Tuesday, January 13, 2009

To blog or not to blog?

While I may from time to time come up with a witty thing to title pages to my blog I am not Bill.

To blog or not to blog that is the question, whether it be nobler to suffer... yeah I'm not going to steal the whole thing and besides I think I got it wrong after the bit everyone knows.

I ask because eventually people will start reading and then no matter what your intent as the writer is the intent that matters is that which is read. So do I say I don't care if people misread me or do I just keep a paper journal and deal with that if and when anyone reads them. Most likely the paper one I keep won't be read until I'm dead and maybe not even then.

Sort of related to the legacy thing. What do we leave behind? what mark do we leave on the world. I'm not sure I will leave any other then my children and if they have grand children.

I'm not really bothered by that though mainly because I won't be around for it and the I'm all right with that too. I guess the whole thing I have the problem with is the whole how to fill the space between now and when I'm dead.

Yeah that's the big struggle for everyone. How to fill the space between. Well I'll let you know if I have any thoughts on that.

1 comment:

  1. Fill it doing something you love. There's no other way to live life. As you said, it's rather short. Legacy be damned, at least you had a good ride. People will remember that. :)
