Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Can a clone ever be alone


Hmmm… we always have movies about how bad robots would be if they took over. Uncaring, cold, heartless, only working toward the goal the individual means nothing.


Scratch head…

CNN…teen bullied into suicide

Other networks… It is not my duty nor my taxes should be used for …

Yet another news… death, mayhem, chaos…


Robots only do what you tell them to do.

Not the AI robots they learn and become bad ….

So they become like people

No they are bad because they are robots people aren’t bad

So last year how many people were killed by robots


How many were killed by people

A bunch

The year before that

A bunch

And robots


See a pattern yet

Well there aren’t that many robots

True there aren’t that many robots

See I’m right your wrong robots are evil and bad and stuff

Sure you’re right but only the ones with the AI right

Yeah … no …what


I’m thinking that robots might not abuse use nearly as much as we abuse ourselves.

What about clones?

Don’t get me started about clones … I know my clone would be better at everything I already do.

Why because Karma would make sure it was just different enough just to rub it in.

And it would be a robot clone too.

In other news…

I had to touch dead chicken today… bleck … it is very nearly the most disgusting thing on the planet but the kids think it’s tasty when you cook it … shudder

Yup there is an s there at the end of kid as in both had dinner here tonight … hence the touching of the dead chicken … bleck and shudder

Doodle did some yard work too and got some bank and food. I got some warm fuzzy feelings having a dinner with my kids.

Allergies blow …

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

They say a lot of stuff... mainly to their benefit

They say … well they say a lot but specifically in this case they say that computers are supposed to make your life easier.

I don’t think that is true, at least not completely.

While the computer allows for tremendous strides it also allows for bigger mess ups.

Yin -Yang , cause and effect however you want to wrap your head around it

As far as computers allow us to go in one direction they will cause us to go at least that far in the other.

They are evil and I’m not sure they are a necessary evil but they are sort of like a tick or a bullet in your body lodged next to something important removing it a the wrong time things fall apart.

Computers were invented by the devil or at least a close relative.

Interesting information.

If there is a government agency out there I am likely at some point to end up with some interaction with them, usually not to my benefit.

I recently had a thought that could I garner the attention of some more, you know in a mostly harmless classification sort of way.

I’ve had the office of the executive checking me out once upon a time.

I mean there are really very easy ways to accomplish that but that lacks in imagination. I’ll let you know who all walks up to my door

Or sits next to my luggage… the department of agriculture dog was cool and the agent was sort of cute well she may not have been but it’s been awhile ago so I may have just colored her as cute… she didn’t really have a sense of humor that day

In other news…

Other peoples mistakes are somehow my fault … why is that? Oh and I get to pay real money for other peoples mistakes and in no way may fault. Why because that is the way it is. Well isn’t that special. Yea… not and they wonder why revolutions start with lawyers and bureaucrats being put against the wall… you know it’s not rocket science.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, March 29, 2010

I am sneaking, I am sneaking ... I am in a bunny suit... I am sneaking ... I am sneaking

I’m not an unfan of winter if you are a reader of my ramblings you’ve guessed as much and I not as much the frolic in the winter as I was but that is more a financial thing than it is a hater of the cold.

Now as seasons go Summer sort of sounds cool and Autumn is fitting and if you prefer it simple there is fall. Winter is Winter and it fits, however Spring has always troubled me.

Spring has …I not a fan of verbs as nouns but I can live with many of them but Spring just doesn’t fit right.

Spring... sprang or sprung, or is it springs? Why is it spring and not the green time or the wet time or rainy season or the time between the hot and cold time or the time we get chocolate and pretty eggs from a wabbit... flower time

There are a ton of things Spring could be called other than Spring.

Now I like rain if it’s the sort of misty not falling heavy rain without the wind add the wind and it’s a deal breaker oh and not cold. Cold rain is another deal breaker in spring in Summer it’s just above not acceptable but if it’s windy… no

I’m not a fan of wind … yeah yeah I get it no wind no rain, no rain, no veggies, no veggies, things that eat veggies including me. Chalk wind up there with the necessary evils add it with rain and it is close to a hell worthy transgression.

In other news…

I’m in the first stages of a detox thing, doing a bit more research before I start it up in full swing

Taking care of some personal things today… hopefully will have these wrapped up and heading the right way in about a fortnight.

No I didn’t get a word a day calendar but Garvey would be pleased if I had gotten one. I would imagine he would hold that as a gift of very high value as do I on a certain level.

I love Big Bang Theory

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

The two ideas are not mutually exclusive

There are days when I feel like the world is crashing down around me
And I’m not sure that it won’t actually fall apart

I suppose that is normal.

But if it’s normal that the world is about to just end … what is abnormal.

My job doesn’t help with that, for some people my showing up at their door may mean they are having a really bad day. For others it’s just a pain. Not many people are happy to see me.

The positive side of this I get to meet a lot of new people all of the time and have interesting conversations.

I mean if my job is a harbinger of doom in a respect … well more a herald of bad things, a beacon of things amiss, it can be a poison which infects how you fill in the blanks.

I try not to fill in the blanks and find the right peg for the right slot, not just the one that fit. A round peg will slide easily into a square slot, and a round into a square but it isn’t a good fit but it works.

However, the pegs are relative and depend on the measuring rod

The world is falling apart but what if it’s not.

In other news…

Dinner with doodle went well watched Zombieland and some Twilight fan stuff

- fried potatoes
- roasted peppers (red, green & yellow) and onions
- spinach salad with banana, pecans, feta crumbles, green onions, cucumber and celery in a vinegar and red wine dressing

Doodle also had while I skipped the meat portions which were;
- Shrimp cocktail
- Salmon roasted in white vinegar, orange slices and dill

The Salmon was supposed to have a honey mustard sauce but I forgot to put it on when I plated her food. She said they were good.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thus ended the ...whatever this break in writting was ... but that isn't the point but is there a point?

So I say I don’t watch a lot of TV.

Which in one way can be seen as very true and in another as an utter falsity.

Like the inner voice in your head screams that isn’t even close to anything truthful as the words leave your lips.

So true I own a television and I watch movies on the television but is that really watching television or is it more to the point watching a movie on television … semantics perhaps but I choose to hold that I don’t watch TV and shouldn’t eat pizza.

In fact I have six televisions.

One is attached to the overly prices cable box I rent every month by the appropriately named company for raping my wallet.
Two is attached to my son’s xbox 360 which is all that TV is used for is gaming.
Three is sitting in the house and may be a dead TV but I can’t really afford to have it checked by a TV doctor so it is in limbo
Four is in my son’s room he watches it when he isn’t playing x box and I’m playing the PS3 on the TV in the room for the living which is really for the sitting and the watching but is named for the living
Five and Six are little portable ones that has a VCR built in that I do some times use to watch tape as I no longer have a functional VCR it is also in the limbo pile of electronics which are in deed most likely dead but may still be alive if the dr. Frankenstein of mostly dead electronics can revive them … oddly I think it may be lighting that has killed one if not both of these.

The point however is not that I have all those TV but if I do in fact actually watch TV. Which I don’t but my logic

By that logic I should just stop buying / renting the cable and I would but my son does watch TV and I do at times watch stuff

I don’t like the idea of being tied to a show … you have to see it on Monday or what ever day. Even if you Tivo or DVR it you can’t talk about what ever show it is you watch unless you are talking about the following day that it aired

Hmmm… no

I like movies.

Which have a very specific talking frame only when they are new … if you rent it you can’t talk about it because someone will say yeah I saw that when it was new back like 18 months ago. Or I saw the first version and not the crappy rip off that this version is by comparison.

I should have gone to film school.
I like movies

I hate movies that lots of people like, I like movies that lots of people hate, I watch movies I’m not sure I like to the end. Only one has made me wish I had not done this.

I’ve seen a lot of movies … seriously a lot of movies. No where near as many as some.

But is my liking movies a fear of commitment or is that just to deep a view for this particular topic.

I'm not really phobic about the commitment to a TV show but I tend to make plans without asking the TV shows if it's ok or others make plans on the days that shows are indeed on and I’ll do that other thing and the TV show is there alone without me

Related to that I just can't see getting involved with a DVR at this stage in my life but maybe soon but not so much for me but for the shows you know as respect to the commitment … I’ll have to think about it because you can’t really talk about the shows you watch on DVR it’s like having a dirty little secret… well not that the secret needs to be dirty. They are just better secrets when they are and generally more fun.

In other news…

I was going to write something else today, yesterday, the day before and the week and some of not writing that has preceded this post… but I didn’t

Stood up … again.

Was Lucy really about hallucinogens or not

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

If you could say... one thing to make the world better ... would you ...

I am a firm believer

in those things

that Tracy and Leonard and Jeff,


You have to



What is the point

if you can’t believe

in that sort of stuff

You know

The idea,

The hope

The belief

it’s why we get up

Why we put up with

all the hell

from the morons

Why you can

see the light


If you can’t believe

in even that simple thing

What then

Scents and

Water drops

Is what then

All this time


I still find myself there

In that space

That second

when things were

one way


they were the other

I linger there

Paused in time


to change

the next second

So many times



in that moment

That one


right before

The nightmare

but better her ghost

than another

I’ll sit there

in that second

while I day dream

I’m in another

in the nightmare

The rain falls

And the river is


and steam

In other news…

Lindsey Lohan is a phuckin-nut and her lawyer should be disbarred for taking this case seriously… that or there is some elaborate April fools day thing that e-trade and LL Ho-bucket are up too.

Stood up … again

Kick ass looks funny as hell

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mr. Jones and Me aren't from Burbank... Sirius

Shalala la la…

The hints of spring are in the air and my allergies are waking from their winter slumber.
Winter will be ending soon but in the autumn time is near as I see the last of spring falling off one and the first of spring in one.

Interrupting cows and over talking morons, tunnel vision blinded leaders and lack of scope planners

Some where while walking in the wood I turned from the path and ended up on the fringe in the area to be cutaway and tossed out like so much human refuse, gum to be scraped off the soles and discarded by the way side.

Life feels like a giant bill that I can’t afford and I find myself standing alone amid a throng.

I don’t understand

The reflection I see isn’t a monster

The voice I hear is understandable

Yet I’m lost

Myself and I sitting talking, about all the days of bad dancing, bottles passed and the feast laid waste.

All the time spent building castles with others to have them kicked into my face when other architects wandered up the beach

The days are leveling and soon the leaves will turn and the invisibility of my neglected self becomes the invisibility of scenery …fading into the landscape.

In that dark hidden place, deep away, behind a door that only a few are allowed to pass beyond the ghost and the broken parts of armor and bent spears and shattered shields in a unassuming chest lies a beautiful gift and a stark grave truth that time will erase each of us.

The gift none seem to want and the stark truth is my reality

That the eyes from which I see so much in the world are not met with other eyes they might remember their color but mostly they don't and Nebraska

In other news…

My daughter’s school is in the state finals for basketball.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Just a side note... that was an awesome shirt ... just sayin'

So in the end the Oscar night gets a C minus

I think Martin and that other guy are funny and had some zingers but it’s not their fault entirely … they are reading what they are told

I say not entirely because even Martin should have said you know it’s funny to take a line from a movie he had been in and use it to spoof a current person nominated … however a movie titled The Jerk may not have been the best choice that would be the first critical comment about that, the second is that unless people were over 35 they most likely didn’t get that joke… and even then maybe not.

They are both funnier and should have said you know writers this stuff is cute but it’s not funny

Oh and after oh lets say the nine hundred and seventy second Myrel Streep joke was oh about nine hundred and seventy jokes too many about 16 nominations.

Then why bag on animated films… seriously … don’t be haters because you all play make believe for a living at least animated film makers know it.

Again don’t you actors have voices of your own… the Ben Stiller in the Avatar thing was ah? … what is a good word for it? … oh yeah Phucking stupid … really??? Then to babble on in gibberish… Ben please you really aren’t that funny... even when you are funny… of course that’s just my opinion.

I liked the movies that won and the ones that didn’t win too… well I just like movies.

In other news…

I got a box-a-crack … you know all captain jack sparrow jar a dirt

I don’t really understand a certain species … really I just don’t know … janitor monk is sounding like an awesome career move more and more.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy weekend... may i have another

Perhaps a bit distracting to start with a logo

Busy weekend but a good one

Friday p.m. was entertaining three kids which really started with dodge ball on Thursday but that isn’t a weekend day.


Then up very early on Saturday for a PTA dodge ball tournament which went on longer than most of us thought it would but it was a good time. The dodge ball oneders placed second over all.

Saturday early p.m. - such a beautiful afternoon which I spend outside cleaning up my yard from the supermodel tree and drama tree. The supermodel tree is the magnolia and the drama tree is … well I’m not exactly sure what sort of a tree. I call the magnolia the supermodel tree because while it is nice to look at and smells good it is a pain in the ass most of the time and requires a lot of upkeep.

The drama tree is pretty and in the way it saves it leaves until every other tree has shed it’s leaves then decides once you have raked the yard completely and think you are done with the yard work it will find the worst weather week then all at once shed 99 percent of the leaves. It does this to let me know it’s in the yard with the supermodel tree and can be a pain in my ass too.

I tell the trees regularly I own a saw and pruning shears. They laugh at me and continue to drop their crap (leaves) in my yard.

Crab grass sucks in case you didn’t know. Sucks a lot.

Saturday late p.m.

The Virginia High school League basketball championship series. I really don’t care a bit about basketball and care less about it now than I did before

You are probably asking if you hate basketball so much why were you there. Because my daughter is a cheerleader and I go to be supportive of what she does to see her do what she likes doing. She does a great job and I’m glad she isn’t a flyer on her squad because I think my heart would stop. The one girl who is captain and a flyer does this back arch leg thing standing on leg then vaults off into this spinning fall to a catch by the base members of the squad. The job of the base is far more complicated than you might think. My daughter explained it to me and I was in awe of her explaining a thing she does in her life and makes look easy that is far more complicated.

They do practice a lot and it shows I worried seeing the other squads doing lifts and things and appeared to be very unstable. Because as the back of one of my daughters t-shirts says… “In other sports if you miss the catch all you do is drop a ball.”

The point of the night was not the cheering squads, it was the basketball team or teams as there were many game being played. I saw a bit of the game before and the game with the school which my daughter is a student. They one and move on to the final four.

The distracting thing was how unfairly some athletes play their sports. Basketball is not a contact sport. There is some contact but it is not a contact sport. However, the way the game is played now is a disgrace. I understand evolution of the game but deliberate chops, pushes, shoves, leg blocks, how many steps can you take now before it’s traveling?? I think its five, … well it’s five depending on what team you are on. My daughters school did foul but they were accidental going for the ball fouls. The other team had two plays foul out of the game and two other with four fouls and two others with at least three each.

I was glad to see this hatchet squad to get beaten. Their coach should not be allowed to coach because he either can’t control his players or he is teaching them to play like hacks, either way its not good sportsmanship.

One other thing when did player stop having to raise their hand in acknowledgement of a foul. When I learned the game if you were called for a foul you had to raise your hand to acknowledge the foul. To own it. You made a mistake and you had to say I made this error.

There was other evidence earlier in the day too at the dodge ball event. One of my teammates overheard a parent telling their kid don’t go out unless the ref calls you out. This was a fundraiser for fun. Go out on the honor system, you know when the ball hits you go out own it. I understand you may not realize you’ve stepped out of bounds but you know when you’re hit.

Sportsmanship is dying and I think it has hit me more seeing the Olympics which this year seemed to be free of any doping, un-sportsman like conduct, and athletic controversy. To seeing so many sports tainted by ego, cheating, and ill will toward competitors.

Kudos to my daughters school and the one girls team which played before them who also beat a team which was going far and beyond acceptable play and court behavior. They did play a good game and rather than wallow in the mud, they and their coaches, played a good clean game.

My daughter will be going to Richmond with her team for the final four and have those memories for later in life.

Saturday was full of adventure


Chores mainly not nearly as exciting but I did get a good bit done around the house.

In other news…

So far the Oscar’s this year really sort of blow. Like a lot.

One more week in league play …coming this week. Then the tournament for the league then it’s Kickball… woo hoo…

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

it's like crack ... do you ever use periods?... eh they are ... more or less like afterthoughts ... I need to edit. ooo a nickle

So I don’t really see myself as a cat person but I suppose I am a cat person.

I prefer dogs but they are sort of needy… ok really needy. Dogs do let you know they love you and would be lost in the world without you. Cats look at you with distain most of the time and only act like they love you when they need something. Hmmm… I’ve heard this before.

So my cats Wilson and Mouse

Yes I have a cat named Mouse she is small and ugly but she is small and ugly and possibly an alien. I’m not sure she really is a cat but she looks enough like one that it fools most people. However, SETI isn’t knocking on my door to inspect my cat so I don’t know what to tell you there.

Mouse is small, hence the name, she has always been small as in ES EM All … small.

Without breaking it down too much I also think she is bi-polar love me love me.. Don’t love me every time you go to pick her up. Yeah so she is small and crazy

Lately I’ve put together a new problem … or rather I’ve defined an on going problem. Every time her food bowl is filled to the top she will eat and eat and eat then purge

Yup I have a bulimic cat

So moving on

Wilson is a gift kitty … I’m not sure what the occasion was but I have him and I’m not his original person … was going to put owner but I hear it isn’t PC anymore but I wish it were Mac

Wilson is a loving cat… as in bordering on narcissistic love me … Hey I said love me love me love me. You won’t love me fine I’ll sit on your lap and make you love me look at me I’m so purr-tee and fluffy and you love me say it… say it… SAY IT

Wilson is good mostly … he is active and likes to observe.

He watches the cooking a lot… mainly I think because his previous person had kitchens but never used them and he is just simply amazed that food can be prepared in one. The look on his face is like whoa I wondered what this huge space is for but never knew until now.

Sadly Wilson got shut in the laundry closet the other night to no ill effect. In the morning though .. Pre-discovery of the shutting… I do the morning thing to the facilities… yes that…and I close the door… meow meow … I think really can’t I do this without showering you will love too … he will invade your space if you don’t shut the door, as in yes I see you appear to be busy but love me. Love me now. So I don’t open the door continue to get ready and then a few minutes later open the closet door to put some laundry in … surprise… Oh hey yeah the laundry is really nice to sleep on but I’m not sure I’m cool with the door shut … scamper to the litter box

Oh yeah I’m thanking my lucky what ever for that.

So the cats I’m sure more adventures will be had with them.

Randomly said to me

So what’s with the 6x=4 on your jersey does that mean something


Ok I was wondering if it was just a Don thing or if there was some deeper meaning.

Nope it’s just a Don thing.

My own random thing..

OMGOFUC ferrealsimmagonnahaftadosumtin

Like?? No like???

In other news…

Dodgeball on Saturday … we are gonna play and we are going to do perhaps better because we are getting better at some things.

Then one more week in the league

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How completely odd that someone used the same phrase in their blog that I did in mine but totally different... neat... yup I ...

Sometimes when things happen I see them for what they are and accept that they are what they are and there isn’t anything I can do to change them. I’m ok with that

Other times when things happen I see them for what they are and while I accept that are what they are I don’t like them even a little bit. For example really windy days … yup not a fan.

Still other times things happen, I see them for what they are and know that I don’t have to accept them and say no thank you, no merci, let me show you the door kind sir or madam.

That other times things happen, and I just can’t help but think… just how far up your ass is your head. I mean seriously have you seen the light of day in years. Do you even know what you look like. How is the sound up there that far? Really Wednesday Thursday Friday (WTF, as in no one said anything yesterday… geez… yes I’m an attention whore. But I know what my flaws are and I embrace them)

Back to the thing … yes, I’m thinking really how does this happen? Not just in one place but perhaps as many as three not for a day, not for two but for three days. Yup three.

I would cry but I don’t think I would stop, I would start drinking but I don’t think there is enough alcohol I could consume at one time to make me forget and I probably wouldn’t stop

Just some random thoughts from the last week or so

Yes, yes, and yes … just yes… a think in my head

It absolutely makes me want to … decorum prevents me from including the next few sentences … when you say that

Looking into your eyes …

Would you find some medication please.

Do you have to do that

Really, you’re going to go there … joy

Oh I’m not really surprised

It makes me look old because I am old

Of course you’re not

Karma can you give me a hint as to who I was in a past life? I sure we can work out a deal I’m sure I wasn’t really that much of a bastard… whadda’ya say…eh

In other news…

Dodgeball tomorrow … we aren’t in last place or even next to last place. We’re in next to next to last place… oh yeah we rock… or just like next to first but not but the same as next to first as they aren’t first either so it’s all the same. How is that for glass half full (head nod and rocker hand gesture)

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Starts badly but it ends much less badly

This winter Jack Frost has made a visit. And he has stayed for a while. It’s not like Phil didn’t tell us that it would be winter for a while longer 18 more days still. Of course there are those who have taken the recent atmospheric anomalies to discount science and scoff at things.

Then the financial crisis this has left many a locality under is indeed problematic, however I think if we look to the ant and the grass hopper we can see that our elected officials have failed us. Rather than prepare for and put supplies, equipment, budget for a winter to have winter weather most places allowed that they would not set aside adequate funds and other resources for these occasions. No the ill thought out previous officials actions are the problems for the now.

Either way who gets the shaft… yup the average joe and jane.

Regardless the mistakes made at the top are always felt hardest by those at the bottom. I suppose everyone in office should begin reading their history books again and decide how they want to continue to lead … maintain a broken system and keep failing or try something new.

I wonder what the aristocracy of the past would say about this … oh that’s right they died at the hands of the revolutionaries so they were able to write about how they succeeded in old age because they failed epically in life

On to other rants

If one more person sings the dumpster song to me … my head might just explode

Moving on.

Monday, Tuesday, W T F … it all makes sense now

In other news…

Wow, if I could afford to go to the dentist every day I would, my hygienist is… um … well if the doctor stabbed me I might not know it … yup… le sigh, I don’t know her name. It would almost be worth it to stop flossing to have more trips to the dentist. Almost as in it would be fun to go more but bad in that my teeth would be all janked up and that can’t make a good impression… well it might be interesting to discuss at dental conferences but it’s not going to win any points in the hey would you like to go have coffee and talk sometime category

I wonder if punch in the jaw would work… you know make sure the grill is all intact…but then you look like a wanker for being in a fight… unless it’s all Evil League of Evil and Dr. Horrible -esk … that might work… yeah, I even already have the ELE nickname Invisible Don King of the Bastards… with bumper stickers. Yes huh

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Just some observations

You know being a grown up isn’t really all that easy.

I can certainly understand why people take the easy way out of things.

I have trouble telling people no

Being a good guy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

Women say they want to meet a nice guy, who will treat them well and really understand them for who they are but always end up with the jerks

Kids are great

Cats are easier than dogs

Dogs are more fun than cats

Dogs are like a 5 year old on a sugar rush most days

Pizza is the worlds most perfect food ok nothings perfect but it’s close

Annoying people really should be hit in the face … I mean like a lot

I’m not really pro-violence unless you are annoying

Saying something really loud and cursing while you do it doesn’t make you right, it makes you a jerk

Jerks are in the same category as annoying people

That dude on that show can’t act

I like to keep things generic

I will try most things once… no not that

I like myself

Coffee is great

Morgan Freeman is a freaking acting god

Il y a une fille, qui pourrait me demander que pour faire n'importe quoi et moi dirait oui

I don’t understand greed, I mean I get it but I can’t empathize with it.

It’s amazing what people will say about you if they don’t think you are around to hear it.

Most stress in life is brought on by someone else making an arbitrary definition which they impose upon others.

Some stress is caused by things far and beyond our control

Snow is pretty cool

The ocean is amazing

There are a ton more things I could write but will save for another time.

In other news…

I miss the Olympics already

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
