Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 2008

April 2008

So March ended with me not being in a relationship anymore.

Then out of the blue she shows up at the door and open it because
1. I’m in love with her
2. I’m happy to see her
3. I want to be friends if we can’t be together but I’m scared of that too.
4. I’m also not very smart

So I answer the door and she throws herself on me, wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me.

I’m confused but I don’t ask I just go with the moment. I think I finally asked what was going on a few days later. Which she never answered.

Doodle never called about the tattoo. She did call and asked what I thought about a car though. I said I didn’t think she needed one and that I didn’t have the money to help anyone pay for one for her.

Without getting too much into it but finances are tight. Like they are for everyone else. So I’m not feeling picked on that way just trying to keep my head above water.

Stunt boy and I are getting along he doesn’t have anything this month but he had been busy for Jan, Feb and March and he is happy.

I had been having lunch with Stunt boy about every other week from all of his elementary school years and that was coming to an end. Partly because he was ending elementary school and partly because he was socializing more with his friend and not wanting to have his dad there. We were having our last matches of lunch time thumb wrestling matches. Which he wins - he has a wriggly thumb

Work is work and getting less crazy but not really.

April ends

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
