Sunday, June 20, 2010

A bumble bee bump into me...

The thing is there are things that we like and things that we don’t like for no real good reason at all. The scary bit is that we may not even realize how we got to not liking and liking things. Without getting all brainwash theory it is pretty simple to be the evil genius in that but mainly it is just social exposure… so mass brain washing.

Then there are things you find that you’ve never been exposed to but you just can’t seem to get enough of like every cell in your body goes you know that is the stuff … it’s the stuffy stuff… it is the good stuff for bettering … yeah I just stole that from Snapple thanks guys… what it’s in the public domain and I give them credit so nah… it’s funny.

But if you don’t find it funny … why… and that is the point of all of this why do we like the stuff we like. And not like the stuff we don’t like.

Like little bitter green cabbages … bleck and double bleck and gag…

Then what makes a thing a really big like… you know a like, like … the sort of things that makes you run into walls.

Then there are the bigger likes than the like likes … then beyond that we define it as love.

And we all know we will do things completely out of character for things that we love. Things we know are inappropriate and you’ll see yourself doing these things or saying things and think that is so not like me … but… I like the way it makes all the things in me go buzz

Then when that gets turned off… we are like love junkies … how do I get that back … no seriously how do I get it back… that’s when the really stupid stuff starts.

I mean really stupid stuff like breaking the law stupid … beyond out of character … it is really insanity and addiction … and it’s easy to talk yourself into doing these things because it’s for good not evil.

No, don’t worry I haven’t done anything stupid and not likely too because I’m invisible and I gots the OFUC thing going.

In other news…

…and the apples … one of them next… (thank you Cap’t Barbosa via POTC)

enjoying my guilty music dum di da di da… will you give me soda pop for free…

Oh and if you know those lyrics without googling it you have a guilty thing too.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

shouldah, wouldah, couldah... I've been around a few...

Have you ever had something that you wanted to tell someone so badly that it hurt a bit to keep it inside. Not real physical pain but the growing emotional stuff that fills like a balloon inflating inside your soul.

Bigger and bigger it grows … not that you filth mongers … geesh

The feeling you wanna and I mean wanna and not want to because to wanna is more than want to.

It builds in you like a freight train building speed. There is a lot of tonnage to pull but once it starts moving there isn’t stopping once it gets up to traveling speed.

However, you have to pull the emergency break sometimes rather than let the thing get up to speed. Not for fear of what will come but that letting the speed get up too fast you’ll derail when the tracks make a sharp turn and the turn is there.

You know it’s there and the hazards aren’t just that the track is tricky but avalanche a bridge may be out, fog, heavy traffic crossings and narrow passes that if the load shift you’ll be stuck, steep grades and plummets.

So bad, it is so bad, it’s a bad, bad thing put it out of your head you scream to yourself but then the devil on your shoulder says…

You know you wanna, because it will be so good, oh so, so, so good… like that time … (whisper, whisper) in the stair well … (whisper, whisper)… and she said… (whisper, whisper)… then you…

Shake your head to get the thoughts out of your mind but it doesn’t do any good it’s in there and all you can do is try to ignore the pulling on your arm,

The warm breath on your neck,

The caress of the hands that seem to be in ten places,

The teeth lightly sinking into your neck and the wet lips brushing across your skin, and the smell of perfume wafting up…

No, no, no, …

The balloon is getting bigger,

Can you sit perfectly still and not let her see it in your eyes as you talk to her that you would …

If you could

Unspeakable things

Trying desperately to keep your gaze fixed on her eyes and not reveal…

Don’t let her know…

Look but don’t touch…

Think but never tell…

I’ll surely die if I keep this inside much longer

…keep it together …
Even the flaws are intoxicating …

I know why there are cold showers now.

In other news…

Shoulda learned to play guitar.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

YAY!!! Doodle is a graduate

So doodle is officially done with all her high school education. It’s very hard to believe all that time has gone by. It really doesn’t seem all that long ago that she was going off to her first day of school as a brand new big sister.

The last weekend was getting ready for the day and celebrating the occasion afterward

I really liked her graduation because it was really all about the graduating class, well mostly about the graduating class. The teachers who were retiring were recognized with the class which I think is appropriate to say as you leave school on your journey of life in to the working world at the beginning these people who have been your guides are at the end of their working journey. I think it was long enough to recognize everyone and yet not so long as to be hard to sit through.

Later was the celebration with both side of the family … that went very well. Got to sit and talk with the boy friend too. I’m not sure that because he an athlete most people only talked to him about sports. I’m sure he is fine with talking about a lot of other things. He was polite and probably is a lot of the time. Doodle and her friends are at the beach right now for a “right of passage” called beach week. She is 18 so it’s her choice to go or not go. I am very proud of my daughter and when I thought about this day when she started school all those years ago nothing compares to how it unfolded. I am more proud than I imagined, as I’m sure every parent is of their son or daughter when they reach this landmark in their lives.

In other news…

I would that I could but

I am Cyrano

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Don't point your finger at me and laugh... no...

Just to clarify I am not a Twi-hard, pronounce Tah WHY -Hard as in fanatical about Twilight books and movies and gizmos you know as in die hard fan geez it really looses it in the translation

So I’m not …honest … well alright maybe a little bit. Last night I finished the 5th book published 6th intended story I suppose. Although I think that this was more a need to make the 3rd movie flow better. The 5th intended but not published is book one retold from Edwards point of view. That is on-line and I haven’t read those chapters but probably should at some point as this info will make it in to a movie at some point.

As books go, they are easy to read and flow well I like them the characters while underdeveloped are likeable or hate-able depending on if you should like them or not or even like not like them.

In this latest book the one thing that Ms. Stephanie explained, that I’d not heard or read before, is that the 4 books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn are all only what the character Bella sees and experiences, is exposed to, and nothing else. All this stuff goes on but she don’t know it so you don’t read it.

As a reader you only learn what Bella doesn’t know if she talks or interacts with someone who does know. Yup you are in the eyes of a single character always in all four books. I read it and I suppose realize this but didn’t make it a thought in my head . Yeah I’m dim sometimes.

Anyway the new book The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is only from her, Bree’s perspective and it has an interesting style that is relatable to the Ms. Stephanie Twist on Vampire kind as you read it you may figure it out. If you’ve read the other books you know Bree’s fate and the title suggests this as well. I won’t spoil it for those of you who aren’t going to read but wait for the movie in three weeks or just don‘t care at all. Yes I know this information in my head. I am not a Twi-hard… I’m not.

Although being a vampire would be freakin’ awesome always thought that so there. Long before bella and them made a kinder gentler vampire .. These too were not the first to go off human blood either.

Vampires are cool, cooler than werewolves so if you are all team Jacob bite it wolfies go have some kibble and lick your own junk in a corner werewolves are second class monsters to vampires end of story …no … talk to the hand .. There is no argument you can make that makes werewolves cooler than vampires. Well ok Teen wolf was ok … but not teen wolf too. No ixnay on the eentay olfway ootay

So back to the whole my not being a Twi-hard … I’m not … I bought the books read the books and gave them to my daughter who is probably a Twi-hard and yes she will be getting this copy too. Hey she even photo shopped her eyes in a photo too look like a Cullen Vampire … yeah I kinda want to do that too.

In other news…

Doodle graduates in three days OMG!

hot water heater problems = money problems = stress = no fun for don = no fun for don. It ends there I generally try not to bite peoples heads off when I’m having a bad day but if I were a vampire I might… I’m not a Twi hard

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Oo...Oo...Oo... tell me what you... Oo... Oo... Oo... yeah, yeah, yeah...

Funny, how things sort of fall off the priority list be it something real or just something you thought was cool once upon a time.

Like American Idol … ah who am I kidding I watched that crap because the girl I was dating at the time was into it. I got into it while I was watching but I wasn’t really upset if it was missed you know.

No this isn’t going to be a rant about exes. I talk to most of my exes, well all but one. And well she wishes I was dead but like they say if wishes was candy and nuts oh what a Christmas it would be.

But we do fall out of doing things that when we started seemed to be really uber important

There are hundreds of these things probably lying around your abode just waiting to be rediscovered.

Like that time you thought you would take up that… (musical instrument of yours) and you were all serious about it for oh about a minute and a half in the scheme of things ok you can play mary had a little lamb and you are going to be back to it at some point.

Ok me too … no seriously … I am serious… WTF dude (dudette) why you gotta be haters?

More later

In other news…

One week until the doodle is a HS Grad …YAY for Doodle oh if you aren’t a long time reader it is short for doodle bug

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

In between the seconds ...

So a few weeks back or something like that I was reading one of my favorite writers. The topic of what I was reading was the longing for a kiss. Not just any old kiss but a perfect kiss. I’ve never met this writer but I have e-talked with her once upon a time and she is from near this area but now lives far away. We talked for a bit but like most e-friends things are just that e-friends. Some time later she posted a photo herself. I thought to myself how unfortunate that our lives will only cross as words on a page. Since then I’ve read her words and lived in the parts of her world that she shares, as much as you can live in someone else’s world through their words. She is truly my favorite writer, I loose myself in her words and feel the frustration, anger, love, joy, and other emotions threaded in those words.

Her words about searching for the perfect kiss, were unique to her so I won’t share them but as I read I wanted to have the opportunity to kiss her and hoped that I would measure up to the expectations of a perfect kiss.

To kiss someone and to know in that moment, the world has stopped and the only heartbeats that matter at all are these two, connected in that second. The earth seems to slide forward under your feet, because you are in a moment that has stopped, you are on a different time line and the rest of the world moves on without you for a second. You can feel your heart stop a bit in that second and as the other persons lips pressed gently against your own, their breath, is your breath and your auras meld to form a new single flash in the cosmos. This imprints on your psyche, you’ll remember these times and you just have to close your eyes and you are back to that one second in time. Locked in an embrace that leaves you breathless, and tortured forever forward trying to make that moment last an eternity. A high that saps your will to be anywhere else except in that moment in the arms of the other feeling them pulled in tight to you and their lips competing to close the infinitely smaller and smaller space between the two points and to actually become one. The feelings in that moment beginning in the lips take over your entire body and causes an earth shattering tremble in your soul

In the instant of a kiss you know if you want to kiss that person again or if there isn’t a chemical spark at all

It’s been a while since I’ve kissed anyone and a part of me is sad to say that the writer has since kissed someone and felt that it was pretty close to a perfect kiss. Maybe not the best one but one that knocked her a bit in the knees. Part of me too is happy that she did get that kiss, to be pulled into that spot where time stops and you loose your breath and your heart stops for a second and the world slides ahead of you for an instant and you are the only two people on earth.

Everyone has a person they would like to kiss and see if that magic springs forth because it all leads up to that first kiss and then it either moves forward from there or it dies.

Funny how we see those times when there is no spark in that first kiss as times in our lives we are better off not going down those roads. The ones we regret are when the magic is somehow shadowed after that point.

I’m remembering the pillars as I write this and know that it’s a possibility that the imprinted seconds of time are all there is, like the one just there inside my front door, the smell of denim and crisp cotton or the smell of the ocean in the mountains, or being pinned against the wall wanting to open my eyes to see if there were a dozen hands holding me but knowing that looking breaks the spell, answering the phone in the middle of the night to hear a voice long distant in time and space and be back to a split second, to wake in the night and to breathe the jasmine clinging in the air. There is a possibility that is all there is and there is a possibility that… time will stand still again, and my heart will stop for that instant and the tremble in the earth is just a shuttering deep in that locked away place

In other news…

The new one comes out Saturday… if you don’t know you don’t wanna know

Thinking about a letter and wondering about what will come

The lines shade for some and blur for others while in other places they become walls

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

There aren't words enough

There is so much information out there right now on the oil eco - calamity. While BP is the company of this conglomerate of billion dollar entities that screwed the pooch. All of these companies have tossed the dice and are taking the gods of their bank accounts that they are not the ones the world wants to flay.

Hopefully this will open the eyes of the corporate world that taking calculated risks when the impact of a failure is so enormous should not be done until an extremely safe way to do something is found.

All the oil companies need to be doing something be proactive in cleaning up things here.

However, what are you doing as a person to make sure that these things don’t happen. Seriously. Do not just sit by and say oh hey it’s not my problem. It is your problem, it is my problem, it is every person in this nation and every other that just accept the raping of the planet in the name of the dollar, Euro, Yen, name the currency it is all part of the problem.

It just sickens me that we can’t even imagine the impact this is going to have for years.

In other news…

I threw a brick trough a theoretical plate glass window … oops

Still votes needed in the past did I bust my arse or not.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend update on a Tuesday...

Weekend update on a Tuesday…

Not that there have been any weekday updates in a while but I am hoping to fix that because it’s broke.

Things have taken a decidedly different direction in things which makes things feel better yet not. I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense but it does if you know, what it is I’m talking about as you probably don’t none of that makes a bit of sense. But trust me it does.

This was the mega graduation party weekend … not that the party was all that mega but it was for 5 graduates and family so it was mega in it’s honorees. One of the honorees is my daughter, Doodle as the regular readership knows her and those who know her know her. I choose not to use the names because that is the style in which I write and once I’m done posting on the social networking site I’ll still be posting on the other places, or at least as long as they are options. This is not about that.

So the mega party was a lot of fun

Doodle was picking on her one cousin we’ll call him the Tiny because he isn’t tiny. Doodle decides that it will be funny to swipe some icing and smear it on his face. Tiny is about six foot four and probably 250 maybe a bit more… Doodle is a full foot shorter and 140 pounds lighter. She hits him in the face with the icing. Now he looks around and sees that her uncle, the Other One, my brother, is miming push her face in the cake.

Well you can imagine that when a 5 foot not much more than nothing just over a buck cheerleader is having her face pushed toward a cake by a 6 foot plus nearly 300 pound football lineman the outcome is going to be that the cheerleader is eating more cake than she wants.

So Doodle resisted the hand pushing her toward the cake in maybe about a fourth of the strength that Tiny could muster. Doodle gets out Oh no Please don’t. Half power and …


Her face slid in slow-motion into the cake.

For Doodle’s refrain from being slashes across the internet sake there are probably a few stills of the aftermath but none of the actual sinking into the cake.

She took it very well and laughed it off in good fashion.

That was the big excitement of the party, but it was a good time seeing many of the family again for a celebration of life and achievement.

The next day we did some hiking the next day on the ski mountain. In which I nearly busted my ass … well I’ll let you decide if I busted my ass or not

We, Doodle, Wildcat (because she Kentucky fan) and I, were walking down trail with an extremely steep grade (gradient) I’m not sure what the gradient fall is but it is a double black diamond in winter. It’s steeper than any of us are happy with about a quarter of the way down and there is a mountain bike trail off to the side which is a series of switchbacks dropping about 60 to 80 feet in each full turn.

The trail on the switchbacks is not loose rock, dirt, leaves, mud and some free flowing water runoff.

On one of these my feet slip and I go down but not all the way I twist, slide forward, turn, and finally put my left hand down and keep my rear, ass, arse, butt, other names you prefer, from hitting the ground.

Now I say I slipped and nearly busted my ass. But not a complete fail.

Doodle says I busted it

Now who is right did I bust my ass or not?

I am basing my opinion that I didn’t bust my ass because my butt and no part of my pants touched the ground.

She is basing hers in that I fell and stopped moving. To be fair in her assessment if you don’t know rules of Sumo… not that I am sumo size, but the rules in this sport are any part of the body which is not the soles of the feet that touch the ground is a fall.

My palm was flat on the ground and half covered in mud.

I’ll accept what ever verdict if any is given by more than ten people

To shame everyone on the hike stunt boy and his cousin (no nickname yet) ran down the mountain without falling… Ran … down a mountain… can you say Gurkha Warriors

Yeah amazement stuff there.

Played a lot of bullshit (card game) without any drinking

Took another hike later 2 miles with the other one and his spouse

Then before leaving stacked about a full cord of firewood. A cord is four foot high, by four foot wide by eight foot in length. I say about a full cord because I did not measure it later and it’s not my fire wood.

The other one and I chatted about how much we enjoyed this chore growing up. Um so you know we actually didn’t enjoy that chore growing up. But I did learn when I was a teen why I think the Norse men wore the braids in their hair. Mainly to keep the errant strands of hair from sticking to your face while you are working. This is rather irritating as any person with long hair will tell you. I did however enjoy stacking this cord of wood. Mainly because I viewed it as a workout and not work.

Stuntboy decided to work some in the restaurants which was fine he made some cash and may want to get a job at some point soon. Unfortunately the only place he can work right now is for family businesses. Thankfully for him, everyone in his family other than me, works in a family owned business.

Hmmm…. I do have a few ideas but no money to start it up. I’m a gonna be looking for some.

In other news…

Because I like sad music doesn’t make me a sad person

Why shouldn’t I look and other responses to phrases which inspire self confidence …????

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
