Sunday, June 28, 2015

Book Review: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

I just finished reading a book by Jesse Andrews, “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” The book is about Greg not Earl and not really about the Dying Girl, although they are both featured heavily in the book. There is a film for this book too, which is out now in the world and I have not seen said film at this time but I plan too. The Girl has Leukemia Greg and Earl do not Now you may be thinking isn’t this John Green’s “A Fault in Our Stars” No but also yes. Certainly with a lot less crying; I wept reading “AFIOS” Not so much with the “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” Not so much because there isn’t touching stuff in Mr. Andrews book because there is and you might actually cry at parts in the book I didn’t but I’m a soulless monster but that is another story. The story is a coming of age dealing with all the things that life throws at you; stuff you like, stuff you hate and stuff you would rather not happen at all but does anyway. I like “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” as much as like “A Fault in Our Stars”. The only reason I’m comparing the two books is they both have a dying girl and they are coming of age stories and they are both movies and there are a lot of comparisons you can make except one. In “Fault” it was harder for me to see myself as Hazel Grace than it is for me to see myself as Greg Gaines. Greg is the Me in the Story. That could be because Greg is a guy and Hazel is not a guy but it is more than that. The stories are told in very different styles. While “Fault” is a story unfolding as it happens and you find out stuff as it happens in the lives of the characters. “Dying Girl” is a story retold after it has already happened. It is an exploration of how we live when life isn’t what we want it too be and how we handle those times. Sometimes we do well and some times we fail. Both stories are good but it was easier for me to relate to the emotions in “Me and Greg and the Dying Girl” than it was for me to with “Fault”. I won’t spoil the book for you and if you want to see the film it is out now and I think you can even rent it on Youtube and perhaps other places. If you are on the fence about it look for the movie trailer. You might want to see it or you may just say nah, not for me. The book is really good, the style apart from being an after the fact story is also uses bullet points, script style dialogue, and some other styles in telling this story about a person dealing with something they would rather not be dealing with. Andrews turns the story in and much as he does out to the world around Greg in an honest telling of things we all feel but rarely give light because they are not how you are supposed to feel. This is a book worth reading, can’t say if the movie is worth watching but it is probably better then the Gaines/Jackson production, “Earl the Wrath of God II”. Well, that’s all for now, other stuff to follow most likely Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday Thank you for reading, please subscribe, Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood. Ciao, Invisible Don PS 3 / PS4 Gamer Tag: invisible don Send me post cards … I love post cards. Invisible Don PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015