Tuesday, August 7, 2001

The Other Ones wedding Part 3 -- The Final Chapter

Today is Tuesday August 7th 2001 Guestbook update

OK I have a ton of work to do but you know what

That's right I'm not going to be doing any of that anytime soon -- I have a headache and I want to type it away

So as promised The other one wedding part three

So the wedding was HOT

The reception was at Mount Vernon -- coincidentally Invisible Don is related to the first owner of that estate -- His grandfather Augustus is invisible Don's very own Great Great Great Great Great Great

Great Great Grandfather -- how about that for insignificance --seems that an niece of the first GW in that office wed a certain member of my illustrious family and then moved out of the Westmoreland region to live in the wildness

Anyway -- back to the Reception -- we decorated the car and then did the normal reception stuff --yadda yadda yadda -- it was very nice and the food was excellent however the action was something less then -- well it could have been a lot more fun

It is so hard to plan a party for 5 years olds to 80 year olds and everything in between -- so as far as that went it was a good party -- but invisible don needed more and so did several other people

So the plan was to go back to hotels and then meet in Old Town

Well I am with the other ones now brother-in-law

Yeah the great navigator from the other night at the bachelor party. Well his skills hadn't improved much in a day either.

So we get ready and He and I don't really have anything nice enough to wear out to Old Town unless we travel an hour back to the other ones house -- not going to happen

So we drive in to Old Town -- DC area -- we have a car this time that has a tags, registration and driver all from the same state this time too.

Well now Brother in law to the other one is not sure what club they went too

So we figure we will walk around until we find them

Mind you we are in Old Town -- dressed the same -- in Christian Dior Tuxes -- looking rather dashing

Yeah that is if only one of us had on the tux -- but no we are dressed the same -- exactly the same -- cuff links, button covers -- every thing is the same

So we look like a -- well we don't exactly look like we are out to find a few brides maids and the rest of the wedding party --

So there we are walking up and down the streets in and out of clubs trying to find our party

All the while discussing our situation

"What do you mean you don't remember where they were going"

"I don't remember"

"Oh Geez this is just like last night"

"What do you mean"

"You couldn't find the right club last night"

"Well excuse me"

Then we would talk about something else for a bit and then get back into our frustrating conversation -- because we didn't know each other well -- not even 24 hours at this point and now we are dressed alike in Old town having a conversation which I'm sure sounds like a couple having a fight and that's what it looked like to everyone we passed.

Once we noticed that we were the target of some rather unwanted attention

We finally picked up on just exactly how we looked we decide to bag the Old Town Adventure and head back to the Hotel and hang out with the not so adventuresome people of the wedding -- that's right the 5 year olds and 80 year olds. Everyone else was somewhere else and we couldn't find them

Turns out we had a better time because no one really listen to where we were supposed to meet so everyone was just wandering in and out of clubs all night looking for the other people -- its just dumb luck that none of us were in the same place at the same time or that we bumped in to each other on the street

Well that's it -- the next day the other one was in the Virgin Islands and I was headed back to Roanoke

Which by the way is not on the coast --which seems to be most peoples impression of where it is located -- I heard that on the news this morning

Guestbook update

OK its been a while

Yankeebelle Shes back *chair dancing* How was Paris -- I liked it but the streets are dirty and the People are rude but Its Paris they can be rude all they want -- OK don't work to hard and all that

dancing stick man this guy is funny and thanks for the g-book sign in

Chickenpie OK I do dance with the videos, I get to see them because I get home in time to see a bit of TRL, no Chris is not my favorite one, they are guys you know I'm a guy they are guys I think they are talented and dare I say good looking but none of them really get me all like hey he is the best one -- but if I could be Justin Timberlake that would be too cool -- oh my god did I just admit to liking Nsync (reads back) OMG I did *hangs head* OK I'll have to get back to on this

flutter thanks for the sign in

action figure sorry about the math test but sounds like you had a better time later, mini golf -- I rawk at mini golf -- glad you had a good game sorry about the sunburns though I hat that I get 'em too so I stay out of the sun mostly

invisiblepal Hey how you doin' -- oh and keep up the good work on school

The Queen of Sarcasm Thanks for all the sign ins and stuff -- cheer up -- you know like they say don't sweat the small stuff and if its too big just shoot it -- or something like that

Greenicoyote Hey thanks for the sign in and for adding me to your favorite list - you rawk and the hike pictures look like you all had a blast out there -- I still like the eyes even if it is a simple thing like inverting a picture -- and the Planet of the Apes thing -- well I would like to see a sequel -- but man Tim Burton really dropped the ball on the ending.

Jeska Hey thanks for coming in and say all the really nice stuff -- She thinks Im like Uncle Bob -- OH YEAH Baby -- that makes me happy 'cause I really like to read his stuff -- Your site was cool and thanks again for the sign in

Others who came by




snowgrrl liked your hair from the honeymoon --it looked nice -- and thanks for stopping in -- I read your stuff regularly and enjoy reading your perspective on your relationship -- sorry I don't read Dans

unclebob he or someone from there comes by every so often

If I forgot you I'm sorry Invisible Don wants everyone to get the props they deserve for coming to see me --so if I forgot you come back sign my guest book and say hey what about me you *&&^$*(*&)%^) I was there

OK now my headache is gone and I can work now -- oh well

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