Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It only looks dark where I'm standing

Call me insensitive if you want, I don’t really care when figures in pop culture die. Now with that said I think it is sad when anyone dies but I am really amazed at the 180 degree turn in public opinion about Mr. Jackson. Two weeks ago he was a pedophile who got away with it. Now he is a musical genius and mourned by millions. So be it, I guess it does no good to speak ill of the dead. Unless of course the dead person is a really bad, like Hitler kind of bad, then it’s ok. Not to kick a dead horse but I think I’ll have to stop watching the news because they will be talking about this endlessly.

There are other things bothering me, well on my mind at least and unfortunately this is not the forum for discussing those things because of confidentiality. So grrr and stuff on that. Doing what I do for a living isn’t really polite dinner conversation. So anyway this or that happened at work today can you pass the pepper. Mainly people tell me all day I couldn’t do your job. It’s not personal, is the only thing I can say, you have to close off part of yourself to deal with it. The problem with that is finding a balance in keeping it distant but close enough to try to be helpful. That means sometimes standing in the mud and trying not to get it on your soul or taint your view of everyone. It’s dangerous because once you start looking at things from a particular point of view that is all you see.

Ever notice that when you or your partner is pregnant, pregnant people are everywhere. They are always every where but until you are in it you don’t see it. It’s the same with mud, once your covered in it that’s all you see. I don’t really mean mud.

Open your mind, problems can’t all be solved from a singular point of view and standing firmly on solid ground while trying to help is all you can do because if you reach too far over the edge you’ll fall into the abyss.

Sorry about the dark places in this but I am in the light from where I am standing it just may not seem like it from your angle.

So on a lighter note I am trying to find a way to draw and create more, perhaps I’ll get a camera again soon and be able to update some photos and things.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Now before I wake ...

My mind seems to work better when I need to be doing something else. Damn my mind because I want to be productive I just sometimes have to get the butterflies out of the line of sight. Perhaps that is just the pan in me not wanting to like the whole productive me. I’m not sure what the answer is to any of those questions people like to ask people in an all serious nature. I just say I want to be me. Who are you?, screams Mr. Daltrey as Mr. Townsend smashes out the notes.

I’m me you know me the invisible kid who lives next door. Well except that I’m not a kid I have them. I am me at every age still and that is the secret that I haven’t figured out how do I get all those me’s to be one person. Not sure on that one.

I woke up the other day from a dream, I don’t try to remember my dreams because they are usually unpleasant or at least I know what occurs is an echo of what once was and when I wake up it will be gone and I don’t want to relive the pain of all the loses again. This dream I know I was lying in bed smoking a cigarette. I woke up from that dream because I had thought I actually went and smoked a cigarette. I’m 46 weeks quit now and I had this dream that I was smoking and liked it. I can be around it and even drink now and not light up, I still have the urge to smoke but I haven’t and it remains a challenge nearly every day. Well enough for now.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

While Dora was singing in the background

Why is it that anything that benefits others directly and only benefits other secondarily is looked on negatively. Well let me rephrase that, why is it anything that benefits those in the lowest social segments of society directly and everyone else secondarily is looked at as a burden. Investing in real education of all people benefits everyone indirectly by having an entire society that is able to understand many things and if need be perform many tasks and not just a single one thing . Advancing the health care of all makes for a society which is more productive and a health care system which is not overburdened by providing services for people whose illnesses were preventable with basic care if it were available.

However, everyone says an economic policy like trickle down economics is wonderful. It is the same thing in concept, except that a very small group receives the direct benefit and that group is supposed to help others. The problem is that this idea didn’t work because those who got the direct benefit only helped themselves and walked away from the others.

The concept that political people seem to miss completely is that all governments and systems are not merely ideologies or written laws on paper, they are living things with living people and react positively or negatively depending on the changes to how those ideas and laws are applied. Every system of government is a collective and depends on the success of citizens and that all the citizens help one another achieve success.

Having a good idea and not having any idea on how to make it happen isn’t any less of a good idea but it remains an idea. Many great ideas need the help of everyone to succeed. It does not diminish the quality of the idea or result. Peace is an idea which requires everyone’s full effort to not only not harm others themselves but to stand up against any harm to any person. Solon stated the perfect society is one where every person in the society sees any wrong doing in the society no matter the victim as being against themselves. Every person takes equal offense to a failure and every person takes an equal part in correcting the problem.

If one person can not read, we all suffer for it, If one person dies of a preventable disease we all suffer for it
If one person isn’t working we all bare the burden. And we all gain from the successes of anyone

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, June 26, 2009

something or other

It is very difficult to transcend the bonds on how we view the world. How we define the world and those in it. While our nature may be one which is brutal and derisive we do have the ability to become more than just simply reacting to stimuli. We can see that beneficial action outweighs self serving action. We are interconnected to each other not just in this generation but to the generations past and those to come. These living generations have lost an understanding of that interconnectedness of humanity. Everything we do is tied to the past, the present and the future. The ripple of each action varies from the smallest to tidal waves.

Mostly we see ourselves as being afloat on the water or we see our selves at the shore and the water is either a blessing or a bane. Seeing that we are always being acted upon by the water around us. However we are the water as well and our actions either calm the water or create the havoc around us.

We evolve, our understanding evolves, however we don’t all evolve at the same rate and at times the old ways slows the evolution and tears at it unable to see that each path only takes us so far along on the journey and a new path begun in order to move forward. We need to see that we are as much the whole and as we are separate individuals not a one or the other.

Ok I’m getting out of the deep end now and I’m going to wade in the shallow end for a bit…. Transformers Rise of the fallen rocked… I would say better than the first one.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

a small repayment

Well I had several other thoughts today and started writing about other things. Michael Jackson dies, Farrah Fawcett dies and several thousand other people. We don’t know them. We really don’t know Mr. Jackson or Ms. Fawcett we just think that we do because or bits that have been flashed in to our lives.

Not to sound cold about it but everyone dies. I will at some point, you will at some point as well. Every single person who reads this will die. Will CNN or MSNBC cover your death or mine. Probably not. I won’t say they won’t because they may.

I’m not sure that the passing of actors and musicians warrant national coverage or even global other than to say they are gone, mourn their passing as you choose but this isn’t really earth shattering news.

I respect everyone’s right to mourn the passing of persons meaningful to them. I admire the practice of persons going back to the land. Just as a person felt they were no longer useful to the community they would wander into wild and then go to the flora and the fauna. That is a very polite way of saying things but either dying of exposure and rotting into the ground or having the animals kill and eat you and what they don’t eat rots into the ground. A small repayment to the planet for sustaining one’s life for the years

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I've found myself on a soapbox, I promise not to stay long

I was thinking today that in our society there isn’t anymore solidarity. Well unless you are in an extremist group. Then it’s all about solidarity because the extreme no matter what it is offends people so you have to united to stand the mass of tides that crash against you.

Solidarity though just as decent people, set aside politics, religion, ideological principles, and the litany of other things that divide us. We don’t stand together.

We look as the 50’s and before and think how backward these times were. Were they really all that backward. As we loose more and more of ourselves as people into the sea of the faceless technological wasteland, we drift further and further apart and then extremist get to take over.

Why because they are united. They have solidarity.

Why bother, because if you don’t bother you won’t have a say when the dictator knocks on your door and says dance the way I say or else.

No this isn’t about politics, religion or anything else. Just people being support of each other. Not grabbing for power, not grubbing for money, fame or some other meaningless thing in the big picture.

Solidarity with your fellow person for being alive, breathing and saying NO to the petty, greedy, power hungry, and others who only see themselves as the most important person in the world. You aren’t any more important than anyone else. You may have more things but that doesn’t mean you are better just someone else.

As the average person support what is right, don’t bow down just because it’s safe. Well guess what it’s not safer it’s just delays the end. Die alone or stand together.

I think it’s better to stand up and say, No your agenda is wrong., your way of thinking is wrong, your way of doing things is wrong , your petty power hungry ideas, actions and attitudes are wrong. You are wrong. It needs to be better and change.

One voice alone is only one voice and is easy stifle, united voices resound

Make the world better, make you work better, make you life better and not just your life be everyone’s

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Too tired to come up with anything original

1. Last beverage: Coffee
2. Last phone call: My son
3. Last text message: My son wishing me happy father’s day
4. Last song you listened to: not sure
5. Last time you cried: … not answering

6. Dated someone twice: Yes
7. Been cheated on: Yes
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: yes
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: yesh

12. Black
13. Black
14. Black

15. Made a new friend: yes
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Met someone who changed you: Not exactly
19. Found out who your true friends were: I’ve known that for a while
20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: yes … now with 500 plus people I dare you to figure it out
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: over 100
23. How many kids do you want?: I have 2
24. Do you have any pets: two cats
25. Do you want to change your name: yes
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Had take out with an ex-girlfriend
27. What time did you wake up today: which time ..... 8:30 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: something not worth while
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: not exactly sure
30. Last time you saw your Mother: Christmas Day 2008
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Harmony
32. What are you listening to right now : Movie
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: lack of money and one person
35. Most visited webpage: www.facebook.com
36. Whats your real name: Invisible Don
37. Nicknames: King of the Bastards
39. Zodiac sign: Dragon
40. Male or female?: Not sure
41. Primary School?: I went to 5 of them
42. Secondary School?: I went to 2 of them
43. High school/college: I went to 5 of them
44. Hair colour: Brown.
45. Long or short: longer
46. Height: tall enough to ride the rides at amusement parks
47. Do you have a crush on someone? Sort of
48: What do you like about yourself? I live
49. Piercings: yes
50. Tattoos: yes
51. Righty or lefty: right

52. First surgery: Left hand
53. First piercing: Ear
54. First best friend: Cleo
55. First sport you joined: Baseball
56. First vacation: that I remember some park with a giant mushroom house
58. First pair of trainers: nike

59. Eating: no
60. Drinking: no
61. I'm about to: go to bed
62. Listening to: move
63. Waiting on: the hammer to fall

64. Want kids? : new ones? No I love mine
65. Get Married?: if there is a person who is interested
66. Career?: looking

67. Lips or eyes: Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
69. Shorter or taller: just right
70. Older or Younger: Depends
71. Romantic or spontaneous: yes
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: eh
73. Sensitive or loud: not loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: too many trouble makers already

76. Kissed a stranger: yes I have
77. Drank hard liquor: yes I have
78. Lost glasses/contacts: yes I have
79. Sex on first date: yes I have
80. Broken someone's heart: yes I have
82. Been arrested: yes I have
83. Turned someone down: Yes I have
84. Cried when someone died: Yes I have
85. Fallen for a friend?: No

86. Yourself: Most of the time
87. Miracles: No
88. Love at first sight: No that is called LUST
89. Heaven: no.
90. Santa Claus: Yes
91. Kiss on the first date: yes
92. Angels: depends on what kind of angel

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: yes
95. Did you sing today?: Yes badly as always
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: No
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: 6
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: wouldn't
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Not the falling part it‘s the sudden stop at the end when your heart gets torn from your chest that I don‘t like .
100. Posting this as 100 truths? sure

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

No good deed goes unpunished

Today was one of those days where things just didn’t seem to click. Right from the beginning it was firing all wrong. I think the big kink started on Friday when karma tossed a wrench into the cogs of the plans.

I had this plan to be all uber productive and I was on a roll toward that goal then karma says no you won’t lets make thing stupid for you.

So it was productivity grinds to halt and my motivation died with it. I tried to revive it, but sadly it was dead.

I’m avoiding a rant but I’ll get to it eventually. I steered the production in a different direction and kept the day rolling until about 7:30 and then I was done.

I think tomorrow I’m taking the day off… well mostly…. ok I’m not but the thing is I would like to think I can take the day off.

I could too If I wanted too take the day off… but I’m finding truly that no good deed goes unpunished

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Paper Boats

All the wonder of the world is there in her glance
Looking up from her paperback novel over the wire rimed hexes
She smiles a knowing smile then looking back to her pages
Her hair slides gently across her face and she brushes it aside casually
Lost in the words of the novel all the while he remains lost in her story
And wonder why is it that he stands on the outside always looking in
The rain falls now and he walks away
And his footfalls are lost in the thunder

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

why can't some people looke outside their own ego

I've run into people like this before... you give them a little bit of power over other people and they get drunk with authority. They start saying things like there is a new sheriff in town and it’s my way or the highway.

Right now at least in idea answering the phones at a beauty salon makes more sense that working for this person any longer.

What an ego maniacal megalomaniac

There isn’t any discussion either even when confronted with facts.

I am physically ill to even be in the same space as this person. This is the creation of a hostile work environment... and I am sadly trapped in hell.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday, June, Earth, desk ... tired

I’m not sure when following the rules became a bad thing and when compromise became synonym for failure.

The rising lack of compromise can explain many of the social and economic problems we have today.

Compromise just for compromise sake is not a good thing but when the answer does not lay at the extremes it stands to reason that the answer is in the middle.
There are too many issues to elaborate on this in depth because it can be applied to so many areas of life.

Random thought for the day. Not too exciting today but I went to my job, correction jobs and now I’m back in my home. Life is good.

Side bar it’s starting to happen again - why, why, why … Carly sing it for me please…

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Let the giants be and take a bite.

I was leaving a friend a note on a social networking site about a trip Doodle and I took to France a few years ago. We had a good time and all but that isn’t the point. We have advanced so far that an 11 year old child and a woefully out of shape middle aged then smoker went to the summit of a mountain which could have only been reached in previous centuries by the daring and very skilled. We truly on the shoulders of giants.

Vistas, concepts, ideology and so on are all taken for granted by the generation today. Technology is killing man and the beauty and wonder of the world. It is a boon to our well being don’t get me wrong but where is the wonder in the everyday now. Soon we will be able to take cable cars to the top of Mount Everest and then sue when the thing freezes and you can’t make it to the summit.

As a whole we don’t even understand the simplest technologies our society is on the brink of dying off because we don’t respect the work and responsibility that went before this generation and that ones before.

Simplify your life you may find that letting go of some of those things that are supposed to make your life better opens wonders right around you and knowledge that is everywhere ripe like the summer fruit.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Time saver for work

Below is a handy time saver for work, feel free to copy and print to use for your cube, office, cage, other work space or enclosure. Time save appears between the two lines of *'s

To save everyone’s time I have developed this time saving sign


Please Read rather than entering Thank you.

- Good morning, afternoon, evening (which ever applies)
- Hi. Good, thanks. You ? Great talk to you later. (Smile)
- It is ________ weather we’re having (I agree with your assessment)
- Congratulations (Big Smile)
- I’m sorry (consoling look)
- I already ate
- Yes I own other colour clothing besides black. I like black it makes me happy ( I like that spelling better, deal with it)
- Have a great evening, weekend, holiday, vacation, day off (pick the one which applies to your current status)
- Great talking with you, hope we can talk again some time soon,Ciao
- Ciao – no that is my leaving salutation no others will be used, Ciao


If you have a question please see the answers below. Your answer is here. I assure you the answer to any and all of your questions is here. You decide which one or ones apply to your quandary. Then you won’t have to knock and you can get back to your own work and I can continue with mine.

-Yes, I am busy
-No, I do not have it
-No, I haven’t worked with them
-No, I don’t remember if I have worked with them
-No, I can’t do ( insert your request )
-No, I am a lot of fun to be around.
-No, It’s not you honest.
-No, I don’t have time to ( insert your request ).
-No, I am not allowed to comment
-No, really I'm not surprised.
-No, I don't have an opinion/or care (pick which applies)
-No, I haven't seen it
-No, I'm not authorized to sign that
-If you feel your answer is not here then I'm not able to help you please ask someone else and if you have already asked everyone else make something up that sounds right but I didn't tell you to do that because making stuff up is bad but bothering me right now might actually be worse. See you for drinks later, you're the best, Ciao.

Thank you, have a most excellent day and pleasant tomorrow

*****end time saver******************

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Start of the weekend

Went to work … grrrrrrrrrr and hate … not the job or aspects of the job but one person makes me physically ill to be around … I can not stand this person at all. I want to put a knife in my neck rather than see this person, talk to this person or associate in the slightest bit with this person. Argh and scream and stuff.

Enough of the work stuff

After work Stunt boy and I went to play mini golf and had a great time. He is getting a lot better at this. I got a hole in one on the last hole but we decided not to keep score to just have a good time. He is going to the beach with CPG’s family this week. He aunt is in from parts west of here and brought her two munchkins with her but not the husband. So I hope he has a good time and enjoys the sand and surf

My Saturday isn’t going to exciting at all.. In to work I go moments after posting this. Yay and joy even.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, June 12, 2009

The Cast - 6.0

As I have returned from being away and I’m promising to be more open and less cryptic I should post and updated cast page (Former versions still apply and depending on the version of the blog you view they may still be viewable in the back issues page)

For those of you who are new to the readership and for those of you who have been reading for awhile here is the updated whose who and what’s what that I refer to sometimes in my entries.

The Cast :
People and Places
C’est moi, me, myself and I, the one and only, the man the myth the legend in his own mind. AKA The King of the Bastards, Commander of the Invisible Army, the priest, Pope, Martha, Hey you, Machete, flea, goose, You’re not right, Deon, all around good guy and the main person in most of the entries.

Invisible Army –
The legions of the unseen, the minions of chaos, the reapers of havoc. Those who choose to serve at my behest and bidding. OK the IA is nothing to be feared they just occasionally play the silly games that I suggest each month which are by in like the harmless and not even pranks. However, the IA is not to be trifled with… yeah.

The invisible fortress
AKA the impenetrable domicile of doom – My digs, pad, place, dwelling, where I hang my hat, enclosed stuff keeper – my house. That’s right my house, this is my second house as evil person has the first one but that’s ok I like this one better.


Doodle – (one half of the dynamic duo)
Daughter and eldest child of invisible don and primary tormentor in the life of Stunt-boy. She is a Teen soon to be an 18 year and I can’t believe how quickly that time as been going: she is a smart kid, she is logical in most of her arguments which is more than I can say for most kids her age. I know there are things I don’t know about her and she is currently not speaking to me. She is living with the beta unit at the asylum.

Stunt-boy – (one half of the dynamic duo)
Son and youngest child of invisible don. He is a tween now younger than Doodle - all around fun kid and my PS2/3 buddy. Xbox master and Halo 3 killah… Nothing much bothers him at all and probably one of the politest kids in the world. Stunt-boy even says he is sorry when he upchucks - as if you need to say you are sorry when you are sick. You know you’re sick but he does.

The dynamic duo- Stunt boy and Doodle together

AKA: The yard cat, The late kitty No longer able to leap buildings or slay Aliens, not so smart kitty – she has gone to kitty heaven the dynamic duo and I miss her.

Mouse - Now the one of the pet cats of invisible don and the dynamic duo and former house romper pal of Rockhead.

Tony –The girl mouse a real mouse even… also in pet heaven we shall not discuss the demise of Toney

Seven – former DAS HUND, my dog, chaser of squirrels and barker of approaching cats, birds, and everything else but won’t bark at CPG when she walks into the yard. We’re working on that issue. We are not exactly sure what happened to her but she came up missing about a week after daisy I’m not sure what happened put up missing pet flyers which generated no response, even check the SPCA to no avail.

Daisy - former Siberian Husky of invisible don … rescued by Doodle and her posse of friend from an idiot who was going to shoot the dog. Someone stole her from the back yard while at work, I’m not sure what happened put up missing pet flyers which generated no response, even check the SPCA to no avail.

The Asylum – The home of the beta unit

The Parental Units - These are the biological life forms that are responsible for my being on the planet.

The Alpha unit - is the senior parental model. The model was recalled (ie he died) in July 2003. While we didn’t have the best relationship between parental unit and offspring he is missed and I’m glad that our last transactions together were free from static. I’m sorry that he is gone and still find it a bit odd that he is not around.

The Beta unit - has a new production date of the alpha unit model. Her primary functions seems to be seeing to her own needs and creating two other life forms which are my siblings, the function and purpose of the beta parental unit appears to be to systematically cause turmoil, strife, unpleasing feelings and also attempt to control everyone. However the beta unit has mellowed and things were getting better between us but her prime objective seems to have taken over all other functions and is now seeing to her own needs

The Asylum annex - The home of the Peacemaker

The Peace Maker – The second offspring of the parental units and self appointed diplomatic emissary to the parental units and the asylum. CPG’s brother from another mother. He still continues to have contact with CPG. He is the peace maker because he always tries to keep the peace with everyone but isn’t very good at keeping the peace and always takes the opposite opinion of the person he is trying to get to make peace with someone else. Famous Quote from the peace maker “I don’t care what the truth is, just except that you are wrong” He also gave me the name King of the Bastards.

M-squared –
former spouse of the peacemaker and former relay agent to CPG.- the last time she was seen was at the funeral of the alpha unit.

Rancho de Sade Home of the The Other one

The Other one –
The third offspring of the parental units. Generally a neutral observer in the on goings in our dysFUNctional family. The other one has found refuge at Rancho de Sade and in a life far away from the Asylum. The other one is from anyone back around the asylum who knows the three of us, my brothers and I, would always assume that any story I told about a brother was about the peacemaker. So I would say no the other one. Famous Quote of the other one “Dude my trip buddy left me can I sit here in your room” He has left those days behind him now.

Dice – Spouse of the otherone – she is cool, and has made the other one really happy about his life and put him in a good direction and now expecting the second child of the other one.

Mini-monster – the otherone and dice’s kid

Mini one - the other one and dice’s other kid

Dog – the former pet cat of Invisible Don - AKA psycho-kitty -- all around good guy cat and former morning shower inspector -- he would say yeah it's wet and then leave rather quickly. He now lives with CPG.

FRIENDS - people I know

Jonzo - worked with him once upon a time.
One blue Green - worked with her once upon a time
Buddha - she was married to Jonzo once upon a time
Former Smoking Buddy - worked with her once upon a time and now we listen to records from time to time at Pops
Brand A - Happy Hour Crew
H K - Happy Hour Crew
Jare - AKA Head Nod - Brand A’s man
Braff - Happy Hour Crew
The Hat - Happy Hour Crew - with Budda now
New York - didn’t work out - oddly it would have been fun to skate with her the rink below Top of the Rock
Steven the girl - used to talk some times say hi via e-mail now and then
Lacy - see her about once a year now
Alexis - once upon a time friend who still calls now and then but can’t any longer I keep secrets like no other person and if you ask I won’t tell you.
Rachel - first real pain
Hippy Chick - most recent heartbreak

More to come I’m sure but if you ask CPS I don’t have any friends

OTHERS who may be CREW
– Assorted miscreants that I hang out with or them with me. Work with or know by some random encounter … the names are changed to protect the guilty or the innocent however you would like to look at that glass. … these people include, The girl wonder, goofy guy, Skier gods/goddesses, buddies, military pals, the ACC, and Frat boys - No, the ACC does not refer to the college ACC – this would be Assorted Childhood Chums – the Real VI (village idiot) VI’s brother, Tweety, Lizard, skip, T, E-Z, etc.

Sir Arthur Guinness – His Holy of Holy and first maker of the very best in liquid refreshment GUINNESS STOUT

DIARYLAND PEOPLE I’VE MET - not that this matters much
Soverycherry She is really cool, and hung out with Jonzo and I at the CI once upon a time – I see her occasionally like once in a blue moon while I’m out – cool chic sums it up about her and now soon to be mom
lilsnowpixie She sat for the dynamic duo the summer before last – very nice person
Steve the girl
Chubbychic She did the lay out for me I didn’t even have to ask she is the coolest person
Courtneymay AKA Chronic, former smoking pal, used to work here in the building but she moved away. Hopefully we’ll keep in touch and maybe go to some ACC football games with Jonzo in the Fall. Who’s House?
Nicole Price Texas- flew here good person to talk to about things
Firstthought Cool chic
IfIknew HDBLT – cool friend of Firstthought I met in NYC – saved her from many beers at McSoreley’s Ale House
amalthea23 almost met her while I was in NYC a while back but she was majorly ill so that didn’t happened but we talked on the phone

I’ll update this if I’ve forgotten anyone


The Sit Tay - number one work place of invisible don but mainly I can’t talk about my work because it’s classified.

The Museum – former number one work place of Invisible Don

The College – number two work place of Invisible Don – yeah I actually have a Master of Science degree – scary huh

Roanoke – The star city of the south, the big lick, the ‘Noke, The city in which I currently live. Hey I didn’t give the place all those names I’m just a transplant I moved here against my will and now I’m trapped here. Send help PUH-leeze.


The Golfing and Fishing Buddies – assorted mix of former friends of Invisible Don -- kinda like the planters assorted mix -- you'll get it in a minute -- there you go – They don’t hang out with invisible don anymore not really a bad thing but we still see each other in public places catch up with awkward hey how are you doing conversation and then won’t see one another for several months.

Pro baseball player – was a very good friend of Invisible Don - however his wife is a very good friend of CPG so PBBplayer and I don’t hang out at all anymore. He wussed out and didn’t stand up for being my friend – oh well

Mouth Breather – gives me mean looks when he sees me - not sure why I didn’t tell CPG to dump him


CPG - Former spouse of invisible don. The Ex. . No the letters CPG aren’t her initials. I could give her a really mean and hateful name but she knows what she is I don’t need to label her. I could also say something really nasty, mean and ugly and all that but what good would that do really. Nope not getting any tattoos that say rot in pieces either.

Insane former brother in law (IFBIL)- The eldest sibling of CPG and is clinically diagnosed – refuses to take his medications because the doctors are trying to kill him with poisons. Used to Live in the apartment building next door to me but I moved. Happy Happy Joy Joy

DARia – Spy that visits the page she has an undisclosed relationship to CPG.

Stalkers – Extremely absent now but were several of CPG’s former boy toys have felt the need to follow me around from place to place. Look boys I’m not hanging out with her if she isn’t sleeping with you she sure as hell isn’t sleeping with me check the local meat market bars- you know the ones: Cornbeef and Company, Awful Arthur at Towers, and a few others. I’m sure you’ll find her there if she hasn’t already got her another catch and release from the penis stream.

Current Supervisor - all I will say is that this person is Evil and being any where near this person makes me physically ill.

More to come I’m sure…

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Still as clear as mud

I’ve noticed that when ever you write or comment to a friend that you are or have been soul searching or have been reflective about things that immediately the reaction is self pity isn’t helpful or why are you wasting your time dwelling on things.

Why can’t you look back without it being a bad thing … even nostalgia has gotten a bad rap as living in the past or clinging to things or conditions that don’t exist any longer.

In my life I have made a lot of choices and a lot of mistakes, I’ve learned from most of them and some I’m still learning. The thing is I know I’m not perfect and I don’t blame anyone for my choices those are mine.

Other people make choices as well and those choices do affect others. I can emote how I feel about the choices of others and be me without it being a negative. How I feel may not be how you want me to feel, but it is my feeling about a situation or condition.

If you eat a shrimp and you break out in hives is it anyone’s fault? Nope. If you know you have this reaction to eating shrimp and you eat them again, where does the fault lie now? What about a third or forth or fifth time? Definitely not the shrimp.

Life and relationships are like that as well. If someone is cruel to you every time you are with them speak to them or are around them, continuing to participate in that relationship is not healthy and it is not wise.

I think most people would agree that if someone is critical of everything you do and fails to recognize any positive in your life you aren’t going to hang around that person much at all. Is this holding a grudge? Or is this really a healthy response to a negative situation.

It is the proverbial line in the sand. Cross this and you have gone too far. That does not make me or anyone else a prude or unpleasant or difficult. Standing up for you own self isn’t always bad. I can’t make a blanket statement that says all things are beneficial because I’m sure there are situations or condition where it is negative.

You can decide that just because you no longer want to suffer by continuing a relation and not hate that person.

I am wrestling with my own issues here and trying to see both sides of the same coin. One where I am one side with people and then another where I am on the other side with a different person.

The perspective is eye opening but I know in the first there is no doubt in anyone’s mind why the situation is the way it is. The other however is not and I am convinced that other people are interfering where they have no business interfering they really have no legitimate reason to say one thing, but they do and continue to interfere and meddle. I’m left to believe that this is petty, selfish and another in a long line of things to make life difficult for me in any way possible. Enjoy your pettiness.

While none of this makes any sense at all in a real sense to anyone reading it has been a good release for me. If you continue to read things may become very much clearer and you may decide that you don’t really like me. It is your choice as always and if your choice is to not like me and read by all means come enjoy the rants, misspellings, grammatical errors, thoughts, reviews ponderings. You can even leave messages positive or negative. I promise that whether you hate me, like me, love me or just amused or baffled by me, I am me. I’m just trying to make sense of the time I have and the things I do and that are done with, to and around me.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

I live here I know what the street looks like

I am perplexed as of late. I look at my life and for the most part I do not have any regrets about the choices I have made and would probably make them all again. I made choices because at that time in my life it was what I wanted and justified all of it.

The things that perplex me are the thing in my life which effect me but I was not part of the choice. It is frustrating because it effects that choices that I can make from that point on.

I wonder too why people think the things that they do about me. I hear them and I try to understand why… what have I done to deserve this or that label.

Some I understand I really do others I don’t

I am imperfect but I am me

I wonder why does it matter that I have long hair and tattoos does that some how make me less of a person that the person who doesn’t

Because I feel that it’s important to be honest even if the truth is not what the other person wants or even needs to hear.

Does it make me strange or weird that I like different things than most people?

I think it just makes me, me and not you

I don’t like that no matter where you are, basically it’s all the same. We live in the homogenized plastic world where everyone is starting to think look talk and act the same. We insist to do any work you have to be pidgin holed into some mold and nothing else is acceptable. That may be true with heart surgery but does it really matter with problem solving? Helping in a non-clinical setting.

The constant insisting and limiting and molding everything to be the same we slow die

And to quote Hancock .. “you all do you and I’ll do me… K”

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Redemption Song

Redemption Song

It’s sort of odd that those who love, folk, peace, reggae, hippy etc type music think say they hear the message in the music. Odder still that some of the people who write this type of music are worse than the fans. Delivering messages of peace love and happiness in the words the sing loud or under their breath. Songs they often know by heart to sing along anytime they are played.

Yet if you haven’t already heard of the band or the song the fans will tell you - well you won’t understand. Or if you don’t practice some lifestyle choice you can’t understand. If you have a job making over 50k you can’t hear the music

Really, or if you don’t think that 3 hour folkie renditions of a 5 minute song are worth tromping out into the forest to listen to well you are just too corporate to understand the message.

Can’t peace, love and happiness be understood by everyone? You just have to put aside your own prejudices and you all have them. You just have to listen to your words of hate when you are frustrated to see that if you or any of us really understood those songs you, we could perhaps see all the foot paths to peace and not just the one you or me or we happen to be standing.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
