Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Project PTFO and Me

Not sure as I write this how long it has been since I’ve posted something, a while but certainly not forever.

Recently though I’ve been doing things I enjoy more and driving in a different direction than I have been. Yup that’s right I’m the lunatic driving on the wrong side of the road all brit style.

drawing, reading, etc.

Also doing some other writing not online which is not making the kind of progress that I want.

I have also been playing online in a video game I enjoy a good bit. Related to that is that I have been selected to play this week in a very unique tournament involving the online gaming community at large and those who combine their gaming with video production, directing and editing.

If you are not into gaming then you’ll be forever lost in what I’m talking about. However if you play Battlefield there is currently an event called Project PTFO. PTFO is Play the F”ing Objective

Video games generally have a purpose or object to accomplish and many players try hard to play the game as intended (PTFO) while others not so much.

So this event brings known community players the Directors of online gaming content, tutorials, challenges together with their respective fans and community players

The tournament pairs two directors with two fans and they play a round at the end of a week of practice. Then the winning directors get two new fans to move on in the tournament and it’s all in fun and bringing the community together a bit

I have been ever so fortunate to have been selected for this weeks round with YESH BANDITS

Yesh Gaming director Robert the Bruce teamed with Bandito Gaming director Mario Carrion

I am paired with them and another fan

I am uber excited and yes I just said uber

Before you go all aren’t you too old for video games, I’ll admit I am older than 80 to 90 percent of the players I run into on the games but gaming if fun.

It also helps me maintain a good relationship with my son because when he is talking about his games I’m not completely at a loss about what he is saying.

Now he owns me in the games where he is good player and I can hold my own in the games I play.

However I do not profess to be an all star in any way shape or form of the word… I won a lottery and feel very lucky to be a part of this gaming event. Hopefully our team will do well and the directors will get good players again next week to move forward in the tournament

Hey all in all if you are having fun and it keeps you on an even keel it’s a good thing right

It is my story so that’s the way I’m telling it.

In other news …

Did I mention I’m uber excited about this …well I am more later

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cake and Death

So it would seem that I have this whole new super power thing…you apart from my SOFUCT thing and the pre cognition stuff, there is a new thing that I’ve had for awhile and only recently became aware of it when I was doing so reflection.

The reflection was following yet another addition of the never ending saga of oh hey yeah it’s ok to be around you when I don’t have to tell anyone else about you, dirty little secret adventures. It’s a real self esteem booster, like a JATO rocket.

But I ramble in the wrong direction the correct direction is the new super power. The super power isn’t really all that useful for me but it is rather handy if you are on the benefit side of the power.

It would seem that every person I have dated since the jones has following dating me started dating the perfect guy, gotten married or the long term committed equal to that institutional arrangement, or had a baby usually with the long term attachment.

I know you are thinking oh just like Good Luck Chuck… yes but there isn’t a Jessica Alba look a like who has a penguin obsession in the radar so no not like the good luck chuck thing and another interesting little twist.. you don’t even have to sleep with me for it to work… hell you don’t even have to touch me for it to work for you. Just go on a date.

Yeah, how is that for oh hey it was nice to meet you… oh no I don’t want to shake your hand that would be disgusting, you should probably get in your car before someone sees us together, k thanks bye

Now I realize that the SOFUCT thing is certainly limiting the number of yes votes I get in the whole hey would you like to do this or that thing. I’m work on the things I can change about the SOFUCT which is according to some is just UFO disorder.

The super power does not seem to have any effect if you are just my friend so casually talking to me will do you no good, you actually have to break down and commit to a date.
I know that is really a big step.

If I could get testimonials from the passes participants in the hey yeah I dated invisible don and then I met insert name of the guy and we’re so happy things could not be any better …yea

I think it may have something to do with naming my next kid Punk Ass Muther Fucker or the SOFUCT thing I don’t know really it is a toss up. But as I’ve been fixed it is probably the SOFUCT thing because unless the people going out with me are blog readers they don’t know about the Punk Ass thing any way. That is on second date discussion cards …yeah you don’t even need to go on a second date.

Yeah I know right WOW …wow indeed.

Not that I’m not utterly happy for each and every person who has dated me and moved on and found what they are looking for in the relationship world. I am, I know that shit is hard enough without bitter exes calling and fucking things up all the time.

True be told all of them have ended on good terms and I even get invited to weddings. Which does make for interesting overheard conversations and lots of looks when they ask the question does anyone here object to this union… I swear to Bob if one more person looks at me when they ask that question I’m going to ask the minister, Could you define objection

Probably not a good way to make it out of a wedding alive and who doesn’t want to be beaten to death by a well dressed mob … hey at least there is cake

In other news

Why does the guy from train want a garbage bag to put his love in?

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015