Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I got visas in my name

Building walls, tearing down walls.

Build them too keep things safe

Once they are built what do you do? Tear them down when it’s safe? When is it safe? Who says it’s safe.

Try tearing them down …ah…yeah… don’t do that

It’s dangerous out there.

Take two bricks down and put one back up. It is slow going.

In brighter news

The cats think they own the house. Well in fairness they are here more than I am. So I can see where their confusion is born. I’m just not sure exactly why they feel the need to gut and leave the throw rugs for dead. Seriously cats I have the thumbs I get to say how things are placed in the house. To which they replay can you jump three times you body length in the air and land on you feet perched on a surface half your body width?


Well then and they walk off .

I’m not sure why that wins the argument but it’s pretty sound.


In other news…

Currently trying to decide if I should vet out on MAG

the writing thing is going slowly but I'm trying to get back in the swing


That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.



Monday, November 29, 2010

Here is your receipt

It has been awhile since I’ve written anything on the computer, or pretty much anywhere for that matter. I could say I’ve been up to something so essential that mankind would benefit greatly from my efforts. I could say something like that but it would be a lie. I have thought a lot about writing and the sorts of things I could be writing or should be writing or what sort of things that people like or that I like or a lot of other things.

In all of the time of thinking, I’ve tried to mask the inward stare so I color it by playing games, finding words, building bridges, building walls, trying to take down walls, drinking coffee, working, losing what is left of my faith in most of humanity, clinging to a message written in sand and staring at shards of broken things that cut deeply in my grasp.

Spending time and thinking on sayings and weighing words, weighing thoughts and hoping for a the right chain of words to unlock all those doors

Lost in thought, lost in a mire of days

Looking for the beauty in things… hoping that it is there

I still haven’t been able to bring my mind back to a cohesive train of thoughts for my own words. My voice is still in my body.

In my ears it is a cacophony of ideas all at once and I can not find the single thread that is a solid idea, something to right the path.

Daily and nightly the world shows me so much of the things I do not want to see and I’m reminded of my own missteps and hear the words from the glove and look for the glass to see what is there.

I see a figure there but I wonder is what I see what others see

A flip of the coin, a point of the sword, a simple twist of fate

A step to the left instead of the right as Robert said has made all the difference

light instead of dread