Sunday, February 28, 2010

Peace in our time

The winter games are over now and it is sad but I suppose they do have to end so that they can come again. However, if the entire world, well a great part of it can come together in relative peace and exist for a common purpose, why can’t we solve other problems.

Can’t the principles of the Olympic games be applied to the rest of the world. They can and that is the ideal behind this that the world coming together in peace will transcend the sporting world and influence the political world.

One where we see each other as men and women who despite the customs, traditions and ideas of our home countries, can embrace one another equally.

There are winners in the games but not finishing best is awarded and recognized as effort worthy of praise. It isn’t awarding mediocrity as the cynical world says recognizing anything but best is doing but rather that effort is a reward.

The men and women of the world compete under flags of nations but as persons inspired by their individual love of an activity.

We can build a world more like that one that exists every four years in winter and summer for two weeks.

House the world
Feed the world
Heal the world
Educate the world
Employ the world

Peace in our life time, would indeed be a great thing. Think the next time you have a disagreement or a problem were can you meet in the middle with the person and if you can’t agree on the issue agree to disagree and let the matter rest.

In other news…

There is no other news, well there is but …

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to my daughter

Today is my daughters 18th birthday. In 18 years I can remember so much of her life and know too that there is so much that is lost to so much of the complications of living.

Legally I suppose my job as parent has ended but it hasn’t, now the hard part for me is to find a way to somehow be the parent of an adult child. The word child in the sense that she is my daughter and not a minor, I suppose my adult daughter is a better way to explain her role in my life now.

It is hard to put that into perspective because I remember her birth, clearly as if it were yesterday and feeling the sudden rush of emotion for this person who was seconds old and now today as we sat across from one another over lunch and our conversations is a young woman.

She is still that five year old in cowboy boots and long as can be blonde hair and a personality the overflowed

She is the middle school kid with blue hair, then pink, then two-toned and red, and the back to blonde and others as well.

She is also the not quite two year old on cross country skis, skiing up hill away from me on my alpine skis having to skate up hill after this little tyke. Yes she was skiing a few weeks before her second birthday.

As in any relationship there are words which are filled with love, and those we wish were never said. Days when we got along perfectly and then those too were it’s hard to find a way to be in the same room. They go both ways and one could spend all their time trying to analyzing what could have been done or should have been done.

I do worry now, as mush as I did that first hour as a parent on day one of the best part of my life. My daughter… means the world too me as does my son but today is her day.

When she was about seven months old I sat down one day and wrote her a letter. Trying then as the brand new dad with my brand new child to see what the future might hold and how I felt then 18 years ago. I then sealed up the letter put it in a safe place and kept it there for 17 and 6 months. I got it out of it‘s place of safe keeping and put it a new place and said to myself then you‘ll forget where you‘ve put this if you change it‘s place. So I did. I spent the morning looking for it without success.

So I went to lunch with my daughter and we had a good time. Talking about how things are going and what her plans are for this and that part of her life. I’m trying on this new role in my relationship her. Her life has always been her life to live and I’ve tried to be the a guiding parent rather then a tell you what to do because I said so parent. I’ve tried to listen openly to her words and reply with respect. I’ve failed at times. I’ve succeeded at others. Ultimately she is a very responsible young woman. Mistakes have been made of course but who has the perfect life. I’ve seen her make the tough choices her friends didn’t make.

There are things that I wish were different in our relationship but I keep my heart and arms open for her. While she is my adult daughter, she is still my daughter and any home I have is still hers.

Our lunch went on and our conversation was good and I am as proud of my daughter as any parent can be, she is a beautiful, intelligent, funny, witty, charming, mostly independent and a ton of other things wound up into this wonderful person that is always in my thoughts.

The lunch ended with her gifts from me and a ride back to her mother’s house. I came back to my home and searched again for the letter. Which I found finally.

I called her and let her know that I had found the letter. I told her I had planned on giving it to her at lunch and explained how I made sure I knew where it was and then changed it’s keeping place and forgot where I had put it.

So I drove back over to her mother’s house. We sat in my car as she read the four page letter on about 4” x 7” pages. The content is for her, words from her brand new dad to his now adult daughter. I signed the end with the nick name from when she was little, which was a nice distraction and probably a good thing that I had misplaced the letter and not had it in the restaurant because we were both in happy tears by the end of the letter. We hugged and told each other we loved one another and I wished her happy birthday again and hoped that she had fun with her friends later.

Doodle is 18, that is such a big thing in my head right now, but I’m proud of her and happy that I have a great daughter.

In other news…

I love my son too and he is great as well.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is that a doorknob... what are they doing ?... oh... oh... gross... my eyes...

My week is filling up with stuff.

Dodgeball night … we suck something awful

We 10 games in two matches.

6 players per team on the court at the same time.

We had 7 so iron dodge ball tonight.

We were a little high on our double win from last week

To a double loss this week

We should start dodging wrenches in the mean time

Working on a thing which is nearly where I like it.

It’s just a bit over the limit in length

So I’m making it smaller

In other news…

I don’t understand

The water levels are rising

Firetruck you thieving scum

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Title and content are not always connected

Life has been spinning at a meteoric rate here lately, I try to put on the brakes but they do not seem to be functional sort of like a Toyota but I don’t drive a Toyota.

I bring this up partly as an example of how it feels like that my life is speeding up and I can’t stop it but also why all of a sudden is Toyota the only corporation which is being brought to the crucifixion?

Seriously, it we are going to start nailing bodies to the cross lets get the greedy robbing thieving bastards of our banking and investment community, some CEO’s and accountants.

To what point? If we are going to go medieval on some asses, bring them all to bare. As in lets lock Bernie in an iron maiden and draw and quarter some trade commission officials who were obviously on a kickback. Public brandings and hangings, stocks on wall street and not the type you buy the kind you get locked up in and people get to smack the crap out of you. Seriously if we are going to go all out on one, bring all the heads to block.
Thus endeth the rant.

Related but not

I should probably put a rating on something very near the top of these things that way when I go back a few years and think hmmm what did I mean by that catchy little title that may or may not have anything to do with what I’ve written. Then read down and find oh I was writing about … oh … well that’s not approved for appropriate audiences

What the heck does this change in the MPA rating thing mean approved for appropriate audience

Appropriate to what?

Say I’m seeing a bondage film. “I’m seeing a bondage film”. Will the 20 minute attack of previews be appropriate to the film I’m about to see or something else entirely? Because I’m thinking that it’s something else.

Just so you know I don’t watch bondage films it’s just an example of choice. Were I to say cartoon you might not be clear on did I mean chuckle fest to hentia … see my example leaves no doubt in your mind.

If you need further clarity… I’m not sure I’m the appropriate audience to explain them.

In an unrelated story…

Ever have one of those things you’ve let build for a while then find that really the only way to deal with it is to just go far and beyond what would have been accepted on the first day? Yeah me either

In other news…

Dodgeball tomorrow… maybe more photos

Cookies really are missing from my cupboard

Still looking for something or other.

The Olympics still rock the most

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

there is a point, well for me there is a point

Long day today..

Teaching nights are long

I enjoy it but it is a very long Monday and Tuesday

In other news…

Trying to put something up regardless how pointless every day… there is a reason

double toe loop OMG

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, February 22, 2010

dying ... a work in progress

Do you know what you do
Sitting there
Across from me
Do you know
what I’m thinking
Can you see
In my eyes
Can you hear
The breaking
Can you sense
The sorrow
Can you feel
The earth quaking
Do you know what you do
Sitting there
Across from me

That invisible guy
There in that other world
That place
In outer space from you

That invisible guy
There in another place

Can you see me
Sitting there
Across from you

In other news…

Free style ski jumping = How’d they do that… yeah that was cool… how’d they do that?

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Don't forget your towel

My mind is a blur about so many things

Completely lost in the void

Although I’m not lost

I am exactly where

Where I’m standing,

yet I sense the worlds

Universes around me


Like ripples in a pool




the world revolves around each

each of us stands still

we are the center of our own being

Those around

orbit around in and out


Black holes

Red dwarfs

Meteor rings and comets

Stars, planets, moons, suns, failed stars and supernovas

Other galaxies move in and around


Other move, circling close and their gravity effecting the tides and climate

Others barely a blip on our furthest radar

still multitudes of others exist beyond our own event horizons

In other news…

Wow… doodle will be 18 in less than a week.. Wow and wow

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, February 19, 2010

While the pink socks rock, stripy socks would have rocked as well... ok it was the girl not the socks but ...


So Thursday night dodge ball went decidedly better for us, the Dodgeball Oneders, in the win category than it had in the first week of play. If you know the movie from which this name is gleaned you know how to say Oneders if you don’t which I haven’t seem the movie is like Wonders just spelled in a special way. The Heretic sold the name to the unbeknown mass which was the dozen more as a joke then a serious suggestion. Well it works well especially with the HOT PINK. Plus the name transfers well to other sports the Kickball Oneders, Softball Oneders, etc.

The Dodgeball Oneders are;
Captains Daddy (me) and Nutmeg
Ms. Demeanor
Mighty Mouse

Several people did not make it to the game last night and with the numbers we have it’s ok. Many of us were nervous that we are going to get beat like a narc at a biker rally or the proverbial redheaded step-child.

We decided after having our collective asses handed to us the week before that we should warm up a bit before this weeks games. Which we did and that we have a plan how to move on and off the court.

Catching the new style dodge ball isn’t as easy as you may think. I’m only ok at it and no one on our team is really great but the best advice I can give is this Don’t catch the ball.

It doesn’t hurt getting hit, and sadly the new ball doesn’t make the distinctive POINK sound it is more of a FOH-pop not the same.

Looking around on line I think you can get the rubber ones which still go POINK, but the nerfy FOH-pop ones are the ones we have. Still fun

The team did well and I even had a diving attempt to catch a person out… miss about half my attempts at catching them. This one was flying right at me and I thought I can catch this so it hits my hands pops out and hangs in the air in front of me defiantly saying you missed. So I fumble it more with my hands and then it slowly arcs out in front of me and I think I can catch this still and get the thrower out… So I dive… yup I dove in the air and arms stretched out reach and it just hits my finger tips and I pound on the gym floor. My ribs hurt a bit today… So Dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge. Was all done. I know I dove and JR dove for balls in separate matches. We both missed. JR is a lot younger than me though so I’m sure he isn’t suffering ill effects of the dive maneuver.

Despite what you are thinking Dodge ball is a work out too. All of us are discovering that, oh hey this is actually a physical activity and not only a found elementary school memory or night mare. Three more weeks before the tournament.

Go Black and Pink

In other news…

I fear something very serious is bothering a friend and not sure I can help but offered some

Stuntboy did skater night today

Olympics rock.

Still looking for something or other.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blast from the past, Olympic stuff, and other news.

Blast from the past

Well one of my friends from the Air Force put up some pictures from back in the day.

Brings back lots of memories…

Wonder what happened to Pickles… I didn’t carry a camera around very much and now I wish I had.

Not that I’m a photographer and they would be these fantastic shots but the I would have pictures, I do have a few though.

Crazy, Crazy days.

Thinking back on those days, there were times I was on the fast track to being in the ground longer before these days.

Then to sometimes I wonder what if I had stayed on that road…so much would be different.

Olympic News.

Lindsey Jacob Ellis the US Snowboarder who got the silver in Italy at the last games because of a mistake, these Olympics she ran out of the race.

Hearing her speak in interviews, she seems like a decent person, it’s unfortunate that the media defines her by one bad choice she made. Two seconds of a life is not a defining moment. As most people we are our own worst critics the press should let it go.

Women’s downhill lord that course was brutal… skiers were flying off that mountain like rag dolls.

Love, love, love this stuff.

In other news…

Dodge ball tomorrow go Black and Pink. Hope fully photos to come tomorrow.

Not smoking… seduction has past away.

Interesting news

Still looking for something or other

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Line'em up Tex I got a hankerin' for some pepto

Shot glasses

Did you know that the medicine dispensing cups that come with most liquid medicines fill up a standard shot glass.

Yup, yup, duckie it’s true.

I just toss out the little plastic disease spreading cups… into the recycling container as they are a 1 or a 2 so you can …

Yes huh

Then medicine is a bit more fun to dispense .. You’re like a medical bartender.

You with out all the boozie chatter.

Well I suppose the sick people may be barfing before you give them medicine and when you are bartender they are barfing after…either way there is barfing so it should all come with a wax paper bag or a bucket.

So Cheers

Oh me… no I’m not ill… well not that liquid medication is going to help… oh hush I don’t need a shot.

In other news…

Dodgeball week two this Thursday

I don’t’ know what to think about the something or other… yeah I know … but I don’t … there I go mumbling

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Dental day

Didn’t really have much of a random thought today, I didn’t really allow my mind to get quiet. It will be creative later when I’m trying to sleep which is why I’m trying to get some of it out of my head now, but it really isn’t working very much.

There are some odd ads. The bounty hunter movie with Jennifer Aniston looks pretty funny.

The California ad thing suggesting visiting or moving there? Really I can sort of see visiting certain parts not all of it but moving there seriously ??? I mean right now 1 in 6 Americans is a resident of California that’s just nutty … do they really want to have a larger percentage? I won’t be moving there anytime soon so if you’re looking to get away from me there would be a place to go.

The Olympics still rock more than any other sporting gathering… then a close second is the World Cup… after that I would say the Tour de France.

Well keeping it short watching the Olympics

In other news…

Stunt boy had a couple of dental appointments today, things going well there.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Invisible don interviews Eros on Valentines day

As you may or may not know as a holiday figure I have special access to other Holiday figures. You may remember my interviews with the jolly one from a few years back in exclusive reports from the HQ of the holly jolly one. Well earlier today I was picked up by Zephyr and escorted to Mount Olympus. Given that the winter games are going on most of the other residence were in Vancouver and not in their usual mountain top home. Which allowed for Eros and I to walk and talk without much interruption.

I was immediately greeted by Eros himself who was clad in a white toga with gold trim and wearing sandals laced to the knees. Golden hair flowed to his shoulders and a light bronze tan covered his skin. He clutched a bow in one hand and quiver, full of arrows hung in at his side.

Eros: Welcome Friend (walking briskly and grabbing my shoulders in a welcoming embrace)

Invisible don: Hello, Eros how are you doing

Eros: (motioning that we walk toward a column lined field) Well I’ve taken care of the majority of the daily tasks

Invisible don: Before we get started do you prefer Eros or Cupid

Eros: I prefer Eros but I’ll answer to Cupid, oh and thanks to the stupid remark earlier that never gets old.

Invisible don: Sorry

Eros: It’s all good my friend if you can’t laugh at your self who can you laugh at … well besides you.

Invisible don: good one, I’ll come back to the cupid thing later but I suppose this is a busy day for you.

Eros: Well not as busy as you might think people are usually already my “victims” by the time the holiday actually rolls around.

Invisible don: Victims?

Eros: Well, yeah, victims (pats the arrows on his legs) Valentines day is just a day really people fall in love all the time doesn’t matter when I don’t have to shoot too many people today it’s actually a pretty slow day. Hades is a bit busier today than I am.

Invisible don: eh, well yeah I’m sure he is. So what takes most of your time on valentines day.

Eros: The serendipitous acts of affection which burst the seed of love in a persons heart and then I have to go shoot them.

Invisible don: I see you still use the original weapon of bow and arrow. With the advances in weaponry why not use a sniper rifle or even smart technologies to guide rocket arrows in from here.

Eros: Well, mom’s husband has tinkered a bit with things but I prefer the arrows.

Invisible don: Well now that you have brought up mom, Venus. Why do you think she isn’t the one people look to on this day of love.

Eros: Well not to sound chauvinistic mom isn’t exactly the best role model for love if you know what I mean.

Invisible don: I think I follow but the readers may not

Eros: Well she has had a ton of affairs … I lost count.

Invisible don: Vulcan ok with all of this

Eros: not really he is always hatching the demise of this person or that one in his work shop. The muses have even used all his plot hatching to inspired a cartoon character you may know

Invisible don: Wyle E.

Eros: The very one

Invisible don: Who know, well I suppose you did. So other than the affairs Venus is attractive.

Eros: Yuck man that’s my mom, I don’t look at her that way I don’t really get, she’s a little bit boozy too besides all the running around. I can’t even count the times Herc’ has toted her back here flung over his shoulders. Then don’t even get me started on the Vanity thing. Mirror Mirror whose the name is vanity should be the phrase.

Invisible don: Well the story says your love and your mother have buried the hatchet.

Eros: Well it’s an uneasy peace at best.

Invisible don: What about you? Have you forgiven her for all the trials she put your love through.

Eros: Well alls well that ends well but if you’re asking would I jump both feet into her backside if she started in on her again you bet. Every family has it’s dysfunction and every love has a trial it has to over come.

Invisible don: Any lessons from your love story with Psyche you can pass on to others on this day to make a relationship work.

Eros: Trust it key.

Invisible don: Care to explain.

Eros: Well as you know mom came unglued at all the guys fawning all over Psyche, now once she and I hooked up all the other didn’t just give up so there are always going to be people trying to work to break you up for their own gain. You have to trust if the person really has feelings for you they will resist temptation.

Invisible don: Good advice, you mentioned Venus going postal about all the press psyche was getting from the paparazzi

Eros: Yeah she came undone. I would advise that parents/friends/other people in your life all may have your best interest at heart but they don’t have to live in the relationship you are in, weigh out their objections to any relationship. If they are counseling you for your health, safety, financial well being or other things which may cause you harm then take the advice, if they have an agenda of their own to maintain a status quo or to benefit themselves then run like hell away from that person. Because love is a drug.

Invisible don: A drug.

Eros: Indeed, it is completely mind altering it will make you stay in a bad situation or will make others do things that they wouldn’t normally do to achieve love. It’s completely self serving and highly addictive.

Invisible don: So you’re saying if you can love some one who isn’t right for you.

Eros: Yes, love is based in our basic instincts to procreate. It’s the driving force in bringing people together despite their differences to ensure the survival of the species.

Invisible don: So the idea that there is only one person out there for a person a true love.

Eros: Well not to knock my own work but no true love isn’t a real thing. There are people who are easier to love than others and relationships which take less effort but love is work it just doesn’t happen.

Invisible don: So the grand gesture of love.

Eros: Is just that, there is the work that leads up to that gesture to make it believable, the little things.

Invisible don: So love is …?

Eros: A mental disorder really, a person who says they are in love really shouldn’t be operating heavy equipment or handling firearms.

Invisible don: Odd that the ambassador of love would say love is a mental disorder isn’t that bad press for you.

Eros: Well if you look at most love stories many of them or tragic, they either start tragically or end tragically. I would think people would run from love or beg to be spared from it rather than wishing for it.

Invisible don: So you aren’t a fan of love.

Eros: I would say I’m not a fan but I wouldn’t say I am either. Maybe its just become a job to me and I don’t think about it like I used to in my younger days.

Invisible don: Speaking of younger days, the cupid thing.

Eros: Ah yes. Cupid and I are indeed one and the same. I’m not really sure how the Cupid image is always me from my younger days. I really didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I’d shoot anyone just to shoot them. People were falling in love with anything. There was that one incident with Narcissus…. Well you know it wasn’t a good time in my life but people like babies which I really don’t understand they just sleep and poop. (shakes head) What are you going to do. I like kids and all had a daughter myself… well Psyche had her. She had followed into the family business… so to speak.

Invisible don: Ah right… Hedone. I would imagine that’s a tough one on a dad

Eros: Well daughters are a joy and torment to a father’s heart.

Invisible don: I hear you there my friend. Well I think I’ve gotten the gist of things Love is real, but it is real work and keep your head above water because what we love may drown you, and keep your family and friends out.

Eros: I think you have it. So anyone you want me to lend you hand with my friend.

Invisible don: Well there is someone but I would rather do the work myself… maybe hold on to that assist for another day.

Eros: Sure, anytime, we need to stick together. Want to get some target practice in?

Invisible don: As in me shoot the bow and arrow.

Eros: At targets not people and the spare set which is really the same they just aren’t enchanted.

Invisible don: Lead the way this is too cool… so Narcissus

Eros: Not my best day…

Well there you go, Eros and I had a good time. Psyche and Hedone came over to watch for a bit and I left shortly there after to let them have some family time. As for my shooting… well …lets just say I could fill in, in a crisis but you’ll be glad to know Eros or Cupid if you prefer is a bulls-eye only shooter. Robin Hood could take a few lessons from him.

In other news…

The Olympics ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! Just love this stuff.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

The XXI Winter Olympic Games Vancouver, British Colombia Canada are now open ...yea!

The Olympics are now going on in Vancouver British Columbia.
The opening ceremonies were ok, I enjoyed them for the most part but did think they lacked joining flow and did leave me wondering what was the thing that tied it all together.

In pieces thought I think things were rather good. I know that the opening ceremonies have been getting a lot of bad press and the games have started out on a somber note with the death of the Georgian luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili.

I think with live performances we gotten to accustomed to the MEGA BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE stuff and are overly critical of live performances because they don’t measure up to the cinema. I enjoyed the solitary person emerging from the light into the supposed tundra. And the creation of the northern lights. Then the floor of the arena turning into an ocean and then the orca swimming across the floor. I was truly impressed. Now I wonder what this effect was like in the real stadium. The transition to the fiddler in the moon was nice then it sort of got long in this area and I wasn’t sure how the rest of the performance tied together.

Over all I will give it a B minus, which is probably a lot higher than other people. Why so high. I was entertained. I liked most of the images and ideas expressed when they were clear. Now I have seen much better opening ceremonies for the winter games and I remember rather lack luster ones from when I was a kid.

The malfunction at the end with the indoor torch was not noticeable as a malfunction until it was announced by the broadcasters and simple fix with the people to adjust and move but regardless it worked and the torch was lit and then the other one outside was lit.

The death of the Nodar Kumaritashvili Georgian luger was indeed tragic and I think it was very respectful to have the moment to honor him in the ceremony. It would have been nice to have had his nations flag brought to the center stage for that recognition with an Olympic flag. Just a hindsight comment.

The bigger thing I have to ask is why are we even showing this young mans death over and over on video? If he were a loved one, a friend, someone you knew, would you want to see this again and again. I think there is informing the public and then there is just taking advantage of a situation for ratings. Celebrate his life but respect his passing.

We are too morbidly curious and our news doesn’t need to be a faces of death film.

In other news…

I love the Olympics and I hope these games are as great as the others have been. I love these games because these are sport performed mainly by people who love their sport and most participate in their sport because they love it, they find peace in the training, in the competition to do your best with others who are at their best. I say most because there is always an exception.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sherman set the way back machine for the 4th grade ... OK Mr. Peabody

Thursday night is dodge ball night

Black and Pink … yes we are black and pink wanna make sumthin’ uvit Yeah that’s what I thought.

So let me start by saying it was a lot of fun.

We tossed little foam balls at people we didn’t know or mostly didn’t know.

We have matching T-shirts and Pink socks

Did I mention that it’s HOT PINK

There are a couple of things which could improve the fun
-the ref should make the out calls not the other team.
- if you are hit own it. Own it this isn’t a paid team thing it’s for fun as in not serious
- if you are out get off the court in a quiet manner - it’s for fun not a way of life
- the referee should make a call some of the time… shouldn’t they??? Well the one on the court we were not on did make calls the one we were on did not.

It is said that there are about a dozen or so people who are trapped in the 4th grade and think they are the big boy on the play ground. What sucks so much in your life that you are basing your daily worth on a dodge ball game????

I think the most sad thing was after our second match of games we are doing the customary good game thing with the other team. One of the 4th graders says, “good game, well if you can call it a game.”

Wow! Really? This is too much, did I mention that this particular 4th grader is a 30 something year old man. Really kinda pathetic….well not kind of … it is just pathetic.

Now on our team, we are taking this seriously, to have FUN.

Anyway, in case you are wondering how we did …we suck something awful.

Not really, we are a decent team I think the season could be ok and we’ll get better as the season goes along. But we lost both of our matches. Watching some of the other teams I play tonight there are some others who are in this for fun and there are some of the guys who should be looking for a way to get out of the 4th grade.

In other news…

Friday, and a three day weekend. Woohoo
… something or other… here I go mumbling

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sno-mageddon Days

Sno-mageddon days

Snowy days are here it is winter not the end of the world… well it may be but we aren’t aware that it is just yet. However, I’ll bet a nickel that it isn’t, by nickel I mean .05 cent not 500 dollars. Ok we’re good.

The world gets quiet when it snows. Ever so much more quiet than any other type of weather. It is calm, serene, the air smells clean, and the world seems softer. I’ve always been a fan of winter. Now there are a few things which I’m not a fan of this time of year. Things like the utility companies making sure they get rate increases approved just in time for cold weather.

Then there are ill thought out ideas which I can’t be more explicit about but just to say that if one group of people who have your safety in mind are telling you to do one thing which will in all likelihood keep you safe and improve the chances of keeping most other people safe and another group of people tells you to do something in direct contrast to the other group and will jeopardize your safety and perhaps the safety of others and perhaps even have an impact far and beyond the single day in question. Just doesn’t make sense.

Then there was this guy crying on the news the other day. Why don’t we all just grow up and accept that it’s winter and stop complaining. Don’t you pay attention to people at all? That is what we do. We gripe, bitch, moan, and complain about everything. However to answer your whiney biblical donkey name toned complaint. People sue other people, people sue governments, governments raise taxes to pay for the lawsuits, the lawsuits create a get rich way of thinking and more people sue other people and businesses and governments and the utility companies continue to rob customers. You there shovel your side walk and chill enjoy the day off if you get one and if you’re going to complain man up when you do like I have just done …get it, got it… good, firetruck

Now done with the bad now for the good.

I like shoveling, it is sort of fun in an odd way… I also don’t mind the smell of skunk…oh skunk in winter is the best… anyway… shoveling. It is really fun. Not twister and baby oil fun but fun.

We’ve gotten 40 inches of snow in total this winter. Now in the DC area and other parts a bit north of here they’ve had a lot more.

I have to knock the snow off my garage roof because it tends to want to come off in one big piece and that could be bad. The dingoes in back are getting rather used to me now when I’m cleaning the driveway slash parking area in back. It would be more fun if it were paved but it’s not. The alley isn’t paved either.

So I shoveled Friday, Saturday then on Monday and Tuesday and bit today . I think I did on Monday? I’m not sure. Anyway. I helped out my one side neighbors on all of the days and the other side neighbor on Saturday. The one’s I help more are an older couple the other side is a 20 something person who is capable of doing it himself. I help with the street mowing in the grass growing months.

The fort in the back still stands, I would like to have the driveway paved because I could get the pile so much bigger and it wouldn’t be all gravel infested. I had a paved driveway, which a friend asked me a very good question today… but it isn’t related to the snow.

I have a three to three and half foot wall of snow in the front of my house. Which is really cool. I don’t really have a big shovel either.

My son had a good time with his friends building the fort. Secretly I want more snow… which I guess isn’t a secret anymore. Sorry

Helpful hints on the snow

- park in the back of your house or at least in your driveway.
- shovel your side and help a neighbor
- if you can’t do and your neighbors aren’t helpful - pay a kid to do it - video games are expensive and if they are playing x-box the points cost money too. They need it.
- SLOW THE HELL DOWN on the roads there is snow on the roads they close the schools for a reason it’s because some of the roads are icy and if you go ripping ass down the road you’re going to wreck and you may wreck into someone else who is being all cool about the snow and you’re being a jerkified about it by driving like a moron.

Lastly, SUV’s don’t automatically make you the best driver in the snow. In fact the way most of the idiots in them tend to drive them you are a bigger threat now in that oversized, gas guzzling, piece of crap which I’m sure you have trouble driving on dry roads but you’re going to be fine in a foot or more of snow in bald ass tires. STAY HOME stupid.

Did I mention I love the snow, I just don’t like the greedy, stupid, and moronic people who can’t just enjoy it too. Slow down and smell the roses. Yes I know there are no roses this time of year especially in the snow but it means look around take in the wonder of things not smell flowers … well some times it means smelling flowers

In other news…

Dodgeball tomorrow… hopefully

Still looking for something or other.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have painted myself

Painted myself

White with purity and sanctity and vowed to live chaste

I became the acolyte

Painted myself

Red with wrath and war, killed for killing sake and drank deeply the venom of those days I became the sword of Mars

Painted myself

Brown with responsibility and loyalty and tried to be the good one

I became the failure in their eyes

Painted myself

Gold with love and happiness and carried the load

I became a smile

Painted myself

Blue with sadness and grief, held the corpse of a dear one in my arms

I become the wails and tears

Painted myself

Green with life and succor adopted the live and let live

I became the tree

Painted myself

All the colors trying clawing trying to find my place

I became the canvas

Painted myself

Painted myself for

Painted myself forgotten

Painted myself forgotten from the scenes an empty space on the sidewalk beside life.

Painted myself

No color at all

Painted myself outside the frame

2/3/2010 invisible don

Monday, February 8, 2010

Not redemption

One of my favorite writers is another blog writer, I found once and have followed on a fairly regular basis. I was writing on a regular basis once upon a time. My life was a bit more interesting then but not particularly. Not that my life is uninteresting now, it’s just … well yeah.

The other writer is an amazing writer at least to me I read the words and it inspires me to be a better writer… hopefully I’ll figure that one out one day.

However tonight is not the night things will get dramatically better. I have been preoccupied by a thought lately and my other favorite writer seems to be in the same place in a sense of things but not sharing the same physical space.

The preoccupying thought is more an evaluation than a thought a summary of things if you will, yet not being willing to say what the evaluation is, it lessens the seriousness of the idea, or lets your imagination if you care enough to imagine the gravity of the introspection.

Failing previously, mostly at trying to pinpoint my distain for the fraud. I don’t know that Jerry would care but then to I wonder perhaps he might. However, my significance to him is nil and his to me is not monumental but worthy of mention. Somewhere between disgust and loathing and indifference. The latter is the biggest thing, but it isn’t the same indifference I have about other things. Mainly the indifference is that it won’t matter because the fraud is so far beyond the real it is just a wasted effort to say you are a fraud. Why try to create this image that isn’t real, well I’m sure that those you’ve created it for are duly impressed but the façade you are presenting. Bravo. I suppose my question other than why, is this, do you really know who you are anymore, all the posturing, posing, being other than you I would think after 40 years of the work you would be tired of the show and lost any clue as to who you are.

Everyone pointed to Jerry saying he must have been mad and undone, the hatter in the present day, lost in open field, and other negative things. Perhaps he was the monster but if he knew he was the monster better to impose a prison of your own construction than society choosing one for you.

Isn’t that fraud you create your prison

In other news…

Only slightly less than insignificant my favorite super bowl ads were, in an order but not in order of preference

- VW punch game - VW
- kid slap - dorito
- betty white/abe vigoda - snickers
- milk-ah- wut - etrade

More snow? Maybe…..

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wanna firetruck?

Thinking and reading a bit this week about Jerry. I’m being all familiar without any reason to be familiar except that I want to be. Thoughts from the mundane to the bizarre.

Mainly though I’ve been wondering about the importance of things or the importance that we place on things which really have no importance beyond a particular sphere.

Then with that posture or posturing, building something up to appear one way or to make others perceive things a certain way… the spin… can you get the talking heads to voice your opinion and make it appear to be fact.

Too much of this goes on. My rant was birthed by one little but that little thing is like one cell in a major infection.

While I am a hold firmly that even the truth is relative as to which side of the story you stand. With that said there are agreements between people, groups, communities, etc.

Either you are in support of that agreement or you are not. And it really is that simple. I’ll use marriage as an example, mainly because religion and politics just make the customers all jumpy and agitated. Although marriage is tied to one of those… both of those…

Well there isn’t really an example I can readily come up with that won’t have someone jumping up and down and crying foul… firetruck it.

If you stand up together, in a church, in an office, beach, field, forest, or where ever. You have an agreement with the person you are standing with, and you owe it to yourself and to the other person to do your best to make that agreement work. Oh and no this is not about my own life. Not to just to cut and run when there is a little bit of trouble. No to lie to the person you are in the agreement.

This is not at all where I was driving…

The thing is there are fakes everywhere and I’m one, I try not to be one but I am at times. It just aggravates me to see this sort thing…I will call them out too when it gets to be to the point I just want to vomit about it. There have been more than a few times this has happened. Anyway be real, own who you are… I’m OFUC, mostly good, a smidge of evil and just regular evil not rule the world type evil, too trusting, a procrastinator, happy to be a dad, and all around good guy… yes huh.

Well this didn’t go where I thought it would but there you go. Should have written it when I was all hot about it, see above.

In other news…

The Volkswagen commercial with Stevie Wonder was the best to this point

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

She's a Senior

Short tonight

Tonight was my daughter’s Senior Night at her high school. This was scheduled for tomorrow but ended up getting moved to tonight. Stunt boy and I got her a some roses and candy in her school colors to give to her for the occassion.

I am very proud of her. It seems like only yesterday she was wearing her little white cowboy boots which she rarely took off to her first day of school.

I have that photo but she might actually freak out and blow up if I scanned it into the cyber world. I mean really just start shaking and explode in to a billion little bits.

In other news…

the b-ball team whooped on the away team

Next week is dodge ball, yea!

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fleur de lis or Tri-colour... rant, rant, rant...

School children and greedy corporate robbers and thieves pray for bad weather.
You can respect the school children for their want because while their hope may be selfish on the surface ask a question or two and they want to play with friends, be with family more, have fun. To drink from the cup of life and be full
The other group you can not respect at all. They are greedy self serving thieves and the only other people they think of in this are other greedy self serving swine like themselves.
Try to paint it with acceptable words like capitalism, trade and commerce and I say hogwash to all of that. They are just banners to hide behind to justify the raping of the masses for their own agenda. They are heinous in their crimes and need to be tarred and feathered and locked in the shackles in the center of town.
Don’t get me wrong here I support the idea of earning money, but doing it honestly ‘
The business of business now, especially with utilities, banking, government and big corporations is no more then legalized theft, rape, assault, strong armed robbery, they are violent offenses leading to a revolution.
The notes in your bills directing you where to seek assistance if you can’t pay your bill are paramount the phrase attributed to Marie Antoinette in the French Revolution “let them eat cake” concerning the bread shortages of the day while those in the palace feasted.
Well those in power are feasting, while those of us supporting them, with our blood (wars), sweat (workforce/labor) and tears (mortgage foreclosures)
The time for allowing shareholders to profit while the masses drown needs to end.
Our daughters and our sons and ourselves deserve fair treatment in the world of business but our local, state and federal government.
If you are a leader what are you doing to protect my job and not your own.

In other news…

YEA Dodge ball… boom, boom, pow tomorrow

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Whoooosh, incoming. my mind is splitting

Short tonight because my mind is distracted, Two of the seven have my mind occupied.

I’ll not know the answer to the one,
The other I will have the answer the I need to have because anything less is not acceptable.

Although I would rather focus in on the one I don’t have the answer

Ever have one of those things happen where you could not do what you wanted to do in that instant.

Well yes, lord I’m one the phone one time talking to someone important and all of a sudden … you see something you just completely want to see and you can’t break out of the importance of the one action but your mind is making a fast break to the exact opposite extreme

I’m self censoring

I need to find the words.

In other news…

I have pink socks… oh yeah dodge ball… boom, boom, pow

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, February 1, 2010

More or less complicated...tick,tock, tick

So the saying you would forget your head if it weren’t attached doesn’t make a lot of sense. I mean I suppose it means really horribly forgetful but even if you were say that forgetful that you might start to leave your head some place you wouldn’t be able to really leave without it because you couldn’t see to leave.

The saying you’ll be late to your own funeral makes much more sense. I know two people who this really applies.

The dodge ball count down is tick, tick, ticking away.

More complicated

Other stuff…

There is a space
Between she and me.

Looking across the table
Wondering as I see her there
What does she see in him

The shine in her eyes
Warm, deep autumn
It draws me in and holds me

Listening to her speak
Speaking of her life
I hear and see she is dying

Now wondering
Why doesn’t he see her

Can’t he see beyond the curve
of her face, her shape to look
And seed the who she is inside

Breathing in the air
Steeped in her perfume
A mix of acrid smoke
Spices and a crisp cool air
She intoxicates me

Dare I reach across the table
Slide my hand under her fingers
Sensory fires rushing along the pathways.
Paralyzed by confusion
I can not speak the language
Between she and me

Invisible Don

In other news…

I feel so behind the popular things by a week or so by a week or so I mean years. I am tragically un hip

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
