Friday, October 23, 2009

Blah, blah, blah... still got the OFUC's ... it's not fun

I had a whole rant typed up but decided not to post it because of a censorship issue. I really don’t like censoring myself but it starts much the same way each time. So I’m not posting my rant except in a bit piece which is I’m going in to business as it were and I’ll also need to be changing my name to Don Getz as in Don getz phucked. The business I’m going into is the getting phucked over by karma business. Thus end the rant.

It was longer and really well spoken. I know so how unlike me to have that perspective.

I’ll probably stop self censoring soon but for now it’s not going to happen. Well off to kill people for a little bit. Video game people

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Short and no point really

What a bizarre day… of course it’s more stuff I can’t talk about but, then again people say how do you do what you do. It pays me and I like living indoors.

So I decided that I’ll stop waffling and do the NaNoMo… I haven’t finished it yet but I keep coming back for it and I do enjoy this.

This morning wasn’t a monstrous fail but it was not a win.

Tomorrow though I have a separate goal and there isn’t a fail option

Then comes the weekend I have so much to do and not enough of me to get hardly any of it completed.

Class night too, so my heads a jumble and no enough time to sort any of it out with any clarity not that being clear usually matters to me. Time to get little ol’ me to bed

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

HiHo a NaNoMo I go...

The funniest bits are in the beginning of things, they are generally pretty funny at the end of things too. However you don’t generally think the bits at the end of things are all that funny… you know until you can put some distance to between the end and seeing the funny bits.

That has absolutely nothing to do with anything going on in my life at the moment. Funny, huh… as in funny ironic, how you may gain insight or perspective at the oddest times…you know when they don’t apply at all.

In other news…

Stunt-boys soccer team won today and he was in the game for a good part of the second half playing in defense. He did well and got several good blocks and slowed up the other teams advances on his side of the field.

Doodle called yesterday and I had to talk to the principal of the school I attended for my senior year of high school. Thankfully not the same principal. That would have been interesting.

Still in other news…

The NaNoMo thing is approaching and I think I’m going to try again at succeeding in this. While I’ve been not having success at my intentions here lately it is the sort of thing I need to become involved with to make some of the other things fall into place.

I like the idea of NaNoMo and you tube as well. There are some really creative funny people out there and they are doing some good things. You get to be your own entertainer. To tell the stories you want know. So a NaNoMo’ing I shall go

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

i got tagged

Class night just got off work a bit ago… the t days are my long days.

Oh they do still make and sell Brass Monkey… so guess who owns a bottle? Yup the liquor store does.

My head hurts a bit so I’m doing a lazy bones entry as I was tagged a few days ago by Donna

I’m posting the rules but I’m not going to follow them to the letter

Rule #1:
If you open this you take it. (copy and paste into your notes)

Rule #2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.

Rule #3:
Tag 15 people. ** negative... do it if you want.

Q: Kissed someone on your friends list?: Yes
Q: Been arrested?: yes
Q: Liked someone?: Yes
Q: Held a snake?: Yes
Q: Been suspended from school?: yes
Q: Sung karaoke?: never
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do: all the time
Q: Laughed until you started crying? Yes
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes.
Q: Kissed in the rain? Yes
Q: Sang in the shower? Yes
Q: Sat on a roof top? Yes
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yes
Q: Broken a bone? yes
Q: Shaved your head? yes
Q: Played a prank on someone? Yes.
Q: Shot a gun? yes
Q: Donated Blood? Yes.

1. You hung out with? Stunt-boy
3. You were in a car with? Stunt boy
4. Went to the movies with? Stunt-boy
5. You went to shop with? Stunt-boy
6. You talked to on the phone? Doodle
7. Made you laugh? Students
8. You hugged? Stunt-boy

1. Kissed someone? nope
2. Sang? Yes in my car alone and it’s better that way
3. Listened to music? Yes, that’s why I was singing
4. Danced Crazy? Does car dancing count
5. Cried? No.
6. Liked someone you can't have? yup

25 FIRSTS ....
1. Who was your first roommate? Andy
2. What was your first job? Pin setter
3. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing? I was young with the mat. Gram not sure how old
4. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Douglas
5. When you snuck out of your house for the first time? 6
6. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? New Jersey
7. Who was your first best friend? Kid across the street in the trailer park I don’t remember her name
8. Who was your first Best Friend in high school? Andrew
9. Where was your first sleepover? R M’s
10. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? Buddha
11. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid/groomsmen? The Peacemakers
12. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning? Pee
13. What was the first concert you went to? Not going to say it’s embarassing
14. What was the last concert you went to? Jimmy Buffet
15. First tattoo or piercing? T = heresy cross on left arm, piercing = ear
16. First celebrity crush? Kristy McNichol
17. Current celebrity crush? Jennifer Aniston
18. First crush? Carol H
19. Current crush? Actually a few people but because I gots the OFUC’s it doesn’t matter
20. First date? Kim
21. First time you tied your shoe laces? Not really sure I remember a not so pleasant experience with that sitting in the trailer in Detroit
22. First pet? a dog named holly
23. First car? 83 Toyota Corolla
24. First joined Facebook- not really sure over a year ago
25. First movie you remember seeing? Bedknobs and broomsticks

Six names you go by:
1. Don
2. D
3. Invisible don
4. King of the Bastards
5. The priest
6. Then if you ask certain people not nice things

Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Tee shirt
2. Jammie pants
3. Wool socks

Three things you want very badly at the moment:
1. For things to settle in my life
2. Intentions
3. keys

Three people who will probably fill this out:
1. Not sure
2. ??
3. ??

Two things you did last night
1. blog
2. Class prep

Two things you ate today:
1. Veggie soup
2. bagel

Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Client
2. Doodle

Three things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. work
2. trash
3. Class prep

Two longest car rides:
1. roanoke to Cape Cod
2. Bremen to Munich

Favorite beverages:
1. Coffee
2. Guinness

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, October 19, 2009

what are you saying...there aren't any monkeys in an apiary

Oh dear lord I need an editor… or I need to proof read, as I can’t afford an editor. I have so much that I could talk about on here if I were allowed to talk about my work. As in you wouldn’t believe the stuff I could be talking about. No, it’s not one of those jobs where if I tell you I’d have to kill you… I had that one, one time, but they were all about short hair and all that showing up dressed the same as everyone else. You know if they could have dialed it back a bit on the hair that would have been a very cool job. No this one is just I can’t talk about it because it deals with people and things that people do and all that. So you can imagine if it’s about people it’s obviously not fit to be talked about in company, let alone written about.

Then there is talking about co-workers but then that isn’t nice and it can cause the untimely and rather unexpected dismissal from the job. Funny, (funny ironic not ha ha) that its’ permitted to talk bad about people while you are at work (permitted not permissible) as long as you don’t do it to their face. However write about it in a blog and then Satan’s is listed as next of kin on some documentation in your personal file.

NaNoMo is coming up again but I’m not sure if I’m going to try again or not. I may, or I may not, not sure. I have three ideas and with last years fail four. I’ll waffle on about it for a few more days and then decide.

I could talk about my ex but then …well… I’m not going to, not because there isn’t material but because it’s one of the paths and I‘m trying to stay on the path.

I could talk about my current girl-friend …oh yeah that’s right I don’t have one of those. So, well there you go that’s out of the way. Won’t need to talk about that for a while and by a while you know I mean when hell freezes over. You know I don’t mean Hell, Michigan or the ninth layer of hell. Ok that last bit probably sums up why the answer to this topic is don’t have one.

Talking about the kids … well I’ll just gush about how much I love them and well you all know that already. But I really do. I know stop.

That leaves the OFUC… I know it is a wonderful topic. So this morning my good intention had to be used to pave a road. It was early I didn’t argue but without the good intentions I slept longer. I going to insist that I keep some of those good intentions and some other peoples can be used to pave some road way. I’m going to try again in the morning so maybe I’ll have something to talk about and may drop a letter out of the OFUC.

In other news, I think the other one and I share some similar brain chemistry… we’ve been thinking about a lot of the same things lately. I’m saving them for later. You know so I’ll have stuff to talk about.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Aren't we missing a season... oh yeah Thyme... such a lovely season

I’m beginning to wonder if these smoking pangs will ever go away. Seriously, over a year now and I still have at least one a day. Desire of a smoke that is, I haven‘t had an actual cigarette. I can even be around it and not smoke. On the other hand when you start something at 12 it’s not like it disappears from your life just like that. I’m not going to be breaking my arm patting myself on the back anytime soon because I quit smoking but I packed on some insulation for the winter. Which I need to get rid of now. I’m not sure how I’m going to do that because like many people the sofa is a really good friend.

Sadly though the sofa and I are going to have to break up. I’m not sure the sofa cares much as bi-polar kitty and the cross-eyed kitty spend a lot of time on the thing and then there is stunt boy. He has his time on the thing too. I think if I just gave up my time it would all work out. But that is the thing I have to figure out what to do to work out.

I don’t like that word I feel like Maynard G. when I hear the word. Maynard G. is possibly the coolest guy not one for working out but then too didn’t have to worry about that so much.

In other news….

Um not to complain mother nature … but isn’t autumn supposed to come between summer and winter.????? May we have some please. I’m not ready for winter.


Other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sorry, I can't be clearer it would be costly

In other news….things in my life

Pixies confuse me, which I think I may have mentioned in the previous issue. I’m just not sure what the pixie is saying.

Can’t see the forest for the trees. I see the trees and I see the forest it just may not be the same part of the forest.

Are we supposed to look? Seriously. The jones is what the jones is but please you have to put them away.

I can see things being easy were things different

I’m just not sure what to do with the information.

I know why where I look is the wrong place, it’s because I got the OFUC thing going on, but the hunters who stalk me for the most part bother me and try to hard.

It makes me wonder and doubt my convictions but I try to hold on to them to my own demise and sealing my end

The end will be in much the same way but hopefully not the same manner.

Nearer still it creeps and the ghost whispers in my waking hours now.

Other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

moron and orange

So the intent of this rant is not to step on any toes or to say that a certain team is not good. I really don’t have an opinion about the team. None.

However, the mention of the team now makes me want to physically upset. I live in Roanoke, which is close to Virginia Poly-technical College also know as Virginia Tech. VT or the Hookies.

Ok if you are a VT grad or like the team you should probably stop reading at this point. Don’t say I didn’t warn you

Since moving to this part of the world not by choice I’ll add as well, I have endured the constantly growing coverage of the VT football team. It is stupidly enormous how much coverage this school actually receives for football. I swear to you it is daily, not just during football season either it’s all the **cking time. 24/7/365

No I’m not over stating facts here. This area has an unhealthy level of interest in this football team. Some people around here actually seriously stated that Michael Vick was a victim in the dog fighting stuff. WTF? Yes I know that I what I said then and now.

Does that mean the Mr. Vick can’t turn things around in his life, no but seriously he was not a phucking victim of anything except his own bad choices and possible stupidity.

However, the coach is a football coach, that‘s all. He may even be a great guy. I don’t want or care to see him on the news every day of the year.

Then the amount of Moron and orange …. Ah … maroon and orange I mean hung up and worn is equally tremendous in the obsession.

Serious orange pants shouldn’t even be worn by prison inmates because it is a visual assault which I believe can have long lasting effects. Inmates wouldn’t wear them if they had a choice and you do so orange pant wearing guys and gals stop wearing them for the love of all that is holy and sane. Even most sane Tennessee fans won’t wear orange pants. I said most.

Now I am ok with a healthy level of team admiration and devotion but if your team looses it’s not the end of the world and if they win it isn’t the cure for cancer.

Even in Huntington (Marshall land) there is a love of the green team but it’s not obsession they keep the level or they did when I was there, the football talk starts in August and ends when the season ends like in every other place in the world…well most other places in the world I know Columbia and England take soccer to a bit of an extreme but … well it’s soccer. The Brazilians even keep it to a healthy level most of the time.

The bottom line in all of this is that VT football is just that football from a college. They haven’t done anything particularly heroic or brave, or special… they just play football.
Yes it’s a diversion, yes you can love your team, just do it during football season and with inside voices when you are indoors.

In other news….

Pixies confuse me.

Other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

of C's and Z's

Trouble with seeing things is that you see them. However you don’t always see them and that’s not much trouble.
Trouble with hearing things is that you hear them but you don’t always hear them and still there isn’t much of a loss.
The real trouble though is saying things that are heard and seen.
Larger still is the trouble from saying things when you aren’t looking or listening.

I try to hear and see more and say less. Not jumping into the fray with those who want to wade into the fight just for the sake of being disagreeable.

Not that I’m opposed to the fight, and I will dig in my heels, stand my ground, and fight the fight when there is a purpose and I try to see the outcome of these. Usually I find that more often than not the better thing to do is to just walk away.

It’s not a matter of throwing up walls but not allowing anything else to be taken away. Still the knives are thrust, shots fired, grenades thrown into my life and more. You get up after every time and stand up. You try like hell not to fall down, never let ‘em see you stumble. That is a big weight to carry and you will falter in those darker days.

Thing is how many dark days do you have to have or is it really just night all of the time and the sunny things are really just high power lights, pressurized sodium and metal halide emitting 50K plus candle power into the void.

The thing is standing in a light that isn’t really there blinds you when the darkness falls around you. The good thing about being in the dark though is no one sees it when you do fall. Then you can sit and wait for your eyes to adjust to the blackness then you don’t stumble as much. Still I’m not sure why that is a bad thing, the stumbling bit. We all fail, hopefully we learn, and move on or have other who will help up get back up show us the path. Mainly though the lights are turned off everyone turns away from those in the dark we look away from the pain.

Looking away doesn’t make it go away though it still there. I heard someone answer, you don’t, when asked when do you get over something like that? You don’t. Whatever light you shine in your world to hide the dark places don’t forget to look there sometimes and visit with Phobos and Deimos. If you don’t visit them, they will visit you.

In other news …

This was not what I wanted to write about today … I’m still trying to find the things to say about things about C’s and Z’s

Then too about, lights under doorways, jasmine and steam

Other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

green soles

The invisibility of people happens sometimes by choice and other times by having it given to you. Not that it’s a gift you may want but usually the people giving you invisibility aren’t asking if you want it or not. They just give it to you and don’t really much care what you think about much of anything at all let alone whether or not you want what they are giving you.

Being that banishment isn’t really much used any more and because communities are so large shunning isn’t really all that effective. So rendering someone invisible is the only option left.

The trick is finding a way to reappear. I suppose though there in lies the rub. If you can’t be seen, you can’t really see the whole of the world. Being invisible lets you see how so many others don’t follow the rules. Funny that those who follow the least amount of rules expect the most from others and how they follow rules.

In other news …

I want to mention a few things but one of the paths prevents me from doing that but I may at some point.

Stuntboy was a part of his middle school soccer team. It was very good for him and I was very happy to see him happy about something he wanted but CPG tried to talk him of doing.

Doodle is doodle and I miss her and worry and love her and hope.

Still in other news if you haven’t seen the film, The Shipping News (2001) - I saw it a while ago when it was new and have always wanted to see it again and now I finally have. It’s not much of a fast moving film but it is a great film. I may have to find the book and read it now.

Other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

I don't know I just started typing

As we quest for the best. We record, track, measure, time and other wise take note of how well people do things. Looking for the best, the fastest, strongest, and every other -est out there that there ever was to be in the annals of man.

Achilles supposedly was the best warrior, or was it Hercules, or Gilgamesh, Beowulf, Lancelot, Attila, and hundreds of others.

Pick any activity and there are lists of who was best or is best or the top of the heap, king of the hill, etc.

However I truly believe the best person, male or female at any activity does it only for their own enjoyment. While they try teach others to do what ever their thing is in the world. However they don’t do this for the money but a for a purity of the form.

These people will be known to only a few, if any, they are not boastful in what they do.

I came to believe this when I was younger. I met a man who beat a known person who is known by the world to be the best at what he does or did. I won’t name the man but will say that he was and I think still is happy, without all the press. Simple in his life and found someone to share that with. He has a happy family. I haven’t seen this man angry a single time. I have seen him become frustrated and disillusioned with how others allow the world to cause disorder, havoc, and negativity all in the quest for the best.

I don’t think this man regrets not being known as the best. I can’t say I know this but I would guess that I do based on how this man lives his life. I wonder too if the other man who is know as the best thinks about this man and knows in his mind that he really didn’t compete against the best. Even the man I know may not have been the best.

Ultimately it doesn’t really matter who, it matters more that does it advance us all. If you does something that makes you happier, it doesn’t matter if you finish last or first. It matters how it effects the rest of what you do. If winning makes you mean and distant to others what did you win. If loosing makes you seek revenge you lost more than game.

Competition serves to move us toward advancements, yet we seem to spin in place or fail to see the value or the positive side of competition.

Other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

I found a soapbox and stood up on it... I'll be getting down now

Thoughts, time, tasks, tedium and other things have clouded my week, past several weeks. That is why the lack of writing. I guess I got back into the whole self censorship mode and that isn’t a good place to be because every word you type, write, scribble is agonized over and how it will be read.

I would say no more but I know how the gear box works, even if it seems like it doesn’t. I just haven’t figured out how anyone else’s works so mine seems to be broken to most.

Too many thoughts is a part of the problem. I want to get it all out of my head and it all wants to come out at once and that isn’t happening because not much gets out. So I’ve taken to writing thoughts on scraps of paper. Have I got scraps of paper now. A few piles. But they are containable because they are scraps.

So I’m going to hopefully start wading into the scraps of paper and getting stuff out of my head.

We focus too much on excellence really and finding the next best thing. I not saying don’t strive for change. We should always be learning and moving forward but we will fall on the way. Everyone will. However, our rules don’t allow for failure.

We don’t allow for good enough. When did that become a bad thing.

Good enough means it works, it performs a function which is needed it does it in a effective manner, it meets the needs without fail.

That isn’t bad. Without fail. That means success. A win. Good enough.

Yet it isn’t acceptable any longer. Good enough won’t do… we need bigger, faster, stronger, shinier, flashier, prettier, skinnier, softer, more absorbent etc.

Nothing is ever good enough.

Not every one can win, that isn’t a defeatist statement. If someone wins someone has to loose. Yin-yang. You can’t have one without the other.

Not everyone can win, doesn’t mean don’t try. It simply means that you aren’t always going to succeed.

We deal poorly with the yang parts of life in this society. We love then Yin (good) hate the Yang (bad).

We learn, hopefully from our mistakes. However, if you are cut loose, kicked out no longer taught after one mistake. Can we get any better? (rhetorical)

We can’t we haven’t and we look at the mess we are in and like a couple of 5 year olds point to someone else and say he did it.

Not he did it
Not she did it

We all did it. From allowing corruption to go on unchecked, to allowing lies to be sold at truth, to putting greed in front of building communities and strength, to always saying what is in it for me, where is mine, to being not caring about the person next door who has been dead for a week and half.

We all did it.

There is no more time for finger pointing. There is no more time for stupid semantics on policies and political belief.

It is time to stand up and say. No you do not need to do this

It is time to stand up and say. No I will not accept this.

It is time to change things in our society and not to just ask when will it change.

The answer is it will change when everyone gets up off their ass and makes it better. Not for money, not for something in return, not for profit. Just to make it better.

That isn’t socialism, it isn’t communism, or any one xenophobic word you want to attach to it.

It is simply decent to reach out and help, to clean up to make things better and not ask what’s in it for me. Because what’s in it for everyone, is a stronger, a smarter, a better, safer, healthier, and all around happier place, town, city, state country, planet to live.

Have a happy Saturday.

Other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
