Sunday, September 22, 2002

Sunday Press Conference

OK it’s Sunday morning

Saturday night was distinctly different from Friday night

The kids are back here - which I like

Doodle had two of her friends spent the night last night

So I have four kids here this a.m.

Stunt boy had to get a cootie shot (circle, circle, dot, dot…)


Sunday morning Press Conference

Location: Mi casa no su casa

Time: Noon- why because morning press conferences suck that’s why

Invisible don: Good morning I would like to say I am fully aware I am wearing my slippers so lets not have any comments about how much you like the fuzzy bunnies with the floppy ears - I know you do I like them too. Coffee and cigarettes are available on the side tables so fell free to help your self to either and smoke if you want - oh and the left side is the smoking section so if you need to move

Several people light up

Reporter 1: So you signed up for a review?

Invisible don: Yes actually I have signed up for several, but only one has ever gotten around to reviewing me- maybe there is something I’m not getting - I can be a little slow to catch on to a point

Reporter 1: Why seek out random validation from a stranger invisible don?

Invisible don: That is a very good question - too bad I really don’t have a very good answer - You know it was one of those parties where everyone has too much to drink and it really seemed like a good idea at the time - then the cops show up. Yes you in the back with the glasses

Reporter 2: Do you think that reviews aid diary writers?

Invisible don: Well possibly - but then again I think that diaries are expressions of individuality and if everyone conforms to some standard then there would be no need to read other diaries - but it’s all about having fun

Reporter 2: Why keep a diary?

Invisible don: I do this mainly for me - yes that may be a bit self centered but it also serves as a mind dump for me. The young lady in the front

Reporter 3: Was your review good?

Invisible don: No it sucked (sips coffee, drags off cigarette) but you know that’s all right you ask for a slap in the face you are most likely going to get one (blows smoke from last drag)

Reporter 3: Do you think reviewers really get a sense of the person behind the diary from a random sample?

Invisible don: Excellent question - well I have to give credit to someone else for this next statement chickenpie and I where talking once and she said we only really put the stuff in our diaries that we really want people to know about us or that we feel comfortable putting out there

Reporter 3 Can you give an example of something you leave out of your diary?

Invisible don: Sure my kids names - there isn’t really any reason for anyone to know them personally. Yes you in the toxic waste t-shirt

Toxic waste: Oh I’m just here for the coffee and smokes

Invisible don: All right party crashers - yes you in front

Reporter 1: Would you sign up for another review?

Invisible don: Oh yeah, I mean just because one 14 year old diary reviewer doesn’t like me doesn’t mean that she didn’t make some valid points but its all about fun on here (diaryland). This is a release for me I like playing in the neighborhood

Reporter 3: So you do you plan on taking the review link down?

Invisible don: No I mean if you can’t accept that maybe someone isn’t pleased with what you write or how you do it then maybe you shouldn’t play - Yes you there in the front with the laptop

Reporter 4: Do you think it’s a journaling sin to talk to your audience?

Invisible don: Well I suppose that most writing intellects would say yes - but I also think that every writer has an audience in mind when they write, to deny that is I think a bigger sin but I’m not a writer I think my lack of punctuation and grammar make that point rather well but back to the audience thing - this being a public diary I know and even want people to read what I write - even if they don’t like what I have to say - I’m an attention whore

Reporter 4: Are you always going to talk to your audience?

Invisible don: Yes why wouldn’t I, I’m an attention whore, I know they are there and I would just like to say Hi to all those who are reading today

Reporter 4: Ha Ha … Seriously - why talk to your audience?

Invisible don: Because they are there I talk to my self - I’ve even had a conversation or too with dog What part of I’m an attention whore are you having trouble with

Reporter 5: who is dog?

Invisible don: Dog doesn’t live here anymore - You there in the sundress

Reporter 6: (blows smoke from last draw on the cigarette) Your diary seems to be a bit random and jumps all over the place

Invisible don: Hey I’m not a writer - I don’t know if I want to be or not - like I said this is mainly for me to dump stuff from my head in to cyberspace - I never said my mind was neat and tidy

Reporter 6: Would you like to go out?

Invisible don: Excuse me… oh… I know you… you are that chick from my dreams yeah jump in my head later tonight we will do something

Reporter 6: OK (vanishes)

Invisible don: Yes you there on the right side in the tie

Reporter 7: Are you going to make changes to your diary?

Invisible don: Yes I think that diaries change right along with the writer - I know several of the diaries I read are constantly evolving - it keeps things fresh - You there in the smoking section

Reporter 8: What about cursing do you think it is appropriate?

Invisible don: Phuck yes - I mean just to be cursing to curse is rather coarse but these are words too and they do convey a point or feeling - I mean it’s all in how you curse some curse words are very versatile - Yes you there in the jams and t-shirt or are you with toxic waste?

Jams and t-shirt: Oh I’m with toxic waste but you said like cursing is OK with you why don’t you do it more

Invisible don: Because it isn’t always the best way to say something other times it is- Mostly though there are a plethora of other words to use rather than slang and curses - You there in the I love Invisible don t-shirt

Reporter 9: Don’t you think this is getting rather pointless and contrived

Invisible don: Yes I do well that seems to be everything - thanks for coming out this morning. T-shirts are available at the door along with the CD and posters enjoy the coffee and smokes stay as long as you like


Listening to: Z101- something

Wearing: shorts and a Marshall T-shirt

Drinking: coffee

Eating: Nothing

I have been crushed at crush

Give me clix

Give me notes

Give me g-book

Take my First Survey

Take my Second Survey

Take my Third Survey I was drunk when I wrote this one so … well you know

Take my quiz

Write me: Don, PO Box 4425, Roanoke, VA 24015

IM me: invisibledon on MSN, invisible980 on AIM


Cold steel slides beneath my skin

Pain is a warm blanket

Flowing out encircling me

Small pools at first

Clanging metal falling to the floor

Fear is a comfort to me

Draining from me

Larger pools shining in the dim light

Silent blade staring back at me

Unsheathed and still

Floating now in crimson

Stillness will be mine soon