in winter… which isn’t always a bad thing if you know why you are in winter and not just there and think that its’ spring

Triple-ly in other news

yeah what a waste of really good original title but it's mine now.

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wanna know how I got these scars?

This is more than a bit late or early depending on how you look at it. Being as I had all the good intentions of writing last night and not doing it, it is technically late. However, if I do another bit of writing later it could be considered early… but only if you are trying to justify it as not being late. So better late than never??? I guess. (insert smiley face)

I can’t sleep, lots on my mind and my ghosts and demons are wrestling with each other. Never really a good thing because if the ghosts keep most of the demons occupied there is always a chance that one of the demons will take control of the bus and …well …that isn’t always a good thing.

Lately though I’ve been keeping them all in order and it’s only when I’m really distracted and tired that one of them gets the upper hand usually only for a few seconds though. So no real trouble. Yet. There was that one time in the elevator. Anyway.

I am using my sudden insomnia to good use as this is the morning before the office holiday you have to work before the holidays and we’ll bring food into the office so we can mill about and look busy but eat and not work but really you have to work, really you have to work party. Yes it is really called that on the memos.

We had to get special dispensation for the office holiday you have to work before the …it isn’t really called that monstrosity of a name. The special dispensation is required because we did attempt to have a similar hey were going to stop working in the middle of the day sort of around lunch time and have a group food, team building and de-stressor thing over food because it works better with food then in boring ass trainings with role play scenarios before we go back to work thing. It was great fun and enjoyed by all.

Well as you may have guessed that idea got the hey you can’t do that seal afterwards mainly because we were stupidish and left the food out for others to enjoy who were not part of the whole group food, team building, de-stressor activity but like to eat food co workers. So the not working so hard one day got around to a lot of other workers instead of the just 12 or so of us on the team I work on. So because we were irresponsible and our irresponsibility led to even greater irresponsibility and a mess to clean up, we now have to have special dispensation to do these things. I don’t think we have to call the Nazi pope or anything but … wait what… we do? Really that seems a bit extreme… yeah, …yeah,… well you gotta do what you gotta do.

Seems that we do have to call the Nazi pope, but we only have to invite him someone else does the whole granting of the dispensation. That’s a relief getting a papal dispensation is no easy trick especially with two of the seven deadly sins involved.

Back to the point I’m making a veggie thing to take in for the holiday et al thingy, it has to be baked and was thinking of adding pineapple to it but I’m just not sure. I know it is good but it can be a bit much. So the thing is an artichoke with spinach dip I’ve added hearts of palm and water chestnuts to it this year I think that will give it a nice zing but I was thinking you know pineapple might be nice too, you know to kick it to that just a bit sweet level but I didn’t. I think if it were baked and then chilled dip the pineapple would be better… maybe… but I should have been productive last night for that to have happened and I wasn’t… as this entry is being done at oh dark thirty in the morning instead of at dark o’clock in the evening. I’m not on a schedule because I’m not paid to do this. Who said good thing?… Hmm… I know where you live Mr.

Mmm… dip is done and it smells yummy. Yes I said yummy. Deal with it, because it is and you wish you had some but you can’t have any, well if you read this and know me and work with me you can but the rest of you can’t neener, neener, neener.

In other news

I was distracted from writing by doing a few things with Stunt boy and playing MAG. Yes we are video game junkies a little bit. But we have our favorites and we don’t stray much. He plays HALO Reach now mainly or Fall Out New Vegas and I play MAG, I do like Assassin’s Creed too. We are also particular to our platform of choice as well. I’m all about the Play Station (PS3) and he is all Xbox 360. I have an Xbox too but that’s a different gaming system. Just seeing if you are reading or awake out there. Looking forward to some time off to play with out responsibility at the end of a sleep period but I have the beta unit coming for the holidays and it is rude to ignore family and friend to spend time with your electronics. So I’m probably not going to play as much as I want.

Still in other news

Probably should update the cast page soon as it does help to sort things out a bit. None of this was on my post it notes for what I thought about writing today, yesterday, you get the point. Yes I write myself little notes about what to write. You have a thought at 10:00 am and you can’t blog until 7:00 p.m. you might forget. I have a theory about that too. Muses are creative forces they bless you with ideas if you don’t do something with those ideas they give the idea to someone else. So I write it down so it’s mine then they have to employ demons to make me loose the piece of paper to give the idea to someone else. So I will be writing about getting p-owned by a MWD and stuff like that in a later episode of the still further adventures of invisible don king of the bastards … maybe they are chronicles because that one sort of happened already… what … oh ok… yup they are chronicles if they have already happened. Who is that? A demon I talk with …what not every one has a demon they talk with… they’re just kidding… I’m sure they are … oh and pouting is going to solve this …look …I know it hurts but it’s not like you drop dead when someone says I don’t believe in demons … oh ha, ha,… very funny, now get up we have things too do. Oh… Hey, you’re still here… sorry I thought we turned the blogger off. Oops Ok so until next time. See what you’ve done now…(click)

Triple-ly in other news

Title thanks to the Joker (Dark Knight)

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm not really ill, although I may be infected...

It’s that time of year again. Like most everyone out there things are a bit tight in the money department this year. However, being raised in a hedonistic capitalistic society the need for material gratification weighs heavy on the mind. Now logically I know that spending money for things isn’t the path to happiness. And no matter what things you have they may not insure that you remain happy even if the brighten your day at first.

The part of my brain that says my logical mind is full of hoo-hah says that this thing or that gizmo is sooooo cool, it’s shiny and pretty and I must have it, keeps screaming at me that you haven’t done enough. Must has the precious, precious is good to us, must has the precious.

All the while my logical brain, and it does exist, argues back we already have enough and we have done more than we can really afford.

The hedonistic brain says not enough. PTHTHTHT You didn’t even buys anything for your self this year like you did last year. Must has the precious… yesh must has the precious.

So I’m torn and know that I should not be. Still there is that nagging pull to do more than I’ve done already. At least I’m not eating raw fish in a river and running around in a loin cloth.

In other news

We are Sex Bob-Omb one two three four…

Stunt boy and I watched Scott Pilgrim v. The World last night and I really like it he wasn’t a huge fan and his assessment was, ah, ok, what? Some of it was cool. He is 13 though so I’m sure that translate to something else which I don’t understand.

I will give it a 4 on the netflix rating scale, using that one because it’s more understood than my made up one and I don’t remember what mine was and I’m not looking it up right now. So on with the netflix scale I’m giving it a 4, I don’t think it was worth 5 stars but it was sufficiently cool to make me want to see it again and possibly read the source material. The music was good, the story was good, and the acting good and was not crappy except where it was supposed to be or at least that is what I think they were trying to do there. I’m not at all familiar with the source material so I don’t know how true or untrue it was or wasn’t to the graphic novels. Over all a solid 4.

Still in other news

I probably shouldn’t admit again that I really do like Cat E Perry’s music but I do. They are just so darn catchy and if you listen to them not necessarily the lyrics but the tones and range, she has a good voice or it’s mixed really well. However, I’ll settle for she has a good voice with really decent range. I’m still not going to say her name differently than Cat E. But yeah I’ll be singing along in my car when her songs play, maybe even car seat dancing too. Because baby I’m a fire work, I’m gonna let ‘em see my colors burst, gonna shoot across the sky going boom, boom, boom, and they’ll be all oh, oh, oh. Own the night…. Ah sorry I got caught up in the music. So yeah, Cat E is a good singer, I still think mother nature disapproves of her marriage to the thing she married.

Triple-ly in other news

Does anyone really ever read the triple-ly news? I mean it is really pretty much the same or I’m avoiding a copyright thing but I do mean the rest about the birthdays and the subscribing. I really like having subscribers because I am an attention whore and while I don’t do my own birthday I do like to tell other people happy birthday (even CPG) or even merry un birthday. I say happy birthday at stop signs as the amount of time you should stay stopped before moving forward, provided that it is safe to move. With that, I leave you with the standard.

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Jane says, she's done with Sergio...

How close to evil are you willing to stand? Pretty close it would seem. However defining evil is the bigger question.

What is evil is certainly relative to a point. Depending on which side of the fence you are standing. Then there are the indisputable or universal truths. There are always those willing to split hairs but the taking of a life is widely held as a bad thing. And most would say evil.

How long would you talk to a murderer. Not just any murderer but a real, honest killed someone just because murderer. Evil or not? Most would say yes. So you have this person.

Would you sit in a room and have a conversation with that person? Would you shake their hand? Would the normal pleasantries flow off the tongue as simply?

Like have a nice day? How are you doing?

We don’t really mean them most of the time when we say them they are automatic. Our responses are by in large automatic too. Fine. Good. You too. Smile Ok see ya bye. Wave.

If you didn’t talk to the person you may go about your life and not think about it again. What if you did talk to them or had to talk to them. How quickly can you let go of that.

We think about evil and a picture comes to mind and type of person a look, their dress, their demeanor, their language and we are weary of that type of person but what if your prototype evil person is all wrong and the evil person looks just like everyone else. Acts like everyone else, well you know except for the murderer thing. You may have talked to a murderer and not known it. Does knowing really define it for us or redefine what has already happened.

In other news

How important is the good candy to you? If you have the good candy, you can do whatever you want to me, or is it slightly less important to you.

What is the worse candy and why and what is the best candy and why?

They said a certain rock and roll singer ate a candy bar out of a person after inserting it into them. I think he even went to a private school

I think the little fake fruit candies and Mike and Ike’s taste like soap. I’m not letting you know my favorite candy because I’m not going to be your candy bitch.

Still in other news

Ever notice that they say a lot of things but not too many people know who they are.

Triple-ly in other news

Thanks to Shane Dawson (Youtube) for the other news and Jane’s Addiction for the title.

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

My thoughts on a superhero

Recently I was reading an article of the strangest news items of 2010. Admittedly some of the stories were rather off the beaten path. One story that struck me as not really belonging in the group was one Seattle Washington. A group of people there have taken to the streets as caped crusaders. Not that any of them wear a cape. Now I know you may be thinking that this story certainly belongs in the bin with the strange happenings of the last year. If you are thinking this I’ll ask you to take a moment of pause and consider the following reasons why it is not so strange.

First, as citizens we want to have communities which are safe and crime free. We as citizens do have a responsibility to aid in providing for that safety. Primarily in the manner of not committing criminal acts or to Police your own actions.

Second as citizens we empower agencies and those in the employment of those agencies to provide protection and to serve the public in the performance of those duties. Corruption within those agencies is another topic.

Citizens policing them selves and citizens empowered by the community generally by statute to enforce the code of conduct of the community.

In an ideal society the first would simply be enough, that a community gathers together, establishes expected conduct and everyone conforms to the rules.

However we do not live in Utopia or even a suburban part of Utopia. We need the second group of people empowered to enforce the rules, because there will always be those who are willing to break the law. Theory abound about why crime occurs but that also another topic or group of topics, for now it should be sufficient to say crime will occur in every society.

Crime occurs from the lowest classes to the highest echelons of our society. Watch the news any day, pick up any paper and you’ll see it is prevalent. You will also hear that our law enforcement community is failing in protecting the citizens, our courts are addled by loopholes and self serving attorneys, our law makers do not make laws that are meaningful and the critical voices go on and on.

What you don’t hear among many of those critical voices is how to make it better. Just that what is being done is not working and or isn’t the right answer.

Solon, Greek Lawmaker and Statesman circa 600 BCE, stated that a society to effectively combat crime every citizen must be as outraged about any crime as if it had occurred to them.

Given this idea, any crime regardless of the victim should be viewed as if it happened to you. We are very far removed from this idea. We don’t even report crimes, we don’t press charges when we are offended against, we don’t provide witness, we work harder at getting out of jury duty then most of us do at our regular jobs. Then complain that our streets are filled with crime.

In the current economic state localities are cutting budgets and are not always able to fill vacant positions. So how do we solve the crime problem.

The traditions of public safety have always been based in the idea that we police ourselves and our communities. To give out the hue and cry when cry occurs and to be a truthful witness to wrongdoing when it does occur.

If we ignore the problem it will not go away.

So this group of “Superheroes” may have read the issues of Kick Ass or saw the movie and heard the question. Why hasn’t any one ever put on a costume and become a crime fighter.

The answer in the comic and the movie was, because you would get your ass kicked. However one guy does it, and he does get his ass kicked a little bit or a lot. But the point is he made a stand. That stand was to say no more will I ignore injustice when I can do something about it.

This group of people calling themselves the Rain City Superhero Movement isn’t really a far cry away from Curtis Sliwa’s response to crime on the subways in New York City and founding the Guardian Angels. It isn’t ever that far from the neighborhood watch patrols in thousands of communities across the country.

Citizens have always been a part of keeping our communities safe from those who will abuse the laws and take advantage of the complacency of others.

Phoenix Jones and other members of the RCSM are taking a stand. That stand is to put on the personas of crime fighter in costumes and help make their community safer.

Now there will be those who say he and the RCSM have no business doing what they are doing and they are likely to be killed.

My argument would be this that most people on neighborhood watches and those in the Guardian Angels, which still exists, are not harmed serious in the performance of citizen patrol. I did say most. There have been those killed doing both neighborhood watch and Guardian Angel patrols. There are also uniformed law enforcement officers killed every year.

I’m not able to put on the cape and mask and go on patrol but I can do my part in fighting crime.

There is what I think is the real story, that we all need to be our own version of a super hero and not ignore the wrong doing in our communities and be an active part in making our communities safer however we can. Not that this is a strange event of 2010 but more a wake up call that we all need to be a part of solving the problems in our lives and not looking for other people to solve them for us without our help.

I can not say everyone should put on a costume and fight crime but I do admire those in the RCSM and see that this isn’t just a laughable story to be put on page 8 or at the end of a news broadcast. They are real people saying that they can make a difference in their communities. Can you?

In other news

Almost Christmas are you done shopping? I’m at 90%

Still in other news

Syfy plays some seriously strange movies on the weekends.

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe you know if you are reading this on blogspot or diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why aren't there any trays in the lunch room?

Snow days

They do change how you look at the world. They are a ton of fun or a major pain in the ass. A lot of that depends on your age, level of responsibility and your ability to navigate properly in the snow.

I am from a snowing state and it snows a lot in the area where I’m from so I know how to drive in the snow. Texans for the most part do not. Not that I’m in Texas, but I was once upon a time and nearly got into trouble for driving in the snow. It snowed in Texas while I was there. Yeah they freaked the freak out. It wasn’t even a full half inch of snow and there were 80 something car accidents in the first hour.

In Germany it snowed all the freaking time. While I was military we would play in the snow. I remember this kid from Florida who saw snow the for the first time in his life running out into the snow in just his underwear. Then quickly coming to the realization that snow is cold and is better enjoyed with slightly more clothing.

One thing we did was play snow ball jousting. Not that I did such a thing. Two vehicles with two persons. A driver and jouster (passenger).

The object of snowball jousting was to load your vehicle with snowballs. The Jousters would ride out the passenger side window of their respective vehicle and the drivers would drive toward each other. The Jousters would throw snowballs at each other and the person who hit the opposing Jouster with a snowball would win. Hitting the truck was no points, if you can’t hit the truck you shouldn’t be Jouster.

Jousters could be knocked from the vehicles so safety belts were a good idea. Helmets and eye protection were also recommended.

Cafeteria trays do make the best sleds.

Large straight strips of asphalt made great places to practice driving in the snow. Now where on an airbase might you find large flat straight strips of asphalt. hmm. Anyway may a 360 was done there in the snow.

E Z was the best at spinning a truck in 360’s and recovering. However he was from Montana.

Now I can drive in the snow I know too that many of the other people don’t drive so well on dry pavement let alone covered in snow. So I’m using it productively in other ways. I shoveled the walks and the neighbors walks too. The car is cleaned off and I’ll be back out to give them another cleaning in a bit after I’ve had some lunch.

In other news

It looks like it has stopped snowing right now

Still in other news

If you could be a superhero, without the powers what would call yourself.

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, if you are reading this on blogspot or diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Get off your arse...heart Nature

As promised the leaf episode? Issue? What ever you call the dailies on a blog.

Maybe a surprise to some of you that I actually own a home. Yup I’m really a real grown up. It’s that maturity thing that is a question for debate. However an altogether different subject.

Like many a home owner there are trees on my property. Not a ton of trees but a few. The ones in front are normal and do the normal tree thing the bloom in spring and then vomit in the fall and they do this in unison. They are very orderly trees as all front yard trees should be. Curb appeal people, curb appeal. So they are my good trees. I only know what one of the trees is by species so don’t ask what type of trees, I don’t know.

My not good trees or well behaved trees all live in the back yard. The are the supermodel, the flaming queen, and the recently dubbed Roman. There are several others which are orderly like the ones in front but the three aforementioned trees are a bane.

The Roman behaves normally as far as the leaves coming and going but they are this dried up little leaf that can hide in the grass and is hard to rake up. The Roman also injures and kills things. It has three in thorns all over. I’ve seen dead birds hanging from it’s limbs. Maimed squirrels limping along in the yard.

Stunt boy has even lost more than one kick around balls to the tree. It is truly sad. The Roman is under a death sentence, however the appeals process has not run out yet.

The Flaming Queen.

The flaming queeen is as the name suggests a flamboyant trees the screams look at me, look at me. Well in the only way a tree can scream look at me. In the Spring it greens up really quick, then BLOOMS and thousand million blooms.

Seriously it’s a lot of freaking little flowers. Which are fine on the tree.

However, someone (me) has to rake up after the tree in the spring because of the blooms. Then it just stays green as green can be all spring and summer and fall. Yes it has to wait to turn until all the other trees have turned and shed before it decides to turn. Two colors not one two, Gold and Red with a few stubborn Green ones too. Oddly they are the same colors from that Boy George song.

Now the tree waits for the most inconvenient day to drop it’s leaves. And it won’t do this a little at a time, nope. It has to be all at once. Off course it’s going to rain the day it finally decides to drop leaves then it will snow on top of the leaves so that they are extra wet when you are finally able to rake them up.

The last tree is the Supermodel. The super model is a Magnolia, I don’t know the variety of Magnolia just that is what it is. It is tall, and beautiful and lovely just like a super model.

Also just like a super model, It is also a major pain in the ass. It is constantly dropping shit in the yard aka vomiting all over. It is an ever green but it loosed leaves all year long. Thick waxed leaves that don’t dry out and crumble. Then it has it’s phases the budding phase. It drops off leaves that are in the way of new growth.

Flowering, the flowers open and they are wonderful and the tree is ever so lovely. However there are these little needle things that are at the core of the flower they fall all over the deck and yard. Squirrel like the buds and will chew them off and they are messy little eaters. So there is all that mess in addition to the million and ten little needle things.

Then there are the berries. The squirrels and the birds like these. More mess the berries are not edible for peoples but they are also the seeds.

The seeds grow in pods like a pine cone but bigger and sharp. The pods look like hand grenades. The squirrels are messy, the birds are messier and there are a billion little red berries/seeds all over the place.

Oh the fun isn’t over yet.

The flowers fall off now there petals are like wet paper and are hard to clean up. This is the only thing that degrades well on the Magnolia. All the while leaves are falling off.

Then the pods start to fall off. Thousands of them. The magnolia in my yard is probably 50 feet tall. LOTS of grenades. These nearly got the tree killed by the previous owner. He looked up and one hit him in the eye. He got a chain saw out. Did I mention the pods are sharp too. Not like the Roman’s thorns but not fun to pick up bare handed.

Still leaves are falling.

Then fall comes and the Magnolia’s don’t want to be left out of the autumn tree games so they vomit as much as they can during this time as well. I did initially name the tree the same name as my ex because it was a pain in the ass but I didn’t really think that was fair to the tree. So it’s the super model tree because there are days when I like the tree. Just gee whiz stuff there is junk from the Super Model in the yard now. I raked Saturday.

So if you like Magnolias I hope you like yard work too. And If you are under a Magnolia and you hear something that sounds like pinball over your head.

Cover your head and RUN…the grenades are falling

In other news

I think I have 90% of my Christmas shopping done. I’m not certain though.

Still in other news

Finals are over, now I have to grade all of the papers and figure out the grades. I should have everything up by tomorrow then I’m done with school stuff mostly until January.


Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe if you are reading this on blogspot or diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed, thanks.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.




Tuesday, December 14, 2010

not really well organized

The more things change the more they stay the same. There is nothing new under the sun. There is nothing said that hasn’t already been said.

All of these quotes are over 100 years old. In the case of there is nothing new under the sun, some believe this may even have been said many hundreds of years ago. So much of the world has changed but how much has it really changed.

Sure there are scientific advances, medical advances, and numerous other achievements that many thought were not possible and fantastical but are common now.

However how we interact isn’t really all that different.

Romeo and Juliet rings as true today of how all enveloping in our thoughts love can be in our lives. This was written around 400 years ago and still families still feud for barely discernable reasons and injure those they supposed love the most. And young lovers will risk all to be with the one they love.

Heroic tales, acts of bravery nobility and the list goes on. These are all told today. The told a similar story over 1000 years ago, Beowulf battling the beasts and leading men to battle.

Then too, there are Achilles and Hector heroes on opposite sides, each to his side a god among the living, brought to their deaths ultimately from the simple act of adultery.

Through out time the heads of leaders place on the gates of every city ever known to antiquity because of corruption. Today we place those heads on MSNBC or Fox News but it’s still the point of the spear.

We are still ruled by our emotions at times, we still find petty reasons to argue, fuss and pitch a fit about the most inane things. Things that really matter not at all in the scheme of things but the matter so much in the moment.

Talking with doodle tonight got me thinking about that. I won’t go into the reasons mainly for her privacy but the things we did, our kids are doing, and our parents did before us, and their parents before them. As much as we don’t want to think about it back in the day our great, great, grand parents got all gussied up to go out on the town and cut a rug as did there great, great grand parents before them.

The did the same things, they loved they fought they lived much the way we do now despite the fact that on the surface things in 1790 are so much different than 2010. They really weren’t so far removed. Although we think a generation is so much out of tune to how things used to be. Maybe we just don’t know how to talk across the gap.

In other news

Still freaking cold, not that this is news but it’s a balmy 58 degrees in my house.

Still in other news
I haven’t forgotten about the tree and leaf thing and will get it up

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe you know if you are reading this on blogspot or diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, December 13, 2010

insert something witty here

My life is normal or that is what I tell myself to make it seem like I fit in and junk. Seriously I do think my life is normal, that is until I start sharing anecdotes about my life.

You know how you make that squeal noise and dogs will turn their heads sideways and look at you. Yeah, that’s the one. I see that in the eyes of some people when I’m telling a story or I think sometimes when I write them down. Well I don’t really see them when I’m writing it’s more in the comments or the loss of subscribers that really hits it home that people are thinking, you know you are just not normal.

I’m am normal though. I am, I am, I am. Dambit

More to the point, I was sharing that everyone one has people who wish them ill and even dead in some cases. With me so far? Ok thought so. No matter how nice you are some one has said, ‘I’m gonna kill you’ at some point in your life or something to that effect.

Some people have even had weapons pointed at them a time or ten. Not ten really, is a vehicle a weapon? Ok maybe a skitch more than 10. Hey you don’t want to cross the street at the wrong time, just sayin’.

Yeah that is where I loose people. What not everyone has angry people confront you with a show lethal force. Nope Don, not many. Guess I’m special like that then huh. Admittedly I may have done some things that may have inspired said reactions well not to the point of bodily harm but harsh words for certain. Maybe some bodily harm. I haven’t always been my charming invisible self. I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you. No seriously. I kid, I kid, but seriously.

Now correct me if I’m wrong.
Person A does something incredible stupid and insane. I call person A, a crazy person. Well I called her something but it wasn’t person. We’ll just leave it at that, yeah, it’s probably better. No it wasn’t the C word, moving on. Person B is mad as hell that I called Person A, a crazy person and drives to my house. Person B demands that I say I’m sorry for calling person A, a crazy person. Between you and me and anyone else, she really is a nutter.

I say no, I will not, can not, and shan’t, and under no circumstances will I say I‘m sorry for saying your Person A is a crazy person. Yup I said the real words to Person B‘s face too.

Well he did ask, what I said, so I told him. He wanted to know.

Following that Person B huffed and puffed and said he would kill me if I didn’t say I was sorry. I said not likely because even he knew she was a crazy person. I said no, and suggested that he leave before he got even more upset by the fact that I wasn’t going to say sorry. Now, I may have said, I’m sorry she’s a crazy person but I won’t say for certain. I think this because at one point Person B did get pretty mad and by pretty mad I mean he started to swing on me, so I shut the door on his fist.

Knock …crack… Ouch and stuff, that sounded painful. Oh it was… gosh that is rather unfortunate. Gee still not going to say it. He left without an apology. That scenario has happened several times in my life… well arrange a few details add some different language, still not the C word. Really people I do have some sense.

Any way things will start oh hey you can’t do this or that. Really, lets give that a whirl then or something to that line of thinking. Nope the lord did not smite me, it would appear that I can do this or that.

The more appropriate thing is perhaps one should not do said thing. I would like to think that I’ve grown wiser in my years and learned from life the great teacher that she is and I would like to think am the better for it all.

Still struggling with the death threats, yeah me too but seriously you all have had them right. Right? Oh come on it isn’t really just me. Is it? You’re looking at the screen sideways aren’t you. I knew it.

In other news
It’s cold

Still in other news
My trees have primarily finished their annual vomit on my yard activities but more on that tomorrow.

Triple-ly in other news

I had something really cleaver picked out for a title but then I forgot what it was, I know I’m disappointed as well. Maybe it will come to me later. Yeah probably not.

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading and please subscribe you know if you are reading this on blogspot or diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, December 10, 2010

incomplete thoughts

Seldom do we see the urgency of the sands we have until they are running out. This was a thought I had this morning before heading off to work feeling so hurried but all of the pulling of life this way and that.

I almost feel as if I’ll really just fall to pieces at times and lay in a pile of bits to be kicked this way and that by all the others just rushing around and never really seeing. Strewn to the four corners and forgotten.

Life moves at what ever pace you set it to move. So many of us have let those around us have control of the speed or they create artificial limits.

We try to hang on to the spinning world and get tossed off and pounded again and again as we try to get back on some times successful but mostly just long enough to think we’ve actually done something but haven’t really.

Trying to figure out how to keep the spinning under control, not fighting against it but not necessarily working with the madness.

The madness from the world screams out. And I try to find my voice to scream back but it feels as if it has been silenced.

In other news

I don’t know what to think about two, I don’t know what to do about two and I wonder about another couple.

Still in other news

It is all falling apart

Triple-ly in other news

A very merry un-birthday to you and Happy Birthday if it’s not your un-birthday.

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

of nothing in particular...

You know how you look at the world and for the most part we see things how we see them and we expect that people will see the world the same as we do. But they don’t.

The saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this is true. So there is this fair (beautiful IMHO) maiden who is married to an ogre. Well as she is married to said ogre she technically isn’t a maiden. Not the point. I see this person on an irregular basis. And I see this person as a ogre and just don’t see how the maiden fair could have married this person and had children. Shudder.

However, the ogre isn’t an ogre most likely I’m basing this on the very few things I’ve heard about the person and by very few I don’t even know the person’s name and have probably been told the name but haven’t bothered to learn it because in my way of looking at the world he shouldn’t exist.

I just wish I could have that conversation with this person and ask why is it that you are with the ogre? And perhaps I could understand it better.

In other news

Yet related to the previous stuff. I got to see myself in the lens of others and it wasn’t good. I really don’t think I have the dimorphic thing one co-worker says I have. I have issues without a doubt. So time to plan for real now. Yeah …ah feck and junk.

Still in other news

There is so much more to say, but I’m having trouble getting it together. I’m stuck on the plan stuff. Well that and I’m confused about a couple of three other things.

Triple-ly in other news

Title thanks to The Smiths - How soon is now

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mother do you think she'll try to

Maybe it’s just me, but in an earlier discussion today it is me and at least one other person. So what does the word, CORN HOLE mean to you?

I’ll wait while you think about it.
Cool thinking music
Better than that show with Trebek
Ok got the meaning.

Well to me, and this other fellow, it means unwanted sex in the posterior by a man with a man. Yeah that would be man on man @$$ rape.

Apparently it is also the name for a back yard bean bag game.

Who knew?

Well seems lots of people knew this, there is even an association. There is an association for the other thing too by it’s not the Corn Hole association.

Anyway if you thought like I did, and someone asks you at a BBQ if you want to go out back and corn hole. Your answer might be, oh hey look at the time, yeah I gotta thing far away from here that I’m already late for, I’m gonna go ahead and leave now. No,no You don’t need to take any steps closer to me . Thanks, see ya, bye.

And that is exactly how the other fellow found out that it’s a bean bag game. Wanna go out back and Cornhole? Widened eyes you’re kidding right?

Similarly, those who think that it’s a game and not @$$ rape are shocked and appalled that there back yard shenanigans is a reference to prison sex.

I’m sorry if you are in the game group and are just finding out about this. Don’t burn your games, I’m sure it’s a lot of fun and be sides large sheets of plywood with holes cut in them are good for another game which rhymes with the word hole in the title. Well its not so much a game as it is … well… it isn’t a game and we’ll leave it at that because if you were not hip to the other meaning of corn hole you aren’t going to like the other thing any better.

In other news

So one of the friends in the MAG / paper clip discussion felt cheated that I threw myself under that bus. I know it is rather nice to make the quip that makes the point a person is ranting about not a point any longer. But I will give him credit here that he would have thrown me under that bus had I not done it myself.

Still in other news

Once upon a time I had (have) a strong admiration for a certain person. It will do no good to speak of this admiration for several reasons. One this other person doesn’t like me in fact their facial expressions were always frown and scowl like toward me. Two After seeing this person one time unexpectedly I shrieked, aloud, and then hid. Yes I am a grown up and yes they did hear and see me hide well I’m pretty sure about the last bit but I hope they didn’t see me scamper away but I know the heard the shrill yip that escaped my mouth. This was partly fear and partly OMG it’s that person OMG again. Three. Now that the second thing has occurred on top of not liking me I’m pretty sure they think I’m an idiot too. Yup score one for the invisible one. I know I has class. Yup, yup.

Triple-ly in other news

Thank you to Pink Floyd for the title … Mother

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

…slam, slam, …oh hot damn…

Office pet peeves, everyone has one or twelve and I am no exception and you are probably not either. However blogging about the people peeves you have can come back on you like a 6 bean burrito. So I’ll focus on my one mostly innocuous office pet peeve.

Plastic coated paper clips. They are truly evil and should be banished from the planet. Seriously they are an abomination. Who can really look at a document held together with a bright pink paper clip. This is serious office work here not house of style.

But I don’t like them on general purposes either. They are an affront to my senses and I really do shudder and think oh dear god I hate these things every single time I see them.

The only thing worse than the plastic coated paper clips are actual plastic paper clips. The really should just not be made at all or ever again. The person who first suggested them should be hunted down, tarred and feathered, be forced to apologize personally in full tar and feather regalia to every man, woman and child who has ever seen one.

So what are your office pet peeves that are not about people?

In other news

I was explaining the MAG game play to a couple of friends and I was using visual aids. I’m big on visual aids when I’m talking and if I don’t’ have them I use paper and pencil and I don’t have those or it is impractical to use them I will talk with my hands.

Well I explaining how the game was set up and the different objective points and I was using large and small metal paper clips as the visual aids for the objective points.

I get through my explaining 3 to 4 minutes and my friend now have a more than through understanding of my game or at least that match style.

My one friend says you know what would have made the more better. He didn’t really say it that way but it’s my story I’m telling my way.

I say what?

He says, Colored paper clips.

Yup he did … ugh.

Still in other news

It is really freaking cold. Why thank you captain obvious. You’re welcome.
I need to do an update of the cast of characters you may encounter in my blogs or update those of you who are long time readers. And for those of you who are curious and read the back log of some 1600 blogs you’ll know who is who. Well not that you care but I kinda wanna (intentional)

Oh and thinking of digging the invisible army out of the mothballs for GP’s and fun. Every life needs a little mayhem and not the guy on the TV in the accidents. More on that later.

Title thanks to Pink - Raise your Glass

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, December 6, 2010

I watch the stars through my window sill, the whole world is moving but I am standing still

They say be careful what you wish for, because you may get it.

I understand this from the perspective that when things are bad and you perceive the source of your bed times as one thing and then you focus on making it gone.

Wish granted.

Now what will replace that bad thing? Well we hope it’s a better thing or at least a not bad thing but it could be a worse thing

A worse thing but we wished for the bad thing to be gone. Yes but you didn’t wish for what ever replaced the bad thing.

Yeah the Djinn double speak and legalese for you can’t wish away your problems or for happiness.

That would be the other direction. Happiness isn’t a destination, but is a journey. Well unless you are in Texas then it’s a destination findable on google maps and talking car direction things. However you are the one who decides if you are happy or not. I believe this thinking in part. The part which doesn’t believe this is the part that realizes that if some one decides to take a great big Cleveland steamer into the middle of your life. There isn’t really much you can do about it. Be Happy! Yeah after I smother the freakin’ blankity F**k stick who decided that my life was the appropriate dumping ground for all their toxicity. Watching the light fade from their eyes will bring me much joy. Well see there is a silver lining.

In other news

Rejoice mah peoples the cabinet is stocked with the paper of the wastings

The peoples: Oh we are so happy we no longer has to use the leaf and bramble to clean ourselves we are so, so, happy.

Rejoice again mah peoples

The peoples: We are so, so very happy you have suffered the hardships and battles the wyvern and other creatures of the badlands to bring us cottony softness Hah-zah! Hah-zah! Hah-Zah!

Still in other news

The previous messages were purely for your entertainment and are in no way to be seen as a reflection of my current mental state. My currently mental state is concerned, and a bit befuddled and a skitch anxious also possibly a bit confused and definitely confused.

Title courtesy of The Weepies

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, December 5, 2010


Schadenfreude is a German word meaning taking joy in the misfortunes of others. We all know this feeling if not by that name. Glad you are not the person who just did something incredibly stupid. You smile laugh or otherwise feel good that it wasn’t you.

Why bring this up? Well just a random thought. Think about the stupidest, most embarrassing, the most uber fail, and or otherwise least favorite you have done. Ok do you have something in mind. If you don’t you are just not trying hard enough. Ok now I know you have something in mind.

Now think who were you dating, in a relationship with, married to or hanging out with at the time.

Ok got the person. If they are no longer your significant other or your friend, that thing you just thought of is their favorite story to tell about you.


Yup, sad but true Schadenfreude works both ways others can take joy in the epicosity of your fails.

I’m sure there are many a tale of my woeful days and I hang my head in Tom Dooley fashion at the thought of them. That would be low as in embarrassment as not to be seen by others and die a bit inside of the embarrassment. Shudder.

My Schadenfreude story goes like this…

I was driving with a significant other (I’ll save her the embarrassment and not name her) and we drive by a ranch style house with a giant flag pole in the front yard. On the flag pole there was a rather large US flag. On the eave of the porch of the house were several other flags from various other nations. I thought at first that’s a bit unique and a trifle odd.

Then about a quarter mile down the road. I say aloud, “Oh everyone the US has defeated in a war”

My former significant other adds without pause and matter of fact in tone, “The South won the Civil War”

To which I replied, “Did not”

To which she replied “They did”

My rebuttal was, “Well they may teach that in the South but everywhere else on the planet the Confederacy was defeated by the United States.”

Her reply was to call me an unseemly name and to insinuate that my parents were not wed at time of my birth.

I however did say I was sorry at the time because we were significant others and felt rather fondly about her at the time and enjoyed her company when she wasn’t a ragging harpy. Which if I had not apologized she would have continued to call me bad things.

I like to tell the story because it makes me smile. So what is your Schadenfreude moment? You really don’t have to share unless you want to share. And if you do know a story about me please don’t share. Thanks so much you’re the best.

In other news

I was only accomplished about half of what I wanted to accomplish this weekend. Techno fails suck. There is very little more annoying than wanting to work and the techno-crap telling you ERROR the system is not able to run at this time.

Isn’t it suppose to be better with technology? Yeah thought so, so not case when it doesn’t work or oh an EMP destroys it all and our greater knowledge base sinks to oh the Neanderthal level. Hooray Lizard s**t f**k

Still in other news

Where my minds is currently, a blue skating dress at Rockefeller Plaza, a third floor walk up, shoulder length blond hair, a lavender silk camisole and a thought that nags at my core does it really matter and at the time it did not and mostly it doesn’t still. The shape of things in the moment is really how they are, not how we look at them later.

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

congratulations operative

MAG … Massive Action Game … it is indeed all three of these.

So I was thinking of Vetting out in this game. So you know what all of this means. I’ll ‘splain (intentional)

Not that you may give a rats hind bits about it but it’s my blog so I’ll fill you in a bit. It’s a first person shooter. Meaning you see the gun you are shooting and you don’t see your avatar until your avatar dies.

Your avatar is the person that is you in the game. Avatars generally die badly in first person shooter games and their bodies twist in very uncomfortable ways. Well they would be if it were alive but they aren’t they are died (intentional).

Game - So it’s a game it is not life. I get up set when I’m not doing well but I do not throw the controller at the TV. The controller costs money and the TV costs a lot more. I’m not breaking either because some jag off feels he or she needs to cheat while playing. Lag switch, auto tracking and fire programs etc.

Action. It is a first person shooter so it is combat. You are in one of three private armies or PMC’s they are Raven, Valor or S.V.E.R.

How do you eliminate your competitors in a private army. You kill them. So the action is killing other PMC members that is action.

Massive - how big? Well 256 player big. Not in every match. The smallest is 64 players 32 v. 32. The numbers increase in each of the 6 different match types and the matches get more complex. Every avatar on the field is controlled by a real person. Every bullet fired is someone trying to kill you or save your ass. So it is really different every time. You can win by beating the other team like NARCS at a biker rally or you can fight tooth and nail until the last second. It is a lot of fun and you can talk to your squad of 8 during the matches. If you like to run and gun and be a Rambo, you will spend a lot of time dying and re spawning and running back to the battle. And it’s not the game for you, but if you like to team play and action then this is for you.

Now that I’ve explained things just a little bit you may not care anymore about it than when I started but just a bit more I play in the PMC Raven as my main avatar and my team is the DRD but I have slots in Valor and SVER as well.

And I quit thinking about the whole vetting thing the other day and vetted or went through veteran mode. Which means you start over from level 70 to level one. And you don’t get to keep any of your skills, weapons, body armor or anything.

You be a scrub again, a JEEP if you will but not a JAFO. It sucks being a peon again. I miss my .50 cal sniper rifle and dislike all the dying. But it is still fun.

In other news

Out nerding you … have you noticed that being a nerd has become a bit cool… however not with anything really substantial like science and physics but with video gaming and comics and having a basic understanding of things scientifical (man it will not let me leave it without the ly how not London Tipton)

Still in other news

I am bad enough with the grammar and spelling I will not notice some things well a lot of things but I will from time to time do something intentionally. Why because it sounds funny. And it’s snowing. I’m not into it as I have no money to play correctly in the snow.

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, December 3, 2010

oh...oh...yeah... its a secret that no one knows...mmmbop

Oh.. Oh… yeah… it’s a secret that no one knows …mmmbop.

So recently as in the other day or something like that I mentioned Katy (Cat-E) Perry was part of the Victoria Secret Fashion Show in particularly odd pastel outfits. A couple of things must be said in addition about Ms. Cat E. Perry

One. I do mess up and call her K8 E sometimes but then immediately correct myself and say Cat E

Two. I don’t think she is catty at all, she’s probably disgustingly nice which (vomit) is equally gross.

Three. If she met me I would be speechless and not able to make coherent sounds at all blush like crazy and if I were able to speak at all say something incredibly stupid. Just ask Ryan Reynolds.

Four. Her music is rather catchy and you’ll admit you like it in the same way you admit that you really like Hanson’s Mmm-Bop… you know you do. It’s ok it is fun and catchy and easy to sing along with and that makes your mouth happy.

I think that sums up all the things I wanted to clarify.

Now on to the point. I wonder if she was all wow about the girls …she did write that song about kissing a girl and the cherry chap stick. I know Taye Diggs had the perma smile from the audience. You could see it from the back of his head … or was that while AKON was sing… (shakes head) no matter he was smiling BIG

(Its in your head isn’t it … mmmbop doo wop do. Mmmbop oh yeah mmmbop do… )

But back to Cat E did she want to kiss the really tall VS girls ??? Or did she feel inferior to them thinking ugh I’m such a toad next to these girls … A she isn’t’ a toad B. her husband might be a toad. C. He isn’t a prince

All in all I like Cat E but I wonder if she is really just a little confused in the head. The clothing, the husband and some of the photos of her it looks like the elevator hasn’t gotten to the top floor yet

However she may be a genius or has a really good agent who is a genius and not of the Wyle E. type.

Her first album is gospel … then she is singing about kissing girls and progressively starts wearing more revealing clothing… getting kicked off Sesame Street for showing too much cleavage… smells like a PR scheme … better than the wardrobe malfunction of yonder days (yup yonder days… I said it well wrote it)

If this is the case she may have gone a bit to far in some things. It would appear that the powers that be or the forces of nature are not happy with Ms. Perry.

Personally I think it’s the union with the toad. Natural disasters are following her around.

Hey Mother nature isn’t not one to piss off. I mean really you marry someone and then a giant earthquake just happens… I think not. These things happen for reasons the 700 club said so. (too soon?)

I’ll give it 18 months and then Mr. Toad will be kicked to he curb any takers? I got a nickel (.05) on it. He’ll be in rehab too before the anniversary. I am such a hater … I should stop.

In other news.

Saw HP 7 part one Sunday with Stuntboy …wow and double-ly wow. The coolest bit here is seeing it at the Grandin Theatre. Why you ask? Well I’ll tell you why, it is because it looks like castle or sort of like a part of Hogwarts inside the place.

For reals and stuff. Yeah cool huh. As to the movie I liked it ok I really like it a lot. A lot a lot. And I will read all of the books again before part 2 comes out and may even try to do a marathon of movies to build up to part 2. Not all at once that’s a lot of movie to do in one awake time. About 1018 minutes worth of movie or nearly 17 hours before the part two would begin.

With that in mind I really do hope they reshow part one with part two because I would pay to see them back to back with an intermission … for serious.

Still in other news

It may snow and I had to turn the heat up to 58 degrees …ugh will the madness never end. So if you are in the ’noke hurry quick get to the grocery stores and buy all the bread and milk you can because it’s gonna snow. OMG and stuff.

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

I fly like paper get high like planes

Ow Phuck grrr…. Hate stubbing my toes

That wasn’t what I was going to start tonight with but as I can’t think of what I was thinking before I will start with what I was thinking

And the lights were on before you get all light a candle rather than curse the darkness on me … no that would be Mr. Klutz to you

So I’m confused, which isn’t anything really new. I just wish that things were clearer. And as much as I say, I don’t care what people think. I don’t but I care how they treat me. Which isn’t a lot different but different enough. There is a rather good example of what I’m thinking but I probably can’t make that reference without repercussions, so I’ll use a different one.

If you walk into a fast food place and you see a greasy haired, zit faced punk kid behind the counter and you think OMG what a waste of air this kid is, doesn’t mean you have to walk up to the counter with attitude about the slovenly appearance and unwashed hair. He or she isn’t preparing your food, well most likely. You can simply leave without a word and the kid will think that was odd and nothing more. But if you are a jerk, the kid is likely to be a jerk back because the kid will think you think he or she is a bad person and react accordingly. However if you just place your order politely your thoughts are not know and you have treated the person well.

You don’t have to like me, if fact most people probably don’t or they do and I just don’t know it. I was even genuinely nice today for no reason other than to be nice. I don’t know how that niceness was received but I’ll assume it was well received rather than ill received. But if I were to bet I would bet a nickel and not a gaming nickel a real .05 cent nickel that it was ill received with a WTF added in with what a loser but I’m going to assume it was that was nice and nothing more and save my nickel.

In other news…

I drink a lot of coffee, but I’m good on coffee mugs but I keep forgetting my travel mugs places, thankfully they are with relatives so I’m can be pretty sure nothing nasty happens to them.

Still in other news…

Who has really, honestly actually seen the video two girls one cup? I have not and I’m not that I really want to see it but there is a curiosity level there. Yeah I think I was a cat before and died badly because my curiosity got the better of me. It’s a saying for a reason. The reason is it’s really tempting to want to know what might be bad for you rather than taking the word of someone else. Because what one person thinks is super gross and nasty someone else may only find it mildly disturbing.

Triple-ly in other news

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No one on the corner has swagger like us

Everyone, well most everyone, has a favorite character in Rudolph etc. I’m not typing the whole thing out because it is so ridiculously long. My favorite character is Yukon Cornelius, always has been since I was a kid and I even has (intentional) a YC tree figure (can’t spell ornament)

Well it was on last night, the Rudolph thing, incase you didn’t know or catch on by my post on the FB about Hermey not wanting to make toys. What elf doesn’t want to make toys… a bad elf … that’s what sort of elf … dentist elf … what wait…

you know what he was a greedy little cuss with all that candy and sugar … I’m sure there is an ass load of cavities in the North Pole. Good on yah mate, Yukon needs to look in your pockets for the silver and gold.

Anyhoo… Yukon is my favorite character and double-ly so now because do you know who voiced him…

Wait for it …

No it was not Barney Stinson but that would be cool even as well

It was…

Larry, but not just any old Larry. It was Larry Mann and the middle initial was D.


Larry D. Mann

I kid you not good Sirs and Madams, Larry D. Mann

You damn right he’s the man, he’s Larry D. Mann AKA Yukon Cornelius tamer of bumbles, the elements, mining, cool ass dogs for sled teams and other such manly stuff

Double-ly awesome

Yukon Cornelius is a cool name and Larry D. Mann is double cool

So I watched it sans the kid even. Why?

Burl Ives hooked me, snow man Burl Ives singing me a Christmas tune.

Burl Ives is who Chuck Norris wanted to be but he (chuck) couldn’t sing so he got all mad at the world and started kung fu’n stuff but he really just wanted to be as cool as Burl Ives

Say it with me Burl Ives, Burl Ives, Burl Ives, Burl Ives, Burl Ives, Burl Ives, Burl Ives,

You has (again intentional) to admit that is a cool name not as cool as Larry D. Mann or Yukon Cornelius but right up there, plus he was rock’n the snowman goat-tee that’s how cool Burl Ives was in the day. You making me a snow fellow I have to has (yup) a snowman goat-tee and a vest

A vest?

Yup a vest or I would be a naked snow fellow and no one wants to see a snow fellows junk when were telling you about toys and such. And they said OK. Why

Burl Ives

In other news…

I am a wing man extra-ordinary

So extra ordinary Barney Stinson would be proud.

To what feat do I lay this claim, I had an assist without even being in the room, nay better than that not even in the same building, nay better not even with in eye sight of the same place.

Wing man Salute

I’m so proud it brings a tear to my eye mainly because with that kind of an assist you would think there would be a closure on the deal. Well there could be because it’s right there it’s like a alley op to Jordan … its in there. No pun intended wait for it… ok. Moving on then

Still in other news…

It is a tad cold here today but it is December so I suppose I shouldn’t complain about using the heat but I do not like hearing the furnace turn on. It bothers me because of the raping the gas company puts on the folks but that is another rant

Still in triple-ly other news

Who was the mad-capped genius who put the Victoria Secret Model show on the same night as Rudolph etc. Burl Ives

He would have but he is no longer here. The ghost of Burl Ives.

Katy (CAT - E, I say it that way because I want too) Perry not so good live-ish as recorded and a bit too pastel weird on the outfits. The one thing I noticed was these ladies were just really long legged and tall. I mean seriously tall, as in did they genetically engineer really long legs and then stretch the legs out longer for these people because they were tall and had on even taller with tall shoes. How do you walk in those things? I noticed they were particularly careful on the stairs.

Then wings too. Hell I have trouble walking with a backpack let alone twelve foot wings strapped to my back with tall shoes on too boot. No pun intended.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I got visas in my name

Building walls, tearing down walls.

Build them too keep things safe

Once they are built what do you do? Tear them down when it’s safe? When is it safe? Who says it’s safe.

Try tearing them down …ah…yeah… don’t do that

It’s dangerous out there.

Take two bricks down and put one back up. It is slow going.

In brighter news

The cats think they own the house. Well in fairness they are here more than I am. So I can see where their confusion is born. I’m just not sure exactly why they feel the need to gut and leave the throw rugs for dead. Seriously cats I have the thumbs I get to say how things are placed in the house. To which they replay can you jump three times you body length in the air and land on you feet perched on a surface half your body width?


Well then and they walk off .

I’m not sure why that wins the argument but it’s pretty sound.


In other news…

Currently trying to decide if I should vet out on MAG

the writing thing is going slowly but I'm trying to get back in the swing


That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.



Monday, November 29, 2010

Here is your receipt

It has been awhile since I’ve written anything on the computer, or pretty much anywhere for that matter. I could say I’ve been up to something so essential that mankind would benefit greatly from my efforts. I could say something like that but it would be a lie. I have thought a lot about writing and the sorts of things I could be writing or should be writing or what sort of things that people like or that I like or a lot of other things.

In all of the time of thinking, I’ve tried to mask the inward stare so I color it by playing games, finding words, building bridges, building walls, trying to take down walls, drinking coffee, working, losing what is left of my faith in most of humanity, clinging to a message written in sand and staring at shards of broken things that cut deeply in my grasp.

Spending time and thinking on sayings and weighing words, weighing thoughts and hoping for a the right chain of words to unlock all those doors

Lost in thought, lost in a mire of days

Looking for the beauty in things… hoping that it is there

I still haven’t been able to bring my mind back to a cohesive train of thoughts for my own words. My voice is still in my body.

In my ears it is a cacophony of ideas all at once and I can not find the single thread that is a solid idea, something to right the path.

Daily and nightly the world shows me so much of the things I do not want to see and I’m reminded of my own missteps and hear the words from the glove and look for the glass to see what is there.

I see a figure there but I wonder is what I see what others see

A flip of the coin, a point of the sword, a simple twist of fate

A step to the left instead of the right as Robert said has made all the difference

light instead of dread

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Random Stuff...

New things aren’t always good

With that said new things aren’t always bad.

Usually they are both good and bad… sometimes they are neither.

On to something new

I think I might be one of the few people who laughs in the wizard of oz when the scare crow says,

Some people go this way (pointing right with his left hand) Some people go that way (pointing left with his right hand) and some people go both ways (pointing left and right with the opposite hands again)

I laugh at that every time.

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

Well if Dorothy had been an Urbanite and not a Kansan she might have said I’m a sandwich eat me.

But she was a nice girl with a little dog and wasn’t about to suggest that Glinda pretend it was Halloween and come as Col. Angus

I laugh at the every time I see it too

In other news…

Hippy mowing complete

I have a skunk in my yard

Stunt boy is still at camp

The other one is MIA … maybe ? Status says beach trip… I try to talk to him on him birf- ee-day… what else can you do.

Well yeah, one might do that as well, but I don’t really have the finances for that and besides where does one obtain that sort of thing … I mean legally … See you don’t have game either

Oops almost burned the rice … but I didn’t

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's going tobe ... wait for it...

I’ve put off writing this because it’s sort of just like the thing I’m saying.

However I’m going to say it, write it, … you get the point, I think … I’m unclear at times.

I write mainly to get things out of my head, then secondly that hopefully someone else reads all of this and likes it. So with that in mind…

Why are artists such pretentious asses? I’m mean seriously you do something completely open to what the beholder sees not your grand vision.

It is my belief that the most moving art, poetry, photographs, et al is seen by so few and maybe only by the creator of the art and then it’s either destroyed, lost, or just never shown ever.

But people who call themselves artists … not all but many … just seem to have their noses so far in the air that they turn off the world which they wish to change.

Changing the world is no simple task. … yet if someone makes a critical remark about a pretentious artist work … they flurry insults to the person’s intelligence, humanity, ability to see what is being done…really?

It’s a soup can or it’s just a piece of jewelry in a jar of fluid, it’s dung dried and carved / shaped into something.

Take the latter, if you sculpt a bust of some holy figure and your medium is dung… is it the fault of the audience if they can’t see past the dung and appreciate the sculpture.

It may be the exquisite and detailed but it’s still dung … you can only change so much so fast.

And if the audience doesn’t see what you’ve done … are you speaking with clarity in the way you choose to speak. It may not do any good to yell and insult those who don’t see or even ridicule… mostly you’ll loose them and further convince them what they think … mostly that is the person yelling is an ass… and usually a pretentious ass at that.

I don’t consider myself much of anything, a person on a journey, and I see things. Maybe you see the things I see, maybe you don’t, perhaps you could. I write to get the things out of my head, to preserve things I think, so I can reflect back on them and grow in how I see and hear the world. You may not see, hear, or think the way I do or perhaps you do…if you don’t that’s ok

It’s ok if you do too… but I understand if you don’t want to share that bit of information. I’m a little off the beaten path but I’m not in the jungle.

In other news…

Stuntboy is a camp

Doodle is / was shopping

It’s the Other One’s birthday

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, July 19, 2010

So if you ran really fast...

It’s late or early I’m never sure which most of the time. It depends largely on what ever it is that is going on.

I’m not dead so I’m not late so I’m early, hopefully very early

As to the photograph I’m not early. I’m not sure I was ever on that road, so does that make me late? It’s a photograph I can’t show to you … no not because of that… well maybe… point is I’m not sharing… no, just deal with it … honestly if you could hear yourself.

As to the song I’m late the photograph has nothing to do with the song oh but if it did, now that would be something.

Early, late, on time, here now, then, later, when, soon, in a bit, after a while, today, tomorrow, yesterday, back then, someday, back in the day, not long, ago, in a sec, about an hour, tick tock, hurry, … and so many more

It’s all relative, which may in fact be a cop out, a give up, phoning it in(WTF I hate that saying…just saying)

However it really is all relative the thing is finding out to what it’s all relative. It’s more than one thing knowing what thing it is, is the rub.

Some things are relative to more than one thing but more relative to some than others.

Even if it is relative is it relevant or arbitrary… mainly it depends where you are to the assigned importance of a thing.

Essentially, it’s all rocks, banged, beaten, burned, bent, and other wise manipulated into a thing that was different than when it started but it is essentially still the same as when it started but it’s not the same. Then is the new thing better than what it was before?

Like the genetic soup in which we all start out… We are still that same goo but reformed is it better? Not sure exactly…

It’s all meaningless and unimportant yet seems to have the weight of mountains at times. It’s really both and neither and drives many to …

Tears, fists, drink, murder, joy, love, rage, happiness, … and all of that

Go to where it’s dark, I mean really dark, then look at the stars, look out in to the vast expanse

What impact does anything of all the everything going on here on this mud ball have to ever do with anything going on out there in the vast dark…
But would you trade it?

In other news…

Stunt boy is off to camp this week.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
