Thursday, May 31, 2001

So go the days of our lives

OK my last entry before vacation.

It is kinda long so pace yourself you don't want to hurt yourself

Well the test failed only like 12 people and they were probably my loyal fan base -- i love you guys
No seriously I mean that you are so good to me
There were no where near the number of hits I thought that it might bring
So now I'm closer to 300 but i was kinda hoping for 3000 so oh well
So I have 49 minutes before I'm off work until June 11
Can i hear a Hell ya!
(hell ya! from some where)
Let me hear you say woo ya
(woo ya)
Man you are such a cool crowd -- i should bring you all back some stuff but I don't know what you all like and stuff.
So I will drink a brew (GUINNESS) for you all.
Well OK more then one but not much more then that.
Today might be a good time to see if you have stock in Guinness. Because there is likely to be a boost in this quarters profit estimates.
So I will be sinking into the very bottom places of the d-lander list for my particular letter of the alphabet. its sooooooooooo sad
What if its scary down there
What if there is no light
What if there is no Guinness
oh no
What to do what to do
(someone slaps me)
Thanks I'm better now (whew I needed that)
You know I altered that show two guys a girl and a pizza place
Yes little ol' me
Let me tell you how I did this amazing thing by altering what millions of people see on the TV
(by the way not one penny in payment either)
Here it goes
So my brother and me (no the other one)
are in the airport in Vancouver, in a smoking lounge sitting there smoking.
and "Berg AKA Ryan Reynolds" walks in
No kidding
He asks if one of us has a smoke he can bum -- actors never have money --bet he does now
So we say ya and give him a smoke
and then We (the other one and me)say
"don't we know you" just like that too in unison
He says "Ya I'm in the new show on ABC 2 guys....
The other one says "oh ya that's right."
and I go "OH YA THE GUY WHO TESTS ALL THE PRODUCTS-- THAT STUFF IS FUNNY!" really loud too (hence the all caps thing) and everyone in the lounge turns and looks.
Well he smiles, more likely he wanted to say thanks you there that's what I want to be known as the guy who tests products on a comedy show.
Well you know what
He doesn't test product anymore --at least not on the show
So if you liked that little bit of the show and wondered why they don't do it anymore.
yup that's right its my fault
just thought you would like to know that
So I'm hoping to run into Dedra Hall on vacation because man I can't stand her on Days maybe I can get her to quit -- hey I should get one of those mini-polls and see who else hates her
I just wish Stefano would just get that crap right and rub the *&%(%*( out -- and he has the nerve to call himself a world class bad guy -- he can't even snuff an annoying shrink protected by that GQ flunky John Black --which by the way Roman should have punted that sissy bitch (john black) right in the .... well you know where then Bo wouldn't be going through all this crap with Hope now. ... ah I should stop there.

You know man I swear I should stop watching that show you know even the chief of police has no clue that the number one bad guy is like in his house all the time. Well I'll be able to catch up big time on the goings on with Days of our Lives in the next few days.
I missed the part with Jennifer wreaking on the bridge --well I'm sure shes still hanging there on the side its only been a week -- hell the shrink was in that pit for 6 months.

OK new game how should Stefano finally put and end to John Black or "Doc" or both

sign my guestbook and let me know -- I might be able to do something about it --look what i did to the 2 guys, a girl and a pizza place.

Well its time for me to get ready to leave for vacation see you all when I get back and I'll let you know what the underbelly of d-land is like
that is if I will be able to talk about it
thanks OK I'm outta here



ok so I'm going to pander HOT SEX,
this whole google thing has me curious, HOT WOMEN
just how many people are there out there, SEX
really looking at porn this early, STRIP TEASE
in the day. I mean really, HOT WOMEN IN SHOWER
don't they have jobs or , SEX IN THE WEST
a diary (journal) to write in, CHRISTINA NUDE
well so much for that, BRITNEY WANTS YOUR SEX
lets see where the counter ends up in an hour or so it is at 269 ironically right now

Wednesday, May 30, 2001

How many lawyers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Only two more days until I go on vacation
I am so excited
Because the other day some jack*&%$^&$#&(%
came in here and well.......
the long and the short of it he really peeved me so I am so glad that I am going to be out of here for 10 days --
of course I will be away from computers for a while so I won't get to up date and I will slowly be worked down in to the hollow places of d-land where those who don't update are pushed into by the daily updaters
-- maybe -i'll slip into the public library and do an update on the tides or something -- I doubt it --
Hey if you are near where I am bring some Guinness and we'll have a party. Do the research and you will find me -- (IE look in the older entries)
OK so I'm getting ready to leave for the day today and I have to tell a lawyer joke
How many lawyers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
one -- they just hold it up and the world revolves around them.
OK enough of the lawyer jokes I have another one but I think it might offend people so I'll save it for another time.
Well I'm going home and going to go to sleep soon 4am was way to early today and now its 4pm well not yet but soon.

Sign in, the police may want to know where you were about now

On being invisible

This is perhaps one of the most under appreciated physical characteristics anyone can have.
Let me 'splain

First -- I don't really think that I'm invisible -- this would be nice at times but I am a real boy
No strings see (holds out arm for inspection)

Second -- clothing is never a problem you can wear just about anything you want and it doesn't matter. If you truly think you are invisible try this experiment wear a striped shirt and plaid pants in public -- if no one says anything you are probably invisible or your friends have no fashion sense -- be careful here as there are many people with out a sense of fashion I am one of them.

Third -- you can find out anything about what's going on anywhere -- simply walk up to a seemingly important conversation and just stand there and listen -- it's amazing what people will say when they don't see you even in their line of sight.
If someone begins to look at you just calmly look at the speaker and point to your ear as if you really need to hear every single word they are saying.
If person speaking is looking at you smile and nod, everyone who is running there mouth off about something important wants to know that there are people who agree with them.

Fourth -- You never have to remember people’s names because they will never remember meeting you in the first place --it's not because you aren't a dynamic person -- you are just outside their range of view

Fifth -- You can be late or on time for something, people rarely remember if you were there or not -- just sign the guestbook because you may need an alibi later and if you can get in a photo or two that's always helpful.

Guestbooks are easy to find -- right when you walk in -- just like mine (so sign in the police may want to know where you were about now)

The photo thing is easy too just follow these simple steps
A -- find out where the most "important people" are at the function
B -- hang out near them not hovering but near them
C -- Watch to see the photo hounds sniffing and as they pull up the camera
D -- just walk toward the person but slightly behind don't worry you'll be in the shot.

Sixth --the most important thing about being invisible is you always know that you are the only person really having a good time. Because all the not-invisible-people are worried that they will do something wrong. Being invisible even if you do something wrong you'll not be blamed or even noticed -- unless you want to be.

There is the beauty of being invisible you are seen when you want to be seen, unnoticed when you don't need to be seen.

Sometimes you do get locked into places but that is a whole different game

One tip for the not invisible -- how to notice an invisible person -- the person just behind you in your wedding album that you swear is your wife’s cousin and she thinks its your friend from college that's an invisible person. We are having all the fun.

Anyway that’s about it on being invisible -- I can't tell you how to become invisible or they will throw me out of the trade union and the benefits do come in handy -- especially when you aren't seen by a car when crossing the street.

SHHH, you might wake up the birdies

oh my god it is early
I came into work 2 hours early
which means I had to get up 2 hours early
which should translate into going to bed 2 hours early
That would make too much sense
So I stayed up later than I normally do to come in at 6am getting a mere 3 hours of sleep to come in at 4 am
I did finish the book I was reading and started a new one
At least
it is dark
it is quiet
and no one is in the museum but me
at least for a little bit longer
SHH you might wake up the birdies
Well more later today -- now back to Katie and Matt in NY

Tuesday, May 29, 2001

When Lennox Lewis got dropped like a narc at a biker rally

So the weekend came and went,
I smoked too much
I didn't drink much only 4 in four days
Fell asleep watching Jackie Chan movies -- not because he is boring -- I was just tired
Went to a cookout and watched the boxing on HBO whatever night it was on I think Saturday -- both were lightweight match ups and the first fight was better than the main event
I was seriously disappointed when Lennox Lewis got dropped like a narc at a biker rally during his fight a month or so ago -- I've always liked him as a fighter despite all the critical attention he receives for being a ho hum heavy weight -- well he certainly did not give them any reason to stop wagging there banners after that fight.
I don't think I could ever get in the ring and fight not because I'm afraid but because I know it will hurt -- one fighter once said that the hard punches don't hurt its like feeling god's love, I wish I could remember who it was.
Well if god's love feels like a power jab from a heavy weight I'm not all that sure that I want to have a whole lot of love --
Although it could be a lot like the days when I played college rugby. We would all take these pounding hits -- the bone jarring kind -- much like running into a tree -- I can compare the two having done both -- but it didn't really hurt when it happened.
Now the next day right when you are waking up and you begin to send commands to your body to move around and
BAM then the pain comes in and you get this mental picture of the hit all over again.
Which is sometimes kinda interesting especially if you don't really remember the hit in the first place.
Well the two worst smacks I received in rugby were in separate matches -- one was from a guy on a semi-pro team he cracked my left rear tooth bottom row.
This I didn't know until drinking a huge gulp of water at the half --it was like having a live electrical wire in my mouth
The other was in a game against Frostburg State College -- you know I could say FSC and it would sound a lot better but it's not that team.
I'm on the wing running in behind the team mate with the ball and we are making a hard run for the goal --well as with most hard runs at the goal you get stopped and my buddy got plowed under
well he pitches the ball right as he gets clobbered and it bounces
bouncing rugby balls are not what you would call predictable -- one might say that it is like a probability question -- how many possible directions can the ball bounce -- forget the laws of geometry they no longer apply -- and then once you think you know the answer the ball will do exactly the opposite
so I know
the ball is not going to bounce to me and
I will be forced to try to get the ball and
it will ultimately be chaos and
a huge mess this close to the goal and
we will end up in a scrum
which we in turn will lose because
we are a fairly pathetic rugby team.
Well that doesn't happen --
the ball bounces right to me --
not at me --
not near me but
right in the hands.
Yay for the Fighting Falcons. Yes and No
Now I have the ball five yards out from the goal and all 15 of their team is within 10 yards of me not a good thing if you know what I mean
well I run forward
One hit --roll right
two hits --roll left
three hits -- he goes down -- so I go over him
the goal line
two steps away
Touch down
Now its called a touch down because you have to touch the ball to the ground for the score to count so I go to one knee and touch the ball down --Score
now yay for our team
but then hits four and five come
four hits me in the shoulders and spins me around with my left knee now twisted and bent
hit five comes in bam right on the knee
now the guy on top of me starts yelling get back get back and asking me if I'm alright?
I'm alive at this point and thankful for that
"you have knee problems?" he asked
"I do now" I say not meanly either
He rolls off of me and
POP the knee cracks again once all the weight is off it. then it immediately swells to the size of a grapefruit and gets bigger as I limp (assisted) to the sidelines.
Well the match starts back up as soon as I'm off the field and I walk to the hospital which you can see from the rugby field --having a hospital in sight of a rugby pitch is a good thing for any rugby match -- well no serious damage the doc says you have one of the best knee injuries I've seen everything just pulled away from the patella and then went right back in place WOW
I get to go to the beer bash after the match
Well I get there and
We won
My goal was the only successful try of the match --this ended my college rugby career because there were only 4 more matches in the season and I had to do 8 weeks of rehab if I wanted to ski that winter -- I did the rehab and quit getting beat up on Saturday afternoons.

Thursday, May 24, 2001

I'll say "hey" from behind the revos

OK what to write about today --
First thanks to
Invisiblepal -- for playing the dumbest thing you've ever done in your life game -- hope you at least got his number so you could make a better impression -- as opposed to the one in the display --sorry couldn't resist that
and to
David -- for the encouragement on the stop smoking thing
Mainly I should be doing a bunch of other stuff and the beach trip is in 8 days --
I'm really mixed about this because -- I get so sunburned that it just isn't worth it for me to even take my shirt off -- anyway enough about that
Well all the guys who are going on the trip play golf except me
Oh and where are we staying -- near a golf course.
Now don't get me wrong here golf is a very complex game --it takes a helluva lotuv skill but
Why in the hell do you want to whack a little white ball (other colors too) as far as you can with a stick and then chase after it. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Well my attitude about the game has endeared me to many a linkster -- but such is life
I have actually attempted the game and I don't play well at all
game 1 175
game 2 150
game 3 130
game 4 120
That was it I never played again despite the amazing improvement -- or so some duffers have told me.
Well now I have to find something to do that will not get me into too much trouble -- I could take my baseball bat and use it to play golf
I'll probably just try to avoid the whole topic of golf stay up late and be asleep in the mornings so I won't be asked to go along on the trips to the links. I mean do you think they would play Rugby with me if I got them up at 5am to go to a match?
I'm sure I will find something to do -- but I've been forbidden to bring the PlayStation
I'm told via the other guys from the girlfriends "Tell the priest not to bring the PlayStation or else"
-- its because all the other guys want to sit around and play with that after the golf games and not hang out with their girlfriends so I get blamed for bringing it --they don't get blamed because they are video game junkies who can't just stop playing the games
So anyway I can't take it and play responsibly or there will be very big trouble. I wonder how far the arcade is from where we are staying
I might get a kite and see just how high I can fly the thing -- I did that once as a kid -- put a kite on to 3 different spools of twine (900 feet total in case you are wondering)
My dad didn't think it was such a cool thing because as I'm trying to wind in 900 feet of string its taking too long for him to stand around and wait on me
So he breaks the string and lets the kite float away (I have a name for him but its not really very nice and all so I won't share)
Well that was a pleasant little jaunt down memory lane. Hope we can do it again sometime -- have to lock that door a little better.
So anyway the beach trip is going to be cool --
I'm actually going to tour the area for lighthouses and older homes and that kinda thing
-- just so you don't worry that I'll be sitting all alone in the condo drinking for 10 days
-- I might even take a hang gliding lesson -- they have a school for that near where we are staying in Kill Devil Hills --the school is there not me --
so now all you with good geography skills or an atlas will know where I'll be -- I'll wear red ball cap so you'll be able to say
"hey you there, aren't you invisible don, King of the Bastards"
I'll say "Hey" from behind my revos "wanna Guinness"
Well I'll be away from the computer world for the next few days so every have a great weekend. Oh and don't worry my life doesn't suck that bad, and I don't drink that much either -- really
Ask anyone -- well not anyone -- there are a few billion people around that don't have a clue as to who I am and I can't tell you what they might say about me.
Anyway have a great weekend all

Wednesday, May 23, 2001


Oh my god (or if you prefer God)
This is probably the worst thing in the world.
Oh no wait
What the hell am I talking about
I haven't got a clue
I really need to stop smoking you know it is most likely the most disgusting thing that I do. I have quit several times.
But as you can see (well not actually) it didn't take.
I have a new plan to try and quit smoking which is to trick my brain into thinking that I still smoke but I just don't actually smoke anymore -- kinda like the patch and the gum do for your brain.
The gum tastes like crap -- even the orange stuff
The patch itches like a ???? hmmmm what itches a lot?
well it just itches.......... a lot
I even did the Larry Hagman behavior modification thing --it's a self inflicted pain thing -- you put a rubber band on your wrist and flick your self when you want a cigarette.
the grapefruit and creme of tartar
hypnotic suggestion -- I fell asleep and I don't think I do any odd things -- maybe that's why I get asked to all those parties
I wrote two papers in college about being a smoker -- the teachers actually read them and I passed the classes -- I think they must have smoked too.
You know it's not like you wake up one day and say you know it's a good day to start smoking
well wait --that's just about the way it happens
My dad used to have me run to the store to get his when I was 8 and then pretty much everyday after that until I left at 14
I walk in the store and up to the counter which at the time I can barely see over "hey mack how about a pack of Winston's"
"You got money"
Well no one else who sees this knows I'm buying for my old man, they just think its me buying for myself at 8
They would walk up and say you know you're a little young to be doing that.
Gee do you think -- yet I know this now -- but do I quit
because why
Hell I don't know -- part of my brain likes the idea that I smoke
the whole social icon of being a rebel -- even with all the anti smoking ads -- they have done little to kill that image
Of course the one with the monkey packing the smokes is one that makes me feel foolish every time I do that
So I guess I'm just weak, without will power, no backbone, just a pathetic lump of gum on the sneakers of god (or the other way -- see above)
No that's not it but it is the one thing that I truly hate about myself
So just quit you say --
Well because the nice normally pleasant guy you see before you now (again not really see -- it's the invisible thing) becomes the biggest jerk in the world and that minor problem I have about keeping my tongue in line becomes a full time job.
Seriously -- I am a raving lunatic without the monkey
a friend of mine who is a therapist said "it's just a way for you to deal with stress so do deep breathing exercises instead of smoking" OK so I try that
It didn't work
Well it might have if she didn't start smoking again the next week and asked me to hang out with her more -- I guess it's more than a stress management thing.
Well I am gearing myself up to attempt to quit again. I'm not telling anyone -- well all of you -- and you all count -- but you're not going to be there that first day saying
hows it going? wanna cig yet huh
is it driving you nuts yet
OH Not until you brought it up %&*#@()_@(!&(#^$(&@
So anyway (deep breath) AH
I'm going to have a smoke VENI VEDI VECI

A note to that crash

Wow it worked -- people signed my guest book --
Now I think writing about the dumbest thing I ever did may be nearly as dumb as to running into the tree --
Nope hands down the tree thing still wins --
A note to that crash is that my right kneecap was fractured
I'm all better now so you don't have to feel bad for laughing at my misfortune -- you know you did if you didn't you should I laugh at it
I mean it was a tree I should have seen the thing its not like they just jump out in the way they are sorta always in the same place
Anyway thanks to all those who played along
heidi fierce
little cutie
someone else e-mailed me their dumbest thing but asked that I not share it so I won't -- see I can keep a secret
I'll try to think of another game that is more fun and less embarrassing for me

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

I have a game for anyone who wants to play

OK I know this is the second entry of the day but I forgot to say thanks to those people who signed my guestbook
yankeebelle -- a guinness at 5 it is (EST right)
digitalcoma -- smile pleazzzzzzzzzzzze oh i think the dentist thing is a real blast too
sara aka -- Kissee -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY if I knew i would have baked you a cake
OK so if you been reading this you know I have a counter now -- some of you come in and sign in notice above and some of you don't -- you know who you are -- no pressure now if you want or don't want to sign in that's OK
but if you do I would like it -- its kinda like getting mail.
So I have a game for anyone who wants to play
sign my guest book and instead of saying something about me or say something about me -- I like that stuff
instead of saying something about me answer this question
"whats the dumbest thing you've ever done?"
My dumbest thing was this
Once in the 8th grade I was at a party, a birthday party, and like most 8th grade b-day parties the boys and girls decide to play some kissing game --well this party was in the summer so it was nice and the game was kiss tag someone was it and then they ran around and tried to kiss whomever they wanted if they could catch them --well I was being chased and
here comes the dumb bit
are you ready?
I ran into a tree -- really running on my feet into a tree (pause while you stop laughing)
I knocked myself out I think anyway I didn't get kissed and I think that means I won I'm not sure
Well there you have it the dumbest thing I've ever done. now its your turn to tell me -- the guestbook is up in the corner right at the top left
Have fun

I know curse words in Russian, French, German, Spanish, English and Italian

Looking back at all the previous entries one thing comes to mind.
I use I a whole bunch in many of the entries -- this one is no different but it is longer
oh well its about me *smile*
There is one thing absent that I am finding in other diaries
-- yes I read other peoples diaries -- oh no
(this girl I knew Julee hated that anyway thing)
the thing that is absent is stuff about myself a resume per se of who I am
so here it is the resume of invisible don
random facts and information
-- I actually work in a museum and teach for a college
-- I really was in the seminary to become a catholic priest -- a girl I meet gave a rather convincing argument about why I shouldn't do that -- she was right
-- I was in the Air Force ( I can't say what i did but it was fun and I got to travel a good little bit)
-- I finished undergraduate college with honors and in less than 4 years -- I had a social life too
-- I finished graduate school with a Master of Science degree -- no honors in grad school either you make good grades or they kick your slack ass out
-- I like football and baseball but don't watch the games much on TV --but I read the box scores
-- I ski snow not water -- member of PSIA -- other than being alive this is the only other thing I have done longer than anything else
-- I like mint chocolate chip ice cream -- the green stuff from BR 31
-- I like to read but don't do it as much as I should
-- I listen to almost any music as long as it doesn't suck -- Oh CCR is cool they are on the radio now
-- I procrastinate like a mutherf*cker
-- I once set fire to a term project to lighten the mood of the class -I'll have to do an entry about that
-- I was in a Fraternity -- i know -- but hey they had a house and a pool -- well they didn't really have a pool unless it rained and the basement flooded -- but it was fun and we won the academic cup every year
-- I have a PlayStation but not a PlayStation 2 -- yet
-- I don't play the PlayStation as much as I would like
-- I can sign in ASL a bit -- taught some deaf kids to ski
-- I had a job cleaning up explosives with an environmental company -- still have all the fingers and toes -- i never worried until one day when they said we don't know what that is better not toss it around --after we had been doing just that
-- i have driven a hum vee (military version)
-- I know curse words in Russian, French, German, Spanish, English and Italian -- i can't tell them to you -- its not polite to curse
-- I have two brothers -- the peacemaker and the other one -- they are both married
-- I can keep a secret if I have too
-- I like movies with subtitles
-- I actually got to fly in an f-16 trainer and had the controls for about a minute until I very nearly killed myself and the pilot by dropping 3000 feet in about 10 seconds
-- i used to have extremely long hair but now I don't
-- I wear a goat-tee and sometimes my earrings
-- pizza should only have two toppings -- if you want a salad get one don't put it on the pie
-- Guinness is quite possibly the most perfect beverage in the world period.
-- Coffee is the only other beverage that even comes close to Guinness
-- The best foods in the world are the worst things for you
-- The south IE southern states VA NC SC GA FL AL Miss, KY TN LA and a few others are actually a bit different than the rest of the world --its a good and bad thing
-- I like living in the south I just don't really fit in all the time
-- my neighbor two doors down is gay and he calls me Brutus -- he won't say why and I'm not sure I want to know -- but he and his boyfriend are good neighbors
-- rainstorms are very cool
-- the coldest weather I have ever been in was 75 below -- the hottest weather I was ever in was 120 or at least that is as high as the them. would read
-- no tattoos but I did designed one
-- the tick is probably the best super hero around after Spiderman and the X-men
-- I like myself most of the time
-- i know about a 1000 jokes and i get invited to parties because of this
-- some of my nicknames have been, goose,flea,hey you there, the priest, the pope, and King of the Bastards
-- I meet one of the guys from two guys and a girl-- i guess they lost the pizza place (Ryan Reynolds)
-- I'm in the crowd shots of "a man with one red shoe" --the part in the airport-- which they tell you is National Airport but was really filmed at LAX -- I meet Edward Herman that day -- he does the dodge commercial now
-- you can make 35 to 50 dollars in a few hours hustling smart carts at the airport -- I made five at National on my way back from Brazil in about 10 minutes -- the quarters get really heavy after a while
I guess that's about it other than my favorite color is green and I did kindergarten twice -- I loved nap time

Monday, May 21, 2001

It's like soccer for Brazil

I was invited to a cookout -- well this is not so bad -- I rather enjoy cookouts -- my mistake came in that it rained and much of the gathering was done inside.
The fellow who was having the gathering is the brother of this couple I know -- well the long and the short of it all is that he is a sports nut.
I mean a sports junkie -- there is very little in his home that isn't sports related and the entertainment center has 3 TV's and not small ones either 30 inches or bigger.
The TV's are all turned to various sports programing. All the guys are glued to the TV's and the women are other places talking.
So I have to decide
do I watch sports with the guys
do I talk with the women.
I hate it when this happens because I usually get the thing wrong.
Well I decided to watch sports with the guys -- mind you I like sports but it is not the beat all end all of life -- I like teams and can even name players and talk significant events -- but to know the life time batting average of a baseball player is not high on my list of things to know.
So we're watching horse racing (??), auto racing (indy cart or car -- there is a difference but I don't know it), and Baseball (O's and the Twins).
So I drain two Guinness to put myself in the right frame of mind to start discussing --
how astro-turf has ruined baseball or
how cool Cal Ripken is, or
the average speed of this or
tire inflation and gas milage and drafting and
well the list goes on and on.
Well I start to take out a smoke --
Oh you can't do that inside.
OH yes there is a GOD! I grab another Guinness and head outside to smoke.
Well now I'm much happier and the conversation is more varied than commenting on what's on the TV.
Well after a while and a few more Guinness I wander back into the TV area
aka guyland and plop down on the sofa with my BBQ and "fixin's"
(fixin's = anything else that is served at a BBQ this happened to be vinegar Coleslaw, macaroni salad, Broc. Salad, beans, and a garden salad.) I had the garden salad, vinegar coleslaw, and Broc. salad.
Anyway this is where the big mistake comes in
NASCAR is on now and the race is delayed -- now they don't just show something else -- they show it raining on the track and the pit crew and this shot of a car or that shot of a car. Now don't forget this is NASCAR and no event now will ever be complete without some reference to the late Dale E.
Well this is my time to chime in and make some comment -- now this is the tactical error --
Well let me temper it first
First Im in the south and NASCAR is a .....well its a.... Its like soccer for Brazil
Second Being of Irish and German background my tongue tends not to stay leased when it should. So I often will stay things that I wish I hadn't said.
So the TV guy says something about some driver involved in a wreck and how he may have bumped the other car and then mentions Dale E. -- not to speak ill of the dead but, I say
You know its kinda funny how this guy is all of a sudden treated like a God now that he's dead, but he bumped the other drivers and caused as many wreaks as the next guy.
Well you would think I was William T. Sherman heading to the sea with torch in hand.
Well I went back outside after that one and spent the rest of the evening talking to the women and the one other guy who had about enough of the triple cast sports fiesta too.
I was able to save face later by making the comment about the one true piece of art the guy had that wasn't sports related --it ended up that he had taken the picture himself -- so I got big points there.
Well, I think I'm ok with that because one of the couples there had a really big fight --which I had no part of thank you very much -- so my little NASCAR comment will most likely be forgotten.
All in all it was a good weekend and I slept in on Sunday © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

I survived the weekend

This will be a short one for now. I survived the weekend and ended up drinking more Guinness than I planned too.
Notice I didn't say too much Guinness, but I'm not sure that there is such a thing as too much Guinness.
I want to say Hello to all those who checked out my diary over the weekend, and one person signed my guestbook -- Thanks for the compliment Lobo
I'm very happy about all the visitors I would dance a bit but you wouldn't see it.
Well I have a few things to do before I can officially pretend like I'm working

Thursday, May 17, 2001

Quit flirting with him and let the guy go home

So all went well at the dentist office -- I really do like going to my dentist -- because he is cool and the hygienist and his dental nurse(assistant) both flirt with me and the dentist knows about this too.
Yesterday he actually told me that the assistant tried to get her hair done during lunch when she saw my name on the appointment list for the day.
Well after my appointment -- cleaning only -- the hygienist and the assistant are both talking to me for like 10 minutes about stuff thats been going on for the last few months.
The whole time I guess they were supposed to be helping the dentist work on another patient who was in the chair he says from the other room "Would you two quit flirting with him and let the guy go home, he'll be back in a few months"
The odd thing is that they are both married -- I just think they are nice people you are friendly and thats it.
So my other brother e-mails me today (not the one who has named me "King of the Bastards", but the one I skied with in Canada) The only thing it said was tell the Peacemaker to kiss your ass.
So what I was thinking was a discussion between myself and the Peacemaker was apparently a proclamation. That is fine because his wife called and said she had heard we got in a fight. She said she was sorry for him.
Well the weekend is nearly here for me. Yes its Thursday but being my own boss here I take Fridays off most of the time. Then its two more weeks until the beach trip
Im not really excited about the beach trip but having 10 days off in a row -- Now that is something to look forward too
-- no more Art Museum
-- no more whinning actors
-- no more Exectutive Directors ranting on about how they are Gods
-- no more Board Members flaunting their importance around saying things "do you know who I am?
I really like my job, but I can't wait to be away from it for a little while.
Well I need to get a few more things done before I go for the weekend

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

ARarh guh geh ahter htaot haor

Not much today, because I have a dentist appointment in a little while. I really don't mind going to the dentist. My dentist is really cool and he has a very friendly staff.
But why do they ask you questions that you can't give a yes or no answer too? It always seems to happen right when they put all the tools in your mouth and start working.
"So what do you think about this or that thing that happened?"
"I heard that______ happened to you, how did you handle that?"
of course you say
"ARarh guh geh ahter htaot haor"
And they say
"Oh ya I know that's what I do too."
Well I gotta go
P.S. It doesn't spell anything, or at least I don't think it does

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

There is a bit less laughter in the world now
One of my favorite authors has died
Douglas Adams -- he was uniquely funny and a joy to read.
So get your towel and your "guide" because I'm sure he will be at the restaurant at the end of the universe playing lead guitar for Hott Black Desioto & Disaster Area, Marvin will save you a seat.
Raise a glass of Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
You were much loved and will be much missed

Who will be our whipping boy if you are not around?

Well I guess its official.
My brother the peacemaker has dubbed me,
"The King of the Bastards" -- if I have overthrown someone I'm sorry my brother took it upon himself to be the sole voting member of the naming committee.
I will be abdicating soon anyway so the title will be available. Applicants, The line forms to the left please.
I didn't bother to point out to him that by the meaning of the word that I wasn't one because our parents were married at the time of my birth -- I don't think he was in the mood for it. Being that bastard was the nicest thing he called me during or conversation.
Basically this verbal campaign against me is due to the fact that I won't apologize for something I didn't do, but am being blamed for by those who would have made me a bastard had they not wed.
After his ranting on about what a lousy human being I am in very colorful words and catch phrases he picked up from the movies he watches.
He attempts to patronize me by saying that I'm smarter than he is and I should be able to see that I'm wrong.
I actually have to give him credit there being how he was able to say I was smart and a dumb-phuck at the same time. Of course that may have been an accident.
His next shot was to use my words against me. This I expected because the "peacemaker" is, if not anything else, the supreme keeper of all that is said.
This actually made me mad. Not because he was making a point but because he was going back to when we were teenagers and pulling things from then for now.
When this failed to get me he pulled out the guilt card. Then the I dare you to do it you bastard was his last attempt.
Daring me to admit I'm wrong -- how strange is that.
Oh OK buddy -- I'm right but because you dared me to say I'm wrong I guess I have to do it now or I'll be ...
a coward (yikes)
I know I'm being very cynical and flippant about it -- I have to rant somewhere
He did succeed in getting me very angry, but I guess those who are closest to you have an ability to push the buttons we don't let other people near.
The odd thing is that when I could have made a verbal assault on him I didn't say anything I just let it go. Hence the cynicism now, but I am glad that even in my extreme anger I didn't say anything that I will need to take back later.
The thing is that they are all much happier when I'm not around.
I guess its because I chose not to deal with them anymore and not vice-versa -- like have you ever almost quit a job because you hate it so much but the boss talks you into staying so he or she can fire you in a week.
That's how this feels -- oh we need you to come back so we can stomp on you some more who will be our whipping boy if you aren't around.
That was my evening --how was yours?

Monday, May 14, 2001

A surf board shop in the middle of Paris

I was thinking about one of my trips to Paris.
Now the travel agents and anyone who is anyone will tell you yes go its a great place. You have to go to Paris.
I'm not saying you shouldn't but if you can't make it don't feel bad. It's not the beat all end all of existence.
So here is why I went
I had just landed in Germany -- Yes I said Germany
Yes, I do realize Paris is in France
So anyway I'm in Germany Rhinemein AB
I get on a bus and travel on the autobahn from urban Germany into the farmland and nothing is around but Farms and Forests that is it then bam there is this town
On the main street in this town of 300 people are 12 bars 6 restaurants and 2 well how do you put this --they aren't legal in the U.S.
So I get on the Base which is no longer run by the U.S. military -- we got it from the the French (Paris --remember Paris we're getting to that) and now we've given it back to the Germans. So I'm on the base and everyone is in the middle of a NATO exercise. So I get the week off
This is not too bad considering up until this point I was seriously considering seriously bad things that should happen to the guy who recruited me.
So now I have a week off with pay and I don't have to take leave for it.
Well I get to hang out with all the guys and gals who are injured -- for real -- not the fake ones you get in the NATO exercise when a Belgium Capt. walks over hands you a card that says
A mortar round just exploded 1 metre from your present location you have the following injuries: broken leg and internal injuries
(aka lie down because you're dead card)
So the assortment of twisted ankles and broken arms gang says We are all going to Paris would you like to come along.
Sure I haven't been out of the United States for 24 hours yet headed for Germany and 3 years of duty overseas -- a trip to a completely different country sounds like a great idea and I'm already packed because I haven't unpacked yet.
So now later that day I'm on another bus headed toward France and ultimately Paris
See I know where I'm going
So We arrive in Paris and it very early in the morning all the rush hour traffic and the sun coming up from behind us
Then I see the Eiffel Tower and then it hits me --TOTO we aren't in Kansas anymore --not only that we aren't in the Hundsruck either.
OK so now we go to the bank to get Francs -- I still haven't seen a Deutchesmark yet
So me and the need medical help gang are hopping around in the City of Light
Calvin, one of the gang, decides he wants a picture of the Arch de Triumph so he limps into the middle of the Champs de Ill. and is focusing in the shot -- He did go out when the light for traffic was red
but now its getting ready to change and he still hasn't taken the picture yet
Calvin has a cast on his leg and doesn't move fast
and the Champs de Ill. is 8 lanes of traffic wide
painted lanes
If you've ever been to Paris you know that means nothing to anyone its merely a suggestion so 12 cars are beginning to rev up their engines because that's right
road kill the stupid American game has now begun. And they were off
Well the long and short of it is Calvin didn't die that day and he got a good picture too.
Well then we did all the tourist things tower, museum, etc.
You know the Mona Lisa is not much bigger than a sheet of notebook paper
The museum was really cool but soon after that we had to ditch the tour.
This isn't easy for a bunch of injured people.
But we did manage to do that and make it back to the hotel -- which was much harder than you might think not speaking french in Paris -- and trying to figure the metro out with a rather large buzz from drinking a rather sizable amount of Pernod and beer.
I don't recommend the mix
Well the second day was the palace and the wine tasting. I skipped that the wine tasting that is
Then back to Paris to see Notre Dame and avoiding pick pockets
We journeyed off on our own again and found a surf board shop in the middle of Paris -- I didn't get one because I wasn't going to be near the ocean but just in case its nice to know you can get a good board when you are in Paris
Then I tried to find a Pen Pal from High school -- didn't work or I didn't explain myself well to the guy who answered the door. Either way I didn't find that pen pal.
So the second night a drinking began which I skipped to go to the opera and I didn't understand that either.
Well, the next day it was back to Germany on another bus and then the start of three years of ..........
Amusing adventures
Which are now a bunch of rambled stories.
Well gotta run

Friday, May 11, 2001

I'm going to be drinking a bunch of guinness in a few hours

Don't you just hate when the phone rings and the person hangs up on you right after you answer the phone.
I do
The only place I answer the phone is at work
I don't answer at home -- its never for me
Really its for me but it is not
its someone calling to sell me something
a wrong number my number is close to a rehab clinic
Family *shudder*
I've probably saved 50 to 60 dollars by not calling them in the last few months --
lot of good that did -- when I turn around and call Brazil for 150 dollars(yikes, again)
the phone thing got me off on the wrong thing it rang and then the person hung up. I don't mind telephone solicitors -- I actually had that job once for oh about 6 days -- that's all I could take of making the calls -- anyway the point of their calling me --its just a job for someone who probably would rather not be bugging me but that's what they get paid to do so they can take there kids to Disney, Busch-gardens, 6 flags etc.
Enough of the phone stuff
Did you ever win anything in those give away things from junk food and sodas
I did recently -- the Frito lay Superbowl promo
I won a hat (cheesy smile)
Its blue with the last Superbowl logo on the front and the Frito lay logo on the back
It came in the mail yesterday several months after I sent the winning ticket in to the prize headquarters
I won the cap because my ticket from the Frito lay product I bought for my Superbowl party had on it
If the AFC team returns a kick-off for a touch down you win a Super bowl hat.
They did and I won (Go Ravens! Just for the hat not because I like them, because I don't) Anyway
I gave the hat to a kid that lives on my street.
He was particularly thrilled with having a Superbowl hat and I was happy that I finally won something so we both had a good day.
Which brings me to what I really wanted to write about in the first place
Which is that I gave up sodas for Lent and now that lent is over I can have them again but I haven't had many -- maybe 6 since after Easter Sunday when Lent is over.
This all comes back to winning and losing again --
The soda I bought today Pepsi...
(I know a girl named that -- Pepsi --no kidding) having a contest baseball related -- I looked under the cap and saw the all to familiar phrase
Which means -- you're a loser
So I think I'm going to give up up sodas again -- Mainly so I won't have to suffer the humiliation of being called a loser by a plastic cap and so I can give up something more meaningful for Lent .
Like I don't know...........
Smoking maybe
Well I gotta go I have to call my lawyer friend -- To see when I can pick up the papers she is working on for me. Have a good weekend I'm going to be drinking a bunch of Guinness in a few hours So I'll be having a good weekend or at least a good Friday
No relationship to the Lent thing

I have a guest book now

ok so this will be short
I broke down and put a guest book on my diary
and I already have had one person to sign in
Thanks invisiblepal
Hey anyone else out there that reads this thing stop in at the guest book and sign in and say HI
I will get better at signing into the places I visit too.

***** don't look for the link this is an old entry I moved to here***********
id 1/10/09

Thursday, May 10, 2001

Why did you ask me?

Now this may not seem as odd to you as it does to me but here it is any way
I have recently noticed that most of the jobs I have had in my life have been around all women -- the people I work with day in and day out. This has been true especially after leaving the Seminary.
---------- DISCLAIMER --------------
I don't have any thing against working for women. Actually the opposite is true.
All the women I work with now and most of those with whom I have worked with are capable, independent, strong, intelligent, and generally very good people. The following is simply an observation of mine a mostly confused and invisible person
I am always walking into the strangest conversations or they are held just outside my office. Now I know the latter gathering place is just because the office files are outside my office door, not because I think I'm special or anything.
Today during the right before lunch just finished my last task but don't have time to finish another why do any work gathering time had started around Bonnie's desk which is near the files too.
-- I'll add the names not that they will mean much to anyone ---
Anyway, soon Jennifer, Wanda, Deborah, Sandy, Carolyn, Fran, Sandra, Nancy and Michelle were all there talking about their up coming vacations and how horrible each was going to be
Mainly because each of them is traveling with family somewhere and how each one has a different spin on the dysfunction that occurs during family trips
One has a mother in law that goes to bed at 6pm only to rise at 3am with the idea in mind if I'm up everyone else should be too and then proceeds to accomplish this.
One is going with her mother and father in law who are more elderly and have changed the travel plans every day since the idea was hatched to go on the family trip
Brother in laws, sister in laws and nieces and nephews in abundance each with a particularly annoying problem.
The one thing they all kept coming back to was how this brother or brother in law was whipped by his wife.
Now I was surprised that these ladies actually used the word whipped, but not nearly as surprised that the answer they gave for how to accomplish this feat of wrapping men around their fingers
oral copulation
Well I was shocked being the invisible has its advantages but that is just a there isn't a man around here conversation. I know I tend not to be noticed and thankfully remained unnoticed during my initial reaction. Because I think my jaw dropped on the desk.
There we're several oh yes answers and others not believing such a thing would work and a pondering hmmmm or two crossed the group.
This led to a new series of insults and stories about the non-present members of their respective families
I knew she did that
or ...
Well I shouldn't say because this was all getting to be a bit graphic. I figured the best way to break up the festival of vacation horror stories turning quickly into "exit to Eden" was simply to step out of my office and let them know I would be at lunch did anyone need anything on my way back.
This worked
Everyone quickly decided that they had work to do or they were also on their way to lunch.
I still wonder why I remain invisible in the office area -- Not just here but the other jobs were I was the only man around.
I get a lot of odd questions though -- like men all share the same brain --
Do you think a man would do this
What does it mean when a man says this
Do you like this dress
Do you think this would appeal to men
Why do men leave the seat up
-- this one is particularly odd like we know why we do that
well the list goes on and on
I think "Do you ask your husband/boyfriends these things?"
-- I did ask one woman that once -- she said no, she never asked her husband these things just me."------
I haven't figured that statement out yet.
Who knows why I remain invisible but you know I kinda like it. And the odd questions aren't so bad either. The one thing I don't get is why they ask them to me?

Wednesday, May 9, 2001

Not getting any work done

So I am getting absolutely nothing done today. I think the 6 days in a row off have really done me in.
Work has really been on the back burner here lately.
I think that with all that has been going on that I just want to stop for a second. So I can at least read the plate on the bus which has just run me down.
I'm sure I know who is driving the phuckin' bus too.
I had an English professor in College
John King
He had a poster in his class room that said "where are you today?" Most people had written on the bottom of it
In this class
the name of the town
or something to the effect that they didn't really get the poster.
I got it but didn't tell anyone
I' m at work today but I'm not here today -- I'm at the beach --but I really don't like the beach -- a bunch of us are going to the beach in a few days well 23 days but it sounds sooner than in 3 weeks.
I'm not sure how I got talked into all of this to tell you the truth -- I really don't like lying in the sun -- mainly because I burn -- I mean really burn
When I was in Brazil a few months ago Summer time there winter time here I got a really bad burn and I only laid out for 15 minutes no more than 20 -- it was horrible. I couldn't move around the next day. My legs and back were red and heat just radiated off me.
The pool at the house I stayed in didn't help the pain either -- so I sat(gently)in the shade I could find and drank fresh coconut water. It is supposed to help if you are dehydrated.
So I don't like the beach
Oh speaking of Brazil -- I recently called one of my friends down there -- the bill came yesterday
Yikes !! it was $150.00 bucks for the call
I don't think I'll be calling her that much anymore I'll stick to the e-mail and snail mail for that one
So anyway I'm going to the beach again
-- why who the hell knows
I think I will leave my shirt on and wear linen slacks the whole time and sip on mint juleps
being in the south I should fit right in.
I ran in to the exhibit tech today or rather early this morning and he said that he reckoned he was going to be busy today
Its similar to figurin' but not like fixin'
But then if you are fixin' you have spent your time either figurin' or reckonin' before you got to the fixin' part.
Now where you decide to do all this is another story
yonder or cheer
The first time I was ever exposed to these words was when my family decided to move from the D.C. area into West Virginia when I was 10
Talk about culture shock -- the first day of school some woman at the school 'Yells come right in cheer and sit down over yonder we'll be fixin to get your schedule in a big hurry
I kid you not these words left the woman's mouth and I wasn't really sure what exactly I was to supposed to do. The next 4 years of my life were a perfect joy. Oddly my brothers both picked up the jargon of hillbilly speak and added rather colorful accents.
this all started with me not getting any work done

My cousin and his career

Well I was linking up to write my entry for the day and one of the ad banners popped up and I thought that looks like my cousin
It turns out that it wasn't
sure why would it be you ask
Well funny you should ask that very thing It just so happens to be a fact that my cousin (shall remain unnamed) is an actor/director in California
He has been in a number of ads some national and some just for California. His wife was the casting agent for the MOLE on ABC. She also does the Oscar Mayer casting.
My cousin (the unnamed) was in one of the "Power of Cheese" ads He is the dad of the girl with the invisible friend who tosses the Dad (my cousin) out of the house when he won't give the invisible friend cheese.
He was also in these
AC Delco spark plugs -- the convertible behind the farm truck
McDonalds --office guy who asks a co-worker if they want something and then is mobbed
Sprite -- pool hall one --a long time ago
Pizza Hut -- a guy with a kid eating pizza
Crest -- with his wife holding a marriage certificate which blows away
Bisquick -- with his son eating pancakes
Budweiser -- lucky dog
Office Max -- elf on a bench
plus a ton more like why am I writing his bio
I'm not his agent.
He has recently been in an independent film which he hasn't mailed to me yet -- I'll have to check on that one.
Well enough of my cousin the star I like him and his family and enjoy seeing them when I can -- they are a lot of fun to be around. Well I guess this would be a good time to end this here instead of changing subject which would just be a mess.
ID -- invisible don not the Sigmund F. psyche thing
but like Sig says nothing is an accident so maybe this is my subconscious way of letting my hedonistic side express my desires ??
something for me to ponder later

Monday, May 7, 2001

A bit less significant than an earthquake

So I was sitting on the bank of a stream in a park the other day watching the stream trickle by in the afternoon sun. I was trying to make some sense out of my life and all the recent comings and goings of the year past. The only thing I came to realize in that hour or so watching the water silently slipping by that my life was also slipping by as silently as the stream.
So I got up and jumped in -- a few people looked and others shook their heads -- but they were all still on the banks. So I got wet and the water was cold but I walked in the stream -- perhaps this a bit less significant than an earthquake. But I was slowly becoming part of the scenery of my life rather than being a part of it.
I spent the rest of the day doing things rather than thinking about doing them someday.
I guess those days off were better for me than I guessed that they would be. I still didn't go to sleep as early as I should have.

Saturday, May 5, 2001

Nothing more than a dream

I have these dreams about a woman -- she is not any one I know. I never really have the chance to see her face clearly. We talk in the dreams, and walk, but we never touch.
Their is a tension between us in the dreams reflective of many things I think.
I guess this might be a subconscious version of who I think is the perfect woman at least for me.
She is about 5'9"
She wears glasses -- but doesn't always wear them.
Her eyes are green with a dusty blue halo.
She has long brown hair -- long past her shoulders with gentle waves that catch the sun.
She moves like a gentle breeze across a field of tall grass.
She is never disruptive in her approach and always welcome when she is near and her departure is a cascade of loss flooding in ones soul.
Her laugh is light, floating in the air around you and you can not help but smile.
Her smile is bright and you feel warm when she glance toward you.
She smells of summer warm and new
In the dreams we never touch but we walk along garden paths amid the ivy and roses. Her beauty all the more bright against the natural back ground.
Her voice is like a song you long to hear.
She is wise and her advice is still with me when I wake.
She sits in splendor staring out past the stars in night sky,
ne'er do I dare to wake
Sadly the morning comes and I must leave to face the sunlight of the coming day. She is I know nothing more than a dream.

Tuesday, May 1, 2001

I still sit in the front row seat closest to the door

I am done with my work for today mostly I have one more memo to type up but that isn't a big deal. Just letting the guys know how to get in touch with me for the next 6 days in case something happens.
I've read all of littlecuties diary now -- you seem to be very interesting --good luck on your finals. Thanks for the compliment.
In college I had several friends that were nursing students and one of the girls I taught skiing with was a nursing student too. I liked her and we would flirt a lot but see was sadly engaged to a really nice guy.
My room-mates were all accounting majors and they were not very good students -- or at least they weren't good at accounting. Their big copies of "The principles of accounting" book was tossed out into the living room on numerous occations followed by a flurry of colorful words which I'm sure had nothing to do with debits or credits.
I think back on that time now and it wasn't all that long ago either I'm not much older than my students.
On the first day of the semester of my first class I sat in the student seats before class started.
Well the students came in one and two at a time and I said Hello but nothing big they just tried to find the best place to hide in the open space of the classroom. I always just sat in the back.
So I stayed there in the student seats the one closest to the door front row --no one ever wants that seat anyway. So now the room is full and the regular discussions murmurring around the room
--Have you had this guy before
--Whats he like
--man I hope we get to leave early
--I bet we have to take notes the first day man does that ever suck.
--I hope this guy is easy
Well soon it was time to start class, so I got up grabbed my back pack and went to the front of the class room and said Good Morning
Half the class paid attention Half didn't
So I say My name is Mr. (invisible don) --well not really
Still half the class is not really believing that I'm the one teaching the course --at the time I still had my long hair -- being a recent graduate I was still wanting to hold on to the last threads of irresponsibility or at least look the part.
I think one or two people suggested that I sit down and wait for the real instructor to show up.
I didn't acknowledge the comments but rather just began roll and slowly everyone realized that I was the one teaching.
I have cut my hair since then and regret it now and then - I have also grown a beard (goat-tee) to hide my kid like appearance. Now I guess I look the part of instructor because I still sit in the front row seat closest to the door on the first day of classes and nobody questions me getting up and starting class.
You know whats really odd -- I wanted to write about something else but this stuff just poured out of me and there it is. Well thats it for a few days --

Mortality and my friend Jack

I have the next 6 days off -- but it's only from the museum -- I still have to go to the college but only two days -- so I won't be updating this for awhile hopefully I will have something to say when I get back. Im not going anywhere I just have to burn up some comp time.
I thought about posting my finals on here but then I thought who wants to read a final if they aren't taking the test. Besides how would you know how you did?
My mind is still not focusing -- I think Im having a brush with my own mortality. I know I'm not immortal
at least not anymore --
but one of my officers is termanially ill -- I know that's sad.
He is this really cool older guy who you wouldn't think was as old as he is, he has a pony tail and all the other guys hate it -- I think because they're bald.
Having had hair almost to my ass at one point I don't mind it
The museum President thoought I would ask him to cut it -but I didn't
So any way back to the point he is dying I won't say from what -- but he has only about 6 months to live and is taking it very well.
He has decided that he is going to work until he can't. He has told the doctors that he doesn't want any treatment -- I'm not sure if that is the best choice but I admire him for not just handing his life in to the doctors and say that he quits.
I like that he is saying by God this is my life right up until the very last day and you aren't going to take it away from me until its done.
He's an old railroad breakman
meaning he road in the back of the train and would apply the breaks so the back end of the train didn't get whipped around turns and jump the tracks -- now computers do it -- but when he was younger that was his job
He knows the state senators here in this state personally and I have been with him when they come here and talk to him by name
-- it really gets at the "power elite people" around here too that they talk to him and have to be reminded of their names --
One thing he does I think is funny -- He'll be at work walking around and burst into song -- He told me once right after I started here that he knew the first two lines to 2000 songs -- I haven't heard him sing the same one yet.
Well to my friend Jack -- who will never read this -- I hope I have your conviction and desire to live if I have to face death I hope I can grit my teeth back at his and say Not now I'll come when I'm done. My strength to you in your fight Jack

Tuesday ramblings

My mind is preoccupied with so many things.
Have you ever seen the movie "falling down"
Well if you have its not as bad as that,
but man is my life getting complicated.
I still have my job so I won't be going postal anytime soon.
Did you know that is the number one way to die in the work place now. Just thought I would throw that in there.
So my mom calls me the other day and says "How are things going?" Like nothing has ever happened between us recently.
"Oh not too bad Ma" I say
"Are you sure" She says.
Like i wouldn't know whats going on in my own life. And thats an odd response too not that bad -- are you sure (looking out the window for a sniper)
oh not to bad just you wait and see not too bad
So now I'm half expecting court papers delivered to me. Some guy walking up to me saying aren't you so and so, I say yes and then he hands me papers "you're served, have a nice day" Probably going to sue me because I didn't become a priest and that messes up her chance for a prize.
That would top all of this stuff off -- so now I think I must have had some converstation with God that went something like this.
God asks "How I would like your life?"
"Interesting" I say
God says "Anything in particular you want to happen"
So I say "Oh you know
and oh don't forget to add an extra helping of family dysfunction while your at it,
but let me succeed at the traditional things like college and developing good values, so I can be frustrated about none of it paying off like it does for everyone else.
Oh and I want to lose at least one job for working too hard, and then I want to have my family blame me for all their mistake too.
You think you could do that for me.
It would be a big help
Oh now I'm just sounding bitter.
So the thing is,
What I really mean is
(elton but it works & I need to find a new radio station)
I'm glad my life is interesting, but I could stand for it to be a bit more boring right about now. You know for a week or so. That would be nice huh don't you think.
Still can't seem to work things out with the girl either -- that's a bit frustrating. I don't know why I'm so stuck on this either I need to just take a day off and go somewhere with her. Problem is I can't catch her at home now and the phone tag game is getting silly.
I call leave a message
she calls leaves a message
I return her call
She returns mine and so on and so on and so on
The good thing is that she is at least leaving messages. I could just be calling and calling and not catching the hint. or maybe thats it
oh I really need to change the radio station now Heart -- yikes I really should hide the thing so the night shift guys don't change the station.
AHH there we go "Pepper" by BHS
some song lyrics from the previous
I think I'm beginning to ramble.
Yup I just scrolled back up -- I'm rambling
so I better go do something
oh like
I don't know