Sunday, January 31, 2010

Muhahahahaahaha... ahem.... cough... le sigh

Muhahahahaahaha... ahem.... cough... le sigh...

Am I an evil genius… hardly but I have had my moments of rule bending, questionable behavior, eyebrow raising looks but nothing particularly evil …Well there was that one time but I don’t think you could really call it evil

Although I suppose it all depends on which side of the line you stand as to what is bad or just not well tolerated.

I think about things like the E.L.E. and think you know that would be fun… hmm

Other stuff…

Like with pie. This is really a good thing you can’t say pie is evil not even rhubarb or mincemeat

Now doughnut can be evil and cake

However cookies are only sinful… which I’m in the midst of development of a cookie which I will call sinful

Oh yes, it will be grand when it is completed I shall achieve culinary evil greatness. It’s nearly perfected but I have to find a way to amp up the bad

In other news…

I still think Princess Zombie - rocks - you might be better off undead indeed

Mr. Wilson and Ms. Mouse are on the prowl.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's better than good, it's bad.

Back to the idea of blog not being a blog.

I mean back in the day writing on line was a thing done by anyone about anything they wanted it to be and it was good. Then somebody who couldn’t really get why would you just write stuff on line for other people to read. Well because, duh. There are so many reasons. Still not getting it they had to say well it would be better if you did it about something. Better how? Better as in predictable? Better how?

Oh, so others can be critical and say well this is a good blog and this is a bad blog, Well really or are you just no that into it… like some vegetables even the same vegetable.
What ever do you mean? Well spinach for example, I like it raw but not cooked, it’s gross and disgusting cooked, as in haul your mass in the lawn grab some Kentucky blue and cook it same, same. Anyway So I blog, it’s never made sense and when I’ve tried to make it make sense it is bad. Not that it isn’t bad anyway but some people like it.

I think they read to see if I’m going to jump or just go coo-coo for coco puff one day, oh and if you don’t know that’s my euphemism for crazy, insane, bonkers, off the rocker, etc.

So I have thought about doing this as a video blog or vlog. Several problem with this idea.
1. I’m technically not all that computer smart. I have a computer but I don’t do much with it, it may as well be a video game and typewriter
2. O.F.U.C.
3. Which should be 2 but I’m making it three I don’t have a digital video camera, you would think well not having the proper equipment. I blogged for the first six months with out a computer so there is a way so it’s three
4. I mentioned my lack of skills on the computer, yeah they are even worse with things you hook up to computers like cameras.

So if you wanna follow the blog you’ll have to work for the good stuff and read. You know reading, words organized in an understandable fashion or semi-understandable fashion. So not only am I saving the written word, I am also saving you from potential night mares because of the O.F.U.C.

However I do some pretty funny voices, ok I think they are funny and my son and his friends laugh and a few others, my students and a few people on phones when I wanna play. Hmmm I suppose I’ll give it some more thought in the mean time please enjoy the offering in written form, forgive the spelling and grammatical errors and if you are confused by what I’m saying be thankful it doesn’t go on inside your head.

In other news…

Princess Zombie - rocks - you might be better off undead.

I spent some time rolling around a horrible thought in my head, well it’s not horrible … I’ll put more up later.

Clarity moment during the chores not a litter box moment but close… I’m not going to erase a chunk of my life just because you don’t like me. I know it’s sickening I’m almost up beat (shudder) it will go away soon I hope.

Good thoughts and energy to …well you know who you are so

To the ELE … I’m not saying I’m submitting an application but I may be interested in some additional literature or attending a informational seminar or a retreat.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Mini rant, Lots of dodgeball and I don't know what is going on.

Mini rant, Lots of dodgeball and I don't know what is going on.

Well it’s officially snowing …boo, yuck and phooey even. Normally I’m not like this, I love the snow, but as of late not so much. I don’t have the time, money or money for snow at this point so it can go the hell away. Yup I said hell as in Ay-ch Ee double hockey sticks with a side of Firetruck and torque too with a bit of backward suction. Indeed.

So I’ll be shoveling in the morning. I don’t wanna shovel, I don’t like the shovel. It’s ugly and mean.

I’m sleepy

Dodge, to avoid
Dip to lower in dance or to avoid
Duck, an aquatic fowl or to quickly avoid
Dive, to plunge from a height into water or to avoid
Dodge, a car you should avoid both in standing in front of while it’s moving or from purchase.

The 5 D’s of dodge ball…as in Imma playin dodge ball

There are several of us aplayinda dodge ball, I don’t think any of us really suspect that this is actually going to be physical activity. You know move your mass around rapidly avoid being hit by big red rubber ball POINK… nothing really makes a noise like a dodge ball hitting a person

Nothing really makes a sound like a wrench hitting a person either but we aren’t dodging wrenches.

We aren’t dodging wrenches right? Seriously we aren’t dodging wrenches…

It says right here in the bylaws of the ADAA that would be the American Dodgeball Association of America that only players hit by a live ball below the shoulders including the clothing are out.

Whew not in the face… I won’t have to shriek like a little girl … hey I’m ugly enough I think the one trip down the tree was enough.

And I may have BDD … yeah that I say it’s the OFUC but now I’m told that I don’t but what I really have is BDD. I don’t think that’s correct but we’ll check.

Back to Dodgeball, yes Cotton it’s exciting less than a week away, Well Pepper it’s about to unfold anything can happen.
Oh I am shamelessly stealing from that moving.
But we didn’t steal our name from them like another team, well borrowed yeah they are the Average Joe’s

Thankfully no one took the purple cobra.

We are the Oneders, (wonders incase you haven’t seen the movie… which I haven’t)
But if we had chosen a rather menacing name we may have been shamed into not wearing our shirt because my prediction is we are going to make the dysen vacuum look like a toy, gravity look like a myth, a black hole an escapable place, yup that all means suck, as in suck in a big big way,

But you know what we’ll have fun doing it.

Big Fun just like the shirts in Heathers without the walking into traffic and dying part or the dying in the woods, and not all being named heather either… and our shirt say Oneders and not BIG FUN but it is the same


I’ll let you know how much and if I can talk stunt boy into recording it, maybe even a video of the MASS A CREE of our team

But to put a positive spin on this to para-phrase-ically quote Peter LaFluer, AKA Vince Vaughn “we don’t know who our best player is it could be anyone one of us”


WHOOOSH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> POINK !

Not in the faceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



In other news…

…I’m so confused, so much more than my normal confused … I don’t know what to do… Oh I know what I would do were I in a position to do but no it’s gotta be confusing.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

coming up with catchy titles is tricky... you try it ... see

Next Thursday will be dodge ball night… this Thursday doodle and stunt boy came over for dinner

They had chicken and

They also had rice, tri-pepper fry, asparagus spears in balsamic vinegar, and white corn

I didn’t do the dead nanimal

I’m not a big fan of a lot of other vegetarians

Why? Well, because they are all judgmental and stuff. Now you could say I’m being all judgmental and stuff on them but hey we all hate on something or someone.

Anyway, I really don’t like that how some vegetarians have to tell any omnivore they see that how meat is murder and the horrible things they do to get the meat to you and how diseased it is, and the steroids and hormones they put in the feed for the animals to make them bigger and grow faster, and all of the other horrible things that happen in the slaughter houses. I could go on but they’ll do it for me.

The thing is I don’t like to be told I don’t have a choice about something. I’m not a vegetarian because I think animals are so much more cute not dead… well the tend to be but that’s not way. Eating dead animals really makes me feel all bleckie. I used to eat it and would feel bad but would continue to eat it.

I get the other arguments, I do, but jumping down someone’s throat about what they are eating by choice isn’t really a convincing way to get someone to stop something they like.

Most people get it that it’s a big process and the produce the amount of meat eaten in a single day in the US …well it can’t be down without some machines, and a big business approach to things ie heartless and uncaring about the consumer just getting the product to market and making cash.

So why be rude about how you choose to live. I don’t make my kids eat the way I choose to eat. They both try a lot of things. Stunt boy likes a lot of the vegetarian things I make but he also doesn’t like a lot of them too and prefers to eat meat. Doodle is the same. It’s not my place to force them to not eat the things they want.

I really just don’t like the holier than thou smug attitude… get over yourself.

In other news…

…I’m so confused, not my normal confused other confused.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just writing a bit ... I may have a point some day sorry was that out loud

Do you know what we need wonder mutt, and by wonder mutt I mean cat and by cat I mean a duo of cats no more than that shall be had… I’m not going to be the OFUC guy with a bunch of cats… ’nother story

Anyway, yup I say and write it, I needs a win… you heard me in the back yah, wee little nasty beasts… a win, a score, a good day… and not the good day as in,

Oh how are you today.

I’m good, you?


Fargin’ liars is wut I has to say ’bout that.

I don’t even need a big win, just a little win..

Well I did have a little win about a fortnight ago but that quickly became a not win… why

Because Mickey is a fargin’ ice hole that’s why.

Hey mickey … yeah you know sounds like Row Bee, yes that’s right the front and the back of a Firetruck.

Ever notice that if you see someone you really, … ah… not like a lot and if they are really far away you can wave at them and say the worst things about them and as long as you smile and wave they have no clue.

Happy faces boys, wave big … you rotten SOB why ought a’ tell you a thing or five about you lookin’ funny and your momma dressin’ you funny and you smell like a fish cannery in August on a hot day with no breeze, lord your children are ugly are you sure they’re yours?

Maybe it’s just me.

I was told I was sick and wrong today, sick and wrong as in swimming up stream, not well in the head, the elevators stops about half way up, the lights are one but no one is there, a can short of a good time, not having a full deck, a hatter in the day, you know

To which I replied, I prefer the term elegantly deviant to sick and wrong

The subject was changed after my reply… not that it was a very good retort but if you own the slam better than it was given, where do you go from there.

And surely the thing that was uttered from my mouth at that particular time was not nearly the worst thing that I’ve ever uttered

Some times you have to be careful when you ask people to talk naughty to you. I asked once, well she did and it was un-rattling.

Yes you think you want to hear it than you do and no, no you wish you could turn the clock back.

In case you’re reading and wondering what is going on, I’m writing and wondering what is going on…it’s really an exercise called stream writing it is actually more but I can’t spell the other word and I’ll stop and fixate on the correct spelling and that will end the stream so we shan’t

Is that a word shouldn’t shan’t ant ? As in the past of shan’t contraction of shall not.

Who knows not me. But anyway I can’t seem to find the part I’m missing, the person I’m missing, as in lost not dearly missing, but I can’t find them either. But they are indeed apart and not the same people. I don’t know the answer to the question and I’m not sure there was a question but I’m confused as you must surely be if you’re follow, the names have been left out to protect the guilty and me of course. I want the dollar to buy more things and I hope that it will. Now I must end this as my pre allotted time has gone but I win which is where we started

Not a big win but a win none the less and it’s Mr. Elegant Deviant thank you very much.

In other news…

The 5 d’s of Dodgeball are Dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It isn't anything ...wut, Nah I ain't seen it, bugger off you wee nasty beasties

Lively class tonight got home later then expected

Lots to say not much time to put it all down on this

Should probably just skip it but want to put something up

Tosser, just shut up will ya…

I’m not a tosser ya’ bloody git.

Oh look a nickel

In other news…

… hmmm I’m just not sure what to think … really not sure at all … hmmm

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Trees and stuff, ... ok it really doesn't have anything to do with trees

Ever find out something and wish you had not? Made the unexpected discovery ?

Yeah sometimes knowing something isn’t always a good thing.

If money is at the root of evil, knowledge is right there at the root of temptation.

Now just because you know something doesn’t mean you can, or should do anything with the knowledge.

Related to this I’m really good at getting that sort of knowledge, partly because I’ll ask the question some won’t, or make the observation, but I listen more then talk but mainly when I find out that stuff I keep it to myself.

I’m a secret keeper, a confessor if you will, a confessor without the guilt or the act of contrition and penance. Well really all that just gets in the way of knowing the really good stuff about people if you are all judgmental about what people are telling you.

You know it may have been a good thing I ended up leaving the seminary I think you are supposed to a be a little judgey about things, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have gotten caught up in the story. Huh… who knew the little stop over up Olson Tower road would have been so poignant in my life… well apart from the obvious.

I’m not only good at keeping other people’s secrets, it takes a lot of bourbon to pry my own out of me… that or enough Guinness to float a boat… a paper boat not a real boat, no one could drink enough beer in a single sitting to float a boat…

… Ok let me say this now…

That if you die trying to drink enough beer to float a boat, it’s not my fault.

In other news…

Watched it again and I’m still not sure what to think about terminator salvation. I’m not sure if it’s a good movie or not. Now in fairness I think I’m possibly a bit swayed the Christian Bale rant on the lighting guy making me perhaps a bit biased against the film. I refused to see it in the theatres based on that alone and now, I’m glad that I didn’t but am I still being unfair about it’s overall merit.

Oh and yea, for Leonard and Penny…

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are you wearing clear plastic lift shoes? really...hmmm... I have a pocket full of dollars, yeah didn't think so

So some thoughts on keeping an online journal, blog if you will. I do this mainly for me and any one who cares to read along. I have thought about doing this thing as a v-blog, but really I’m just too OFUC to make that happen so you’ll have to work for the stuff rather than just sit and listen while I ramble on about this or that.

Random stuff from the previous week, it would be something if I could tell you from the coming week but I wouldn’t be where I am now if there were the case. Most likely then I would be hiding my secret from the world or the unwilling guest of some people wanting to abuse said function.

The dollar bill works wonders in McDonald and the strip club but not many other places. Both of these raise serious concerns and or queries. However while holding up a dollar in a McDonalds isn’t going to get you the same results, but you will get a sandwich or fries which may or may not actually be food. Hey, I’m just saying you don’t really know what’s in there … alright it’s probably food but exactly what type of food is probably debatable … bugs are edible, freeze dried and then ground up with about 30% beef you have a frying piece of something there and isn’t if possible it isn’t even really beef. But the point was getting stuff for a dollar. Then there is the dollar store which was completely left out of the equation previously so there are three places presenting a dollar will get you something, you may or may not want. Then those things you would like to be able to get for a dollar are probably not going to be sold for that much.

Off the dollar thing

The v-blog was part of the random stuff, I sort of enjoy watching a few of them but I think they end up being more about trying to please rather than just sort of going on about what the v-blogger is thinking. I know as a regular blogger I find that I do tend to censor myself if I think what I’m going to say will offend. I try not to do it but I do and I have even in writing thing entry. I may go on and do a v-blog at some point but not today and probably not this year. I’m still just trying to get back on the writing thing after having my computer nearly die.

Shower massagers… well we all know where this could go but I’ll just leave it at if you’ve ever been in a shower with a massaging shower on flexible shower extension you’ve gotten curious. Once the gears start churning… well you’re there in shower just praying that no one comes into the shower and you don’t … well we’ll leave it there. Oh guys too please, it’s like the cake batter, curiosity gets the better of you sooner or later. Maybe not the first time but eventually


What to say or not to say… you just never know now a days


I really should have written this on Friday but I didn’t

I have this idea that I could put under way. However there a few things standing in the way. One being funding, I’m lacking in the funding to put this underway to a level which would be acceptable. Two, there is the OFUC thing. Three, long hair mine, seems people just can’t seem to see past it, I’m a person damn it. Four, the beard also seems to be a problem. Five… there are a lot of things tied here so I’ll just say et al and leave it at that… everyday I look and I see and I just don’t know why.

In other news…

The star trek movie - newest one is really damn good… yeah I’m a scifi geek but I like it and hope they make more.

I’m still not sure what to think about terminator salvation… it was entertaining but I’m not sure that it was good or not.

9 5 whick-tor whick-tor two

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, January 22, 2010

A repost: the downfall of man AKA western civilization

This is originally from my blog, or on line journal if you prefer as my blog has no point, supposedly blogs should have a point or something … anywho… on with the best of thing back on 2/25/2002 I wrote this … so if some things are a bit out of date (as in the prez isn’t W anymore thank god) that’s why, however the main point of the entry of the blog holds true … see there is a point it’s just not the same point over and over and over again..

2/25/2002 The downfall of Man by invisible don Edited some by invisible don

I have been thinking lately with all the gloom and doom in the news.
What is wrong with the world?
What is the downfall of civilization?
Well there are a lot of theories out there as to this effect

What you find out all depends on whom you choose to ask or where you look for example:

Chicken Little: Some off the wall theory about squirrels and that the sky is falling.

Gee Dubya: says it’s the AXIS OF EVIL (dum dum dum – it needed a bit of emphasis)

Billy and Jerry (Graham and Falwell – to bad Billy isn’t a Ben huh): These two will tell you it is the lack of morality, women’s rights and other miscreant activities
– Sorry boys but you have it really wrong – perhaps all that is the downfall to the Good Ol’ Boy WASP power structures but not all of civilization.

It isn’t sex, well it could be but it’s not

It isn’t drugs

It isn’t Rock-n-Roll

Not even beer, wine and hard drink

So you ask if not those things what is the at the core of our demise

Well, I’m glad you asked

Why, Because this evil is quite possibly in your own home (shock and horror)

Yes it’s true it’s in your home and maybe in your pocket.

The downfall of man is a simple innocent enough looking of devices a dewy eyed kitten if you will lulling you to your doom.


Yup that is the ultimate in evil of all mankind

Now before you start to call the padded wagon and the mental health dudes hear me out

The snooze button is the cause of so much of our modern problems

Think about it in the US alone 300 million people all sleeping an extra 10 minutes in one day

That’s three Trillion minutes, 50 million hours, approximately 2.1 million days or about 5,707 years or roughly most of recorded history

Everyday we lose that much time just in the US yup all of known history gone in ten minutes

You take the entire world into account and nothing is getting done at all

Imagine where we could be in science, technology, energy production, interpersonal relationships and on and on

People wonder why aren’t we making the strides that the previous generations have made in the world

It’s because we are sleeping

We are just drowsing away as the world goes by

So the next time you reach over to tap the snooze button
Think about what you are doing to the world

So get your ass out of bed and do something we’re late

Oh by the way have a nice day

In other news…

The previous was a brought up by a fellow co-worker who I will tag when I post this on face book and he can feel free to un-tag himself if he wishes.

It’s a two hour delay today for the schools so stunt boy is being stunt boy and doodle is out of school or so says the TV so I guess she wins the 50 dollars as the hairdo would have happened were it not for the ice. Yup a win by default… hey a forfeit win counts just as much as a one point win or a 100 point whoopin’ default wins count don’t bet if you don’t wanna loose. That’s why I only bet a nickel as in a .05 not 500 you think I’m crazy… oh look a nickel

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS if the math is off ... thats because crappy at math and spelling too if you read a lot.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A new salad... well new to me

The other day I heard this thing you can end up saving hundreds of dollars simply by being a bit more creative with your cooking by preparing meals with things already in your home.

You bought it use it sort philosophy.

I’ve been trying that here recently. I’ve not created anything particularly new and exciting but I am saving a bit of money at the store especially.

One thing if you are into the salad stuff, this is not entirely my idea but today I had a pretty yummy salad

1 cup of Spinach leaves
1 green onion chopped
1 table sp Feta cheese crumbled
1 table sp chopped pecans
1 table sp dried cranberries
½ banana cut in slices

I used a red wine vinegar dressing however you may have a favorite you would like to try

Getting ready to watch a movie … I won’t spoil it for you and tell you what it is.

In other news…

Things look to be amiss

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bees, bourbon, Rockabilly and tequila

There were a few interesting things over the last few days not sure exactly where to start.

The Irish in me says Shure, shure tell the story how you like.

Except I don’t feel like spinning the blarney today. Were a day or three that the blarney would fall off me tongue like dew from the leaves in morning.

The last two nights I’ve been teaching and that has been fun, still not sure what to expect from this group of students.

Then the day before that was on the phone for a bit which … I really don’t want to talk about.

Then the day before that I slept a lot … well more to the point I recovered some from trying to find the bottom of a bourbon bottle the hard way.

The day before that I was trying to find the bottom of a bourbon bottle, I used some bourbon and some tequila and some beer and some more bourbon and some more tequila and more bourbon and more tequila

So in the middle of me trying to find the bottom of a bourbon bottle was happy hour… was a lot of fun to see good friends. New people were brought into the group and as always we drag out all our worst stories … well nearly our worst stories… the cake batter one wasn’t brought up… but NYC TG and another bad behavior story were exchanged.

I’m still not entirely sure that I didn’t miss a field trip to the waffle house and there weren’t any pancakes. I still need to find some spurs.

I hope we do happy hour again soon. Not this Friday but maybe the next.

In other news…

May the Saints have mercy on your soul, ’cause you know you’re a dirty, lyin’, thieving, no good, rotten … oh I’m sorry thought you were some one else sorry ma’am

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS - sometimes I don't make a bit of sense

Friday, January 15, 2010

Were they talking about the band or the device? Because the latter really changes things a bit

Now I wish I could say I knew the band Belle and Sebastian by name before I heard it on (500) Days of Summer, but alas I can not say that

“…Color my life with the chaos of trouble...”

Related but not is the following

The middle finger game is a game we used to play, it’s not the most brilliant game in the world and it’s not exactly dangerous. The danger comes from non participants you’ll see why later.

The name of the game says it all you extent your middle finger in the direction of another player.

Once the game starts it never ends and you are on a team of one. Yes you all by yourself against all other participants. It is a game like sumo wrestling in that each match is over quickly, but it is not a sport and you don’t have to wear that … ah… well what would you call that sumo gear… anyway no other equipment is necessary for the game, which is not a sport.

The middle finger game is only a game and forever shall be only a game and there is no professional level, it is played merely for the love of the game. Now I’m sure there will be some know it all prick that bounces along and makes it a sport and a professional level thing just to show it can be done. Just because it can be doesn’t mean it should be .. Back on topic.

So we played this game. We being; the other one, the peacemaker, the cool park ranger, and me and a few others have joined in as well. In play you may recruit persons to aid you in the delivery of a middle finger but only you must supply the middle finger not your helper. If they deliver the middle finger they are the player and they get the win and you are back to square one. An example of an assist would be in a crowded room, lets say a restaurant, and you enlist a server to go to your opponent and point in your direction. When your opponent looks … BLAM middle finger is what they see and your smiling face behind it. WIN for you. Simplest game in the world.

On the losing end of the win, it is customary to hang your head in shame for a second and admit you have been bested. This is only if you are the receiver of the finger and not the delivery maker.

Clear a mud

This game can be played any where, at anytime.

Mainly it is played as you pass your opponents in your regular day to day outings. Always, stay on your toes, you must be ever vigilant, and have to be on the look out for them. You opponents can be anywhere.

The first person to spot, and deliver a middle finger to the opponent wins. Your opponent must recognize that you have delivered the finger for a win to occur so you can’t call them on the phone and say boo-yah.

Now the dangerous bit is this, you may mistake a person as an opponent and then you fly the middle finger salute … oops you have misfired and you are obligated to tell the person who you thought you tagged about your mistake.

There is no time limit on when this must be done but you have to tell them. Own your shame. Own it!

Shaming Example

I was driving and I see the light green SUV of the cool park ranger coming toward me… muhahaha… (I think)

Why am I thinking maharaja because I’m an evil genius and I’m not in my regular car so I am in stealth mode. My vehicle and his are getting closer … and closer… and FIRE…

OH NO! It’s not the cool park ranger…

It is a bewildered looking older guy park ranger… my smile quickly changes to OOOPS…

I have just flipped off a kindly older gentleman park ranger. I owned my shame then and now again for your enjoyment.

After my incident of shame I became a bit gun shy about firing at park ranger vehicles and lost many subsequent passing to the cool park ranger with his middle finger tall over the steering wheel and his full on toothy smile bright like a halogen spot light illuminating his middle finger.

Also this is a game of fun and not revenge. You should only play with people you like so you can laugh about your mistaken identity blasts (shaming incidents)… like my aforementioned misfire to the kindly older gentleman park ranger. Related to that the cool park ranger knew the kindly older gentleman park ranger and he had been tagged before by the other one or the peacemaker as well. I’m sure the thought the world had gone mad or at least held something against kindly older park rangers.

So rally your pals for the grand game of middle finger tag… you’ll love the fun. Hope you don’t ever get punched which is a real risk if you aren’t in your car or if your state has aggressive driving laws which might get a citation playing if you misfire to a cop in an unmarked vehicle. YIKES and stuff. Play safe and have fun.

In other news…

Even more snow melted today and the cats are bonkers, bonkers I tell you.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, January 14, 2010


Well now that the New Year is safely started how many people are still holding true to their new year resolutions? If you are still on your way to what ever reformation quest you’ve set for yourself that is truly grand and if not start again tomorrow.

I’ve simplified this process, some time ago I resolved not to make resolutions at the new year. I’ve kept that resolution a long time now. Now you may considering this as a failure. Why? I still make changes in my life. I just don’t wait around for January 1 to do it.

Now, I’m not burning the world down making changes but I’ve got a pretty decent flame going. I have dropped the ball a few times trying to make changes and fallen flat on my face too. Thought that I didn’t have a second chance.

Most of us don’t ever give ourselves a second chance. The motto for many is, “if at first you don’t succeed …there is a discount liquor store nearby to help you drown your sorrows.”

Now depending on your vice the liquor store may be;
The Pizza place, the donut shop, the quik mart death dogs,
Tobacco shop,
Crack dealer,
Reefer man,
Little ol’ ladies sellin’ their ‘scrip for food money

Regardless of your vice once you have that first slip most of us run back to the shelter of our little helper, thank you mick. I’ve done it many times. Man I’m such a pop culture whore.

Back to the point. When did making mistakes become the ultimate evil in the world.

No one is perfect but it seems that perfection is the bar everyone strives for, perfection doesn’t exist. But you can put yourself to do better, you can try again, you can learn from your mistakes. But just because you fall down don’t just lay their on the ground grab the balloon, spoon, candle and spike and float.

Well unless that’s your goal. But set new goals, and if you don’t succeed today, maybe you will tomorrow, or the next day or the one after that… you get the point.

In other news…

Some snow melted today.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not sure what I was thinking today but I needed to get it out of my head

Nom, nom, nom… crunch… nom, nom, nom… crunch… nom, nom, nom.
Celery is yummy… nom, nom, nom.

Unrelated to the celery but at my work there are several restrooms there are two mob style restrooms for each gender one locked for employees only and the other open for the general public. Total 4 mob style restrooms … if you don’t know the term it is a room with multiple fixtures for making number one or number two, usually each fixture is separated by a full or partial wall … usually.

Then there are two addition single seat restrooms. That the management has deemed to be unisex, but they should just be listed as female only. They are decorated for women and in an office of 90% women … any guy would be stupid to use either of those single seat restrooms. One I’m not sure why anyone uses one of them because it’s a fairly high traffic area. I try not to walk by that area at all but sometimes I have to.

The second reason for not using either of these is if you blow up the restroom as in you have to number 2 and it makes your eyes water … it just reeks. You know beer, eggs, beans, throw in a bit of lactose intolerant and paint thinner … you know the sort of reek that lighting a match smells like reek and a lit match. If you blow up a restroom like that, there is going to be someone on the other side of the door waiting to go in. Always.

Third if there ever is a mess, and I mean ever… in a single seat restroom and you are a guy who uses that restroom even once in 99 years, you will be blamed for any and all messes that occur in that restroom. Not just the mess…yup the reek smell too will forever be your problem as well even if you are innocent. And I know you ladies can drop a bathroom bomb that will singe the hair off a rhino just like a lot of guys can.

I may be stupid but I am not a dummy

In other news…

They are thinking about re-making Ferris Buller’s Day off…???? Why? That serves no purpose

I’ve lost something too… but I’m not sure what or where.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I think that's your skull...

I didn’t have a sister growing up… I don’t have one now for that matter. I think I would have benefited greatly by having a sister. Just a guess… I’m not sure. There is a lot that I could go into with this but saying there is a void there.

I suppose I could get a sister. Any volunteers?

It’s one of those things we look across the fence and see greener grass.

Having only brothers there was no limit to sharing the restroom. You know if one person is in the shower it’s not a problem to just walk into the bathroom and go about your business. Well that was in our house.

I’m finding that what happened in my family wasn’t what happened in a lot of other families. There are good things and bad things about that as well.

So with a sister there would have been stricter rules about the bathroom.
Which may have led to a second bathroom in the house. Less cussing. Less hitting. Less stabbing.

Yes my brother stabbed me… only a little. I stabbed the same one with a fork at one point… he stabbed me with a sword.

Then there was the machete incident… yes that does say machete… ah… what can I say it was one of those time when you start playing and then someone gets a chip in their skull when the machete blade clangs into the side of their head. Not my head..

Hey he has a really cool scar… and it isn’t really that big.

So yeah with a sister there would have been some one there to say you’re being stupid boys why don’t you stop. We may have listened to a sister.

College started this week my classes seem to have some interesting students this semester. Fingers crossed.

In other news…

There is no such thing as love… it’s fantasy. I’m trying to wrap my head completely around this one but I think it’s true. It is this thing we’ve made up to make our selves miserable. I’ll get back around to that.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Did she say Hey instead of Hi?

Most days pass without anything remarkable happening in them at all.

Now that statement may be seen in a variety of ways. Pragmatic, pessimistic, defeatist, ambivalent, safe, cautious, sad, curious … and a slew of others.

Perspective …is how we see things the way they are or how we want them to seem.

Perhaps one perspective is entirely valid while at the same time another is as well and equally valid. The trouble is that most of the time the one perspective we tend hold as true is our own and utter reject any other.

Why is it that way? What is so important about this thing or that?

You know Shakespeare may not have been the best writer of his day, perhaps he just had a better agent or just happened to be lucky that his stuff didn’t burn in the many fires that ravaged London, which even took his theatre.

Do we like Bill because it’s good… well yes it is good, great even but is it the best of his day? We don’t know.

Perspective. Usually the perspective that is given the most convincing argument is the one that is held as true, even if it is an utter falsehood.

Hell people have killed for lies they held as true…because of perspective.

In other news…

The cold snap continues.
The college started again.
The movie is on in the DVD player which is going to be stopped soon so I can slumber.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jack Frost and Queen Mab

Man it’s cold.

Ok it’s cold, like cold man cold.

I know that seems so obvious a thing to state…yet I say again it is cold.

My mind swims with things to say and then when I sit at the keys the tides all flood at once across the sand which are my thoughts. They lay hither and yon now.

Of late they have been vexed by Mab, the queen
And oft’ hast her chariot tumbled ‘cross o’er my brow
Haunting my slumber with the empty vessel which she sells
Fill it how you wish, she bade
To fill it now is a task which can not be
For the container it is lost

In my hands the cuts run deeply and tendons bare
Gore and sinew bathe the ground ‘neath my feet
Knees torn from the gravel path
and empty space from the queen’s minions feast
Tis stolen from my house

I mourn
I do not mourn

Alas the lies I can not speak
Hark I plea wait for me my Captain
Lion of the Gascony guard I would to be your second.
While our hearts know too well the grace of will,
Our hideous form suited only for the worst of men’s hearts

In other news… things start a new on the morrow

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Slipping into the void

Slipping into the void

Well I guess that is not technically correct as I didn’t really slip into the void I was sort of of in limbo and became invisible. Ironic.

My computer died a little bit and in filling my time with all sorts of things which were not internet related in the mean while. Mainly it was reading a few things. As I didn’t have the computer I fell out of my habit of writing. It was of course right when nanomo was starting so I failed at that utterly, at least in the putting words to page part of that, but in the thinking about the idea it was rather productive.

Back to the little bit of death of the computer though. I thought computers were intended to make our lives easier and less complicated. I’ve learned in the two months without the use of a computer for my personal things that this isn’t true. However, the evils of technology is another rant.

On the plus side technology has made life a bit more entertaining. Which I enjoy, the rest of it not so much.

The kitten thing I posted earlier was indeed the cutest thing ever … just good fun.

Stunt boy and I went to see Doodle to the cheer thing which just happened to be on the sidelines of a game at the round ball house in the county tonight. Knights won, Spartans died. Met the boy Doodle is interested in now. He seems nice and he was polite. Well not like a good plan would be to be un-polite meeting the father of the girl you like for the first time.

In other news… it may snow again… I have a spoon under the bed.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
