Monday, February 28, 2011

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

There comes a point when you find out information that makes other things seem likely and even possible.

This can be about the simplest of things to the most complicated. Then it becomes the box. Inside the box there is what is possible and what is not. Only one can be in the box but both are equally likely to be there. You never know when until it is too late to do anything about it.

Scientifically this is referred to Schrödinger's theory or Schrodinger’s Cat

Once you know what the unknown holds the other thing is never possible again.

So there I am in a place, with a box and I’m not sure if I’m in the box or out of the box. Maybe I am the box.

I’m not the box.

In other news

I really haven’t been able to wake up lately in a timely manner. This is sort of related to other stuff. But I may have found a way to make this turn around or at least I hope.

It could be something bigger than that

Still in even other bigger and better news. Doodle had a birthday yesterday and got to see Lady Gaga for her celebration. She bought her own gift this year. Which she has done on and off over the last few years. It takes some of the pressure off gift buying but it also sort of deflates it too.

Still very proud of Doodle and glad to be her parental unit.

See in the box, out of the box. It’s all depends on where you are standing.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rosey, Snatcher, Harmer, Jammer...what, what?

This past Sunday, Doodle and I hung out at the Roller Derby Rink.

Yup that’s right, Roller Derby right here in the Star City.

It has actually been here for awhile but I’ve not been in the right place or it hasn’t been the right time or did not have the chance because of one thing or another to go see it before.

Then about a week ago I see an ad, Roller Derby Sunday 2/20/2011 and I think hells to the yeah I’m going to be there. So I say to stunt boy, hey there is a roller derby thing this weekend we are going.

He says, I don’t want to go.

I say, What? I mean really what is not to like about girls beating on each other while on roller skates.

He says, You have a point but I don’t want to go.

I just stand there confused because I opened with the trump card and he didn’t bite.

Then several hours later that night Doodle comes over and she is hanging out with us for a bit.

I say, Hey Doodle what do you think about going to see Roller Derby this weekend?

She says, hell yeah what is not to like about girls beating each other up on roller skates

I say, That is how I tried to sell it to your brother but he said no.

She just shook her head and says, oh well his loss. Then says, I’ll let you know if I’m off from work and if I am I’ll go with you.

This was all several days before Roller Derby Day.

Then it’s Roller Derby Day and time to pick up Doodle.

She comes out to the car and she says, I just couldn’t decide what to wear to Roller Derby.

I say, yeah me too I didn’t want to do the whole poser thing but didn’t want to look out of place.

She says, exactly.

Well we get there and it’s low budget fun. Not a lot to get in, a simple cash draw set up with some hand put together programs and a real like Roller Derby Girl selling tickets. I’m excited.

We go in, get our seats on indoor bleachers which I think are just for the Derby.

I start reading the program which has the rules of flat track roller derby. When I finish the rules in the program, I’m left with the thought … I have no idea what is supposed to happen.

We watch as the track is measured and marked and there are skaters warming up and it’s all very confusing. We are trying to figure it out Doodle reads the rules too. She says I’m not sure either. So we look at each other shrug and hope it gets exciting.

Then the guy with the mic says there is no fighting.

We double take, Wait, what? The guy with the mic continues, saying Fighting results not only in being out of the Bout but ejection from the site as well.

Well, seems the rumored selling point may be a bit of false advertising.

But it does make sense as fighting on skates could be dangerous but pushing, blocking, hip checks, and other stuff like that is allowed.

So I’m confused, Doodle is confused and it appears that a lot of the people around us are confused.

Then the guy with the mic says who is a Roller Derby Virgin.

Lots of hands go up. So no one really knows what is going on. That’s good.

So he does some ‘splainin’ about Roller Derby

Everyone is still sort of looking like, Ok if you say so. You have the mic and we don’t have a knowledge base to argue with what you are telling us.

Shortly later the bout starts and then I see this thing happened and then that thing happen. And I’m getting it. I think I understand Roller Derby I have a count in my head, I think that both teams have scored points and the Roanoke team is behind following Jam number one.

I’m right. OH yeah I understand how Roller Derby is played. A few more jams later I am into it. I’m able to keep a close count on the score and thinking this is so cool. Doodle says she likes it too.

So if you too are a Roller Derby Virgin I’ll ‘splain the best I can.

A game is called a Bout.
Two teams play in a Bout
Each Teams have five players on the track at a time: four blocker and a jammer.

A Bout is two halves of 30 minutes

A half is played in 2 minute segments called Jams

So far so good.

A Jam may last 2 minutes or not.

Yeah this is where is gets confusing. But I’ll try to clear it up.

A Jam starts with a whistle. At this whistle the blockers are the only players who can move at this point. Once all 8 blockers pass the blocker line. The two Jammers are released with a second whistle.

Now both the Jammers try to pass all 8 blockers. Collectively during a Jam the blockers are called a Pack The Pack must say with in a twenty foot area in front and back of the largest group of blockers.

The first Jammer to pass all 8 members of the Pack is the Lead Jammer and may now score points and stop the Jam at any point during the 2 minutes. Once the other Jammer passes the Pack she may score too but may not stop the Jam.

In a Jam once established the lead Jammer doesn’t change.

Scoring happens when the Jammer who has cleared the pack than starts to pass the opposing team member in the Pack. One point per player passed.

The lead Jammer can stop the Jam at any time even without scoring points or let the two minute clock run down.

If you are confused no worries you are not alone. I think everyone is until you see it happen. Then it clicks and it’s exciting.

A few more things
The Jammers wear helmet covers with Stars on them and the lead blocker has a cover with a stripe.

The lead blocker basically attempts to set the pace of the pack..

That is the basics there are a lot more rules, Four Officials, a penalty box, suicide seating, Flat Track or Slanted Track Roller Derby. If you have seen the movie “Whip It.” That is Slanted Track Roller Derby. Your local area skating center is flat track. The team here plays on a flat track.

If you are local to the ‘noke then the team here is the Star City Roller Girls, they are on face book or on the web at Star City Roller Girls

I’m going next month are you?

In other news

Random stuff.

Wow, didn’t expect that
Man I really wish I was there
I’m not sure what the heck was going on.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: TV

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Warning this issue may contain language of a frank and graphic nature which may conjure images which inspire thoughts that may be inappropriate for some readers. There are no images included in the text. Read on at your own risk.

Something I have noticed over the years is women.

Really, invisible don you’ve noticed women?

I have odd as that may sound to some. I even like them, well most of them.

Not the point.

One thing I’ve noticed about women is that they enjoy looking at themselves as much as they like getting noticed. Provided you aren’t a creeper.

Being a creeper largely depends on what you look like and your environment. In one place you may be a creeper and then in another not so much. For example, the worse the surroundings the uglier you can be without being a creeper. This is not the point, it maybe in a later issue.

Over the years however something I’ve keened in on is that when women change their appearance they certainly like it if you notice, again refer above to the creeper clause. You are allowed to notice if you are a creeper you just aren’t allowed to comment or stare.

However the particular change I’m talking about today is new boobs. Not that they are new, new. So much as they are improvements on the existing ones, which is a mouthful to say so they are simply called new boobs. There are a few rules you should know about new boobs.

One. Women will normally tell as many people as they can that they are getting new boobs. I’m not sure I understand this logic but I think it is more so that when the booby fairy arrives and then they pop into work the next time there isn’t a lot of OMG! You got new boobs being announced loudly to everyone around.

This is because women will say, OMG! You got new (insert what ever is new) and then talk endlessly about it.

This forewarning may also be to keep the creeper staring to a minimum. Hmm maybe the issues are related.

Two. Women want to show as many other people, mainly other women, the new boobs as possible.

They will scurry off to a bath room, bedroom or other not in full view of everyone else, then lift their shirts, sweater, disrobe in some manner and show the new ones to nearly any other woman. There are girl creepers too so just because you are of the same gender doesn’t mean you get a back stage pass automatically.

Some guys will be allowed into this show room as well. Gay guys first, then non creepers if their wives or girlfriends approve and are also present these two go together… always. Single straight guys mostly are not on the list. Well not for the unveilings other times are not …well … that isn’t the topic.

Three. In the show room, there will be touching even if you aren’t ready for it. Well mainly if you are a woman. Now that said, I witnessed women with new boobs grab someone else’s hand and place it on their boob. While saying, FEEL IT. Then nod their heads repeatedly, smiling all the while and say, Nice huh… or something to that effect.

Some of you women will deny this occurs but you know it’s true because you have felt up a girl or two with the new boobs willingly or unwillingly.

Four. This is where things turn ugly. The sisterly love ends the further you are removed from the person with the fake boobs. Yeah it’s already there your friend has new boobs, that ‘slut’ or other not so nice name, in the office down the hall has fake ones.

The new ones are fake as well but if they belong to a friend then they get special status it is all in the closeness of the relationship of the two women. If you are a guy and you don’t think rule four matters for guys. All I can say is wrong, wrong, wrong.

This is because you may be asked what you think about this person’s appearance. This is akin to finding a bear trap in the woods. You want it to catch bear not you. Now hopefully you can avoid this and you have no worries. Rule one helps you to know when to make yourself unavailable for comment.

However if you do get caught in the question, you have to know how close a friend is the person asking to the person with the augmentations. If they aren’t friends then it’s safe to say you think it’s a bad idea, however you may never say they look good.

If the two ladies get along it’s better to say I didn’t notice. You may never say they look good.

If they are good friends, you probably should fake an appointment, feign an injury, bite your tongue, stab yourself with a pen… something, anything to avoid answering this question. You many never say they look good.

If the girl with the new boobs asks you must say they look good but look at her face not the new boobs. I know this is difficult it can be done. However don’t get your hopes up guys because in truth the question will be asked in front of you more times than you are asked to look or touch. Our opinion on the matter isn’t really important to women so they don’t asked our opinion about this sort of thing most of the time.

Five. When women talk about boobs they tend to touch their own. Don’t pay attention to this you’ll get caught and then get slapped. If you forget this rule, I’m sorry but I did warn you.

Now you may be asking, why all of the sudden talk about boobs. Well recently someone I know got new boobs. I didn’t think she needed them (see above). I found out because of rule one. Tell as many girls as you can. These girls will in turn tell lots of people. Followed by don’t tell anyone. Ok if you are a guy don’t tell anyone because if you do you will never hear about such a thing ever again. EVER.

I know the person getting the new boobs pretty well and after hearing the news felt sure that the girl would tell me herself. Mainly because I sometimes lack that part of the brain that says maybe you shouldn’t say that out loud. And I’ll be the one saying OMG you got new BOOBS.

Sure enough the next day I hear it directly from the source

Her: Hey guess what

Me: What

Her: I’m getting new boobs.

Me: Yay. And say you look fine now.

Her: Thanks but I want them.

There was other conversation but not about boobs or other bits either.

Well some time later after the surgery I’m talking with the rule one person (the one with out the new boobs)

We are discussing how they will look as neither of us has seen them. I’m trying not to think about it because… well… I’m just trying not to think about it. Then it comes up that she’ll probably show them off. To which the friend says, I’m not sure I want to see them.

Then me being devil’s advocate I say, what if she asks you to touch them.

Then my friend says, well yeah, I’ll touch them.

Then I say, Wait, what? You don’t want to see them but you are willing to feel her up?

Which gets the raised eyebrows, No, Not like that and then she waves her hand at me.

The hand wave is important when talking about touchy subjects, for you guys if you don’t know this means it’s time to change the subject the conversation about this one is over.

Six. New boobs aren’t the only reason women will compare body parts. You will not be invited to most of these things guys. If you pay attention you’ll just see that it is happening all around you. No, you won’t be asked to join in at some point either. You are watching too much porn if you think it does.

In other news…

There isn’t really anything I can say here that is going to matter at this point.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


listening to: Something or other on the TV

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WTF Wednesday #2

WTF Wednesday # 2

So as you may or may not have read in a past entry about my computer woes of late, my computer died. Alas it is a sad thing indeed, but it also is a WTF thing on several levels. The first is that these things are built worse than the first little piggy’s house of straw or at least that has been my experience with them. I have had 5 computers die on me in the last 8 years. I know WTF!!!

My bad karma can only do so much but I’m willing to chalk some of them up to this not all of them. Build them better it is pretty freaking simple concept.

Secondly and the bigger WTF is the whole programming changes and things not being compatible from version to version.

Seriously people you might just be to smart for your own good on this one. You are not reinventing the wheel with most of these programs and the updates performed.

So why the hell do document programs from one version to the next find it so impossible to read older versions? I’m not kidding this is completely stupid.

What is so dramatically different from the very first document creating programs to the current versions of them? I can’t get the computer to write papers for me. Even if they could write them is it necessary to make it impossible to read the saved files?

It’s call backward compatibility in the industry but that means that people don’t need to buy the new program if the old one does the same thing. So it is really about making money and screwing over the consumer.

If you argue it is more about intellectual property. Sure from one software maker to another. Sure there will be some differences. However from one writer to another the programs are essentially doing the same thing and this practice exclusivity is more about limiting consumer choice than it is about protecting intellectual property.

It’s not just with document producing programs. The industry does very little to insure backward compatibility and preserving the customers information from one version to the next regardless of the program.

This practice is rampant within every industry. However, when it comes to information this practice is even more dangerous and will ultimately lead to what I’m calling an intellectual ice age or stagnation.

We loose so much information every time an advance is made in the creation, storage and recovery of that information.

We loose information every time there is a glitch, hiccough or SNAFU / FUBAR moment within a server, network, mainframe or other grouping of computers.

Example in my work, yup that place I can’t talk about, there was an “event” with the computers at some point in the recent past. I can’t be more specific than that. This ‘event’ was experienced by every office doing my work. An @$$ load would be the technical term. This ‘event’ directly impacted ten of my cases that I know about. Now in my office if every person who does my work had ten cases impacted that would be 100 cases. Then times that by and @$$load. The information is gone.

So no matter what a computer guru tells you that information is still in there. Not so much and it’s not retrievable. All gone.

Our knowledge base can and will ultimately suffer a similar fate at some point if we don’t take precautions to fight against this and focus on preserving the information rather than just making a dollar.

Every step we blindly take forward via technology has the opposite effect of sending us backward many more steps backward leaving us with less knowledge.

In other news

Saw the movie Red. It was really good. If you haven’t seen it you should.

Gonna go kill some MAG avatars now.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: News

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Monday, February 21, 2011

Silent all these...days, sorry Tori, I'm gonna borrow that first bit

Well I had much different plans for the weekend than what actually happened.

Friday my computer died. I really dislike technology for a lot of reasons, chief among these is because it is not built nearly well enough for the amount that is paid to own it. In fact it is really poorly built. As if this is not frustration enough, no there has to be more.

Then a further frustration is the ineptitude of the monkey parade of fools that work on computers and other technological devices. Most of these monkeys know just enough techno babble to confuse you but they have no idea what they are talking about for the most part and can make little or no sense of the binary stuff going on in the background.

I don’t know a lot but I know enough to know if someone took away their little templates of insert board A into slot C and then connect wire E to insert G, they are really just as stupid about computers as the billions of keypad crushing masses who only know that the button with the not quiet full circle and line turns on the box that eats too much money and was probably build really badly.

So Friday I must venture out to the capital of these monkeys and their monument to the inefficiency of our techno world. They think that because they have embraced our collective image of the person who knows all about the voodoo which is the matrix of computer-ese and gadgetry that we will assume that they are god like in their knowledge.

They are in fact a bunch of idiots lost in a maze just like the rest of us. In fact it’s a bit worse than that because if they have to remove a step then got to the left or to the right of the script they are helplessly lost. Mostly the sad thing is that this is the only place that most of these monkeys can even find work.

Sorry our computer says no. No I have no idea what to do now because I have no answer card for that or the computer doesn’t understand what you are asking. No I have no idea what to do at all so I’m gonna say a bunch of stuff to make you feel like you don’t know anything about computers either. (Insert weak employee of the monkey parade smile)

At this point I really want to scream into their simple little moronic faces, “Look you are in the business of customer service. Your job when my face is in front of you is to answer my questions with answers. I will accept a queue of people waiting for service graciously if I can see the wheels are turning with some effectiveness and not grinding away doing ten times the work necessary to accomplish something. However when you look all doe eyed at me and say ‘I don’t know’ and then make no effort to find the answer I want to scream. Then when I ask a question to follow up the first and then you say, ‘well I’m not very good at that’. I really want to say then why the hell do you have this job if you don’t know how to do it in the first place.”

Somehow I manage to leave the store with the major part of my sanity intact and no corpses in my wake or even bruised egos. The inside of my mouth is bleeding though as I’ve literally bitten the inside of my cheek to keep from losing it with one moron in particular.

Now, Just to be clear, I really understand that sometimes the answer is no or not even one I want to hear. I can accept that when this bad news is given to me competently but in a manner which is inane, inadequate, and inept well in the words of the Queen of Hearts, Off with their heads.

Then moron drivers nearly killed me on my way home. That’s another story.

Saturday, I do some of what I want to do but as I’m waiting for the monkeys to call me I don’t want to get to involved in a bunch of stuff. So I make other plans and I wait for a phone call that never comes saying my new computer is all set and can be picked up. I try to call on Saturday a few times. No one ever answers the phone.

Now call me silly but why waste time driving to the store to find out, that the work is not completed and then have to come back another time. That’s why we have phones right? To make our lives less complicated. Just like the rest of the technology. It’s supposed to make us happy and calm and free up all this time and leave us stress free. Was that PT Barnum?

Sunday rolls around and I call again with no answer. I let the phone ring at one point for 20 minutes straight and no one answered the phone, not even an annoying computer voice interrupted the ringing to tell me that my rude behavior of calling the store is important to them and someone will be with me shortly. Nope just ring, ring, ring… on and on.

Customer Service? Finally I was able to get someone to answer and they say well it didn’t say to call you.

Excuse me I just bought a product that was not cheap and had to leave it in the store because some data I needed transferred over. I really understand that a data transfer doesn’t happen like it does in the movies in less than two minutes onto a portable drive stick. I really do get that this is not an immediate thing and I am really ok with that task taking some time to get done. However, when one guy says, ‘We will call you when it’s done then the next idiot says it doesn’t say to call you.’ My head just has trouble comprehending the level of idiocy that this would require.

My first thought is why the hell would you even assume that something that can not be done in a few minutes would not automatically require a call to the customer when the job was completed? Then to not even say I’m sorry we fucked up in a big way, you just say well it doesn’t say to call you. And then offer no other statement. That says you just don’t care.

The solution is that I have certainly bought my last new product from that particular store well chain of stores. I know I can find everything I would buy from them someplace else and will give my dollars to them.

There is so much more to this rant but it doesn’t relate to the utter stupidity of these employees.

In other news

I have better stuff to write about that happened on Sunday. So there is that to look forward to in the next issue.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: brainwashing information behind Tori Amos

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Squirrels Gone Wild

I’ve been reading more lately than I have been. Not just blogs, but actual books and junk, but still not as much as I probably should or at the very least the amount I think I should be reading. They (yes, the ever present and omni purposed THEY) say you should read more than you write.

Does that mean if you have to write a bunch of stuff for work, you then have to read more than that too?

Or should you just read more than you write to be read by others. But what if the stuff you write for work is supposed to be read by others too. Does that amount then figure into the amount you should be reading before you start writing or do you write and then catch up on the reading? Or… oh I don’t know I just want to be reading more and I’m not but I’m trying.

Completely unrelated how do piece of crap movies, like Vampires Suck, continue to get made but the James Bond franchise might be dying because they can‘t afford to make a movie? Yeah, I know, I would rather see a good Bond movie over 10 bad movies any day. Yes I actually did see Vampires Suck, so I can say it was a bad movie. However, the scene when the Team Edward Twi-hard girl getting beat in the head with a shovel by the Team Jacob chick was too funny, but we all know Team Edward is the team to be on.

Why? Really do you need to ask? Well if you do the plain and simple truth is … ‘cause werewolves suck that’s why. Yeah that’s right … I’m team Edward … wha’cha’gonna do ‘bout it… well not really I’m more team Alice but the movies aren’t about her but they would have been damn sight better if they had been and I’ll tell ya’ all a’nutter ting… ah..hem…cough, cough… sorry. It’s all only fiction and I’m better now. Well better for me.

In other news.

I’ve found a new writer that I like and today read what I think was a pretty amazing poem dealing with finding yourself once you’ve lost yourself in the world of others.

I also spent some time and read some of the older stuff I have posted and I shrink down in shame away from the glare of the computer screen and think man you really need to take the time to reread this stuff.

The voice in my head says you don’t really need an editor, it so much more that you just need to take your time and look at what you’re writing. Read it again before you put it out there. Simply, I don’t give myself enough time to do this stuff. I get a lot of enjoyment, calming, centering and release when I write and it gives me pause when I need it.

I would say 90 percent of what I write ends up in the cyber trashcan and never sees the publish button. Yeah the other 10 percent should probably end up there too but I like to do this so suffer. I’m trying to be better there.

Stunt boy said today, “why don’t you just write a book.” I said, I’m working on it.

In other news

Doodle came by today and we, she and Stunt boy and I watched a movie with no nick name kid. No nick name kid is one of stunt boys friends I haven’t given him a nick name yet. He‘ll get one everyone gets one that ends up in here at some point.

We talked about the WTF Wednesday issues, and for anyone interested Doodle does still talk to the boy some times (it’s a cyber world after all) and remembered the song he wrote for her and even sang a bit of it. It was really, every bit as cool to hear it again as I remembered it being. She says she even has a copy of the song somewhere. Maybe it will get up on the internet someday if either of us somehow learn enough about computers to make that happen. She will before I do.

Litter box thought of the day… I didn’t have to clean it Stunt boy did it. YAY! I’ll have to do it tomorrow though most likely.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Stuff Stunt boy is watching on TV.

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WTF Wednesday

So a new thing we’ll be trying is the WTF Wednesday. The first WTF thought of the day is that I actually made a reference using the character, Ricky Bobby. OMG WTF.

The only really funny thing about the movie is him being locked in the car with the puma. It’s not really funny as it is I hoped he died so the movie would end there. Alas he did not. Then today I’m talking with Hoover and I say, even Ricky Bobby got the girl. Really. I know I’ll hang my head in shame.

However that got me to thinking about WTF moments

One of them was about Doodle meeting some kid online and becoming friends. They talked for a while online, he even wrote a pretty catchy little song that wasn’t all that bad. She comes up to me one day and say hey dad this guy is coming to town.

I say, really?

She says, yeah, can we hang out?

I say, I’m not sure I’m thrilled about this.

What if you can meet him first.

Let me think about it. Which is dad for most likely No but I don't want to say no right now but if you can come up with a reasonable reason for me to say yes I will change my mind. Did I mention that Doodle has always been really logical even when she was 5.

She tells the boy that I’ll think about it then he tells her, that his dad wants to meet her too.

Doodle comes back with this info and I’m thinking well if his Dad is insisting on meeting my child and I’m insisting on meeting his child then we can assess the whole thing and then we adults will be there and they will have to tell us the same story.

So I say sure if I’m meeting the other adult involved in this. Doodle is all Yay, the kid is all Yay. I’m all this kid better be normal and I’m sure his dad was thinking the same thing.

The day comes when the kid is in town. The plan is that they want to walk around down town and shop, get some food and just hang out for a bit. So we head to the down town area. We get to the meeting spot and I’m looking at this guy thinking I know him. And he is looking at me like I know him. The kids look at each other and are All hey OMG so glad to see you IRL and junk. The introductions are just about to start and my brain goes CLICK. I used to work with this guy before he moved away and I say Hey (insert actual name) Guy. How are you.

He says, Hey Invisible Don, I’m good how about you.

I’m still working for the place

Things still the same?... the conversation didn't get much deep than that.

Both our kids are like WTF our dads know each other. We get there plan and both dads are feeling much better about this whole thing because we know one another and the kids aren’t exactly complete strangers.

They did hang out for a bit that day and they talked for a while longer online. They may even be friends, I’m not sure.

I’ll have to check with doodle.

In other WTF stuff

Lifetime Movies have like a hypno-ray or something in them that just pull you in and you are all like I just watched a three hour movie about nothing. If you like these movies fine I’m just saying that they just suck you in and then there you are for those three hours.

So yeah that really good news is really good news and the really bad part of that news is really bad.

In completely unrelated news the new Matt Damon movie, The Adjustment Bureau looks freaking awesome

Litter box thoughts - what do you think about when scooping the litter box. Today I was like, hmm the cats didn’t really do much today. I’m sure tomorrow will be more productive. Gross.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: TV

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Random thoughts of the day


So ever have reason to be happy and sad all about the same thing.

I really wonder how some people have survived as long as they have.

Tuesday’s are really long for me.

I am to tattoos as moths are to flames.

I was saying the word before it was cool.

In other news - rants are like cigars sometimes they are just thoughts

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: bad TV

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Monday, February 14, 2011

Babies really shouldn't play with arrows

So Stupid’s day is nearly over. In case you are wondering no I’m not saying it is a stupid day just because I’m single I’m saying it is stupid because it is stupid. It is a meaningless holiday that does more to damage relationships than it does to celebrate them. Now I am over generalizing and I know it, but admitting that there are actually happy couples doesn’t do my rant any service. However think on this, that every relationship given an infinite amount of time will eventually fail.

What I particularly do not like about stupid day is that it is all sort of one side and by sort of one sided mean totally one sided.

Now stupid day isn’t the only holiday like this, most of them are completely one side especially when there are prizes at stake. However in the case of stupid day it really shouldn’t be.

Why? Well it takes two to tango you can’t have a relationship with just one person. Well you probably can but it’s not as rewarding. So why do women get all the prizes? Yeah, yeah, you hardened angry women will say because you have to put up with our crap the rest of the year. Well I ask you this, if you aren’t happy 364 days out of the year give or take and this one day of prizes will make up for it all. Then when the simple 24 hours of bliss doesn’t make it all better then my guess is that maybe there is a bigger issue than the person with whom you are in the relationship. Remember too every bad relationship you have ever had, has one thing in common… you.

Yup, yup, I went there. And before you go there I know the biggest obstacle to my being in a relationship is me. This isn’t about me.

What I don’t get is why all the pressure about the perfect gift for one day to celebrate love. Shouldn’t you celebrate it, every day? And shouldn’t both partners celebrate that relationship equally? Well of course they should but it doesn’t work that way.

The way it works is that the guy is expected to buy a fabulous prize and then get a… oh what is it … oh yeah that’s right nothing. Well not nothing you still have love but if you have had to buy love, isn’t that the same as picking up love on the street corner? Well fortunately it is legal to buy it with prizes and you’re less likely to end up with an STD but still on some level it’s really the same.

Oops, … I did just compare how we play at valentines day with prostitution. What can I say if the shoe fits … shrug. I know it’s me.

I’m just saying if its supposed to be about a relationship it should be about the whole thing not just half of it.

But we are called ungrateful if we notice that we are being ignored, we are told that we are insensitive if you decide not to play the stupid day games, and if you get too into the whole thing and celebrate love with too much abandon we’re too feminine. We, guys, can’t win. However, despite all the ranting somewhere down deep inside me beats the heart of a romantic but if you tell anyone I’ll deny it.

In related news, a bit of beaten wood holds a piece of time and on the prime opus of a moth hangs a moon and a druidic grace, and the daily scent of the ocean reminds me of words spoken twice in whispers, between crushed breaths of evermore.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow or the next day.

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Being Human

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Stuntboy and his grill

Stunt boy had oral surgery today and came through it very well. He was a bit out of it afterwards. I still stand by the idea that surgeons really just like cutting people up for their person amusement on some level.

Stunt boy is with CPG this week so I’m not sure exactly how he faired the rest of the day but he was still asleep around 4:00 p.m.

His teeth have done all the things the orthodontist has pried them to do with wires, expanders and other torture devices. The amount of work on his teeth has a price tag more than my first car.

There is a little bit of crazy. You can still buy a car for what it costs to get braces and there are those in our government who dare to say our health care system isn’t serious out of touch and completely inappropriate.

Then insurance companies saying that things like braces are cosmetic are hoping people don’t look into periodontal problems many caused by not having teeth which are straight and that are easy to clean. Related to that serious enough dental problems can lead to your death with no other health issues. They, the insurance peeps, are hoping that you’ll no longer be their customer when you need those services and then can deny that coverage too and just pay to have them pulled and pay for dentures.

I’m not a conspiracy theorist but the system isn’t there to help you it’s there to help itself.

Anyway the point is that Stuntboy is hopefully done with the major things too his teeth. Saying that I want to be clear I have no problems paying for or taking him to the appointments. This is an investment in my son, and in his being able to have a healthy smile and in large part a healthy life.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: TV

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Title and body are required... no it doesn't mean that... geez

Ever need advice and go to a friend who can be an objective bystander. I suppose the important part of asking for advice is to be able to provide as much information as possible. You know to get the best advise.

However if you know information that could be critical to that advice but you can’t give that information because you aren’t even supposed to have that information in the first place. Now from an ethical standpoint you really have no obligation to keep this information a secret because no one has ever asked you to keep it a secret.

So there is this information about things and about stuff that I shouldn’t know. That person doesn’t know I know these things but probably should guess that I know because the person who did know them was awful about not telling things that they knew about stuff. In fact telling things about stuff was a bit of an aphrodisiac (I totally rocked that spelling without looking… I’m not a good speller so it’s exciting for me) for that person but it didn’t work the other way. Odd I know but the point is knowing things and telling them isn’t something I do. I know things about stuff about a lot of people, a lot of the stuff I know is rather innocuous and more I don’t want people to know and other stuff is all WTF they did what? If I know something about you I’m going to keep it secret even if you don’t ask me too or know that I know the stuff. If I know something about myself I’ll keep it to myself except when plied by bourbon, generally a lot of it too. There are things about myself I’m sure I don’t know and if I don’t know them it’s probably better that I don’t know them.

Why keep the secrets at all, well I’m no saint so using the stuff I know as leverage doesn’t usually work too well but as confidant I’m aces and having friends is better than having leverage.

So I really know what I should do here in this situation but there is a part of me that really wants to do the wrong thing. I know surprise. I don’t really think of it as all that wrong either. Yes other people do but I don’t. No it’s not illegal.

So I tell my friend to say, You bad (wag a finger at me and look sternly as if disappointed)

I hung my head in a façade of shame all is good in the world.

NO, Then the friend says but you know if you did it like this it could work. OMG WTF FML w/o KYJ

I came to you because I know you are a solid person you are the rock of mostly ethical behavior. I can count on you to do the right thing because it is the right thing.

Now if you start offering me options, now I’m really likely to just spiral out of control. I really know these are things I shouldn’t do. These are things that I want to do but I need an external conscience especially for the wrong but not criminal stuff. I can justify away all the arguments for why I shouldn’t do them, I’m all good in that department what I need help with is the why I should do the right thing in these moments. A person who will say that will make me think less of you if you do them.

So now I’m on the fence, but I‘m likely to do the right thing… well most likely. However I will say my friend did make very good effort to distract me from the main bad thing to another thing which was equally tempting but not bad at all but then that back fired and this has a bad angle to it now too. You know it could be the name. there is a connection in all of this to names even to other stuff. Hmmm…nope I’m not telling.

So the next distraction, came from another external source and then we were both distracted.

I need to say no to this distraction because in less than a minute I had inklings of a altogether new career for less than 1000 dollars of start up money. Yeah you don’t want to know. I’m not going to go there either because you may end up thinking less of me than you already do up to this point.

In other news, stunt boy has surgery tomorrow for an impacted canine tooth so that’s what I’m doing tomorrow. Stuntboy had some seriously messed up teeth. Now they are mostly not messed up. There was this one little tooth that there was no room for and his orthodontist made ample room for this tooth but it’s being non cooperative with the surfacing into the world. So they are going to coax it into the world of chomping and biting with knives and drugs. I think surgeons just really like to cut on people and this allows them to do it for money and not go to jail.


That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Potatoes, onions and garlic frying in a pan.

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

my nose is cold

JM Barrie was brilliant the croc is coming, coming, coming unrelenting in its methodical march after it’s prey. We all have a croc, there are days when it feels so close TICK TOCK TICK TOCK it’s maddening.

Then there are others when it is far away not even thought of at all. There will be a time when it’s always there ticking away.

The question is that when that time comes will it be a welcoming metronome or a deafening beckoner.

The croc was close today and has finally submerged but I see the swirls near enough to the surface that it’s not far removed.

In happier news stupid day is a week away …so yay for that

Today was Muthers day… giving money to all the muthers you owe. Their cards are in the mail they should be happy until next muthers day. If you aren’t following M O mother are the ones that love you because share genetic material or a legal bond made by choice.

M U muthers are people who love you when you give them money then it only lasts for about 30 day and they want more love from you which is money then they love you just a bit back which isn’t giving you money.

Most of my muthers tend to be banks and I don’t like those muthers. I even write special messages to these muthers like, greedy corporate scum, or robbing thieves, evil lying nasties, or over prices mediocre service provider, price gouging corporate thieves or some other endearing term to let them know I do care for them as much as they care for me.

If you have suggests let me know I may use them. Two rules, 1. they have to fit in a memo line of a check, 2. No swear words

Feel free to borrow any of my phrase to send on your next batch of muther’s day cards or at they like to call them payment coupons. I thought coupons were supposed to be good for you and save you money. These don’t. death by semantics … YAY!

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: electronic hum of my computer

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Monday, February 7, 2011

A funny thing happened on my way to...

Welcome to Rome. Last night at the Coliseum the combatants faced off. The victors left with their coin in pocket and the defeated kept their heads. The mob was sufficiently entertained. Not much longer before the next offerings are laid forth before the gods.

The comparisons to the old republic to this one are not just in our thirst for the gladiatorial offerings in the arenas.

I really don’t care much for the games but I do attend the bigger ones. This may make me a hypocrite. I get pulled into the spectacle but I also don’t like when the sport isn’t played in a manner which is sporting or in sporting manner by all the participants.

The games don’t just sate the mob during it’s performance the next few days will be spend retelling the tale. Now imagine the scuttle in the forum in Rome 2000 years ago following a triumph. How far we’ve come to travel such a short distance.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Warehouse 13

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Friday, February 4, 2011

Who wants to be a millionaire?

The week has ended, well the work week anyway. I don’t generally keep my phone anywhere near me. Then because it is always on Withdraw setting or if you prefer the DTs (vibrate AKA message mode) I don’t hear it ring because it doesn’t. I should probably mention now that my phone isn’t really all that cool. It doesn’t have any apps and it doesn’t take pictures but it does make calls and it gets them too. My phone also doubles as my alarm clock but I don’t answer calls when I’m sleeping.

Anyway, As I don’t keep it (the phone) near me and it doesn’t ring, well it does but I’ve told it not to do that, I miss a lot of things like calls and messages. Today I didn’t miss a phone call from Doodle.

The phone rings (shakes) and I see that it is telling me Doodle is phoning

I think, I like it when Doodle calls me

Invisible Don: Hey

Doodle: Hey Dad

Invisible Don: What’s up

Doodle: I have a question

Invisible Don: Ok

Doodle: No like really this is important

Invisible Don: Ok

Doodle: I’m playing who wants to be a millionaire and I’m on the million dollar question. I’m at work

Invisible Don: So not the real show

Doodle: Nope but this is important You are my phone a friend

Invisible Don: Ok

Doodle: So the question is what is the name of the animated movie with Brad Pitt that is two words and starts with C…

Invisible Don: (I interrupt) Cool World

Doodle: Cool World… I told you my Dad would know it he knows everything

Kid in background: That’s right How did he know that?

Well that was the important part of the phone call we talked for a bit more and then she had to actually work at work I’m guessing. A disclaimer I don’t know everything, nor do I think I know everything although I have been accused of knowing everything. I have also been accused of many other things to include piracy. I kid you not. Different story not for now.

In other news, I am totally confused about one thing and sort of relieved to be honest but confused. My spider is wondering if anything will ever arrive.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: MAG pre game music

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do you really know the person or do you know their persona

To say what I’m really thinking most of the time isn’t something I do very often. There are several reasons for this. Let me state this right up front, I do not actively attempt to lie, deceive or mislead anyone with the things that I’m saying. That would be bad. Right speech and all. However what is right. It all depends on which the side of the fence you are standing or if you are looking at the fence from some other place. It’s all relative.

Now you may say I mislead people all of the time. I challenge that by saying I don’t attempt to get the people I’m speaking with to arrive at a point in their thinking which is false or to believe something I am saying if they are not open to it.

Admittedly, I will redirect to other topics rather than talk about things I don’t want to speak about or will just ignore their question and bring up a new subject. You may feel that this is merely semantics and verbal trickery to justify not answering a question.. I will still contest this not falsehood but will admit that it may indeed be the Off to Buffalo Shuffle or the Avoidance Two Step but in no way is a lie, falsehood or other wise untrue statement. It is better not to answer than to say something which is not true.

There have been times I have been confused in my facts before and will state things that I believe are true which later are proven to be false. Who hasn’t done that, right. I don’t grasp stupidly to what I thought was true in the face of information disproving my information.

Everyone has skeletons in their closet, some closets have a lot more skeletons than others. We know who we know and each relationship depends on the role or roles we are in while we interact with each person. All of us has numerous layers to who we are each layer has a lesser or more complete version of the person we recognize as our true self.
We may not really know our true selves completely. There are probably very few of us who interacts on a level of complete transparency with everyone in our lives.

Is there someone who knows every thought we have and does entertaining a thought really make that part of our personality.

What is normal for you? Some people can ponder the most morbid things and not bat an eye while others have trouble keeping it together for a hangnail.

Over the last while, insert a measurement of time you feel is appropriate, there have been thoughts spinning many of them in contrast with one another. I don’t even write them in the blog. Not because I think they are horrid thoughts but that mort people really don’t think these things. You can decipher how people might take a thought and ultimately how they classify you in their thoughts and actions and what they share with you. They may even stop interacting with you altogether depending on the thought.

Our thoughts do color how we see others but they don’t necessarily define how we will treat them in our interactions. There is a difference and the line is significant. However we don’t always see that our thoughts and actions are disconnected because many times there is a correlation in thought to action.

I could write out every thought I’ve had and tell every action I remember in the completes detail that I can muster. I would simply be telling the whole truth as I know it. How many lives would be ruined because of that truth, what ultimate gain or benefit would come from deconstructing the walls, unlocking all the doors, opening every box, or breathing life into every skeleton. It’s only the truth.

The truth isn’t what we want, we want people to fit in to how we understand them and we don’t want them crossing lines without permission. It makes it hard for us to know how to relate to them. Just like people want you to fit in where you belong.

Sometimes we will tell someone part of a truth to gage their reaction. Then there is the tension while we wait to see how they respond

In the time it takes them to respond a few seconds our whole world changes a bit and we live and die in the seconds in between.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Rainy Day (don’t go away) Back yard tire fire

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

well it’s better left alone… well better is relative

Time, time, time, there never seems to be enough of it. Certainly not enough to do all the things that we want to do and do all the things the we need to do in the world of working class slavery. That may be a rather harsh assessment of things but most of my time isn’t really my own and that isn’t the point of this. This is actually about time. I’ve sort of come up with a good way to solve part of this problem. Well this largely depends on how loosely you are willing to go with the definition of good.

Hoover and I are going to learn nuclear physics. Now I may be out on a limb here but I’m not going to lie my learning this is not going to go quickly and probably won’t be easy and I’m going to need a bit of extra time to learn this stuff. Hoover was unclear on the whole if it would take him longer or as long as me to pick this up with any effectiveness and or skill. As we are not the gang from the big bang we have a few minor, incidental hiccoughs in the plan.

Now you may be asking a lot of questions as to why we want to learn nuclear physics and how we are going to accomplish this and what the heck does this have to do with time. Well there really isn’t a good reason for this so the real reason is probably as good as any.

Do you know the end of the world animated skit that has the kangaroo in Australia going WTF mate in a snow fall of nuclear ash? If not just got to you tube and search for end of the world, it is the one with the really badly drawn French people next to a really worse drawing of the Tour de Eiffel. Ok go, watch, come back… I’ll wait.

Now that we’re on the same page or at least the same level of hey that’s a lot of ash snow. We were wondering how many nuclear explosions would it take to make it snow in Australia. No so much the amount but just get it to snow there. Well in order for us to know this without actually blowing up the world which we decided would be bad for… well, for most of us. That’s when we thought the best way to do this would to just learn about it. The drawback there is a time factor and money but one problem at a time and as this is about time we’ll tackle the time thing. The money thing will be a simple as putting all our money in a bank account with a good rate of return.

To make all this possible in our own life times we will go into space with all the necessary items to learn this nuclear physics stuff then orbit really fast or is it slow? Anyway it’s the whole space time thing that Einstein was talking about. While we are in space time will go slower for us then those of you here on the mud-ball and then we can come back about the same age as when we left but mainly things will be better here or they will be worse but we’ll be smarter. Either way we win, you may win too but that isn’t part of the plan.

Hoover stated that he isn’t willing to go without his wife because he would still be young and then she would be old and that would be bad for them. So she is on the trip too but we aren’t sure if she’s going to study with us or not. I don’t have a current Mrs. Invisible Don so I would take the dynamic duo with me. They can learn if they want. Stuntboy wil most likely be working on something similar to a real life HALO thing but who wouldn’t think that was cool.

See then we have the answer to that nuclear snowfall without a lot of destruction. On the upside the whole Jeston car in a brief case thing might being happening and not to put too fine a point on it my whole CPG thing would be solved too. But this is more about time and not having a lot of it. Not sure that the DD would be ok with that CPG resolution part but I’m not bringing her on the trip. Well frankly, because I’m not doing that to the future.

In the end we get a lot smarter in a minimum of time to answer a really meaningless question and technically get to time travel. Also we’ll be BANK on cash, yeah remember we put all that money in the interest bearing accounts. Yeah we’ll pay off all the money and have lots to spare its like the time travel lottery. So I’m thinking if anyone reading this has any pull with the space travel folks to make this happen give me shout. No seriously. You may also be happy to know this wasn’t even my strangest thought of the day. Yeah I know, me too.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Bruno Mars - Just the way you are

Thinking: that the song is right but … Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015