Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Random Stuff...

New things aren’t always good

With that said new things aren’t always bad.

Usually they are both good and bad… sometimes they are neither.

On to something new

I think I might be one of the few people who laughs in the wizard of oz when the scare crow says,

Some people go this way (pointing right with his left hand) Some people go that way (pointing left with his right hand) and some people go both ways (pointing left and right with the opposite hands again)

I laugh at that every time.

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

Well if Dorothy had been an Urbanite and not a Kansan she might have said I’m a sandwich eat me.

But she was a nice girl with a little dog and wasn’t about to suggest that Glinda pretend it was Halloween and come as Col. Angus

I laugh at the every time I see it too

In other news…

Hippy mowing complete

I have a skunk in my yard

Stunt boy is still at camp

The other one is MIA … maybe ? Status says beach trip… I try to talk to him on him birf- ee-day… what else can you do.

Well yeah, one might do that as well, but I don’t really have the finances for that and besides where does one obtain that sort of thing … I mean legally … See you don’t have game either

Oops almost burned the rice … but I didn’t

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's going tobe ... wait for it...

I’ve put off writing this because it’s sort of just like the thing I’m saying.

However I’m going to say it, write it, … you get the point, I think … I’m unclear at times.

I write mainly to get things out of my head, then secondly that hopefully someone else reads all of this and likes it. So with that in mind…

Why are artists such pretentious asses? I’m mean seriously you do something completely open to what the beholder sees not your grand vision.

It is my belief that the most moving art, poetry, photographs, et al is seen by so few and maybe only by the creator of the art and then it’s either destroyed, lost, or just never shown ever.

But people who call themselves artists … not all but many … just seem to have their noses so far in the air that they turn off the world which they wish to change.

Changing the world is no simple task. … yet if someone makes a critical remark about a pretentious artist work … they flurry insults to the person’s intelligence, humanity, ability to see what is being done…really?

It’s a soup can or it’s just a piece of jewelry in a jar of fluid, it’s dung dried and carved / shaped into something.

Take the latter, if you sculpt a bust of some holy figure and your medium is dung… is it the fault of the audience if they can’t see past the dung and appreciate the sculpture.

It may be the exquisite and detailed but it’s still dung … you can only change so much so fast.

And if the audience doesn’t see what you’ve done … are you speaking with clarity in the way you choose to speak. It may not do any good to yell and insult those who don’t see or even ridicule… mostly you’ll loose them and further convince them what they think … mostly that is the person yelling is an ass… and usually a pretentious ass at that.

I don’t consider myself much of anything, a person on a journey, and I see things. Maybe you see the things I see, maybe you don’t, perhaps you could. I write to get the things out of my head, to preserve things I think, so I can reflect back on them and grow in how I see and hear the world. You may not see, hear, or think the way I do or perhaps you do…if you don’t that’s ok

It’s ok if you do too… but I understand if you don’t want to share that bit of information. I’m a little off the beaten path but I’m not in the jungle.

In other news…

Stuntboy is a camp

Doodle is / was shopping

It’s the Other One’s birthday

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, July 19, 2010

So if you ran really fast...

It’s late or early I’m never sure which most of the time. It depends largely on what ever it is that is going on.

I’m not dead so I’m not late so I’m early, hopefully very early

As to the photograph I’m not early. I’m not sure I was ever on that road, so does that make me late? It’s a photograph I can’t show to you … no not because of that… well maybe… point is I’m not sharing… no, just deal with it … honestly if you could hear yourself.

As to the song I’m late the photograph has nothing to do with the song oh but if it did, now that would be something.

Early, late, on time, here now, then, later, when, soon, in a bit, after a while, today, tomorrow, yesterday, back then, someday, back in the day, not long, ago, in a sec, about an hour, tick tock, hurry, … and so many more

It’s all relative, which may in fact be a cop out, a give up, phoning it in(WTF I hate that saying…just saying)

However it really is all relative the thing is finding out to what it’s all relative. It’s more than one thing knowing what thing it is, is the rub.

Some things are relative to more than one thing but more relative to some than others.

Even if it is relative is it relevant or arbitrary… mainly it depends where you are to the assigned importance of a thing.

Essentially, it’s all rocks, banged, beaten, burned, bent, and other wise manipulated into a thing that was different than when it started but it is essentially still the same as when it started but it’s not the same. Then is the new thing better than what it was before?

Like the genetic soup in which we all start out… We are still that same goo but reformed is it better? Not sure exactly…

It’s all meaningless and unimportant yet seems to have the weight of mountains at times. It’s really both and neither and drives many to …

Tears, fists, drink, murder, joy, love, rage, happiness, … and all of that

Go to where it’s dark, I mean really dark, then look at the stars, look out in to the vast expanse

What impact does anything of all the everything going on here on this mud ball have to ever do with anything going on out there in the vast dark…
But would you trade it?

In other news…

Stunt boy is off to camp this week.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

At the side of King Mark

At the side of King Mark by invisible don

In a place unknown to others
I keep a thing

It isn’t a thing that can be touched
But is held

It isn’t a thing that can be seen
But shines

It isn’t a thing that can be heard
But echoes silently

It isn’t a thing that can be carried
But has weight

It isn’t a thing that can be measured
But spans any distance

Only for those who wish
Can it be found

Only for those who hope
Can it be heard

Only for those who trust
Can it light a path

Only for those willing
Can it be carried

Only for those who believe
Can the distance be crossed

It is a thing unchanged by
All the seasons
Can be found no matter the distance
Until the end of days

Locked forever there
Near the door
Just beyond their sight
in that first embrace

A simple thing given
Once in hushed tones
Crushed between kisses
Bathed in joyful tears


In other news…

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
