Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm not sure I found the right picture... I did not

So today was a little strange even for me.

It started out a little off kilter. I think my body is trying to make me a morning person and I don’t like it.

So I’m rebelling a little bit and I hit the snooze button even though I was already awake lying there in the bed asking why are you doing this to me body, why? We had this agreement about sleeping. That sleep is good now the rules are changing and it’s just not fair. The upside of this is that I’m not a peppy morning person so it’s only slightly good news I’m still up early but thankfully there aren’t any high gears installed with morning person me so it is a low speed and quiet. So the low impact me I can handle I think, because bright lights and peppy in the morning are bad.

Other times of the day both are acceptable with abandon even, just not in the morning

So I share my whole new twist about the one snooze button with Hoover. He says, Ah look at you all grown up now. HURTFUL (insert aghast and a pitiful look)

So I hang my head and what was a happy little low speed morning just been popped like a mean kid killing a happy little balloon animal, Thanks I would like just one little win but no you have to crush it like a bug.

Oh and no matter what Hoover says, I’m not a girl. I’m not and you can’t prove anything.

What ocean smell? I don’t smell the ocean we are hundreds of miles from the ocean. Are you sure you smell the ocean? Couldn’t be you must me wrong. OH look, a nickel.

Anyway the whole day sort of progressed slightly askew.

Everything I was feeling all happy about someone was there to pop my balloon. It’s like a test or something just how fragile is your self esteem there invisible boy. It was like the world was saying I think we can make it cry, poke it with a stick again, yeah it will cry now.

Ouch and what not.

Then as if popping my menagerie of balloon animals was not enough, then I was told I look at the world funny, to which I still say, Nope I think I look at the world just fine.

Which I was talking to about that the other day with the dancing rabbit that sometimes things just get in the way of how we see the world. I don’t really think it’s a matter of cleaning our lens but just looking at the world and the people in it from a place of excitement and not of routine.

You can see the same person everyday for the rest of your life and have that person bring a smile to your face every day that you see them. Now that smile will sometimes be beaming and others just a warm feeling inside of familiarity.

All those things we let build up just get in the way and all the supposed conversations we have rather than actually having the conversations.

We let all the things of the world and all the days blind us to what is really there. So I still say I see the world just fine.

In other news

As I mentioned Doodle came over last evening for dinner and a movie. She is so fun to watch a movie with because she invests in what is going on in the story. So we are watching Despicable Me last night and near the end during the rescue and the last one is ready to go and then that thing happens

Doodle goes… oh… no… and throws her hands up and is very worried for the character

Now I mean this in the best way possible because she does enjoy the movies she enjoys and it is good to spend time with her and while she is a young woman she can still be just into a movie with her dad and brother.

Litter box thought

Isn’t when you least expect it right after someone says, I’ll get you when you least expect it. I mean really because you are distracted by when will they get me certainly not now because they are telling me it will be some other time when I don’t expect it, but then you’ll always expect it from then on except right then.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Metric - Sick Muse

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Does anyone really ever read this far?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WTF Wednesday #7

WTF Wednesday number 7

Ok so I had this whole other idea for the WTF Wednesday, which I’ll be saving for another time now. So I had this other thing that I wrote down on a piece of note paper. But I can’t read my writing because I got in a hurry.

I know I am my WTF Wednesday… eh… it was going to happen at some point. I’m a little surprised really that it has taken so long to be honest.

They say, yeah they, that is a whole other topic to talk about for another time, but they say we as people are our own worst critics. I may actually be a panel of people to pick on myself.

Now don’t get me wrong I am also my biggest fan and as far as I know am probably the best authority on … well everything there is to know about anything. Well you know unless I don’t know anything about it. Then I’ll either say I don’t know anything about that or I won’t say anything about it all and pretend I didn’t hear what you said.

What …oh sorry I was distracted, but back to me being my own worst critic. Oh, it is awful sometimes. I mean really if the things I say to myself in my head were out loud the neighbors would call the police.

Yes, officer… yes who ever is talking over there is being very mean and degrading … I had to look some of it up in the dictionary. I didn’t know there were so many mean things in there. You better hurry.

However being my biggest fan too I can usually counter back and I don’t spend more then an hour weeping in the corner.

I’m not the only one who does this though, there are books our there about this stuff. Hell I would bet there are counselors and therapists who fund whole offices on this stuff of self loathing.

We don’t like us. But why don’t we really like us. Because we make some stupid little mistake that most likely no one else but you noticed.

That’s what you hope, says the mean nasty voice in your head.

Then you hear a laugh, oh gawd they did see I’m sure they think I’m a complete dolt.

YES THEY DO says the mean nasty voice.

And on it goes.

We have whole arguments in our heads about something that isn’t even real and if it is what does it matter that someone you won’t ever see again saw you trip over the crack in the side walk.

Yeah they are sort of tricky to be sure. That’s why you aren’t supposed to set on them. They will make you fall down not really break your mother’s back. If that were true every mom anywhere near a side walk would be hospitalized any time she punished a child under the age of 10.

Take that you ….bleep, bleep… bleep. Scream of agony crumple fall moan.

Don’t do it again Simon you can play X-box …

Back to not liking ourselves, Why not like you, if you don’t like you no one else will.

The thing is we work out this whole OMB ( oh my bob) FML WTF you dumb@$$ thing in our heads and then you lash out at someone who has no idea about the whole gripe, bitch and moan fest and all the nasty-grams you have been sending yourself. Then when you grumble at them and bite their head off, they call you a lying evil nasty and then you start in again, see no one likes me I’m better off dead and I should probably just go eat worms like the song says.

Yeah you should.

Oh shut up you twit.

You shut up

You’re fired

You can’t fire me I’m you

Any way that was pretty tame I’m trying to be a more PG 13 blog, which means I can say phuck without the PH once an issue, but lawdy be, I can lay myself out something awful when I’m not typing it and I’m pressed for time.

I guess the WTF point of this is be nicer to you, and I’m sure you’ll see a nicer world around you. Sure you’ll phuck things up some times and in some cases a whole lot but I bet there are shit ton of people out there that like you.

What do you mean shit ton isn’t PG 13… bullocks

You’re not British either


Oh name calling that’s really mature…oh and obscene finger gestures… nice no wonder you got pushed down the stairs in grammar school

Yeah I got your...

Ok time to end this now… So for the record I like me but in a healthy way not in the narcissistic way and I while rant on at myself at times mainly it is a way to keep me motivated to get things done and don’t we all need the metaphorical kick in the tail to keep us going. Just be a kinder gentler motivator when you do.

In other news

Doodle came over for dinner and we watched Despicable Me. We loved it

Litter box thought

Oops … guess you know where I’m going now so that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: MM This is the new Sh*t

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I have not, nope, wasn't me

There are some really not so smart things or just down right strange things that guys do.
These are things that women will do with each other and not think about, I dare say not even bat an eye at some of them.

I’ll start with the first basic thing going to the restroom.

Women will go together and not think about it. Guys will not except at sporting events and sometimes the movies.

Women will talk in the restroom. Guys will not. Guys will not even make eye contact if possible. We just don’t have anything to talk about in there.

Women will at times go into the same stall in a restroom as their friends. Guys will not even use a urinal next to another guy 99.9 percent of the time if there is a stall option.

Clothing and the body and talking and conversation.

Women will ask all sorts of questions about their clothes. Guys will just toss stuff on and then change when the ladies in their lives say you know that doesn’t really match or look good. We aren’t going to ask anyone.

Women will trade clothing pretty much anything except underwear. Guys will trade jackets and ties, and nothing else.

Women will even trade swimwear, Guys will just swim in the clothing they have on rather than trade. Yes we are that stupid.

Women will try on clothes for their friends. Guys will barely acknowledge they own any clothing other than what they have on at the time. The exception here is sports gear.

Women will ask how they look. Guys will not ever acknowledge if they have noticed a physical change in another appearance unless it is really drastic.

Women will talk about their feelings. Guys will barely acknowledge that they have feelings with most other guys. The exception is that you may say you feel a certain way but you may not go into depth about why you feel a certain way. The guys whom you’ve told you feel a certain way may agree and say they have felt that way too. End of discussion.

Women will compare personal care products and talk endlessly about the pros and cons of this product or that product. Guys will barely acknowledge that they use any care products. We may admit to getting hair cuts but we are not allowed to notice when are guy friends get them unless they shave their head.

Women can compliment one another on perfumes they are wearing. Guys may not acknowledge they have noticed another guy’s cologne unless it is to say, what did you take a bath in that? Seriously guys, it’s a scent not a hunting lure, you can’t camoflauge yourself in the office by drowning in cologne. In fact it will drive people away their eyes watering rather than bringing them in to get to know you better.

Speaking of watering eyes.

Women may cry in front of one another for any reason. Guys may cry in front of one another… well pretty much never. However if you are on the same sporting team you may cry if you lose a big game. There really aren’t any other exceptions here for crying in front of other guys. You may cry with women for example you are watching a movie and it’s really touching and emotional. You may cry then if the woman with you is crying. If she is not, keep your eyes dry, because a girl will call you a wuss just as fast as a guy. No if you feel a good cry coming on, tilt you head back, blink quickly a few times, breath in deeply through the nose and out the mouth at least 15 to 20 seconds. This should be enough time for what ever is going on to be over or for you to compose yourself enough not to cry.

If you are by yourself and watching, oh lets say the end of everybody’s fine, you may cry your eyes out then but only by yourself.

In other news

No matter what Hoover says I have not. That’s it I have not.

Litter box thought of the day

How often do other people clean the litter box? Do I do this too much or not enough?

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: nothing

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I forgot what 8 was for

Out and about with invisible don

Friday I was out for Former Smoking Buddy’s birthday. She has it in the traditional place so if you have ever been to one of her birthday parties then you’ll know where we were, if you have not then you may not know where we were.

HK did not make it and neither did Jonzo. Brand A was there without Head Nod but he was watching their little one so that’s allowed. Jonzo stated he was ill and I’m not sure why HK did not come out. Also absent is the NOB (non official boyfriend).

Also there and not as yet named in the cast were The Cobra Charmer, Sparkle Gaga, The Daliha Gaga, (the gaga are together) the IQ Dummy AKA 50s pin up, and several others who haven’t gotten names and were not key in the events of the evening. But they are there at the parties.

So I arrive early but on time to the place. My waitress, who I’m pretty sure, was the devil helped me out. At first I didn’t think see was the devil herself but just an agent or at least a tour guide. However during the evening if you were looked around for her she wasn’t there but as soon as you said, oh hey I haven’t seen the waitress in a while. POOF she was right there with her black and red hair, silver lip piercing and her ready to please smile. Then she was not to be seen again until summoned.

Also there early was the Cobra Charmer and I know him but he doesn’t really know me. We meet every year at this party. He says, Hi in the same way our waitress the devil says may I get you something else and then flashes his ready to please you smile.

He never remembers our talks and then his smile is, well… you know how sometimes you wonder if someone is thinking something completely different than what they are saying. Yeah, well with him you kinda know he certainly is thinking something much different. Unless of course you bite at the first offers in the hello and I’m sure it’s a much different conversation from that point than any of the one that we have ever had.

The Cobra Charmer moves around in a dancing kind of way that if you’ve ever seen a snake charmer is his sort of movement. Which you know, I’m sure works for him with other people but in truth is the nicest nefarious person you’ll ever meet. From what I can tell he really is a good guy and his motto for sure is, nothing ventured, nothing gained and once he sees that he is fishing in the wrong pond you’re mostly safe but you know the door is always open.

Then Brand A arrived and we caught up and then more people started coming and then Former Smoking buddy arrived for her party. Lots of talking and catching up as the last shindig where all of us were present was in July.

Former Smoking buddy gets a plastic Tierra every year for her birthday. She always wears it and this year she got matching earrings. Sparkle Gaga got to wear the earrings on his nipples, only because they made him after he jokingly mentioned that he wanted to wear them. IQ Dummy AKA the 50’s pinup was the supplier of the crown.

IQ Dummy AKA The 50’s pinup works at the place where consenting players get things to play and was at a place in Vegas for other workers of places that sell things for people who play. These people are business people and most of them don’t talk shop all day long they have families to raise, bills to pay and all the other stuff all of us do.

However in Vegas a meeting of this type wouldn’t seem so far out of place as it would oh lets say any place in Kansas. However some people regardless of their profession talk shop all the time. Well AKA the 50’s Pinup had to remind a coworker of hers of this fact and said let me talk to the bigger people they like normal talk at these things like how are the kids yadda, yadda yadda… not how do you get a zipper unstuck on a gimp mask and doing lines of cocaine on someone’s clit. Yeah it was said, out loud too. It wasn’t the strangest thing said during the evening either.

However at this point I know I’m not probably but really and truly am the nerdiest kid on the block today. Then the Devil shows up, ‘Get you another sir?’ Oh sure why not the conversations is headed that direction anyway might as well enjoy the ride.

So fun stories of the night include, NOB might be more than one person in a single body, Less than zero and the incest pick up and the boy girls getting all box of jazzed about the juke box.

I don’t know NOB but he may be more than one person. I really don’t know more than that now but maybe someday. This was certainly one of those you had to be there conversation. I’m not sure I really understand it all and I was there.

The incest pick up story is common enough, you meet someone you start talking and then somewhere along the lines you get the feeling that you might be related to the person. Now the normal person says WHOA, back up we need to confirm this and not do anything else. OK see ya bye

Nope former smoking buddy was talking to someone, not any of the NOB, a whole other person. Less than Zero walks up starts taking and then says his name pretty early in the conversation. To which Former Smoking Buddy says, We might be related, To which Less Than Zero says, is that a problem? Ah … WTF? Yes, it certainly is and now even if we are not related if you think dating family is ok maybe you should move to Arkansas.

The boy girls at the juke box was just two guys with girl voices getting all OMG at the juke box jumping up and down while holding hands when they discovered Liza on the Juke Box, Ok don’t know what they discovered Liza on the juke box but it surely wasn’t speed metal based on their reaction. Maybe this is also one of those you had to be there kind of thing to truly appreciate it sort of thing...yeah…well, moving on then.

Then the conversation turned to Roanoke being compared to a black hole slash a 1984 Big Brother slash Stepford Wives slash any really freaking 50s Sci fi movie sort of place.

You know you don’t want to be here but you can’t seem to find a way to escape and the longer you stay the more you become one of them and forget about the rest of the world and just accept that this is all there is and it get deeper. Because the longer you are here the less of Roanoke you actually do into. Mainly people in Roanoke know a quarter of the city and the down town. No where else. They don’t even go anywhere else in the city except the malls.

Ask any life time residence if they have ever been to some place in another quadrant and they will look at you as if you’ve said, so have you tried the salad bar in hell I hear it’s nice. And then say something to let you know they don’t want to talk about that part of town any more EVER. If you haven’t guessed I’m not from here. I go anywhere in the city but I have a sneaky feeling I’m becoming ONE OF THEM… shudder. Actually I’ve lived here longer than anywhere else in my life. I do go other places besides my sector though. Which gets me a lot of do we know you looks complete with raised eyebrow.

The Star is the big beacon that draws everyone back here. Seriously ask any one who lives in Roanoke about the Star and they will look at you with that ready to please and say in an eager tone, ‘Have you been to the STAR?’ The whole time looking at you with their eyes all wide and smiling at you and then will automatically offer to take you if you haven’t been. It’s like a creepy 50s movie and you are bathed in the transformer rays of the STAR into a Roanoke Person.

I know strange huh, ask about it though. I’ve been to the STAR but really only when I first came here when I started dating THE EX and now only when new people come to town….ARGH… I am one of them…Let me go kill myself a little bit.

Ok I’m better now.

So moving on the birthday party was two parts, Part one in Cuba and Part two was the Pie Tasters at another place. So now it’s time to go to Part Two which involves getting the tabs paid, and POOF the devil appears with her pierced and eager smile and lilt come again.

So we get to the other place and the gaggle of smokers is outside as you can not smoke in this club but you can in Cuba, I forget to mention you could in the other place and everyone but Brand A and I smoke. I used to I don’t think Brand A ever has smoked. I would have been out there with all the others but not no more and good thing too because it was cold. As in wow I’m glad I wore a jacket it is cold out.

The Pie Tasters are a SKA band if you know SKA you know it, if you don’t think Madness and very early No Doubt. Mostly the crowd didn’t look like a SKA crowd but more of a pompous, I’m better than you sort of assholish sort of crowd. I was soon to find out drunken was also an adjective which would be helpful.

Lite T was one of the bouncers, I say Lite T because I think in his head he looks more like Mr. T than he does actually. I think the Red Mohawk throws it into the Lite category along with the absent hundred pounds of bling and lastly the not so muscled structure.

Now Lite T was certainly able to bench a buck fifty but that’s gonna be tops. His helper No Neck Magee could curl Lite T with the buck fifty and drink a beer with the other hand. So I’m not sure why Lite T was there except maybe to take the punches so that No Neck Magee could grab you and crush you while you were distracted by the Red Mohawk.

Lite T was all about enforcing the 12 inches from the stages line to which every girl on the front row said, so the length of my cock right. Yes, five girls said it. Le sigh. Girls have such potty mouths these days. One of cock girls had on a mini dress and a rock the size of a walnut. Her husband did everything she said to do except talk. I didn’t hear him utter a peep the whole night.

Now onto the Drunken players there was the Drunken BBC with hair. He seriously looked like the BBC with hair except that he was falling down drunk. Literally I had to pick him up off the floor a couple of times to keep him from being stepped upon and wallowing on a bar floor is just gross. Trust me I’ve cleaned them before it isn’t pretty.

Drunken Mosh girl is next and she was a whole ass, seriously if you are the only one moshing at the dance you should probably not be moshing. SKA is more of an up and down fun sort of feel not an angry toss your elbows and bang off of people sort of crowd. There is nothing wrong with a good mosh, I know I’ve been in the pit a time or two boots and all. Now Drunken Mosh girl got popped by Former Smoking buddy and the mini dress. Former Smoking Buddy got pushed by Drunken Mosh Girl and if looks could kill she would have died but Former smoking buddy just she tossed her back into the waiting arms of the idiot guy she was with. Then Mini Dress punched her because Drunken Mosh girl grabbed her rack. Mini Dress’s husband held her beer while she readjusted.

At this point Lite T finally pulled drunken Mosh Girl out of the bar. While her idiot boy made faces behind Lite T. I’m thinking your date is being escorted out and you are going neener, neener to the bouncer. Hmmm, did you play with plastic bags on your head or were you other wise oxygen deprived for a long periods as a child.

Next up was the Drunken Rabbi, I’m not sure why he wanted to talk to me and I’m pretty sure he was hitting on me. I’m not sure why but this was sort of the theme of the night.

The Drunken BBC was not to be out done though on the drunken scale. Wanna be Cooler Guy with Hat, had his long term girl with him. You could tell they were long term and lived together because she stayed there. If she had lived else where or even drove her own car she would have left his drunken Hat there. Only because she knew he was only going to be at the same place she was sleeping later and the only thing keeping her here was gravity. Wanna be Cooler Guy with Hat didn’t realize that Gravity Girl was highly pissed off. He kept trying to make out with her and she kept knocking him down. Gravity Girl may have weighed a buck maybe. Wanna Be Cooler Guy with Hat had a good fifty pounds and a scraggly beard and probably ten gallons of PBR in him. At one point I was worried about being in the splash zone of Wanna be Cooler Guy with Hat and the BBC with hair.

So at some point Blondie Locks starts talking to me about who was drunker, The Rabbi, The BBC with Hair or Wanna Be Cooler Guy with Hat she was also worried about the splash zone thing and we had plan that if one looked as if they were about to blow we would turn them away from the other of us. It’s really hard to watch three drunks on your own. Blonide Locks was with I’m going to hold the wall up at the table and not having a good time guy. I was relatively close to the stage and in easy reach of the bar if need be.

We Blondie Locks and I, discussed how it was that The BBC with Hair had a date who was more into the band and I think in particular the bassist and we know that he didn’t really know she was up within Lite T’s Zone of protection.

Then Mini Dress also got in on the betting of who would spew but I think her money was on Wanna Be Cooler Guy with Hat. While mine was one the BBC with hair. Blondie Locks didn’t pick a favorite but had odds that the BBC with Hair wasn’t 21. I certainly thought they all might blow at one point or other

I noticed was that once mini dress and blondie locks started hanging around where I was standing the Drunken Rabbi disappeared that is until last call, now I’m really pretty sure he was hitting on me. All and all it was a good time. I lost Former Smoking Buddy, AKA 50s Pin up and Mr. and Ms Gaga at the end of the night. They had gone out to smoke and I didn’t see them come back and then went out to look for them but couldn’t find them and then last call had been rang so there was no going back in even with a stamp. And all the better too I was able to avoid the whole confirmation of the Drunken Rabbis plan I just left.

Very good party, the people watching was great fun. Happy Birthday to Former Smoking Buddy.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: The White Stripes – Rag and Bone and The Violent Femmes

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, March 24, 2011

5...4...3...2... Score not five seconds... what do you mean that's gross

Watching the news this morning there was a story about a child with a peanut allergy so severe that several things had to happen.

One no peanut products could be in the class room, but student could eat them during the day if they wanted.

Two all students in her class had to wash their hand several times a day.

Three all students in her class had to rinse their mouths out after eating.

Well at first it does seem like a lot of trouble for just one kid but after just a little bit of thought it seems like a good idea. Not just a good idea but a freaking brilliant idea.

If you have kids or have ever watched them they are nasty little creatures who will pick up anything and then go right to their mouths with the hand that picked up a critter on the playground. Yum. Also don’t think I’m picking on your kids, mine were dirty when they were little too.

Kids are fond of the saying “god made dirt and dirt don’t hurt” right before eating something that has dirt on it or just had dirt on it.

Said dirt got there when the kid dropped the thing and then picked it up and then ate it. You don’t hear many adults saying 5 second rule if food hits the floor, ground, pile of garbage and then thing you know that’s a legit thing I can eat now. There are still some adults who do it but it’s mainly kids.

Face it kids are dirty and it’s ok but they should probably wash their hands a few times a day.

You have to remind them to flush at home do you think without supervision they are washing their wee little hands after that pee break. We won’t get into all the reasons why that is especially gross and nasty.

Kids stick their little fingers everywhere it is part of being a kid. It is not wrong but it is dirty and that’s ok.

Second the human mouth is a breeding ground for nastiness. If you knew all the stuff in there you wouldn’t want to eat with it let alone all the other stuff we do with our mouths.

However kids tend to spray it while they say it and if you just a has a PB and J and you spit a little peanut gunk on the kid and she gets sick that’s bad.

However, peanut butter and most of the other crap any kid shovels into their mouth is full of sugar and stuff gets stuck in their teeth and they don’t floss. Hell most adults don’t floss or brush their teeth all that much. I see it. (Cringe)

So if kids have to wash their hands a few more times and rinse some of the junk out of their mouths after they eat to keep another kid healthy and in the process develop good habits of washing their hands and brushing their teeth. It’s a win, win.

But no the parents of all the other children are bitching about this and saying that the kid with the peanut allergy should be booted out of school. This should be the WTF entry but I didn’t want to wait a week to rant about that stupidity.

I would bet a nickel that the kids in these class rooms have fewer missed days and fewer dental health issues and cavities compared to the kids in the other classrooms of the school. Which may have been covered in the story but I didn’t see the whole thing.

In other news

I’m relaxing … ok I’m trying to relax and meditating on patience

Litter box thought of the day

I don’t like hanging out with most other vegetarians because many of us are a bit judgey

And I’m being a bit judgey about them being judgey

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow, well probably not as it is former smoking buddy’s b-day celebration

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: The Violent Femmes

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WTF Wednesday #6

WTF Wednesday #6

Stink bugs

Good Gawd you all… what are they good for… Absolutely nothing …. Say it again

No seriously go back to the top and say it again only this time like Edwin Starr did in his song War... yeah there you go. You only have to do it once then you can keep reading.

Moving on, WTF… no seriously WTF, why do these wee nasty little beasties exist. They don’t do anything except smell bad and look ugly.

They don’t eat other bugs. Birds, don’t even like to eat them and birds are just rats with wings. Unless they are an aquatic bird or in the raptor class. (Ravens, Crows, Owl Hawks, Eagle, Falcons, et al)

Back to the stink bugs did you know they are not entirely innocuous … nope they can bite. Yup it’s a fact. They has the teef and will bite you. Google it if you don’t believe me. I’ll wait.

Yeah see. I know right.

They can also cause temporary loss of vision if they mist you in the eyes. Mainly because it burns your eyes and you can’t open them hence you can not see. It is still a fact too or fact two if you prefer.

Not so harmless at all now are they

They are also ugly. That’s a fact as well. Although most bugs are really rather low on the attractiveness scale, but they can’t even play off the ugly with a cool factor. Like Tarantulas they are ugly but they are kinda cool… not as cool as a Praying Mantis or Black Widow spider but still Tarantulas have some definite cool points. Flutter bys are not bugs they are flutter bys and moths get a pass because they are fake flutter bys but not as many cool points a the flutter bys.

Stink bugs have no cool points at all. In fact they would need a bunch just to get out of the negative cool arena.

Stink bugs will drown though so that’s a plus. However if they drown in your coffee it’s not a good thing. That’s a fact in addition to the other stuff.

I’m not saying how I know this fact but if you were to say maybe have a sip of coffee that had a drown stink bug in it you wouldn’t like it not even a tiny little bit.

Microwave ovens kill them too.

Did I mention stink bugs are not so smart? Well they aren’t, they will get in a microwave too. But they can’t read but they aren’t really inviting like oh hey come hang out in this metal box.

The microwave doesn’t give them super powers it kills them but not before the make the smell

The good thing is that it only lasts about a minute

Well that was as long as it took me to get to the microwave to clean it with better smelling stuff.

I dare any person out there to tell me one good thing about a stink bug. I double dare you. However, if it isn’t a really good reason and legit one, any member of the invisible army may to slap you in public with no other provocation one time and you can not defend yourself.


They do really drown so scoop them up and toss ‘em in the toilet they don’t swim. But don’t squish ’em they will smell bad on your hands. Yup it’s kinda gross.

Clean your window seals with bleach and water and let it soak a bit. I use I part bleach to ten parts water. It will kill a lot of the eggs of not just the stink bugs but all the other wee nasty beasties that laid their hundreds of nasty little bug eggs in your windows. That’s why on really sunny days in winter you get bugs in your house.

Three don’t waste money bombing your house it won’t kill them

Fire kills them too but burning your house down is really rather counter productive but only slightly if you have enough of the little pests.

In other news…

I need to play real, not real a little more and not listen to my demons… No bad demons … shut up … I’m telling mom… I know she doesn’t like me … stop it… I’ll do something... yes I will… yes huh….

I have to go kill the demons so that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Life House

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Heave ho, thieves and beggers

Heave ho, thieves and beggars

Andy ‘the hack’ Warhol said once that everyone will get 15 minutes of fame. Since then the media has been droning on this mantra and the flock has followed and mumbled along even though the piper was really a drug addled hack who preyed on the work of others to promote him self and exploit those around him. But really we aren’t all that hard to pin. So why not …right… get yours before some one else does. (Shrug and chagrin)

However, let us suppose for a moment that the hack was on to something. How would you want to spend your 15 minutes of fame or how would you like to be known for your 15 minutes.

We really over use the phrase and are collectively as unoriginal as the hack but I don’t want to nail my 15 minutes down to anything because a better idea might come along.

Because I’ve had some pretty good ideas… well not so much good ideas a they were ideas that would certainly have gotten me the 15 minutes, although they were mainly in the realm of notorious and I don’t really know if I have the requisite skills to do some of it but it certainly sounded good in theory. But reason prevailed or at least that’s the story I’m sticking too. You know incase the guys with dot gov are still reading since the last misuse of certain words.

I assure you that all of those ill thought ideas died in the planning stages and we firmly realize that any infamy would probably be as a story on the Darwin Awards or Stupid Human tricks or even to a lesser degree a WTF Wednesday episode or issue. Anyway.

I should probably just record the stuff I ramble on about, I try to write down and I end up with a literal shoe box full of little notes of stuff I’ve muttered, thought, ideas I’ve hatched.

Hoover has asked me at least once, ‘do you even listen to what you are saying?’

Honestly? Ah…

No, Mainly I do but I get into these stream of consciousness rambles and just go with the flow of things and the idea is to just not stop talking or if you are writing to just keep the words coming out and not worry if the context makes sense.

Some of you may be asking how is it any different from all of this?

Well not so much really I try to recreate it a bit here but there is some thought put into it all and I do pause sometimes to think…yeah I know shock right… Yes I can and do think … at least sometimes, but thanks for asking.

But I’m not a very fast typist so I have time to see what I’m saying unless I close my eyes while I’m typing to entertain myself. Yes sometimes it is that easy. Happiness is in the little things. I just have to get into the practice of rereading things. What a bother (roll eyes)

However, I would like the 15 minutes to be for something that makes other people go you know that is pretty darn cool, like Boxer Hockey and not like most of the random stuff that is in my head. But it keeps me happy and one or three of you chuckle out there now and again so you laugh too. Now if there were just a way to turn that into a little bling. I’m working on a couple of things. I’ll keep you informed as they develop … btw some of my plans develop on a movement rate akin to glacial movement… just saying.

Random thought of the day

I would by music but they called me Pirate and that is just not something you let go of lightly. See that could have been the 15 minutes, thankfully it was not but the gall lawyers call me pirate. If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black. If you are a lawyer I mean that will the utmost respect to your profession and some of you are actually decent people but a lot of you are scurvy dogs who should just own up to the fact that your shingle should marked with a skull and cross bones. Hoist the colors and pass the rum.

Litter box thought… this really is Disney Land … not the litter box but here and all of our supposed troubles.

In other news

Le sigh… and stuff

In mission news…

More le sigh… my spiders are lonely and needs some attention

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: The Counting Crows

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Monday, March 21, 2011


Some one asked me recently why I thought a particular thought. To me there was no question in my mind that this particular thought was true and the question bothered me. Still in my mind the thought was true despite the others doubt.

Further the doubt was voiced, explain it to me he asked. Within myself posed what words can be used to explain someone something you knew to be true from the first moment.

The other was called away before I could summon an answer to his quandary. I have given it thought and tried to find words to express what I see. There was my hitch over played words reflective of a single sense tossed about and sung so many times there meaning is lost in a fog. Still I have thought on the question and then how would I tell someone without sight about this truth known to me in an instant.

So I sat in the world closed my eyes and let nature speak to me and I waited to see if I could hear, if I could feel, sense all that was happening around me and thought about this truth about what I could see that another could not. With a purpose now I started shutting out the noises of man. All the raucous and rancor that plagues our days and all the machines with their clanging, ripping, grinding and roaring, I pushed myself to sense the what is by so many so much forgotten.

Finally silence rang through the calamity of noises deafening me to what was always here.

Suddenly raindrops fell slowly tapping the ground around me and then one by one the drops touched me, a sudden warmth grew in my heart yet the water was cooling where it fell upon me.

The wind lightly danced around me silent but stirring all living things around me into song the trees, the grass, the birds and animals all seemed to welcome the gentle zephyr with their voices.

The trees yawl and sway grew silent around me but the birds continued their praise and then took to the wind with the beating of wings in the air almost too faint to hear.

Animals chattered on, about what I know not but their merriment swirled around me for a moment and then was gone. Vanished into the world, I searched for them without my sight but alas they were beyond my sense.

The flowers newly blooming in the breath of spring filled the air with perfumes dizzying my senses and their scents as fragile as the petals from which they were born are to the touch, weighing nothing in the air, falling lazily around.

The light rains stopped soon after and the sun burned through the sky whose light which I could not see bathed me in warmth and I laid back into arms of the earth. I felt the strong support holding me up.

There I lay for some time absorbing all world around me that with my eyes I seldom bothered to see.

Then it was clear to me the answer to my friends question about this truth I knew.

What your eyes can not see is not untrue because you do not see it

Beauty is there you just have to be open enough to see clearly That to me the color of her eyes is as soft and warm as rain, her steps are a dance on the wind which brings a song to those around her and her smile a gentle warmth which brightens the world. She is as elegant as the flowers and as dizzying to my senses.

Trying now not to open the box given by those above to the first, once containing gifts indeterminate holds today save a lone treasure but I fear I have already let it fly when I stole a glimpse inside and pray now that which has been shattered before will survive.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why does the world have a yellow haze today?

Several silent days have gone by since I last put pen to paper, as such. I’m sure my tens of readership have not been overly concerned of my demise however to put an end to any unnecessary suffering …I has returned.

Stunt boy and I have been hanging out some and spring fever has hit… by that I mean allergies …hooray and what not. With that the flaming queen in my back yard is in full force and the supermodel not to be out done also dumped a load of crap into the yard. The Roman just looks at me with the dead birds and remains of other woodland critters hanging from his limbs. I still have no idea what sort of tree the Roman is but it not to be trifled with and as I rediscovered that the roots of this thing is thorny.

So if you didn’t guess I was doing some yard work and more spring cleaning around the house and even watched a movie and played a video game and Stunt boy had some of his crew over. I know, I know, I need to put the fun o meter in a lower gear or I’ll over load soon. Fear not, I’m a trained semi professional so I’m ok but don’t try this sort of thing at home without proper safety gear and or supervision.

I may have called the thumb injury better a wee bit prematurely, still no pain just clicking and popping.

My meditation has helped some and I’m trying to keep things in perspective and remain hopeful.

Today we saw The Last Airbender, we being stunt boy and I. It was not a stellar movie but if you watched the animated show at then it is worth watching. I used to watch it with stuntboy and we enjoyed the movie and the time together. I kept having this feeling that I knew the one actor but didn’t place him as Jasper Hale (Jackson Rathbone) from the Twilight movies until after to see if a second one was in the works. I think mainly because Jasper doesn’t speak much in the books or the movies but there he was fighting the fire nation. If you don’t know the source material for this one you may want to pass on this movie but as I said if you know it, it is decent. And I wasn’t hopeful for a second as M. Night didn’t have a lot of luck with this film.

Litter Box thought of the day… do other people have random thoughts while scooping the box? Hmmm… If they do what do they think…what do people wear when scooping the box out. Do some people do this task au natural?

In other news… the super moon was really bright… it was the brightest I ever remember seeing the moon… N 4 F R seriously and such stuff.

In mission news… much sadness there is none however there are some photos in the March Mission thing on the FB so if you like the middle finger has a glance if not, well then you probably shouldn’t look.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: 100 years

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WTF Wednesday #5

WTF Wednesday number 5

Daylight savings time. Seriously people what is the point of day light savings time.

There isn’t really any point in it other than to pretend that we have some magical control over the forces of nature. We don’t, we never have, and my guess is we won’t ever.

One rule in life is certainly true, nature doesn’t like us and if don’t respect nature you die or at least suffer.

Oh but we are people we know better than nature. See watch we can control the amount of sunshine in the day with a piece of paper and the turning of some mechanical hands or pushing buttons.


This is the part where you are supposed to ooh and awe at the wonder that is man’s control over the sun. I’ll wait while you do.

Ok that is enough awe maybe a few more oohs for good measure, alright then good.

We aren’t magicians and we haven’t made it sunnier longer. Our position relative to this hemispheres vernal equinox, axis rotation and approaching the northern solstice on our orbit of the sun is really what is making it sunnier.

If you say economy I may have to slap you. And I’m all about being kind to the planet see that rule above. The day in April should be called save the humans from their own stupidity day not Earth Day. DST is not all that economical

So now we trade an hour of darkness in the evening for an hour of darkness in the morning to save electricity. I’m not sure

So wait if I have to turn on my lights in the morning now for two hours and not turn them on in the evening for one hour haven’t we used an hour more electric than before? I’m just checking because some times my math can be a little fuzzy. Because I don’t know about you once the lights come on in the a.m. they don’t go off until you leave for work school, or where ever it is you spend your days not at home if you are like most people. And if you are like most people that means lights are on now for more than two hours in the morning while you are getting ready. There is no savings here, there is more usage.

Then for the next several weeks people will be waking up late, calling in sick because if you are late anyway might as well just take the whole day off if you can, or you rush out the door, get into an accident and cause a traffic jam that makes 900 people late for work, which leads to a helluva lot of bad choices which makes even more people angry then there is crime and chaos and unrest all because we want it sunnier in the afternoon for a bit longer. That seems like a lot of trouble for some sunshine. If you really want more sun wait a month it will be sunnier or move closer to the equator its sunnier there most of the time, but don’t mess with my mornings. I haven’t had my coffee. Ok I’m not that cranky in the mornings I’m just a slow starter, always have been with or without the coffee.

I’m just not a morning person I’ve accepted it there are millions I dare say billions of us that don’t do mornings well. To the masses of us who are not morning people, mornings just seems like a really bad idea that someone came up with very early in the morning and submitted without coffee at a board meeting and then it became a thing. Seriously who gets up out of bed, already ready to meet the world with a smile and wants to get things done quickly. Isn’t that’s what afternoons are for not mornings, mornings are for sipping coffee in a dark room without the lights on because they hurt your eyes and stretching and telling the person you like they are great and the cat curling around your feet and not doing things quickly.

But now you are going to take away an hour from the day. Don’t say they didn’t take it away because they did. It’s gone. They moved the clock up whole hour in one second and then we don’t get it back for 7 months. That’s not a fair trade I want two hours in the fall this time and then I say we forget about this whole daylight savings time business.

Back to the economical thing most of you turn your lights on when you get home in the afternoon sun out or not because your house, apartment, basement lair isn’t built to maximize the sunshine or if it was some inconsiderate person built a house right next door to your house and it blocks the sun or worse you live in a interior facing apartment. This means you can see into other apartments most of the time rather than really seeing outside.

I’m just not sure we are really accomplishing anything here other than making a lot of people angry and sleep deprived.

Morning people are up before the sun anyway because they like being up at the ass crack of dawn. You haven’t made anymore day light for them in fact you pushed them an hour behind schedule.

I don’t know why anyone wants to wake up to see the sunrise, I find it is far easier to say up and wait for the sun to come up and then go to sleep but that’s just me. That said sunrises are rather beautiful. I have still seen more sunrises by already being awake from the previous sunset and staying awake and then going to sleep than I have seen waking up before the sun and then going to work.

In other news

The thumb feels better today

And a newish thing what do you think? Yes … no ????

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listing to: The Script

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I got a basketball jones and maybe a broken bone

I’m not sure how I’ve done this but I think I may have broken my thumb it’s not really painful but there is definitely something wrong there. Now you are probably thinking you should see a doctor. To which I will reply it doesn’t hurt that much and it still works so I’m not going, because it will cost a lot, they will say it’s broken and then that they cant’ do anything about it take a pill if it hurt and come back if it doesn’t get better on it’s own in a month or so. Option B is that they can do something and the thing that they are able to do will be really involved, cost a lot of money and not be covered by insurance.

I’m OK really, I’ll just each some grass and meditate about it. I’ll be fine. Pain is just a state of mind.

Wow what a guy thing to do, true but I’m not whining about it, notice the above does not say it hurts. When there is pain I’ll go. Honest, me and pain not such good friends. I try not to invite him over a lot.

With that disclaimer of sorts about manly ways, I wish I knew more guy stuff. Like right now it’s the NCAA basketball something or other. I don’t know but most of the guys on the planet and my mother are into this.

Yup the beta unit likes the basketball.

I know that a basket ball is orange and is round and you throw them through a metal hoop with a net for points and if you are really good they will pay you to do it. I know that it is really popular in the Midwest and was invented by Dr. Neismith in Springfield Mass. I know that because Bill Cosby did a stand up routine about Dr. Neismith and Willy the janitor not because I love basketball so much that I needed to know who gave the world round ball. Now don’t misunderstand me I don’t hate sport, I like it a lot I just don’t feel the need to follow it. I’ll do other pointless things with my time. Like this.

Most of the time this remains true I just don’t see the point. Then March comes and all the guys are taking about this and that and point guards, and this pick, stronger defense and coaching and …well lots of stuff. I know what they are saying I just don’t really care that much. But I feel a bit like the wall flower at the dance. I know things too just not that stuff. Like I can field strip an M—16 with my eyes closed and put back together. Yup I can thanks to Ranger Rick.

So this weekend I called the beta unit because one she’s my mom and two I was passing on that had I found out that two people we know in Japan are fine. She told me that a third person we know who she was in contact with was well too. So that was good.

Then she moves on to basketball specifically The Big East Tournament in the NYC that she was attending. In fact I had called earlier in the day and she shushed me and said I’ll call you back I’m at the game. When she called back she went on and on and is talking basketball and this team is better because of this and the big east has more teams… blah, blah, blah…another ten minutes into her OMG I Love basketball she says, you don’t care about this.

To which I say, ‘nope, not even a little bit.’ So she tells me that she has been helping all the girls who have been complaining about their men dragging them to basketball and telling them who is good and who isn’t.

I thought that story was amusing, my mom the go to gal of what women need to know about b-ball. Who knew?

Anyway my aloofness is a bit of a façade, and will be sort of sad that I don’t know more guy things at times. I can fake it well enough because I do know the basic rules for most sports and can watch a game and tell when good things and bad things happen but if things get into any detail or depth I’m lost, maybe not tragically and all the this about who is doing what or this complex play pattern etc, nope I’m going to zone out and starting thinking about I wonder if you can crawl out on those beams during a game and not be seen as you do it. Or how do they keep those jerseys from getting dirty and all cobwebby, is that really the way to hang that, Is that the guy from Hill Street Blues watching the game., oh look the popcorn guy, man … and on it goes. Mainly because I just don’t care enough about it.

However now it’s fill in the bracket time pick who is going to win the show in 63 games. Ah… which team is purple and has the panther … ok, not them but they are good I know they are better than the one team with the bird. Yup, I said that this week even.

I like my teams for strange reasons, I like a lot of the Catholic schools because they have cool names like Loyola, Xavier and Gonzaga, I don’t care much for Notre Dame but sometimes they are good. I’ll pick teams my friends like because they like them. I will not pick a team for having a pretty color uniform because as far as I know none of them play in black on black. If that team is there then they are my team for that reason alone. Not really… ok maybe. Fine, yes …sometimes I am that easy to entertain.

So I’m going to pick the teams so I don’t feel left out … but I do make some semi intelligent guesses and I do mean guesses and not picks, I may hear the news and some of it sinks in that this team or that team is good. However, I couldn’t tell you the name of a single a player or a coach and would over half the time get there colors wrong or confuse their mascot. Except the Golden Gophers which I like because of the Go Go Gophers from the cartoons not because they are a good team. Hey, I said I was easy about some things. You know the song.. Go, go, gophers, watch’em go, go, go… you smiled a little bit.

So while I may lament my lack of knowledge of the brackets and other manly things, I’ll fake it and fill one out with my clueless team picking math like my theory that Midwest teams and Carolina Teams do better than most other teams most of the time and that you can’t rule out UConn or other teams with dogs as their mascots… Hey it got me a team in the final four last year maybe two I don’t remember but I know I wasn’t out.

I still won’t watch a single game but I’ll have fun.

In other news

Still in a very reflective place but keeping the mindfulness of what is what and where is better. I’m still allowing for the possible and grounding that in what is and not what might be.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Stunt boy playing Dead Space

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Monday, March 14, 2011

Real, not real

A lot of my time lately has been considering many things and in such times, I sometimes find myself lost. Not because my mind is unable to find my way back to things but just grounding myself in where things started. What is real and what is possibility or if you prefer not real.

I think many times we, not just me, get too far out from the starting point and then what is possibility ends up being a substitute for the real. Then from that point what occurs is ultimately unstable because it isn’t built on anything real just what was possible.

Like standing at the edge of the land and sea, standing there long enough you’ll find that you are neither in the sea nor are you on land but you may find you are in a predicament and unable to move anywhere. However you will continue to sink further down.

While each, being firmly on land or completely to sea, holds plentiful rewards and tragic peril only peril will befall the person in between.

I need to meditate on the first two pillars and mindfulness. I think my action and intent are correct. In the area of mindfulness it isn’t that it isn’t correct but drifting in the possible rather than the real.

I rather enjoy the possible and think that for all that is imagined if real would be correct. However it is only possible and that is the grounding anchor I need to keep in mind. What is real and what is hope.

In other news

No news on the mission

In film news – I have recently watched

Paper Man – I enjoyed this movie, the trail depicts a light hearted trip of a writer struggling to produce. I recommend it but it has a few creepy moments and is much darker than the trailer depicts. Well worth it if you like a studio –indie film.

Catchfish – a documentary of modern life and the internet. Wow I won’t give any spoilers but if you wanted to see this movie and like indie documentaries this one is very well done and timely.

Dark City – was told it was a must see before seeing the adjustment bureau – I truly hope the two are not connected. I like the concept here but I think it was filmed solely to be bizarre and lost sight of the story.

A Girl Walks Into a Bar – a full length made for the internet movie and it’s free. It was free. There were a lot of bigger names in this film like Danny DeVito, Rosario Dawson, that evil guy from Heroes and many others. It was only mildly creative, the story was good there was a little character development but not much – it’s worth a look if just want to see a new movie, but there is nothing really all that new going on except for maybe the naked ping-pong which may not really be that original.

Let The Right On In – Swedish version of the book ‘Let Me In’ and US movie of the same name. I’ve seen both and both leave a lot of the book out.

The Swedish version is truer to the core of the books but still omits a lot.
The US version looses a lot of the elements of the book and renames a main character, and substitutes in two minor parts and one supporting character to represent the nearly ten missing book characters. The US version had much better effects and neither version really develop the two main characters well enough. If you like vampire movies they are worth watching, if you don’t care for vampires then passing on them is probably the better idea.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Pink Floyd and Lykke Li

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Real, not real

A lot of my time lately has been considering many things and in such times, I sometimes find myself lost. Not because my mind is unable to find my way back to things but just grounding myself in where things started. What is real and what is possibility or if you prefer not real.

I think many times we, not just me, get too far out from the starting point and then what is possibility ends up being a substitute for the real. Then from that point what occurs is ultimately unstable because it isn’t built on anything real just what was possible.

Like standing at the edge of the land and sea, standing there long enough you’ll find that you are neither in the sea nor are you on land but you may find you are in a predicament and unable to move anywhere. However you will continue to sink further down.

While each, being firmly on land or completely to sea, holds plentiful rewards and tragic peril only peril will befall the person in between.

I need to meditate on the first two pillars and mindfulness. I think my action and intent are correct. In the area of mindfulness it isn’t that it isn’t correct but drifting in the possible rather than the real.

I rather enjoy the possible and think that for all that is imagined if real would be correct. However it is only possible and that is the grounding anchor I need to keep in mind. What is real and what is hope.

In other news

No news on the mission

In film news – I have recently watched

Paper Man – I enjoyed this movie, the trail depicts a light hearted trip of a writer struggling to produce. I recommend it but it has a few creepy moments and is much darker than the trailer depicts. Well worth it if you like a studio –indie film.

Catchfish – a documentary of modern life and the internet. Wow I won’t give any spoilers but if you wanted to see this movie and like indie documentaries this one is very well done and timely.

Dark City – was told it was a must see before seeing the adjustment bureau – I truly hope the two are not connected. I like the concept here but I think it was filmed solely to be bizarre and lost sight of the story.

A Girl Walks Into a Bar – a full length made for the internet movie and it’s free. It was free. There were a lot of bigger names in this film like Danny DeVito, Rosario Dawson, that evil guy from Heroes and many others. It was only mildly creative, the story was good there was a little character development but not much – it’s worth a look if just want to see a new movie, but there is nothing really all that new going on except for maybe the naked ping-pong which may not really be that original.

Let The Right On In – Swedish version of the book ‘Let Me In’ and US movie of the same name. I’ve seen both and both leave a lot of the book out.

The Swedish version is truer to the core of the books but still omits a lot.
The US version looses a lot of the elements of the book and renames a main character, and substitutes in two minor parts and one supporting character to represent the nearly ten missing book characters. The US version had much better effects and neither version really develop the two main characters well enough. If you like vampire movies they are worth watching, if you don’t care for vampires then passing on them is probably the better idea.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Pink Floyd and Lykke Li

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Invisible Army Mission March 2011

Invisible Army Mission March 2011

Other missions available on diaryland and most are on going

So if you want to complete other missions you now know where to go …

No not there …


I’ve thought about this a lot … well ok for a minute or two here and there but as you will see it isn’t exactly complex trigonometry that I’m asking for in this mission. So you can relax I doubt that I’ll ever ask for complicated mathematics but you never know.

I like pictures, most of us do, one type of picture I really enjoy are pictures of people giving the middle finger.

I don’t know why I like them so much but I do. I had one in my barracks room that I kept face down with the words DO NOT TURN OVER written on the back. Nearly everyone turned it over to see what was on the back. Someone gave it to me and I have it some where but haven’t found it yet. I need to get a photo scanner too. Not the point but I sort of want one or I need to get a digital camera.

This mission is sort of an homage to the middle finger game. This was a game we used to play when I was in college mainly with the ACC and skier people. It is sort of like the circle game, but the object is to get the other person to see your middle fingers before they can flip you off. The person who sees the finger first loses and the person flipping off wins.

There is no punching in the middle finger game, you just get the satisfaction that you out drew your opponent and they must hang their head in shame for two seconds. I never said it was a very grown up game but it is pretty fun. The rules are simple enough and you can play it almost anywhere.

So the mission is to send me a photo of you giving the middle finger. To me, to your ex, to what ever you want to give the second finger salute too.

Remember this is just for fun so don’t just run up to some random person and flip them off and say invisible don told you to do it. Well I sort of have told you to do it but explain it first so they will take the picture for you and not smash your camera.


-You can tag me in a photo you’ve already posted on the FB
-Tag me in photo you take just special for this mission
-Snail mail it to me at Invisible Don PO BOX 4425 Roanoke VA 24015
-Or e-mail it to

You do not need to include your face if you don’t want to for the mission to be considered completed, I understand that could be deemed inappropriate for some people.

If I get enough photos I’ll start a folder for them on the FB and may upload the best ones to diaryland.

As a bonus, if you don’t already have an invisible don king of the bastards bumper sticker and you would like one send a self addressed stamped legal size envelope to INVISIBLE DON PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA, 24015 and I’ll get one out to you. Supplies are limited but I don’t think I’ll get maxed out on requests for those. We’ll see.

Ok troops you have your mission so get out there and have fun, be careful, be invisible and I’ll keep you posted at to the success or failure of the mission.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Parachute - She is love

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Friday, March 11, 2011

...what would your mother think

So I was out last night, with Hoover and the BBC. I know on a school night too. Now you are probably thinking nothing good can come from this. Well if it were a more dangerous crew then you would be right. Before you relax, we are not harmless… well we are mostly harmless but not to be trifled with for sure.

There wasn’t really a grand occasion for going out. The BBC was in town on a school night which he usually isn’t now that he has moved away. The last time I was able to grab a drink, chat and catch up with the BBC was at Hoover’s wedding. Hoover had other things to do following his wedding than hang out with the BBC and me. I know how rude.

So Hoover and I get to the place at about the same time. Walk in and the BBC is missing. Hoover says, he said he was here. I bet he went to the wrong one. Yup he did. We order and are two fingers into a beer when the BBC gets there.

Now it is time to break into the guy-ble, bro code, the card carrying members of the manly men club. This includes catching up, comparing work stories, telling jokes, throwing one another under the bus, telling embarrassing stories and just having the time out to relax, let our hair down so to speak. Hoover and the BBC can’t really let their hair down and mine stayed neatly bound in back.

Boys being boys, we toss out a bit of locker room humor, which one game is who could randomly get the phrase “that’s what she said” into the conversation after something that someone else had said.

The BBC won that game after something I said, I won’t repeat it because it was said in entirely different context than it would be taken with the phrase “That’s what she said” following it. Well that and the fact that I don’t really remember what it was I said so guessing would just make it worse and probably not funny either.

Yes, you are correct, we, men do revert back to middle school a little bit in groups of three or more. Most of us don’t linger there in middle school for very long but we do make the trip there now and again. So of you ladies make that trip too.

We all worked at the same place once upon a time. Hoover and I still do but the BBC does not. The BBC used to sit near my desk before my exile to Ile du Diable and it was at his desk that Hoover mentioned his interest in his now wife. We, the BBC and I, encouraged this as a very good idea, which it obviously was as they have gotten married now.

The BBC is currently dating someone, who both Hoover and I encouraged him to ask out independently of one another in this case. I was able to get some information to him when there was an opportunity to ask her out. They seem to be very happy, no wedding plans that we know of yet.

Yes, that’s right girls we are just like you we try to get each other matched up with the girls of our dreams, just like you do with us. We aren’t all locker room humor and gross and disgusting things. There are some of us out here that still resemble human beings and even some of us who actually are real stand up guys. We just pretend to be dimwits when we are in groups of three or more.

Off of the girl stuff and into other things like the fact that we had the rare opportunity to witness the very worst in live entertainment. Imagine if you will, or dare, a mix of Aldo Nova, Al Jarreau and Bob Marley. Then mix in a bit of Linkin Park. Oh yes, it was indeed the stuff of night mares. I seriously thought about asking the management how much it would cost to get them to not play any longer and think of trying to get a collection going to pay them to stop. I’m sure I could have gotten the money, probably really rather quickly.

At some point the BBC realized that the seat in which he was sitting was a bit sticky and then put a paper napkin on the seat to minimize the harm to his pant but the paper napkin ended up stick to his pants too and in a rather unfortunate spot.

I did really well with the smoked filled bar and only really wanted to grab a cigarette out of the hand of the lady sitting next to us once. I would have smoked it but the feeling passed after a few minutes. When I put on my jacket this morning I reached in the pocket and my hand hit the pack of gum in my mind I thought oh man did I buy cigarettes and was really relieved that it was only the gum, two and half years now.

No Warlock Vatican Assassins or other Sheen-isms in the stories, and you were thinking that it was something terribly exciting because I wasn’t allowed to blog last night. Well there are a few reasons for this is because I’ve omitted some details and will still be omitting them for now.

Another reason is because blogging after a night out with the boys is something akin to drunk dialing but you reach out to more than one number, but it is equally hard to understand, the spelling gets much worse and I may have remembered that comment and not had the good sense to leave it out and that I would bet would have been really rather unfortunate.

However, like drunk dialing once you get it not your head not to do that you have to do it and knowing me I had to have something to type so I thought I would leave a Carlos Estevez Blog like message or I would have just ended up typing something very hard to follow, poorly written and maybe including things I’ve omitted, aren’t you glad I waited. I know I am.

In other news

I am happy, nervous, smiling, and wondering a lot of things and trying to sit on my hands but all I really want to do is see if I really can fly…think a happy thought …second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning.

In other, other news

It is now only one. The last of the block crew is me.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Pink -Perfect

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Duh’ Winning

So I have been told I am not allowed to blog tonight

I think this is because I am an awesome Warlock Vatican assassin or something

Actually I was told I had to say it that way because … well that was what was agreed upon when we left the worst ever live entertainment .

We equals; Me, Hoover and the BBC

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

WTF Wednesday #4

I worried that I might run out of things to write about for this segment of the invisible don issues. Silly me I have so little faith in mankind with coming up with ample things for me to shake my head at, hell commiserating this morning with Hoover and the unnamed Marvel, I may have enough things in my own history to keep things going for awhile.

This weeks WTF is the stupidity of men

Sorry guys we aren’t that smart and you are going to be hard pressed to find a woman who seriously injures herself right after uttering, ‘Hey y’all watch me do this’. Just go to Darwin Awards and you’ll find ample evidence of men how have said this or at least thought it before exiting the gene pool.

Coming soon is April Fools Day. Now you are thinking this is harmless enough. Not anymore.

Here are the ingredients;

A large helping of male stupidity

The internet

Any type of video camera

A contest for a $1,000.00 Prize

Yeah, it’s that small and I am worried that this will generate a very bad result if not an entry or two dozen into the Darwin Awards.

If you don’t know you have to die to earn a Darwin Award, as you will no longer shape the landscape of the human genetic code.

The one thousand dollars is being offered for the best April Fools Day prank.

If you have watched anything on the internet you have seen the amazing fact that there seems to be no limit to how stupid people are out in the world. Because it isn’t just the US filming this stuff. 99.99999999999999% of the people in these videos are men.

Not a lot of ladies out there risking their lives, although I have seen a few ladies take the face plant or two.

These things have all or mostly been done for free.

Now you are going to have these dimwits battle it out for money too. WTF?

In other news…

I think I’ve written this before but if I could have a super ability it would be to emote physically.

Like when you were really happy about something to just explode into confetti and fire works and then reform at some point not long after.

Well If I were able to said thing or turning into confetti I would have, complete with buzzy little sound effects.

Ok…I’ll sweep myself up now.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: Yael Naim – New Soul

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Cast 9.7 or something ... I forget

As promised an update to the cast of several who appear in the blogs

I’ve really forgotten how many times I’ve updated the cast page for FB and Blogspot never, on dland a lot.

Updated cast page (Former versions are still viewable in the back issues page only on currently)

For those of you who are new to the readership and for those of you who have been reading for awhile and are still confused here is the updated whose who and what’s what that I may refer to sometimes in the issues so without further ado…

The Cast :



C’est moi, me, myself, and I, the one and only, the man, the myth, the legend in his own mind.
AKA The King of the Bastards, Commander of the Invisible Army, the priest, Pope, Martha, Hey you, Machete, flea, goose, You’re not right, Deon, all around good guy, protagonist, my own antagonist at times and the main person in most of the entries.

People and Places

Invisible Army –
The legions of the unseen, my minions of chaos, the reapers of havoc, the bringers of woe, demons of doom etc, and so forth. . Those of the readership who choose to serve at my behest and bidding in an ever evolving or devolving state of my master plan.

In all semi-seriousness the Invisible Army ( IA) is nothing to be feared or not be feared as the case may be, I will suggest a silly game to play and those who choose to play my silly games that I suggest every so often and report back. These are by in large like the third planet mostly harmless, and cost little or nothing to complete but your time.

With that said the IA is not to be trifled with… yeah because you are bad @$$

The invisible fortress

AKA the impenetrable domicile of doom – My digs, the pad, that place, the dwelling, abode, where I hang my hat ,my enclosed stuff keeper or as commonly referred to as my house or at times MAH House.
That’s right my house, this is my second house or third house depending on how you count and something like my 27th or so address in my life.


Doodle –
Daughter and eldest child of invisible don and primary tormentor in the life of Stunt-boy. She is a smart young lady which has more than a bit scary as a parental unit to her. This is because she has been fairly logical in most of her arguments which is more than I can say of most of her peers. See what you get for treating your kids like people. She no longer lives at home but we talk a good bit.

Stunt-boy –
Son and youngest child of invisible don. He is younger than Doodle but is now several inches taller than her. I warned it was going to happened when he was two. He is and all around good kid and my video game buddy. He is insightful and sees the big picture, nothing much bothers him at all and is probably one of the politest kids in the world. Stunt-boy even says he is sorry when he throws up - as if you need to say you are sorry when you are sick. You know you’re sick but he does.

Dynamic Duo
Collectively the dynamic duo are Doodle and Stunt boy

The nanimals

The yard kitty -Formerly Rockhead, The late kitty No longer able to leap buildings or slay Aliens, not so smart kitty – she has gone to kitty heaven the dynamic duo and I miss her.

Bi-polar kitty AKA Mouse – The elder of the cats of invisible don and the dynamic duo and former house romper pal of Rockhead.

Wilson – the newer kitty – he is a political exile of Texas, evicted for his evil ways of romper and stomper, running amok and opening doors and such. No he is a good boy and friend of bi-polar kitty

Late Tony –The girl mouse a real mouse even who has moved on to mouse heaven. No the cats did not eat her

The missing

Daisy and Seven – DAS HUNDs, my dogs, chasers of squirrels and barkers of approaching cats, birds, and everything else but won’t bark at CPG or other peoples when they walks into the yard. This is probably why they are missing. They’ve been gone for a very long time and not likely to return.

Dog – the former pet cat of Invisible Don - AKA psycho-kitty -- all around good guy cat and former morning shower inspector -- he would say yeah it's wet and then leave rather quickly. He now lives with CPG.

More family

The Parental Units - These are the biological life forms that are responsible for my being on the planet. I am a parental unit as well.

The Alpha unit is the elder model – AKA my father, dad and pop. He died in July 2003. While we didn’t have the best relationship between parent and child he is missed and I’m glad that our last interactions together were free from static, headaches and harsh words and we were working on being closer. I know that the last words to him were of love and not hate. I’m sorry that he is gone and still find it more than a bit odd that he is not around.

The Beta unit is the newer model. AKA my mother, mom, and ma. She doesn’t really respond to normal maternal labels and only by her real name which the sibs have referred to her since high school I still call her mom or mother. In blog she is the beta unit. We haven’t always gotten along and have had our harsh words back and forth. We are getting along at present and speak often.

The parental units created two other life forms which are my siblings, their
function and purpose growing up appears to have been to systematically cause turmoil, strife, displeasure, and feelings of unrest.

The Peace Maker – The second offspring of the parental units and self appointed diplomatic emissary to most everything needed or not. He is the peace maker because he always tries to keep the peace with everyone but isn’t very good at keeping the peace and always takes the opposite opinion of the person he is trying to get to make peace with someone else. Famous Quote from the peace maker “I don’t care what the truth is, just except that you are wrong” He also gave me the name King of the Bastards.

The Other one – The third offspring of the parental units. The other one has build his family refuge at the Rancho de Sade.. The other one is the other one because for anyone from back in the day and who know the three of us, my brothers and I, would always assume that any story I told about a brother was about the Peacemaker. So I would say no the other one. Famous Quote of the other one “Dude my trip buddy left me can I sit here in your room” He has left those days far, far, behind him now.

Dice – spouse of the otherone – she is cool, and has made the other one really happy about his life and put him in a good direction and now expecting the second child of the other one.

Mini-monster – the otherone and dice’s first kid

Little monster – the other one and dice’s second kid


CPG - Former spouse of invisible don. The Ex. The Be-Atch. No the letters CPG aren’t her initials. I could give her a really mean and hateful name but that doesn’t help things CPG means Cell Phone Girl and is a rather long story which occurred before we were exes so she had this name before she became THE EX. I could also say something really nasty, mean and ugly and all that but what good would that do really. Nope not getting any tattoos that say rot in pieces either, I forget who did that.


Hoover – known for several years now, crossword hero, gamer guy, would be a superhero if it were a real job, all around good guy and friend

The work crew – there are several of my co-workers who I hang around with, talk to and socialize with, all to keep our collective sanity but they all do not have nick-names at this time. Nicknames are a serious thing and need to have lots of thought put into it before you tag someone with it. It may last awhile I’ll be adding them as I think of things that fit.

Lizard- (ACC)- the first guy I nicknamed without much thought he had that name through college

BBC- former co-worker

Jonzo - the Jay to my Silent bob, Road tripper, UVA football game go-er and all around good guy

One blue green - cool person who knits, does art, cat sat for me while I was in France and has a law degree

Former Smoking buddy – Also part of the TNT, doubles as drinking buddy, band buddy, and conversation buddy, great friend and happy hour holder

Brand A and Head Nod – very good friend and her husband they are the very best of people and have a new born child. They have the best July 4 party on the planet

New York- cool person - things didn’t work out there - strange as that might have been.

Lacy – cool person – put me in a commercial and fun person to hang out with also patron of my art – saw her at the really big shin-dig – she dresses up well. But we’re just friends

Magnum – friend of Lacy, event planner in the ‘Noke – if you are from around here you’ve most likely gone to one of his shin-digs

Chubbychic – she gave herself the nickname and she did the lay out on diaryland for me I didn’t even have to ask she is the coolest person ever and very talented computer person.

Kadence- former co-worker… now works elsewhere

Confessor – person I tell all the dark secrets too and we are the only ones who know each other of all of our friends and if you have any mutual friend we don’t’ know it. There is more here but I’m not in a place where I want to share this.

The ghost – it’s very complicated and not really happy. I’m doing so much better with this now.

Texas – Former girlfriends when not referred to specifically. As in one time Tex and I were at this place or when this concert… this keeps it all fairly generic so that no one is exposed for anything they have done and there is plausible deniability for all parties. Well except for me. Why Texas? Because Texas is Texas, only one former girl friend is actually from Texas or at least that I’m aware is from Texas. None of the women in my Texas are referred to as the EX, it’s always by their name or their nickname. The EX is reserved for CPG, notice I said former, not ex-girl-fiends.

The ACC – assorted childhood chums – both guys and gals who I went to school with at various times in my life too many to list but as they come up I’ll use their nicknames for the stories some are: VI, Tweety, Lizard, Rod, Skip, T, Tbird, EZ, OZ, oz, skier god,

Military Pal and Fraternity brothers – too many to name without writing a book. Facebook has gotten me back in touch with many of these really good friends in my life. Many stories have been traded and many future ones are in the planning stages.

The Golfing and Fishing Buddies – assorted mix of former friends of Invisible Don -- kinda like the planters assorted mix -- you'll get it in a minute -- there you go – They don’t hang out with invisible don anymore not really a bad thing but we still see each other in public places catch up with the awkward hey how are you doing conversation and then won’t see one another for several months. BTW I don’t golf or fish, well not much anyway.

Pro baseball player – one of the golfing and fishing buddies - former very good friend of Invisible Don - however his wife is a very good friend of CPG so PBBplayer and I don’t hang out at all anymore. He said he wanted to get me in the split between CPG and Me but he didn’t win he has taken some verbal abuse from time to time for taking up for me when CPG and PBBP’s wife are trashing me but to keep things sane in his house I understand why he had to bail

Sir Arthur Guinness – His Holy of Holy and first maker of the very best in liquid refreshment GUINNESS STOUT

Bloggers and Former bloggers I’ve met

Soverycherry –hung out with Jonzo and I Not Texas

Lilsnowpixie – sat a few times for the dynamic duo back in the day

Steve the girl – texas

Chubbychic She did the lay out for me I didn’t even have to ask she is the coolest person

Courtneymay AKA Chronic, former smoking pal, used to work here in the building but she moved away.

Nicole Price - flew here good person to talk to about things

Firstthought Cool chic from the NYC

IfIknew HDBLT – cool friend of Firstthought I met in NYC – saved her from many beers at McSoreley’s Ale House

amalthea23 almost met her while I was in NYC a while back but she was majorly ill so that didn’t happened but we talked on the phone has a very awesome online store Amalthea’s Attic…you’ll love it if you are not so mainstream.

I’ll update this if I’ve forgotten anyone or meet anyone else


Classified – current place of employment which has gotten me sworn at, sworn in, sworn to myself and shaken my head.

The Museum – former number one work place

The College – number two work place of Invisible Don – yup as scary as that may seem I actually teach at a college

Roanoke – The star city of the south, the big lick, the ‘Noke, The city in which I currently live. Hey I didn’t give the place all those names I’m just a transplant I moved here against my will and now I’m trapped here. Send help PUH-leeze. It honestly isn’t so bad but it is so very hard to escape this place.

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: something or other on the TV

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015