Wednesday, January 2, 2002

'til the cows come home

So my New Year didn’t start out very well
Shortly after I posted my last entry I got a call and was informed one of my friends had died. Not one of the golfing and fishing buddies but a friend all the same.
So, needless to say, that put a damper on things.
My friend Oliver was a kind person and a funny man.
He enjoyed playing pranks on people and would especially take great pleasure in making people who were up tight all the time mad – this was a trait I very much admired in him
He would say something to someone who was just too pompous or high strung and then sit back and grin as they exploded and their blood pressure would quickly raise. I will miss those days.
He was a good friend and all around great person
I hope I can be more like him in the coming year – always being able to find the bright spot in the day and not letting things get me down too much
So my friend I will miss our many conversations and more so your humor and outlook on life.