Saturday, June 15, 2013

Go back to whatever Starbucks dumpster you climbed out from behind

Homogenized America Reading critical reviews of anything from food, to music, to a place, what ever seems to point to one thing we are all xenophobic. Afraid of things which are different, fearful of the unfamiliar, anything that goes against the grain is cause for our immediate disdain. The internet has given us all a place to tell others about our dislike of this or that thing and the ever resounding thing about every single statement of dislike is this or that is different than what I prefer. I’ve long believed if you took someone put them in the middle of any place in the US and kept them from actually reading anything that said where they were you would not have a clue where you were. You would also have to hide the skylines of most major cities as a give away but apart from two things we are the same from coast to coast and north to south. Really makes me wonder about the world or more specifically the people in it. Why do we want everything to be the same? We go on and on about how we are all individuals but we aren’t. We want a well polished, chrome plated, shiny, plastic coated, all weather, new and improved sameness to the entire world. Oh and it should also be well lit and temperature controlled. I read a review for a place written on the same day I was in a place. My experience was fine everything was good, from the service and the items purchased. The other person who may have even been there at the same time as myself says it was the very worst experienced they have ever had in their life. Makes me wonder, does this person writing the review like anything. I went on to read other reviews perhaps my standards are low or I just don’t know any better. More reviews were the same as my experience and in reading over thirty reviews only two were negative. Gives me hope that there are people who like things a little different in the world. But still I wonder though because more places seem to strive for the element of sameness rather than going out of a limb. So much of the things that people complain about are not even complaints they are just whining about why things aren’t they way I want them to be. A complaint is there is a hair in my food, not that the décor is passé or too retro. Don’t take my word for it go out and read reviews for things and places you like. Read the ones that disagree with how you feel about it and you’ll see the things that people bitch about are just a bunch of whining about how things aren’t the same as they are in the homogenized sameness of the superplex where they usually go for this or that thing or service. Think I’m wrong? Why are there 3 Hangover and 6 Fast and Furious movies? Why do well all live so close to a McDonalds, Starbucks and Wal-Marts? Why do we mock the people who are a little different from what we like? Because we are all afraid to be a little different, may be the world would be a bit better with more difference and less sameness or maybe not. Welcome to Stepford, America won’t you be one of us…one of us…one of us… Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy. Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood. Ciao, PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015 BF3 Stats