Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy...

As John sang, “So this is Christmas and what have you done, another year over and a new one just begun”, so many Christmases ago. I find myself contemplating the season and wondering about all the lessons we had, in song, story and film, about this time of year. All the lessons that seem to be lost, but all the while we pay lip service to the sentiment of those lessons. As the saying goes our actions speak louder than words. Here in my Christmas present, I see the future Christmases. Thinking about Dickens and the lessons for Ebenezer not to be miserly not just with money but with his emotions as well. You have to give love to be loved. The Grinch learned this as well that truly the season came and went without packages and presents and just as importantly without the mention of a spiritual belief. That it is humane to be kind to one another; to give love when all is lost. George Bailey in, ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’, learns what it would be like to not be a part of peoples lives, to be gone, and that above all to cherish those around us. I can not count the number of social media posts I’ve seen this year with sayings like, the reason for the season, and the War against Christmas, and that red cup must go, and on and on with cliché upon cliché about how this is what Christmas truly means. But these same people then post something about the money, something about hate, something 180 degrees away from the “True meaning” posts. The countless times I was asked and I asked myself as it has become the holiday ice breaker, ‘So are you ready for the holidays?’ Almost always the answer had to do with shopping first and then decorations. Never, not even once, did anyone say I’m just spending time with family. I would usually just say no, and occasionally that I don’t really care for the holiday season because it seems too hectic. The tsunami of chaos that is the holiday in that there is too much to do there is the overwhelming feeling that you can not seem to escape the chaos because it is everywhere. Those with whom I have served are reminding everyone not to forget those in our armed services and in first responder jobs that they are giving of themselves for all of us. These posts are at best, stepping in the right direction and at worst, the same political rhetoric in a very hostile political cycle. As I am a person on call this year, dealing with very un Christmas like things, I am missing spending time with family. I did get to see many of my family early and spent time together with them. There are family that I did not get to see this holiday and many I have not seen for many a holiday season. Thankfully social media allows us to see into the lives of those far away and be a part of their lives while apart from their lives, in the moments they share. As I have had a lot of Christmases I don’t remember many of the things I gotten but I remember spending time with family. I would trade anything to spend time with those who are gone just for a conversation. While I am alone physically this holiday, I did see my daughter, my mother, my brother just a few days ago and my other brother and his family at Thanksgiving and my son just the other day. What I remember are the good times and smiles and hugs and laughs. It does not matter the day, if you give love you will be loved perhaps one day all those lessons will sink in and we will do more showing love rather than just paying lip service to the sentiment. Sowing seeds of love and understanding will reap a better harvest than sowing seeds of hate and mistrust. Embrace this joyous day of celebration, you are alive, cherish those around you and do good for the world. Well, that’s all for now, other stuff to follow Happy Birthday if it is your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it is not your birthday Thank you for reading, please subscribe, Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood. Ciao, Invisible Don Playstation Gamer Tag: invisible don PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015 Send post cards … I love post cards