Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Setting up rules ... which isn't this ... because this isn't much

The semester is nearly over
I have a headache
Have very busy day tomorrow.

In other news…

More later …

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, April 26, 2010

The first truth hurts the most

So in the last few day I’ve not been sleeping much at all. I’ll know tomorrow yea! Not really yea but I’m not at liberty to say or ever at liberty to say so it would seem.

The lack of sleep is due to lots on my mind, well there is always a lot on my mind but heavier things are on my mind as of late.

Like the stones in her pockets

In other news…

There isn’t really any other news I’m beat dead tired and most likely will have a lot of free time soon. Yea, but not yea.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

:;"'?/>.<,!@#$%^&*()_-+=`~[]{} <---- not letters <----words <--- and another ...

Well it’s a good thing I don’t get paid for blogging because I would be not getting paid or on the slacker side of thinking I would be making more per issue than if I were putting something up everyday.

So why haven’t I been writing. Glad you asked and if you didn’t I’m going to pretend that you did and tell you any way.

One and this is the main reason, introspection. I’ve been deep in the dark places peering into the abyss looking for answers in the black. I tend to get lost there because while it is creepy, dark and forbidding, I know it’s creepy, dark and forbidding and that bad things happen there all the time for no reason. Better to know than not see it coming.

There is that, while I’m not at the edge I’m really never far from it. All though I know from here there is a ledge down in the abyss you can’t see it but it’s there when you hit there it will hurt and getting back from there is nearly impossible.

Two, yes there is a two, distraction. Yes I’ve been distracted and not with anything particularly important either. In fact the distraction pushed me a bit further into the introspection.

Three, too much to say. Yes it is possible. The gear box is always spinning. I don’t know how when you ask someone what are you thinking and they say nothing. Nothing? Seriously how can you be thinking nothing! It isn’t possible to be thinking nothing or if it is I don’t know how to not be thinking nothing. Anyone thinking nothing? I call bullshit.

Four, well it’s not really a reason but a problem but more of a mathematically problem with people. It’s complicated and not the first time I’ve been in this problem. I know what the answer isn’t but I do know what the answer is from one side of the equation. But there are two sides to the equation and sub parts as well. I don’t know those answers so I vote for distraction which leads to further introspection which leads to more thinking and things to say and not knowing how to say them. You know?

Five is the OFUC thing so there is that but it is really tied to the others so is a sub part.

Six, I have been writing and then deleting it.

In other news…

I did exactly what I wanted this weekend. If I thought about doing something and I didn’t want to do it I didn’t. So I did pretty much nothing all weekend. Yup. I did nothing. Not a damn thing which I’ll regret later and it will lead to more introspection but for now I’m still doing nothing. Well you know until later when I’ll be doing something but I’m still thinking.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cinnamon Thunder

There is a lot of stuff that I want to say about a lot of things but I’m not going to right now. So ….

In other news…

Had dinner with doodle last night down at Pop’s. That was a good time we had a nice conversation and I played in the Rock, Paper, Scissors contest. It was a good time. Lost in the first round but I started strongly.

Now they don’t play the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock version. Despite losing in the first round it was good fun.

One of the kids there was called Cinnamon Thunder or something like that and you guessed it he was a ginger kid.

Anyway Doodle and I have had a lot more frequent get together things mainly me feeding her but that’s cool, I enjoy my daughter coming around and I think she is funny, smart, you know good company.

High School graduation is in the near future for her and that is exciting and she is finally getting very excited about it all. All in all it was a good time. Looking forward to more of those, hope we can continue to have dinners together I like the cooking bit too although I didn’t have to cook this past time.

We did watch a driver attempt to parallel park yesterday several times without success. It was particularly good entertainment and the passenger of the car was very patient with the driver and did not say anything or didn’t appear to be critical of the many failed attempts. The driver didn’t realize until near the end that we had been watching this driving fail with great enjoyment. Then once the driver realized the bad parking was entertainment, well for a small part of the evening, the attempts stopped and they drove off. Notice I didn’t say who was driving I’ll leave that for you to divine who was driving and who was the passenger in the car. Leave your guesses below is you want.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh no...ouch... lol... yup I'm that guy... unless you have court papers or a bill then I'm not

So was watching a vlog and the vlogger included a clip from another vlog or really a video message to a person from a person.

The person in the message we’ll call her the person of the first party
Was talking to the other person we’ll call him the second party. We’ll assume he is indeed a he because the first party call the second party he.

So the first party states that the second party had done some thing the first party didn’t like, as in a lot.

So the first party hacked the second party’s email
Then waited until the second party received a prize thing they had wanted

Then printed it. Deleted the email
Then filmed the video

In the video she rants calls the second party an ass, then the first party shreds the only copy of the email with the information on how to claim the prize.

Gone. Like confetti right there … holy smokes and junk … open mouth stare.

Then end video with a flurry of bad names directed to the second party

Now I laugh at the misfortune of the second party because I’m an ass like that, hey you don’t get to be king of the bastards without a little laughter at others expense.

However after not so much reflection I’m thinking the first party is all pissed because the second party didn’t change to suit her.

So is the second party still a dumbass … yeah he is but he was probably a dumbass when the first party met him … he’ll be a dumbass in his next relationship and the next and the next until he either changes or finds someone willing to live with his dumbass behavior.

Most likely dumbass will be back with the first party in a few weeks and she’ll break something of his on the internet again for him being a dumbass.

So I suppose my question is who is the bigger dumbass?

The first party will gripe, bitch and or complain that there just aren’t any decent guys in the world who listen and understand.

The sad thing is she probably makes some of those complaints to a guy would looks into her eyes and sees the beautiful soul inside and enjoys all the same things, gets her quirky behavior and they laugh at all the same stupid little things. However because he isn’t this or that she doesn’t even notice him. Even if he is being all but blunt about his feelings for her.

People can change and do change but they won’t change because you want them to change.

In other news…

There is an idea trapped in my mind and I didn’t put it there, it’s been bothering me for a while and I can’t seem to shake it. Do I want things the why I think I want them or do I just think I want them this way because that’s the way things are supposed to be.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's not laundry day and the ELE isn't calling ...

I try to stay in the present when I’m not at work. When I’m at work I’m sort of forced to say in the present. The rest of the time I think I wander around mentally to what was and what might be how to get there and what do I learn from the choices I’ve made.

I ponder and try not to dwell

What is done, is done.

Still what do you when you are haunted?

When ghosts invade your present day and pull you.

I managed to say something without mumbling today

Good morning with a real smile

Then… ah… thinking how do you pull that person you don’t know into a conversation.

Well I could ask this… no stupid that won’t work

How about that… no

Don’t stare …well there you go you’re labeled freak of the week. Yea.

…. I’m not sure what to say… perhaps …

This wasn’t a problem once upon a time of course I did drink a lot then


I’m really overly happy that there is going to be a 5th twilight series book

In other news…

Have you ever heard of the milk challenge? This is supposedly near impossible to drink an entire gallon of milk in an hour. I’m not about to try this but I did watch a video where three guys attempted this and puked. Watching someone vomit milk is interesting.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The sun is warm... the flowers are blooming and the TWG are in wife beaters

Make a list of word that you think about your self, use what ever organizational pattern you want. Don’t share it on here because I’m certainly not going to, but if you wish to share by all means share

I may at some point but I just thought of it. Sort of as a guide for enhancing the things which I like about myself and changing those things which I don’t and coming to a better outlook about those things which are what they are;

I’ll come back to this at some point.

Classes are going well and have about come to a close for this semester. Class nights leave little time for me and less time for writing.

In other news…

Not really sure what it is about a TWG … but wow… I have the mantra that cures it … well there are two one is they just steal your stuff … the other is usually true as well.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, April 5, 2010

The Weathered Underground and Schadenfreude

Saw an interesting movie the other day.

The Weathered Underground

I am not recommending this movie as a good movie or saying it’s a bad movie. There are good things and bad in this movie.

It’s an interactive movie. Each trip only takes about 15 minutes or less, but you get to watch the movie and when the character comes to a point where a choice is made you get to make it and then the story continues on that path. Until the next choice.

The good parts weren’t extremely good but it was an interesting concept and fun to play with. The story interesting at times and the imagery was thought provoking.

The bad parts include some very bad animation over live film which makes the film really hard to watch. As I don’t quit on movies I struggled through it but there were times when I thought ok this is just too much what ever the reason for going this direction with the filming was a really bad one.

In other news…

Spring … allergies and mountains off pollen ugh

Saw two old friends today and had a nice conversation and a shot of Schadenfreude and learned something I already knew but just didn’t realize the depth it went

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

It goes in all directions please fasten your safety belts it gets a wee bit bumpy

Wonderful weather weekend what would we wish were we wee wabbits

Continuing with the alliteration would require more work but that isn’t half dam bad for on the fly … by that I mean that was a totally random sentence that sprang from my head.

Yeah it is kind of scary in there… as there are parts of my mind I don’t linger because to do so would be… well I might move there if given the chance.

So off that

Internet versus TV, TV versus internet. Has the internet killed TV.

No, TV does have to work harder to keep people interested. The internet has damaged the sustainability of things, what happens in one part of the world is in minutes every where else … literally everywhere there is internet. So things don’t last. And our attention span becomes more and more like a squirrel on crack with ADHD doubling up on the meds.

Yeah that would be a marathon in 2.8 minutes … curiously though when will the two hour barrier for the marathon fall. ??? Once upon a time the 4 minute mile was thought to be the ultimate barrier. It fell.

Will the 3.5 mile ever happen as in 3 minutes 30 seconds that’s quick that is I tell yah. Now imagine a squirrel runnin’ a ‘hole marathon in less time. Yeah like … well sumthin’ really fast .. Yeah like lighting but without all the light and static.

Scatter brained we are

Sound bite junkies, give me my fix so I can ramble on to the next pretty thing

Sustainability it what the internet killed not TV but kill sustainability you dry up the money, dry up the money, you kill it.

TV got too big

Internet got really too big

Business got to big

Sustainable and manageable

This was not at all were I was going with all of this but this is were we are now. Why have only 2 place in the entire world making something. Especially if those two things are used by a big part of the world. Well to maximize profits that’s why, to ensure product quality. Big business mumbo jumbo.

If you are still making the same number of products to sell, you are using the same amount of raw materials, if you had 10 places making the same product the cost goes up a bit for a few more workers but the cost goes down in transportation and lost/damaged other problems. The product can actually be made in less time also saving money for the big business. The workers will also have less stress as each will be responsible for less of the over all production percentage and less errors will occur a money saver too. Less errors builds customer satisfaction. Less stress equals worker satisfaction equals sustainability of employees keeping retraining costs down, errors down, efficiency up. All money savers.

Big business is infected with a virus I call the gottohaveitall syndrome or big greedy muther fucker wants all the toys and doesn’t want to share with anyone and fuck the customer if the whatever we are selling doesn’t work right because we’ll just drag their happy ass to court and they can’t afford a lawyer so we win fuck you joe average guy or gal I got all the fucking money and you don’t so boo hoo.

Yeah the gottohaveitall syndrome is much easier to say and takes less time. A money saver.

New Jersey, of all places had an idea like this once upon a time. You have to have someone pump your gas. You as the consumer buying gasoline have to pay to have someone pump it for you. Thousands of jobs over night. Blam-o … well maybe not the best word to toss out there with gasoline. Spread it around people. You can still make enough money to choke an elephant but it might take two weeks instead of one to do it.

Put on your big boy panties and own some reality. If the masses fail it’s not long before the masses become the mob, the mob the rioting hoard, then the streets run with… a red think liquid sounds like … huh … ever try to come up for a rhyme for blood before … not so simple but not a difficult as orange… yeah there is nothing in English for orange …hang it up junior seuss he didn’t even go there … it’s sacred like the cow or something leave it alone.

So ask not what you can do for big business but ask what you can do for your self to keep your money out of the hands of big business. You’ll still be poor and underpaid but you will be sticking it to the man in an almost meaningless way but if enough of us say you know you charge to fucking much for that there thing-a-ma-bob well they’ll be forced to sell it all for a minor profit to dollar store brand or an internet warehouse seller who will hang on to it before moving it another chain and another … see spread it around.

Spread it around makes everybody happy think about life as a giant peanut butter sandwich the best ones are the ones when you take a bit of time and make sure the peanut butter goes all the way to edges. Spread it around don’t be selfish and mean, share a bit with the corners yeah everyone likes the middle the best but the edges need love too they aren’t just handles for tossing out when you eat them middle bits. Spread it around people you’ll be glad you did. Tell others too. They’ll be glad too, and they’ll tell others and they will too and soon … well it will be a great big peanut butter sandwich day in heaven if everyone just spreads it around a bit more.

Ok I’m done but seriously … share you’ll be glad you did

In other news…

Answers to questions ask or that should have been asked. In no particular order are as follows;

-I’m not dead
-I’m not crazy
-I am OFUC, the mirror confirmed
-My hand if numb
-I don’t like that person
-I had typed out a whole thing that I deleted but to know it was there is curious
-Yes is the answer
-No is also the answer
-For a full day without a break is how long I would do that for you
-Please and thank you
-Can you send me a photo
-Insert previous answer

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stuff and colored eggs

In reading all the stuff that catches my interest in the blogs that I read, stories on the net and the listening/watching to the vlogs that I subscribe.

One quick observation but not something that I’m going to jump into at all. We all, me included, are self focused. Not so much selfish but self focused. Really while we are not the center of the universe we do experience life from the center which is us. More on that later.

Second point which is what got me to sit down and to start writing. Which is more and more we are relying on watching rather than reading. I keep struggling with the idea of converting to a vlog.

Reasons to vlog… I’m so scattered that writing is a problem at times. Some of how I relate to the world is through voices which I think are funny that doesn’t translate in writing, although I do try to write in a why that might reflect the voice. Some of the points are only just the briefest of thoughts and don’t need a lot of attention.

Reason not to vlog… lord I am not fit for mass visual consumption as in ugly. Ok I’m not creature ugly or even sexy ugly, thank you Helen, but I may really have some BDS stuff going on and part of it is real and part of it is possibly damaged esteem.. Point is I’m likely to take the critical stuff to harshly and that won’t help things.

I don’t own a camera right now that will make this an easy thing to flip to and I don’t have the money to buy something like that at the moment.

So a vlog featuring yours truly is still an idea but not a real possibility in the near future.

The writing this is probably how I’ll keep doing the dump all the words out of my head and keeping them from bottling up inside of me.

I have noticed that the sacred cows out there in the world like the internet if it serves their purpose but do not like it when the sword is turned against them.

For example, businesses love it because they can put all their propaganda out there into cyber space, with their particular spin on things.

Now any business may be a good business or a bad business. Any business may treat their employees fairly or unfairly.

What I do not like is the trend of the courts in this country and in other places around the world is to take the words of employees of businesses from expressing their own personal views about a company or business and firing the employee because it was on the internet.

Bored at work comments … have gotten several people terminated. You know what if your job is not intellectually stimulating then most likely you are bored at work but that does not translate into said employee is not doing their job.

And if an employee makes some statement about how they do not like another person at their job and posts it on line then it’s some unforgivable sin. I can’t remember anyone ever telling me at any job I’ve ever held that liking my co-workers was a requirement of the job. Now being a team player or good team worker is but you don’t have to like your team-mates to do a good job. I don’t think anyone would have said Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen really liked the other but they did work well together.

Which ties it back to the first point as a related thing we are all self focused, how we view the world is from our point of view not someone else. As Paul said to the J-man it doesn’t matter what the truth is, people will see the world how they see it. Even when confronted with facts regarding the truth they will not change.

The fact is businesses and those in power and with money control our courts so there is no justice for the sake of justice.

There is no truth except what you can buy.

There is no fact any more that can not be sold as a lie

In other news…

Off to color eggs.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Chicken face... peck...peck...hunt...peck

Chicken face

Odd thoughts that you have in the morning. If you are reading this most likely you have some sort of device that you carry around with you that allows you to send and receive messages.

The odd thought was how intently people stare at the screens when sending messages. As if they move their face the message won’t be sent.

What did we do before we could constantly talk to each other via other little devices.

Well hell even this is differently. I’m essentially an unpublished writer, guy who writes little bits of stuff, or whatever, and people … ok maybe not, but the point is before people would have to come to me to read this stuff or I would have to be better at this to get is published.

Now we can invade others lives much more easily.

Mine you have to for the most part look for it. But anyone or any business and increasingly any hacker, or scammer and ring you up in your pocket and have your attention and create a level of anxiety, elation, other feeling in your interaction or lack there of.

Oh why haven’t they texted me

What does this mean (insert favorite vowel-less text speak)

Why are vowels a texting no go unless they are words

Then sexting …ah

I don’t even want to go there… well not in this issue

The question is I suppose do we create a lot of stress in our relationships by the constant talking back and forth in the lives of people we know. There is no time to savor the person or to develop a sense of missing the person. Become critical of a person because they don’t live up to your E- expectations.

What if we didn’t have hands would we grow beaks so we could still send out our messages all chicken style

In other news…

Boo on you spring and pollen more specifically … I do not like my allergies.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, April 1, 2010


I’ve got to figure out a way to get more done.

The EB you see if you are on FB is me.

I may have even made a certain kids day the other day.

Got stuff to do around the house

In other news…

Saw Diary of A Wimpy Kid with Stunt boy … hey he reads the books. I’m willing to do what ever keeps him reading.

So dude who writes the books … write more.

That’s all for now other stuff tomorrow, have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
