Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Imagine something brilliant

I like to read, I read rather a lot or at least I think I do. More than some and not nearly as much as others, but I read. It is something that I admire about people and we don’t even need to read the same things. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard is, “never trust anyone who does not own books.” A favorite poem is “a girl who reads” by Mark Grist … there is a spoken word film of it on youtube if you are so inclined to view, but it sums up how I feel about reading…stories, poems, novels, articles, all of it, any of it, I like to read. I read every day; I write everyday … just not the things I want to read and write as you may have noticed if you are a follower of my ramblings … which have been woefully absent as of late but not because of the absinthe. There are more than several reasons for the non writing one of them is that I choose not to subtract from the mind-numbing time suck things I do and put word to page as it were. I have continued to find the time to read and re read things Being that I am such the fan of the printed word list of books you should read always catches my eye as something I should explore. List which are titled things like, “The Best 100 Books Ever Written” or “50 Books YOU should have READ by 25.” Then every single time without fail once I dive into the list of books I have barely read even a quarter of the books on the list. Which results in my demons chiming in with their chorus of hateful things, Trust me if you heard my internal dialogue you would wonder why I even look in a mirror ever. I try to avoid it, unless absolutely necessary. Not the point. I read, a good bit. Books without pictures even, but you wouldn’t know it by the ticks on the lists I go through. Sure I’ve read my fair share of lesser read novels, Iceberg Slim’s biographical novels, some Anton Lavey and even a few things in the Anarchists Cookbook just to see what was all the fuss. But I’ve also read a lot of the classics like the Iliad and the Odyssey, a lot of Shakespeare, Dickens, et al the English Lit requirements and American Lit classics as well. There should be more ticks on these lists. The more I look at these lists the more I see they are just a whomever’s list of favorites or a completely arbitrary collection of books which may be popular for now. I mean while the, “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” may be a fantastic read, I don’t know that it should be required reading for everyone. Sorry if you love it. The important thing is that you open a book, read a story and enjoy the journey doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about the book. Make your own list of favorites. Well, that’s all for now, other stuff to follow most likely Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday Thank you for reading, please subscribe, Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood. Ciao, Invisible Don PS 3 / PS4 Gamer Tag: invisible don Invisible Don PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015 Send me Post Cards … I love Post Cards