Sunday, January 2, 2005

New Year

When you are a kid the time of the year that represents the new beginning in your life is late August and/or early September when school starts where ever you are that differs but generally it’s during this time of year. As an adult all of a sudden it becomes January. So as an adult you have to over come 12 to 16 years of indoctrination of changing life at a certain time of year to another.

While you are in school the change is mostly out of your own hands – it just happens. You start a new grade and a new agenda exists and you adapt or you don’t to the changes that engulf you.
Now life sort of begins to prepare you for the calendar changing while you are in college you have the semester changes between December and January but it’s undermined by concept of the school year still being run on the August/September start and May/June ending.

So still you are being indoctrinated to begin change in your life around the end of summer, start of fall period of time. Then after all that the only real changes come from changing jobs, starting/ending relationships, having kids the real things in life. However these things don’t happen every year so we invent these things that we should try to change in our lives in the form of resolutions. But are they really the things that we need to change in our lives? Maybe they are though but maybe we are just trying to cling to something from our social introduction that we need to change things start anew in some way with the changing of the calendar.

However if these are indeed things we need to change why wait for the start of the year? Just make the changes. Most of us don’t break the mold, rock the boat and live out our quiet little lives unnoticed mainly except in our little worlds. Now I’m not saying that the thing in anyone persons life is meaningless because most of us live and die by the things that surround us in the microcosm of our lives. We rarely if ever break out of the shell of comfort that we surround ourselves in and when the comfort that we surround our self in is threatened it becomes the most important thing in your life. So without actually making a resolution I’m going to spend more time breaking out of my own little area of comfort and push the envelope a little more and I invite you to do the same. Rock the boat a little bit, push a button, stand when you are expected to sit, sit when you should stand and argue the opposite point of view just to be different. Anyway happy new year to any and all you read this have a great day and a better tomorrow and play nice in the neighborhood.


Current Invisible Army Mission: November 2004
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