Sunday, May 31, 2009

follow the rules

Well as Steinbeck penned, “the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry“. Mine especially so, or so it would seem. I’m not sure why that is though. I have the whipping boy theory, which is that Karma like anything else has a whipping boy and I fill that role for Karma. Now see it would be so delicious if it were by choice and I was a masochist and enjoyed such things. However I’m not and the only one deriving any pleasure from this is the sadist. So I ask for happiness karma says sure but it will cost you double in pain.

The other thing is just bad timing. No fate, no karma, no divinity influence just pure by chance bad luck.

And it’s not that really horrible things happen all of the time, just things that are stumbling blocks, closed doors, locked windows, jammed up streets… barricade after barricade in the way. Frustration mounts. Simple tasks for anyone else become 12 step programs and on and on.

I know I’m not perfect, nor is life perfect but it seems, at least from the outside that many other people get a pass. Especially those who ignore the rules. Now I’m all for some disobedient behavior when it is necessary. However, the world tends to work better when there is order rather than chaos, well at least it did once. Now the looking glass world rule and chaos wins. Every one who doesn’t play by the rules is rewarded and those who do are punished.

Look at the world mess we are in now, who wins those who squander and waste, the losers are those who followed the rules. The grasshopper has locked the ant out of the house and is allowing him to freeze because the rat bastard has the music up too loud and can’t hear the ant knocking on the door. So then if the ant breaks down the door to get in who looses the grasshopper or the ant?

They say you make your own happiness, that is true but too many other people are trying to ruin that good time because they think you should be responsible for them having a good time.

I don’t know… just follow the rules… seriously is that too much to ask?

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

lost and found

I should start a lost and found for my voice or at least a metaphorical all points bulletin for it. I find it I loose it, repeat … just like the shampoo bottle. That could be a never ending process for someone who took things extremely literal. I digress…often.

The point is that I loose my voice … well more to the point I let the outside voice stifle my voice. I pre edit and censor myself from what other people may think about what I have to say. There is a large part of me that says to hell and be damned those who see things differently than I do when I know I’m right or even right by how I choose to live my life. Albeit by a sometimes lax set of moral principles they are my own. So no more I know I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again most likely.

So I will do what I can to write what I think and forget the pressures and voices of peers when I write. If you misunderstand something ask me what I mean. If something offends you, ask I probably did not mean it to offend or if I did I will be blunt about it and you’ll know when I mean to offend you because I will say to your face what I think about you. Unless of course you have anything at all to do with my paycheck, then I’ll keep that to myself as decorum dictates. It still doesn’t mean that I don’t think what I think but those are my thinks to think and not to taint anyone opinion about said person or persons with my own opinion. Because when it comes to money in this economy it’s all C.Y.A and truth be damned. Makes me wish for a world order as Rodenberry stated where the accumulation of wealth is not the function of mankind but the betterment of humanity. Truth in a world order like that makes sense even when it is unpleasant but not in our own cash above all other gods if you please truth is down on the lower rungs of that ladder.

So I’ll end my random mishmash of thoughts with this I’ll be writing and you may not like it or you may but I will be writing. I do hope you’ll be reading. Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
