Thursday, March 24, 2011

5...4...3...2... Score not five seconds... what do you mean that's gross

Watching the news this morning there was a story about a child with a peanut allergy so severe that several things had to happen.

One no peanut products could be in the class room, but student could eat them during the day if they wanted.

Two all students in her class had to wash their hand several times a day.

Three all students in her class had to rinse their mouths out after eating.

Well at first it does seem like a lot of trouble for just one kid but after just a little bit of thought it seems like a good idea. Not just a good idea but a freaking brilliant idea.

If you have kids or have ever watched them they are nasty little creatures who will pick up anything and then go right to their mouths with the hand that picked up a critter on the playground. Yum. Also don’t think I’m picking on your kids, mine were dirty when they were little too.

Kids are fond of the saying “god made dirt and dirt don’t hurt” right before eating something that has dirt on it or just had dirt on it.

Said dirt got there when the kid dropped the thing and then picked it up and then ate it. You don’t hear many adults saying 5 second rule if food hits the floor, ground, pile of garbage and then thing you know that’s a legit thing I can eat now. There are still some adults who do it but it’s mainly kids.

Face it kids are dirty and it’s ok but they should probably wash their hands a few times a day.

You have to remind them to flush at home do you think without supervision they are washing their wee little hands after that pee break. We won’t get into all the reasons why that is especially gross and nasty.

Kids stick their little fingers everywhere it is part of being a kid. It is not wrong but it is dirty and that’s ok.

Second the human mouth is a breeding ground for nastiness. If you knew all the stuff in there you wouldn’t want to eat with it let alone all the other stuff we do with our mouths.

However kids tend to spray it while they say it and if you just a has a PB and J and you spit a little peanut gunk on the kid and she gets sick that’s bad.

However, peanut butter and most of the other crap any kid shovels into their mouth is full of sugar and stuff gets stuck in their teeth and they don’t floss. Hell most adults don’t floss or brush their teeth all that much. I see it. (Cringe)

So if kids have to wash their hands a few more times and rinse some of the junk out of their mouths after they eat to keep another kid healthy and in the process develop good habits of washing their hands and brushing their teeth. It’s a win, win.

But no the parents of all the other children are bitching about this and saying that the kid with the peanut allergy should be booted out of school. This should be the WTF entry but I didn’t want to wait a week to rant about that stupidity.

I would bet a nickel that the kids in these class rooms have fewer missed days and fewer dental health issues and cavities compared to the kids in the other classrooms of the school. Which may have been covered in the story but I didn’t see the whole thing.

In other news

I’m relaxing … ok I’m trying to relax and meditating on patience

Litter box thought of the day

I don’t like hanging out with most other vegetarians because many of us are a bit judgey

And I’m being a bit judgey about them being judgey

That’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow, well probably not as it is former smoking buddy’s b-day celebration

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Listening to: The Violent Femmes

Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

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