Friday, July 31, 2009

If you aren't a lifeguard you don't have to jump in the water... you can just watch.

One of the things I learned in life guarding is that you sometimes have to knock out the person or die yourself. The danger is that the person is flailing around so hard and so much that if you try to move in you are likely to be killed in in the process. In some cases you have to let the person drown to then try to save them with CPR.

How strange is that, all your training say help them help them, but you have to be just out of reach to be safe and then let them die. I know really sort of mostly cloudy there with that thought but one dead that might be saved is better than two dead that no one can save.

I’m not trying to save anyone at the moment, no one is really drowning it's just ... that I’m in a similar situation. Not that I'm the drowning person or a life guard... but both.

It’s like trying to stay afloat in a typhoon. If you struggle you’ll just tire and die.

It is so chaotic it is like watching a drowning person attack the lifeguard. The more action creates more waves, more spray, more chaos, and less clarity there is in the situation.

Then there is the whole are you kidding aspect? Seriously, how can you hear those words and actually think they make any sense at all?

To the less cryptic and yet possibly less understandable. No it will be clearer

So I quit smoking very nearly a year ago now. I’m not saying that to try to get pats on the back because there is bad news with all of this too. I really struggled with quitting on a daily basis. Hell, I still want the blasted things. As bad as they are for you and expensive. I’m so glad I’m quit now. However, like every other attempt I’ve made at quitting I gained weight.

Yup the whole hand to mouth thing.

So now I need to get started back to losing the weight I gained from not smoking. There were other factors in that gain too but I didn’t go back to the cigs to cope with the stress and the gaining weight like I have in the past.

I’m still working on the plan. But it’s a plan. The typhoon has me a bit distracted at the moment.

Better stuff tomorrow.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tango, Whiskey, Bravo

It’s once upon a time, time. I’m not sure I’ve ever written about this in my years of blogging. How I ended up in the military.

I wasn’t what anyone would ever say was destined to be in the military. I like my hair long. I personally think I look better that way but that may not be true and I’m not one who thinks that shooting other people and dropping explosives on them is the best way to solve problems. It does however eliminate a lot of the people who disagree with you … well at first. It does tend to create some others who don’t like you… which involves more bombs and … well not the point. However you can see by the way that thought process goes that my mind and body in the military isn’t really what one would call a good match.

I’m doing my peace-nik things, listening to my punk rock music, and not thinking that being a solider is a really good thing. I even got a really threatening letter because I was refusing to register for the selective service. Yup yup. One kid even went to jail. I was really close too I think.

My grandfather, career navy intercepted a letter which stated that I would be prosecuted if I didn’t register. I was ready, at least in my mind to be that guy who went to jail for the cause that saying having a draft is a bad thing. Well he forced me to go to the post office and fill out the papers. He had brought them home a few times and I would throw them away. Well this time, I didn’t have that choice and I signed them as a conscientious objector figuring that at least this way I was saying you know I’m doing this against but it is against my will and my beliefs.

Well less than a year later. I’m sitting in my Fraternity’s house watching MTV and not drinking. I’m not sure why I’m not drinking but I wasn’t. I wasn’t going to class either. I hadn’t been going to a lot of classes and was failing all of them except for Art appreciation. I was doing so poorly at the mid term the school decided to put me on academic probation then rather than waiting until the end of the semester. So I’m failing out of college. There are a lot of things tied to that.

I can hear the ramble in my head beginning already, What are f’ing stupid. Worthless dumbass

Partly I was thinking of ways to avoid yet another way I’m just not good enough. Then while the echoes of worthless and stupid ringing in my ears I’m thinking what can I do for me that I want to do. I had nothing. Then the Army ad comes on the TV. So it hits me, hey why not. I need to be something why not be a soldier.

I got off the sofa in the fraternity house and walked about 3 miles to the recruiting station. I said I didn’t have anything. I had shoes not a car. I didn’t even have an apartment at that point I had a room in a house with an old lady. I walked and thought about joining up. I needed to do something but I wasn’t just going to do this and be unaware of what was going on.

Finally after getting to the recruiting station the army guy isn’t there. There is however a note on the door, be back soon. So I decide to wait.

Well like blood in the water the sharks starting getting uppity.

Navy guy comes out. Have you ever thought about the Navy.

Nope, boats sink.


Ships sink too, it’s not pretty.

Well we have really big ships, He is going to be awhile why not come on in and talk.


Well it comes down to the Navy doesn’t really have Military Police. They have shore patrol which is a detail and then after an enlistment you can apply for Master of Arms. Hmm… No, thanks but I think I’ll wait.

I go back on the bench and wait.

The Marine guy comes out.

Couldn’t help over hear you talking with the Navy guy


Thought about the Corps?

Decidedly not.

The few the proud, come on in and talk.


This comes down while they do have MP’s they don’t really have any open slots for that Job but if I signed today I could be put on a list.

Hmmm… nope I’m thinking that list isn’t going to work out and I would end up as an infantry ground pounder in the corps. Not for me. Thanks and all.

I go back to the bench and wait.

The Air Force guy comes out.. You know he(points to the Army guy’s door) is usually gone a long time. We have some videos you can watch.

(Fish hook) What a tricky bastard he was.

So I watch a couple of videos, basic training, security police and world wide deployment.

Then he comes out says there are spots open in security police (what the air force calls Military Police yeah they have to be different.)

So he says, have you taken the ASVAB?

Nope, didn’t take it in High School because I was, am a long hair hippy freak who listens to punk music and I have piercing when most guys don’t have them. Now they are common place. Then not so much and not just one, which was really not done then.

Hmm… well you’ll have to take that before we can do anything.

Huh a test.. Well I’m stupid and worthless I’m likely to fail that. Wonder why the other two guys never mentioned this ASVAB thingy

So Air Force recruiter guys says they have a test on Saturday can you be at such and such a place.

Where is it?

Tells me.

How far is that?

20 miles or so.

Ah that would be no, shoe leather express is my primary and secondary mode of transportation.

We can pick you up.

Huh, really

Sure, we’ll even buy lunch after.

Man he was good.

Ok where do I sign.

No where just give me your address and we’ll see you on Saturday I have a few other guys and a gal taking the test then.

Ok then see you on Saturday.

Saturday comes, I take the test. I get a message to call the devils right hand man. (recruiter)

You passed. Really well too, you sure you want to be a cop? Because your scores are excellent you can do what ever you want.

Wow I’m not worthless or stupid. Yeah I’m sure I want to be a cop...Ok, well maybe stupid.

Well come on back to the office and we’ll work on the details.

So I walk again.

Get there and we talk I still didn’t sign but he was holding a place for me and I could still back out pending my physical at the MEPS station in Pittsburg. So I do all that and then sign up finish school very badly, but I knew I wouldn’t be going back to college in the Fall. I would be going to Texas and at the time I thought this was a good thing.

Which all and all I’m glad I joined and did my enlistment. I even understand the need for a military, I think we need to be more prudent about how we utilize our military but that is a different thing. This was about how I got there in the first place.

Now if I had studied and been a good student. I wouldn’t have done that part of my life.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A sport rant

Not my usual rant because I don’t follow sport. There are several reasons for that which culminate in that for the most part sport has been corrupted on every level so much so that there is little true spirit left in any game. I’m sure there are purist out there in every sport who play for the sake of the enjoyment of the game or individual skill sport achievement. Not my rant at least not right now.

It has come up again that the baseball powers that be are once again considering if they should allow Pete Rose into the baseball hall of fame.

Sorry Pete you blew it. A big fat no. You aren’t the only one guilty of your crime but you got caught. No it’s not fair but you got caught betting on your own team. While you say it was only to win, how do we know that for sure.

That said if they are going to consider Pete Rose, then lets hear the argument for Buck Weaver before Pete gets his day. 1919 Black Sox player. Didn’t take a dime, played better ball in the series than he had that season, no errors in the entire series. Banned for life because he may have been aware of the fix on the series for the Sox to throw the series.

Weaver appealed through out his life to no avail. Baseball has turned it’s back on this player. Now everyone says Shoeless Joe Jackson, Weaver’s teammate, should be considered out of the 8 players banned for life, simply because he was a better known player. Well that may be so, however Jackson took money, while he played well in the series, he didn’t play outstanding ball, Weaver did, and he took money and was in on the fix, Weaver was not and did not take a dime.

Weaver did not, but he is out for life.

Weaver also as the baseball commission critiques did not tell the team owner.

Lets face it the need for a commissioner of baseball then and now was and is not mainly due to player corruption it was and is due to owner corruption. Weaver didn’t tell the owners because they were more likely than not in on the fix as well. This has only been slightly looked into and was largely ignored by the commission because they did not want to kill off baseball and an investigation into team owners would have meant just that very thing. Just like now they focus on corruption is on the players and not the owner who profit more then and now than the players.

Weaver is only one player but deserves better if they are considering Rose and the slew of steroid users of today.

The hall of fame and the record book of baseball is so messed up anymore starting with the extension of the season causing Roger Maris, the original player breaking of the single season homerun record to contain an asterisk by his record.

Now we have the steroids, corruption, gambling and all sorts of other problems have infected every team. The sport is utterly corrupt. I’m sure there a good players who don’t break the rules and play for the joy of the game.

Boo hiss me all you want. Pete Rose does not deserve to be in the hall of fame. For the most part sadly all the corrupt players have really made it very nearly necessary to disallow any current player or any player from about 1990 on from being allowed into the hall of fame and the record book be stopped until the players and owners can clean up the sport.

I understand these teams are businesses that need to fill seats to make money or break even. The way to do that is to win, to sell the seats. However it has become a win at all costs mentality in the arena of professional sport and even to some amateur levels. The owners and players have done just that and the purity of any professional sport not just baseball is gone.

If that is the case then the question becomes has the level of professional sport business evolved beyond the team and the true spirit of the competition for competitions sake and there is no way to elevate players into a level above others as truly great because it’s a job and a business and not a game anymore.

Don’t we want the have a bit of purity in the games now. Who cares who wins but how was the game played. Which in my opinion is why anyone wants celebrate the great players and heroes of any game by placing them in the Hall of Fame is because they played well win or loose and loved the game for the sake of competition not because they get a 4 million dollar bonus for making it to the post season.

Just my thoughts

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Inside the Actors Studio Questions.

Questions used by James Lipton but written by the original French host of Inside the Actors Studio.

1. What is your favorite word?
Serendipity - happy accidents

2. What is your least favorite word?
Hmm… gangster speak. I know that’s more than one word but talking smack just to be talking smack is annoying as hell. Rooster up on your own time not when mine is involved.

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Nature, I don’t spend nearly enough time in nature as I’ve become a slave to the comforts of the urban world but in my mind I can go and freeing the mind is half the battle.

4. What turns you off?
Self serving behavior

5. What is your favorite curse word?
Hmmm well if you know me at all you know I say "F- ire trUCK all of the time. But I would have to say my all time favorite curse word is Bastard. While the F bomb has much more uses bastard just has a certain… you know … that grab ya by the shirt and slap you in the face. Yeah I’m a bastard I do bastardly things in bastard like ways to a bunch of bastardly bastards … I am King of the Bastards and I’m bringing it back ya bastards.

6. What sound or noise do you love?
My voices of my children.

7. What sound or noise do you hate (dislike)?
Lots of things but the sound of Delores tops the list right now.

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
International Courier

9. What profession would you not like to do?
I’d like to think there is no job that is beneath me as in I’m not too good to do any job. With that said I don’t think I would like selling anything for a living.

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Glad you were honest about your doubts and reached for understanding along many paths and finding the simple answers hold deeper truth. Going down… muahahahaahaha … just kidding. Love that stuff …oh relax

Better stuff tomorrow - Mondays are class nights and not much time to think once I get home.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

HP 6 and other stuff... well mainly HP6

I’ve been debating about pulling out the ye olde soapbox and ranting about a few things, however I’ll keep it put away for today and rant later.

Stunt boy and I went to see HP6 yesterday I waited to go see it because he was with his mother when it came out and then was at camp for the week. So yesterday was really the first opportunity we had to see it together. So we did.

I enjoyed the movie and if you haven’t seen it or read the books by this time then spoilers shouldn’t matter. However, if you haven’t seen or read then be warned, reading further you’ll find out things you didn’t know yet.

The movie did depart from the book from the very beginning, however I think that rather than have some dialogue driven scene and the need to introduce two new characters it was just better to cut the book material and rewrite a scene that accomplishes the same result. The human world and magic worlds are beginning to collide with bad results. The opening scene did accomplish that very objective. Now unless you are reading the wanted posters in the film and know the books the werewolf is not introduced and the havoc he wrecks upon both worlds is largely ignored. And who was over seeing the thing and missed that he is never introduced formally in the movie or even mentioned by the other characters. Just a bad guy run amok in the movie.

Then there is the departing from the actual physical characteristics is fine as long as the basic essences of the character is captured . Which I think in all 6 movies they have done wonderfully for all the characters and in replacing Dumbledore after the death of Richard Harris. Personally I think Ian McKellen would have been the logical choice but he had already done Gandolf and I think that may have persuaded all parties not to pick him including Sir Ian.

So little looks and things are fine to depart from.

The whole turmoil between Ron and Harry regarding the Jenny thing is missing. Which is fine as they resolve it by the end of the book. The elude to it poorly through out but it’s a non issue by book 7 so why bother. It does establish Harry has to be alone a lot in the story so it’s need but the exclude Ron by use of the Slug Club, so mission accomplished.

Dumbledore’s death scene was a bit anti-climatic but that may have been because I read the book and knew Draco wouldn’t do it and Snape kills him. Yes Dumbledore dies. Sorry I warned you not to read if you didn’t want to know stuff. However I don’t think I’ve surprised anyone.

I know purists will argue that there was just too much of the book lost in the translation to film. I have to disagree. The main points were accomplished

Dumbledore is dead
Snape killed him.
Snape is the half blood prince.
Ron and Hermione are in love but only she knows it.
Harry loves Ginny and everyone knows it.
Luna Lovegood is the coolest character in the story after Harry of course.
The Order of the Phoenix is pretty much ineffective in book 6.
Draco and his family are really just opportunists and don‘t want to do the dirty work. .
Bellatrix is really crazy and evil.
Horcruxes exists and need to be destroyed.
Evil is winning for now but the really good guys aren’t going to just lay down and take it.

Yeah all that was accomplished. Bring on number 7

All in all, I don’t think it was the best of the 6 but it does fit with the others and I’m looking forward to the two book 7 movies. So HP 6 on the invisible don 0 to 5 movie rating scale is a 4

However, GI Joe is the next film stunt boy and I are wanting to see because it looks awesome and then after that Where the Wild Things Are in October. The trailer for this film looks fantastic.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Charlie Alpha Tango Sierra ... it does make sense

The two animal room-mates I have are completely different. I did not pick either of the animals. They live with me though and I remain their favorite Bi-pedal mammal in their Quadra-pedal world.

Yes like all pets they think they own your home. Before you poosha my statement, Let us think about this for a minute.

(thinking pose- hand on chin, staring into the air on the left side, lips pursed)

You clean up their defecate, feed them daily, they make no money, you entertain them on their demand, if they don’t want to be bothered with you at the moment you can’t find them, they can keep you up with their antics and I could go on but I feel I’ve made my point. From their perspective you work for them.

They are the master and you are the worker bee.

Little do they know while I love them as pets that is what they are they are animals. They are lower on the food chain, they are lower on the evolutionary scale, while they are unique in the behaviors they do not have human characteristics, but I’m going to talk about them like they do. I’m going to call them roommates when they really are not. Now if you are a pet owner, I know PETA and other animal rights groups say the is a demeaning term, … ok I lost that point but found that new one, about pet owner being demeaning.

To whom is it demeaning? My cats, the last time I checked they don’t speak English. They don’t speak any human dialect for that matter. It’s a term some humans have said is demeaning when used to describe animals who live with humans to other humans who have placed animals on a rung equal to or higher than humans. I’m not one of those people. I treat my pets well and I give them a decent amount of my attention. They deserve not to be treated badly by me or other people but they aren’t human. That is enough they are pets.

So with that if you hate me for anything I have said so far well stand in line you aren’t the only one who hates me. Well you don’t get to be king of the bastards by not stepping on toes. All hail the king. I have bumper stickers that proclaim my regal status … do you?

Yup that’s what I thought

Back to the cats.

My cats are Mouse and Wilson. Doodle brought Mouse home. Saying, Daddy, I found this kitten on the street, she was all alone and needs a home can we keep her. (insert sad pouted lip child face) I knew this was a lie then because I looked in the cats ears which were clean. Cats that aren’t even just sort of taken care of have dirty ears. However I decided to pretend to believe the lie and say yes we can keep the kitten. Yeah I’m that dad on some things.

Mouse has remained pretty small and is bi-polar. Well not really but I say she is because she does the run to where you are when you come home and does the love me love me dance near your feet.

Love me love me. (figure 8 walking and rubbing on things)

When any one reaches for her she runs off

Don’t love me

And then she comes back

Love me, love me


Don’t love me


With that however, Mouse will usually be where she can see you but you can’t see her. Unless the beta unit is here and she hides because the beta unit brings it’s dog which tries to kill Mouse. No seriously.

Her dog bites Mouse around the neck and you have to pull it off of the cat.. That isn’t saying hey lets be friends and play. That is saying I’m going to kill you if they bi-peds would only give me the chance.

Wilson is a recent addition. A gift if you will which was the result of, Hey I’m moving and I can’t take this cat with me will you take him. (insert batting eyes and pouted lip)

The story is more complicated than that but I’ll just leave it at this and I said yes. Yes Wilson belonged to a woman before me.

Wilson is cool, with that Mouse is cool too despite her bi-polar thing.

Wilson is a watcher cat though. Unless he is sleeping, he has to be within 5 feet of the action.

For example, he sits in a chair in my kitchen while I cook. Seriously, right up in the chair right in the middle and watches. I think part of this is his nature and most domesticated animals that food may result from and in the act of being close to the humans. The also think that if I look cute a lot too and that will help in the getting of the food.

As I don’t eat the meat things he doesn’t like what I eat mostly and I’m not one to feed the pets human food.

Wilson watches in amazement in the kitchen though. I imagine his thoughts are wow this stuff actually has uses. I’ve lived in a couple other places and no one used this stuff. It just was there, who knew you can get food from using the stuff in a kitchen. Yes his previous owner is not a person who cooks often. In fairness she is not the only person here who doesn’t cook. If you are a woman from Roanoke or the surrounding area and not a transplant from somewhere else and live here now, you don’t cook. It’s not that women from here can’t cook they just don’t.

I’m not sure why, but if you meet a woman who says she is from Roanoke she isn’t going to cook. As a result Roanoke has more restaurants per capita than any other city in Virginia. It also has the highest divorce rate in the state too. I’m not sure the two things are related, they could be though.

Back to the cats and away from broad generalizations.

So I have the two cats. Which I’m not sure how Wilson will handle the beta units dog. They haven’t met and Wilson is much bigger than Mouse. Like over twice the size and he is not a fat cat. Mouse is just that small. Why do you think we named her Mouse. Well yes it’s ironic too.

I’m also not really sure Mouse is actually a cat. She doesn’t do normal cat things most of the time and while she looks like a cat she doesn’t really look like a cat. I think she might be an alie-um kitty. (yes Ay-lee -UM for alien)

I did have two dogs who have been missing and I think were stolen.

So it was definitely different stuff, maybe it was better stuff.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Not as informative as it could be

There are several things on my list of stuff to write about, however I was tagged on this and a few people have been saying tell us more, so you may find out more you may not. As I’ve been tagged or if you have been tagged you are requested to tag 25 people. Again if you are reading this on the main blog or the second blog feel free to steal and use. If you are on FB.

To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your title as "Getting to know each other!", tag 25 people including me (tagging is done in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

1. What time did you get up this morning? the alarm went off at 5:50 AM, but I decided to sleep in a bit, so I hit snooze then again, then got coffee, got in the shower made it to work about 10 minutes early.

2. How do you like your steak? Holding up my tent? Did you mean something else?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Transformers 2

4. What is your favorite TV show? Big Bang Theory

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Coastal with Seasons so, maybe Nor. Cali or Oregon

6. What did you have for breakfast? COFFEE

7. What is your favorite cuisine? I like tasty food.

8. What foods do you dislike? I don’t eat the meat any more

9. Favorite Place to Eat? My house

10. Favorite dressing? Any thing vinegar based

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive? A car, an old car, but it works and it gets me from A to Z

12. What are your favorite clothes? Black

13. Was missing but I’m saying do you find 13 to be unlucky? If you are a Knights Templar, it’s not a great day for you.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Depends on the situation, if the ship is sinking it’s half empty. See it can be positive.

15. Where would you want to retire? in the mountains near a lake.(stolen but I like it)

16. Favorite time of day? Night

17. Where were you born? They say hospital but I think it was a barn

18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Curling, it’s like hypnotic

19. Who do you think will not tag you back? Not a clue

20. Person you expect to tag you back first? Not a clue

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Everyone that gets tagged

22. Bird watcher? At times.

23. Are you a morning person or a night person? No mornings suck.

24. Do you have any pets? 2 cats - mouse and wilson

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Not really.

26. What did you want to be when you were little? A vet I think

27. What is your best childhood memory? Not too many to choose from

28. Are you a cat or dog person? I love both but my lifestyle is more suited to cats.

29. Are you married? No

30. Always wear your seat belt? Yes

31. Been in a car accident? About 100

32. Any pet peeves? Yes

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? Cheese.

34. Favorite Flower? Calla lilies

35. Favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip.

36. Favorite fast food restaurant? Pizza

37. How many times did you fail your driver's test? The written none, the driving once, because I had to drive this battle ship of an Oldsmobile when I’d only practiced in a tiny little Honda Civic I mean tiny. Try parallel parking a battleship… yeah that’s what I thought.

38. From whom did you get your last email? A student requesting an incomplete because they have complications with work and such stuff. I’m a cool prof. so I said yes

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Hmm. Target or Lowes.

40. Do anything spontaneous lately? Thought about it but then I remembered I’m invisible and decided against it.

41. Like your job? sometimes.

42. Broccoli? Yummy

43. What was your favorite vacation? Every trip has it’s good points and good memories.

44. Last person you went out to dinner with? My daughter in April.

45. What are you listening to right now? SYFY, formerly Scifi channel in the background Warehouse 13.

46. What is your favorite color? Black

47. How many tattoos do you have? 3.

48. How many are you tagging for this quiz? I’ll try to 25

49. What time did you finish this quiz? 10:04 pm

50. Coffee Drinker? COFFEE yum, … yes just a little bit

I promise better stuff tomorrow.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

We need chronic for squirrels

The promise of better stuff tomorrow. Well I don’t know how you define better stuff, I’m thinking this isn’t in that category but you however may think this is in that category, I’m not sure.

I want to start screaming and not stop. Why you ask well that is a very good question. However I can’t answer that question without risking my job. Which right now seems like a very legit option because I want to scream and not stop screaming.

There is no logic. None, nada, nein, nyet, ab-so-fuc-ing-lut-ly none

Utterly devoid of any sense

So I need to stop before I go too far or I will say something that makes me less than employable. That said if you hear a non stop screaming person running around. It’s probably me.

In other news

- Curiosity hasn’t gotten the better of me yet.

- Utterly hideous, is why

- no one believes me when I say certain things

Still in other news - we define words certain ways and mostly we define a lot of words the same way so we can effectively communicate with one another. However, we do sometimes speak completely differently while saying the same thing. Don’t assume you understand anything your fellow man is saying because you may be completely wrong.

Drama… man utter drama …save it for the stage. Buck up stand up and keep standing up. That’s why I’m not screaming yet. I stand up and they keep knocking me down. I stand up and stand up and stand up.

If you are only out for yourself … leave me alone.

I am completely preoccupied right now hopefully I can clear my head in a few and I’ll try again.

Right on the verge of screaming and walking away but I’ll be standing up.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

3 of me tag

I was tagged so I’m tagging some and doing this as my post face book only has the tags. If you are reading this on the main blog, feel free to steal and post, if you are reading it on the other blog, Hi say Hi, come on say hi. Thanks please subscribe which ever blog version you read from yeah I’m an attention ‘ho

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 3''s of Me, tag 26 people - in the right hand corner of the app - then click publish.)

Three names I go by:
Donny Donnie (only certain people)
King of the Bastards and other colorful things (again only certain people)

Three jobs I have had in my life
Foreman on an environmental project removing explosives from recyclable metals
Ski Instructor

Three places I have lived:
West by god

Three favorite drinks:
Red Cream Soda

Three TV shows that I watch:
Big Bang Theory
Warehouse 13

Three places I have been:
Whistler, British Columbia
London, England
Paris, France

People that call me regularly
My son
One ex girl friend
One other ex girl friend

Three of my favorite foods:
Cheese Pizza
Rice with Salsa

Three Things I am looking forward to:

Three Things that are always by my side
a tasty beverage

Better stuff tomorrow just like Snapple.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

random ... like chocolate syrup

Where I work occupies a lot of my mental time and energies. I can’t really talk about what I do because of confidentiality reasons. No not that I would have to kill you later if I told you… that was a different job. Yes huh.

I try not to talk about co-workers because well it gets back to them if you do but I really don’t have much to say about any of them … well that came out badly … mostly they are a good group of people, whom I respect as colleagues and would have lots of nice things to say about them if I were to say anything … mostly… insert peter rabbit principle now. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything …so I won’t. Tends to keep you from getting fired.

Which is odd, talk all the smack you want about a co-worker in the office that’s ok. Well it’s not but you get the “don’t gossip” and the slap on the wrist while you hang your head while you get for the tongue wagging for gossiping in the office. Post it in a blog and then OMG it’s slander, it’s defamation of character, it’s the end of civilization as we know it and such stuff don’t cha know. Cheese and Rice. Believe me I have scads of funny stuff I could rant about…. Yes scads… enough to keep you in stitches for weeks and stuff but I can’t, so I shan’t

Scad or Scads means a large number or quantity most likely is a bastardization of the old English word scald meaning a multitude. So basically a lot of something … I googled it

So as I shan’t be speaking about the coworkers today I may in the future but only the nice things about the people I likes … I be a pirate .. Tis true ask the RIAA. Yeah they are bastards and I’m a pirate. Arg and such pirate like things.

Anyway on to random stuff from days past. I saw a sham WOW … no kidding at the CVS .. Seriously

I know I nearly peed right there in the store I was so excited … If I actually had peed I would have used the sham wow to hide the evidence that I had actually just peed with excitement .. Which is part of the reason I didn’t purchase said shamWOW that and I don’t really have that many things I would really use a sham wow for other than trying to stay completely dry in running shower. Which I’m afraid that if this thing is as absorbent as the commercials say it may actually make you use more water because it will draw the water by the gallons right out of the pipes and that can’t be a good thing. Gallons per second all thanks to the sham wow … it could happen … it could

But I sooooooooooooo want one that thing seems soooooooo cool .. It was right next to a slap chop… I know I can’t even begin to talk about that because I’m still all a flutter about the sham wow. No seriously those two things if I owned them would be so cool like snoopy flipping out at meal time, like a dead head and a bong, like finding a magic lamp, like being first at the office and getting rock star parking, like waking up and realizing it’s Saturday when you thought it was Friday. Finding your favorites shoes on sale BOGO

Ok I’m all better now… well for me.

Should I mention this other person or not… mention or not, mention or not ???? Hmmm maybe later.

Yes, I do, no I won’t - not ever, why - well because … hideous

The previous line of answers to this statement are for the debate previous to the answers . The answers are for the questions you probably asked after reading the first statement and me saying maybe later. You should be happy I answered your questions. Well they may not be in the right order for everyone but you asked them not me. No I’m not crazy or insane.

They make utterly useless stuff and put it in kid aisles

Why can the lay out of a store make absolutely no sense ... Why … As in what do charcoal briquettes have to do with breakfast cereal? Hmmm? Yeah that’s what I thought … You got nothing either

I’ve accidentally been dropping a period out of my ellipses lately as I’ve been typing and then have to go back and add them or take them away if I’ve done too many.

The straight across bangs look is really … ok I’m not sharing. (too many that time)

I wanna new tattoo but I can’t afford it

Doodle had dinner with Stunt boy and I the other day. That was really nice we didn’t talk a bunch but we hung out some and she went through some of her things which are still here. I miss her a lot and think of her every day.
My toes hurt (left foot)

Yeah I’m still at a loss for that one… I don’t know either

Nearly a year with out the smokes but I still have the pack in the freezer in case I freak out. Tick tock tick tock

2700 days since the jones… we all jones for the jones but it’s been 2700 days. (too many)

Ambulances were busy today here in the ’noke if you didn’t notice or aren’t from here how would you know.

Like three on the way home … Yeah (not enough)

It’s too hot to mow and muggy … so I’m not at least not for a little while longer… maybe tomorrow (both just right ; ) that time)

Spricket24 on you tube makes me laugh… like a lot and… never mind

On to other internet and household excitements until next time.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, July 20, 2009

It's the other one's and stuff

So today is my brother’s birthday… no the other one. Happy birthday to him. Sadly too it is the anniversary of our father’s death. I’ve thought that since this happened it is a burden I don’t know if I would want. However, Bill said he wanted to die on his birthday I’m not sure he meant anyone else’s thought. Not that Bill but Bill, Bill the Bard. Yeah him.

Tried calling the other one several times today … no answer… he I tried. Happy Birthday to you.

It is also one of my co-worker’s birthday … who was oddly absent today as well … hmmm. They do tend to make a hoopla about things in the office …like uber annoyingly so in some cases so I can completely understand his not wanting to be there on such a day. I should probably stop

I know no one says uber any more I don’t usually, but it was the new tres at some point which replaced very… muy did try to make a run to be the hip way to say very without saying very but nothing has replace uber … we need a new uber

Oh and I cut myself with scissors today…yeah me cut with scissors by myself .. .yeah, I know I know. Good thing I wasn’t running or it could have been much worse. No I’m not saying how … no. Just no.

Stunt boy started 4-H camp today. I’m sure he’ll have a great time. But it was a rather damp start to the morning.

Well long work day today with work and class… my head hurts and I’m sleepy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Not your everyday thing, It may be rated PG-13 or R, I don't know... I just write the stuff

This mornings episode is rated R maybe PG13 who knows what the criteria is well I do sort of as I’ve seen the movie, “this film is not yet rated” - so there is some adult content and suggestive material… no, no, I’m not going to swear… or at least I don’t plan on it but I’m going to talk about the ooo…ooo… ahh …ahh stuff. (suggestive material) I can say the F word once and remain PG 13 say it twice, not once but twice you are rated R. I know it’s crazy … kill thousands of people PG -13 as long as you don’t actually show them oozing blood. Anywho… I’m sure by the end I’ll have a better idea of my rating. Well I could go all out and get an NC17 that would be fun but you would only be able to read this at the one site and not all three. So, yeah I see why film makers don’t want that NC 17 rating. Limited distribution less exposure …well of the material not in the material… ok you get it not a bad thing all the way around but still not good.

I’ve been having some very bizarre dreams lately

Yeah, yeah… I know you’re thinking invisible don having bizarre dreams why is that unusual he’s a nut job but in a good way… yeah in a good way not in a knife wielding, serial killer way but in the hey he makes me laugh some times.

No worries, I don’t kill people in my dreams, well mostly I don’t… oh like you haven’t. Don’t judge my dream slayings, I won’t judge your dream slayings. However last night I was having the ooo… ooo… ahh… ahh… dream … with the perfect person. No she isn’t anyone I know, She is a reoccurring person in my dreams who isn’t anyone I’ve ever met yet … I think I got close once.

No that’s not the unusual bit… well I suppose it is because I’m usually having bad dreams so it could be the unusual bit.

What do you look at during the ooo… ooo… ahh…ahh stuff. Because you know when you try to look cool it comes across like you want to ask a question or you are tying not to say something like…

Oh that’s not the way to do that, that actually hurts the way you’re doing it and not in a good way.

Ah, hair, you’re on my hair. (yes I’ve actually had to say that, it’s not just the ladies.) Hey it’s very distracting when it happens and you have to say something … it is and you do … grow your hair long and find out, if you don’t believe me. Keep your mitts off the hair. And don’t pull mine that’s bad … I know some people like that sort of thing, I’m not one of them … I’m not a pet don’t paw at my hair.

The eyes getting wide is a sure thing that you’ve hurt your partner in a new way …. Now the follow up look or action is important a smile or suggestive kiss or bite means it’s ok do it again but don’t kill me… you’ll be rewarded if this goes where I hope it goes... yay!

If the eyes stay wide for more than a few seconds will no follow up action or look … say you’re sorry and move on to something else. JUST SAY IT. Nothing means anything in the throws of the ooo…ooo…ahh…ahh. You can always deny it later or say you can’t remember because you were so into the bigger experience that was your “love making” It works but only if used infrequently.

What does this have to do with dreams… well I got all self aware in my dream, not just self aware but to the point of distraction self aware … I know how bizarre I’m having a panic attack in my dream about where to look during the horizontal mambo. …Yeah I know I was there well at least in my head I was there.

So there it was the whole thing you never want to look directly into the eyes of the other person … because you look like you’re tying to take the lid off a jar of pickles that’s on too tightly and that you might actually crap your pants if you try any harder. Yeah you do look like that, that’s why women give them to us to open so they don’t have that look, it’s not appealing.

Oh I know you, me, everyone, you think you have on your sexy face… nope that look is gone. Your hair is messy, your upper teeth are biting your lower lip, sweat has covered your face and ruined your make up if you have any on, your panting like a distance runner, you are unable to think in more than one syllable words at this point. Why do you think you have on your sexy face? There is a reason that they don’t shoot porn with a lot of angles which include facial expressions. No, just no. and you know who I’m talking too just don’t. I mean it. Moving on. (insert stern look and point) NO.

Close your eyes, remember your basic biology and grope in the dark … it seems like foreplay or caressing and who knows you may find you like it or your partner does.

Don’t close your eyes but pick a spot that isn’t the eyes or the near the face and look there. Because if you are just not looking to just not be looking at the persons face you’ll look like your looking at anything but the persons face and you’ll be in trouble. The kind of trouble that ends the ooo…ooo…ahh…ahh with your top sheet wrapped around the person stomping toward your bedroom door pile of clothes in hand and four doors slamming. The bedroom door, the bathroom door, the door to your house and the door to their car as it drives away.

To avoid all of that unpleasantness, pick a favorite body part … you’ll smile (good thing) you’ll look interested (good thing), you will actually be interested (better thing) and you won’t look like you are about to fall over from over exertion from opening a jar of pickles (mostly good thing you want to look a little like that) but don’t get so distracted that you look like you are cargo or you’re a bobble head doll.(bad thing …doors slamming again) I know I always smile when I see …ok not the point …but …yeah wow … ok onward.

The other obvious solution to the look is to change position… nope not going to go there, this isn’t about sex, it’s about panic attacks in my dreams so we aren’t going into the different styles… use your imagination I’m sure you know a few. The point of all the previous stuff is that I know what to do to avoid being all self aware in the moment as the male enhancement ads call it. The moment. I know what to do and what not to do… mostly. The point is that I’m not without experience I’ve uttered the phrase ahh, hair, you’re on my hair, I’ve … well I know what I’ve done and so do a few others. No (again with the finger pointing and stern look) Just leave it alone. Seriously.

So in my dream I’m having this full on panic attack all mid ooo…ooo…ahh …ahh swinging from the trees action and stuff …. I don’t know where to look, how to look, or even what to say, I completely forgot about my favorite spot Oreos and milk …. You’ll get it… One second I’m there all ooo…ooo…ahh…ahh. Then I’m all screaming and wanting to run from the room like I‘m going to be eaten. Not the stomping from the room in a huff with a wad of clothing and slamming doors. Just an into the night screaming, arms waving over your head, find a safe spot, curl up into the fetal position and rocking yourself muttering make it stop, make it stop over and over… That kind of running from the room.

Oh I know it probably means something like fear of intimacy or inadequacy or something else like that. Hello, I live my life I know my fears I am all of those things. I don’t need to live them in my dreams I avoid them very well on my own thank you very much. I much prefer the nightmares to this kind of stuff at least I know how they end. I have good reason to be fearful of intimacy. I could go on but the thing is I woke up and there I am left with this spinning image in my head … my dreams have not been this crack induced crazy since I was on the patch. Week 49 I think starts today by the way.

Anyone else ever had a panic attack in their dreams?

So I’m thinking more PG 13 than R but some stuff was rather suggestive or at least lead you to think that direction without actually saying things. I could do the seven words and that would be PG13 for sure, but it has the C word and that isn’t much fun. But those are for TV not blogs … hmm. You decide PG 13, R, NC 17 … rate below. I have a good news one for later or tomorrow.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Out back is where the dingoes dance

Dancing Dingoes

No worries mates, the dingoes are dancing’, grab a Fosters and throw some veggies on the ‘barbie. I can’t say why the dingoes are dancing. Just go with it and enjoy the didgeridoo

I’m nearly normal again, well normal for me. Which is good. Tomorrow should be ok … fingers crossed.

So what did our ancestors do when it got hot during the summer? I’m sure it got hot and the humidity existed. I’ll say the words now as a precursor that this is not about the larger issue of global warming but it is as well. I’m not running my household AC, on purpose. I am using a few fans though so I’m not completely suffering.

Most of us have seen at one time or another the waves of thermal energy rising from a fire or candle. If you haven’t try looking at a fire which is back lit and then squint at it. You’ll see the rising wavy lines going up. Thermal energy. Still not convinced place a white sheet of paper about 12 inches over a candle … by the way be prepared to run for a sink of water.

So urban areas tend to be hotter than rural areas, but not just any old rural area. Rural areas with a healthy does of trees.

We chop a lot of them down in the urban area and plant raggedy little ornamental trees. Yes they are trees yes they do make it look a lot less industrial but do they really cool or shade must of anything. Not really.

Larger urban area create there own updrafts. The sun hit all the concrete, glass, metal, asphalt and other heat reflecting surfaces. Not just some but millions of square feet of material now all that heat, thermal energy rises. Sending everything up. Any moisture entering the area ends up going up before it can fall down. What usually happens is rain just misses urban areas getting buffeted around by these huge up drafts.

How much does this contribute to global warming… I don’t know but that isn’t the point. It’s hotter now in our cities than it was in the past. I worked a road crew one summer, a paid one not a jumpsuit wearing one. Air temperature checks were done every 20 minutes to track the heat and so we were given breaks so we didn’t over heat. The air over the pavement was often 20 degrees hotter than it was away from the pavement . A 90 degree day is 110 on the road. That’s an over all warmer day, warmer cities, warmer planet. However our urban areas aren’t the only problem to the issue, again not about global warming.

It’s about not running my AC. Partly to keep my energy costs down, partly to use less energy, partly to just be less … luxury dependant. Is AC essential not really. So I am not using it. I don’t make my son play along because this is my thing not his. I know less then total commitment is just a waste of time… well maybe but poopoo my plan all you want but I have smaller bills this summer than I did last summer. So it’s working at least partly. I didn’t use my heat much in the winter either, turned it to 62 when I was home and 58 when I left or work. Again didn’t make my son play in my experiment.

Perhaps that makes me a bit strange or weird…perhaps. Believe me I see really off at times so my experiments with using less luxury things seem really not so odd at all. It’s all relative or at least that’s what I’ve heard. I’m not saying do this or not just talking about what I’ve been doing to save some money.

The dingoes got yelled at for dancing …poor dingoes.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Stomp, shower, sparkle

A while back an omnivore friend of mine and I were talking. She was saying how she really liked a particular sandwich at a restaurant with au jus. She was wondering if she could make it at home. I said yeah it’s really just the water blood and fat which is expelled from the meat while you are cooking and then spicing it up a bit to your own taste with salt, pepper, perhaps some vinegar, Worcestershire, etc … please don’t say that’s not the right stuff. I’m not a cooking show I’m making a different point. But I know when I worked in the restaurant biz it was mainly just the liquefied fat expelled water and blood from the meat we were cooking.

She made a face like she had not thought about it being blood before. I asked if that was it and she said yes. I said au jus mean with the juices. What juice do you get from meat? That’s right you get juice from veggies and fruit but not from animals. I wasn’t saying it to be mean, just making a point. Now you can make au jus at home from a mix using bullion. Which really means someone else has already cooked out the meat juice and spiced it up and then pulled about 99.9% of the water out of it so you can re-liquefy it later. No granted au jus isn’t like chomping into a vein or spiking an artery with a straw and having a gulp.

Anyway she didn’t throw up thinking about it and that wasn’t my objective, we then moved to conversation on to talking about the pixie. (Stomp shower sparkle hee hee) Well …it means something to me and it’s too involved to actually explain and not loose the whole point in the translation., it makes me smile… then there is the super girl thing… well perhaps not that … similar yet completely different

Lost yet ? I not… or at least I don’t think I am. But the microbial war still rages in my body I think the home team is winning but losing means death so let’s hope I win or if you not a fan perhaps you wish the other way… eventually the away team wins but not the point. Hope your home team is winning too.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

despite the reports...

Did anyone see the truck that ran me over? No, not surprising it was micro in size and laid me out for the last few days. Started with that headache and then just beat the crap right out of me. Half of my body still hurts and I feel almost human again. Short and sweet for today but more things to come, exciting and possibly even thought provoking. Hey, I said possibly

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

...8...9...10. Ready or not here I come.

While reading a human interest news story, fluff as it would be called in the biz, about a girl who hid so well during a game of hide and seek that the parents called in professional help. I’m not posting a link to the story because the child was found after over an hours worth of searching. Now do we throw the widen net and call these people bad parents for loosing track of their child? I’ve done that, albeit not for that long and on the opposite end of the scale this child has siblings who probably cheat like the dickens at hide and seek. So when the child is being looked for she was probably thinking the heck with you I’m not coming out when you are calling all in, all in, all in free. And it’s not ollie, ollie, oxen free… That makes not a bit of sense. Not that hide and seek is all that sensible of a game, other than life skills development of how far you actually have to go to find … oh say your keys if you don’t have an elephant. I have an elephant. The elephant doesn’t lose things. So if you don’t have an elephant I suggest you get one, because keys can hide in a lot of places. A lot of places. Yup they’ve been there too... No, not there that would be silly. Anyway point being you look and look until you find them in as the saying goes, it’s always the last place you look. Yup a true pearl of wisdom that one.

However, Like this kid I was hiding and hiding and hiding, and finally fell asleep in my hiding spot. If it’s that good a spot you don’t fess it up you keep it quiet because the only way you keep a secret between three people is if two of them are dead, or so said Mr. C-note Franklin. I wandered home afterwards because unlike the kid in the news story not too many people actually realized I was missing, as a matter of fact no one noticed. Which leads me to believe I was invisible long before even I realized it.

So kid was found, who wasn’t lost, I found myself but I wasn’t lost either. Well that’s different story and has nothing to do with hide and seek. Most likely this kid’s parents will be outcasts in their community and people will whisper behind their backs … they’re the really bad parents who lost their kid. Yeah I heard about that one she was missing for days. Hey in a few years watch it will be huge. Wolves and bats and gummy bears… oh me. I doubt anyone’s said that one before… mine. Yeah , nee ner.

Sadly this two year old has been banned from playing hide and seek now...FOREVER! Now, she’ll never find her keys, some one get her an elephant. Please for crying out loud. How can we expect this kid to be normal now.

Hey I get worked up about the fluff pieces. That is where all the real people live, you know under the plastic wrap. Oh, it’s raining. Yup, yup and my head hurts. Well’s it hurts for two reasons, wait three, four, oh a bunch… Imma take a shower maybe that will make it go away. You just have to love the new English that text messaging is creating. Imma means, “ I am going to” do what ever follows. Hey it saves over half the letters, who cares that the written word is dying in the thumb thumping grasp of our teenagers.

Imma shwr nw cya l8r

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS. So I gave benji his due respect in text and the elephant thing is biological public domain about them not forgetting where water is even after years of not going to the same place. I mean like a smart bomb right to the spot, pretty cool if you ask me but you didn’t but I told you anyway.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Why is there an eye hook in my wrist??? (insert toy piano music) Dance puppet Dance

Before beginning that my thoughts are my thoughts and do not necessarily represent anything deeper than thoughts. With that said if you disagree with me that is ok, feel free to comment, however I may not enter into a debate with you, or if your comment is deemed to be so far off topic that it distracts or is just rude I reserve the right to delete that comment. Because I have that power… oh yes … muhahahahaah… sorry (combs back hair and adjusts glasses)

I’m not exactly sure why it is that we, in this society, want everything homogenized … having every thing exactly the same not the process of making milk the same consistency . With some things it is a very good thing like with the milk …mmm, lumpy milk bad. (blech) However if you travel to any place in the US of any size it is pretty much the same. Take away the skyline, and you would be hard pressed to guess where you were. That is because for the most part American Architecture is like the Volvo, it’s sturdy but it’s all kinds of box like. It has no longer has any flair. It’s all the same now. Sadly we tear down structures which probably had some class, flair, a bit of difference. It’s not just our buildings either, it’s everything.

Now we are Pre fabricated, we are a cookie cutter society. Just, press, pull, place, and cook (verb can be replaced with others like build, or make, dress, listen…etc) … Be one of us … one of us… one of us. We watch films (or read) The Stepford Wives and say oh poosah I’m a free thinking person, no one pulls my strings….really Pinocchio ???

Not many of us are really real boys or girls we are all puppets to someone, or an idea, or a life style. We don’t stand on our own. It becomes increasingly more and more difficult in our ever increasing sea of sameness.

But I’m me, you cry… I am me …not really, well perhaps a version of a person but I’m as guilty as anyone else if not more so.

Like I said there are some good things about having a sameness across a nation this vast. However how far do we push that sameness into our lives, jobs, etc.

Unfortunately, a bit too far in many cases. If you try to stand out to be different you are beating down figuratively in most cases and literally in others. Are we so xenophobic that any difference is bad. Odd that even here in the tiny little town that one building is booed for being different and another is ballyhooed for being a standout. I suppose, to borrow from the MAYA principle … Most Advanced Yet Acceptable … meaning that people will only stand for so much change at a time… our minds can’t quite grasp radical change. Well perhaps not our minds but our fear of change and difference. We crave uniformity and routine but will advance but only at a set pace. We want the sameness so we can feel accepted and wanted and warm but in that sea of sameness we are all different we are all looking for something perfect that doesn’t exist. The holy grail of our time is perfection in sameness. We want to live in Stepford but we tell ourselves and anyone who’ll listen that we don’t.

So in this quest for universal sameness, cookie cutter reality, life and perfection we further isolate one another and lull ourselves to our own destruction.

Oh and it’s Friday … you know what that means… one of us, one of us… the telephone is ringing is that my mother on the phone? No, it’s Pavlov … slobber, slobber, pant.

Um… yeah be you and be proud of you, and if the next time you look at someone and are all uber critical of their clothes, car, house, town, etc. maybe say it’s ok and don’t sweat it or ask them hey what do you like about this or that different thing maybe you’ll find that you like vanilla and boysenberry too, not just vanilla.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS. References to Musicians The Police/ Synchronicity, Author - Ira Levin’s Stepford Wives , Behaviorist- Ivan Pavlov, unsure of who coined MAYA principle but it’s not mine, I’ve heard it’s credited to Raymond Loewy, Pinocchio Carlo Collodi… If I missed any I’m sorry “I’m not a thief” Richard M. Nixon. *

PPS. * thank god he didn’t pay to patent that phrase, like Mills Lane (let’s get it on) and that other boxing guy (let’s get ready to rumble..(echo)) yes it’s true we crave sameness so much that catchy little phrases have to be protected by a patent … hence the recent additions of sources…yeah one piracy lawsuit is enough for my liking . And in fairness Pinocchio was probably in the public domain before Disney latched its claws into it…but I digress


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Well, Hello Nurse...

I missed another day, not because I didn’t have anything to say, just that I ended up with too much on my mind and trying to clear the butterflies only resulted in more and more and more in my line of sight. Unfortunately that did not give me any clearer answers to the questions that I have rolling around in my head.

Still the haunting questions rattle around in there. There are easy answers to the problems but they only serve to end one problem but create new ones. Like the hydra as one head falls two grow in the place of the one. Now I’m swimming in blood of the attempts to move forward and my problems exist.

Picking my words more carefully now too. This is to be ever more cryptic about some things. I know, I know… you’re thinking , Dude we have no clue what you’re talking about most of the time anyway there is no need to be more cryptic.

Well that may be true and while I think my metaphors and cryptic speak is a thin veil at times and can easily be deciphered. Perhaps not … still caution is the watch word about some topics.

I’ll figure it out soon. I suppose what baffles me more is that why people look at something that works and then decide that I have a better way to do this and then rather than discuss this with those who know just plunge forward. This makes about as much sense as setting fire to the house to get rid of the dirt.

Poison in the air is the best way I can say it. There is no way to avoid it, you’ll die eventually. Then those who can effect change only see the symptoms of the disease and entrust the ill equipped to cure the problem. As in you don’t put a band-aid on an arterial wound. It just doesn’t work. Oh perhaps see why is it that everyone is bleeding to degrees but they are all arterial wounds. However the only thing anyone is looking at is large pools of blood and not what is causing them. Even if you stop the bleeding here and there it’s just a matter of time before the cause or the disease strikes again and kills the 20th and beyond in an extremely short time span.

I digress I’m infected by this poison and I can not stand it, yet the doctors aren’t any better equipped to deal with the problem or interested. Perhaps I need to change doctors … yeah I think it’s time to change doctors.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009're on my hair...

Exploring the world of Youtube, I’ve found some pretty amazing things, funny things, odd things, and just bad things.

However, expression is what it is just like this is my expression. I have the right to say what I think and those of the generation behind me have the right to post their videos of their self expression. What really made me ponder was the seething hatred that people seem to have toward some people who post on line.

It really makes me sad that we can’t allow people the right to express themselves, even if they don’t do it well. Just like me.

While everyone is not as funny as everyone else or as original, still they don't deserve hate, death threats and other negativity strewn endlessly at them. I mean what is the point? If you just ignore it, it still does no harm and even if one person enjoys it or it serves some form of release for the person who is creating the Vlog or blog in my case.

Now I know that many people support their negative comments by the argument that they open the door by placing the vlog or blog in the public domain to any feed back positive or negative. While I do agree with the reasoning,, I disagree with right to be uncivilized in posting negative feedback. Telling someone that they don’t have the right to express themselves or that they should die because they have or some other comment that is only made to be hurtful is wrong. You may even say that I have lost my mind or that I’m just a bleeding heart and those with no talent should not do things which invite comments which may hurt their feeling. If you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen logic.

I disagree and as I’ve always said that while you may be right in your critique of the person, the peter rabbit principle is a better way to go. That is if you don’t have anything nice to say then it is better to just not to say anything. Or to make your own vlog or blog and explain why you don’t like the other opinion, approach, or what ever, but still making personal attacks just makes you seem petty.

By all means a good rant is therapeutic but rant responsibly. Notice how I didn’t say that those leaving the negative comments were for example;

[ just a bunch of mam-bee pam-bee troglodytes living in their parent’s basement and work at the gas n sip or video barn (if they have a job at all) and think that because they own every issue dark horse has ever published that they are somehow superior to the rest of humanity. Hello you live in a basement and you quit using the black light early in your adolescent years because it… well you know, and the closest thing you have to a relationship is … is… ok I got nothing there because I don’t think there is a word in the English language to describe someone so pathetic. ]

See that is just mean and if I were to say something like that would make me look like a bully. So if you dislike something you see/ read is it really worth your time to be ugly about it? Perhaps the better thing to do is just let it alone.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Random deliciousness

No post yesterday… sorry about that I may be taking Sunday’s off from the blog and doubt I will be reviving the Sunday Morning Press Conference. As the words produced themselves on the page I had an idea about Sunday entries … we’ll see if I feel like getting up that early.

There are things I’m revamping about the invisible fortress. That would be where I live in case you didn’t know. It does appear much like a vacant lot … I kid, everything has a nickname even the houses. Not that the house has a name or at least not any that it has told me. Off topic … sorry, well not that there is much of an on topic thing going on here but that is part of the charm. Oh he’s just this invisible scattered brained dude I read on line. Well not really invisible, metaphor and all but I am working up an entry on the birth of invisible don which will perhaps be done this week.

Ok the commercial with Zach Braff where he is the thoughts for the puppy is major creepy (said MAY- Jor Cree PAY) which is sort of creepy (same) in it’s way but that’s something else. But seriously that commercial freaks me out. I’m thinking seriously didn’t the ad execs look at this thing before it went out for distribution? Oh and if anyone in my family who works in the business had anything to do with that piece of celluloid … ah sorry nice that you are working but really ????

Maybe it’s just Zach thinking he can do no wrong in the world of film, even voice over stuff. At least he’s more likable than Quinton what a pud and I’ll leave it at that. I’m so torn about that I really like his movies but never want to see him or hear him or him opining away about anything.

The weekend was nice, I didn’t do much of anything but beat myself up mentally and then hung out with friends for a 4th of July backyard gathering. Brand A and her man were the hosts. That is their gig and they have been hosting the 4th of July thing for the last … well since I’ve known them 8 years I think now. Wow.

I usually just host, exotic booze night, yup…yup. Well there was one of those and it is still remembered fondly. But I’ve hosted a few other gatherings. Once had my computer keys and photo album drown in salsa. Good times. Oh there is a party idea … I’m not telling… Martha didn’t get rich by blabbing but it did land her in prison with Squeaky…. Whoa not holding a thought well today.

So the back yard bash was fun what the color infused escaping energy from the small explosions . The traditional orbs are great but I like to watch the ones which are packed to explode to make other shapes. The history channel did a special on fire works one year which was totally awesome. Explaining the history of them, the making of them, the different materials used to make the different colors. Not to mention great footage of fire work shows. Even now that bigger production companies use computers to time the explosions to musical performances which are played out to the crowd.

I remember one year in the AF that several of them got set off incorrectly and end up going off on the ground , in the parking lot and the burning ash was falling rather close to our heads… as in about 30% of it was actually making it to the ground . That was fun.

Well things to do, hope everyone had a great weekend , perhaps the happy hour crew can be revived before the summer is out.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

NYC is the place where they say....

So I had the smoking dream again last night. It wakes me up every time. I should call it the smoking nightmare. Well what do I expect I started smoking at 12 and didn’t stop until a day short of 47 weeks ago. This is part of my memory system and thus part of my unconscious self. However, before I get much deeper than that, I had the dream. Not only that it actually feels like I’ve done it in my lungs. I know I haven’t because I wake up and there isn’t a cigarette in my hand.

When that happens I’m calling Chunk and saying dude you’ll never believe what just happened. I was sleep smoking. You know how you used to sleep eat when you were trying to loose weight. Well yeah I smoke in my sleep. I know damnedest thing. Peace and stuff.

That is how that would go if it happened. I won’t, so there. Not that everyone has the same confidence. Beta unit was all hey have you started smoking again. No. Really, wow that’s amazing everyone fails at that. WTF? Yeah I’m going to start saying it that way too. Double U - Tee- EFF and tilting my head slightly as I do it in an all cali-surfer-valley accent. Which will probably come across as a bit bitchy but hey I think that if someone is harshing your parade of success, you have the right to say double u - tee -eff. (still in the accent) right?.! Yeah that’s what I thought.

So back to the yeah everyone fails. Thanks for the vote of confidence. However, every ex-smoker is just one puff away from being a full blown rag dragger, just like alcoholics are just a sip away from laying in the gutter, junkies as just a pull, push, snort, stab or drop from falling right back on to the urine stained sofa in the abandoned house in the bad part of town. Yup it’s true. You know it’s true. It’s the god’s honest truth and stuff. Why it is true. Well I’ll tell you why it’s true. No not because my momma said so. But because everything fails on a long enough time span.

We may not live long enough to take the next, drink, puff, snort, fixx, shot, dose, push, pull or plug of what ever your drug of choice happens to be but if we were to live that long we would fail. Why because statistic say we will. And you didn’t think math would be helpful too you. So there your success in what ever you do only has a limited shelf life all thanks to some anal, uptight, number loving math geek. Who is most likely a very lovable and kind hearted person, just with poor social skills. So hug a geek, nerd or dweeb today. DO IT. Thank you.

But the point is we will all fail eventually in a sense of the word. And whose to say that oh after a few hundred years if I want to have another cigarette I can’t have one. Is that so bad. I smoke but only one every 212 years. See. However it does stand to reason that you couldn’t call yourself a non smoker even with that little frequency of the occurrence. FAIL.

Oh Chunk is a real person and he did sleep eat. Tie him up if you see him or padlock your fridge. And if Jay comes by he’ll pee in your fridge if you let him drink … so don’t … no honest don‘t let him drink. It’s true. Why do I mention these things because our drugs make us do wacked out things. So be careful and pick something you can handle or accept your behavior afterwards.

Dreams of nicotine are not such a bad wacked out thing I can handle that . So as Lou shows us the proper way to spike a vein and the chorus sings. (DoDotado DoDotado DoDotado DoDotado DoDotado DoDotado Dotado ) Say Hi to Holly, Candy, little joe, jackie and the sugerplum fairy on your walk on the wild side. *

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


* reference to "a walk on the wild side” by Lou Reed - I don’t know if he actually wrote the song or not

pps : I so need an editor or really need to proof read.

Friday, July 3, 2009

crossed off the list so many times

I wonder often as I peer around into the seemingly perfect lives of the those around me.
What road did I not take when in the wood and the path diverged
I turned away from lives which if I stayed on them would have lead to very different places.
So much so that lives would be altered and some ended even my own.

What if I had the strength to follow her down that path.
Rather than hearing the clanging on the tile
and darkness would have crept in until it was all there was

Had I stayed on the road so few follow now
I like the color but the life?
Could I stand in front and offer my understanding
Would I have been able to over come my doubt

What would that year on the ice been like and would it hold my heart as firmly as it does another?

If I had run to the coast or Cali again.

What if he had pulled the trigger

What if there aim had been better.

What if it didn’t open .

What if we had stayed in Holland.

What if I had lied when she asked about the death.

What would have happened if I didn’t sleep on my hand.

Why did I live in that first crash

What if the motorcycle had killed me

The fall, the leap, the car, all the times that death should have laid his hands on me and didn’t . What was the purpose. I can think of a thousand times I should have died or when death was upon me and didn’t strike.

I look around and I know that mostly I’ve made the right choices and tried to do that right thing even if my reason or morality as it would be defined by others has been suspect or ambiguous.

What I treasure most in my life, is the sum of all the choices leading to a point.

Now I look at the road ahead and see the road is diverging again.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Random stuff 7.3.09

Well it's Friday, the cats are on crack, heroin bob has the goods, Mary Jane is rollin' to her tunes, Anton's PV's are real, the pixie and the pan are locked in a drawer by the man, word salad is the phrase of the day my friends, you better hold fast for something wicked comes as all heads turn to watch the hunt. (ps I'm not crazy)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

All the while the pixie plots

Mean while in another part of town a pixie plots to throw off the shackles of the man and in another part the soulless run the flop and hide their true faces behind the personas of glam fashion.

Truly plastic people wipe away the burden of responsibility like grease off a non-stick pan. Shameless and faceless we belittle and debase one another for a little more time at the head of the line. All lead by the white hair pageboy prophet of idiocy.

Technicolor hi-def shouts the CG digital man on my slip of framed plasma on the wall without it you too will be in the dark ages of the ill informed because my sound byte logic takes a thousand stabs at your debate of reason.

The attention span of the masses is now reduced to the shortest of milliseconds and in a nanobyte of time you are yesterdays news and tomorrows compost

Sitting amidst the fray and open my mouth and silently scream amid the din of the lost and stand ignored along the shores of a sea of breathing waste.

Floating now near the inky depths chill gasps again and the familiar hold is at least a comfort.

Echoes in the 9th plain snap crisply in the frost heavy air that tears at my lungs

Soon a whisper fills my ears and fades away

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Invisible don lives.... well maybe

Oh, I see the acts of seeming intelligent people and then I wonder how is it that you can believe this lunacy?
Then I look around and I see all the things we do and I understand it a little bit. Ok I still don’t understand it at all. Then the whole I have a point which I believe so don’t confuse me with facts or better still let me find someone else to dispute your facts. Those facts may or may not be provable but lets not split hairs I have facts now. Mark Twain said something about lies. There are three types of lies. Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics. You can have statistics say what you want them to say depending on how you present the information. What is the agenda behind the presentation. The thing that most people don’t do is except that sometimes being proven wrong is ok. Because it at least allows you to know what not to do the next time.

However, we’ve come so far to look at any failure or any loss, or any moment when we aren’t correct as unacceptable. No one is perfect, no one on the planet will ever approach anything which even closely resembles perfection. However to ignore what is extremely obvious is irresponsible and incomprehensible to support merely for the promotion of an ideological differences, regardless if those differences are political, spiritual, moral, etc.

I find it very troubling though that so many are just blindly lead by others. So put on your bell and bury your head in the field and bleat or moo with the rest of the heard. Then don’t be surprised when it’s your turn to take the trip to the slaughter house and the world crumples around you and those how have been leading you down the path leave you to die in their wake.

Think for your self, look around and see, cast doubt about what everyone says, especially if they are selling something, work for someone who sells something, or works for someone who works for someone who sells something.

In other news…. Arrrrrgh, it will never stop it is out of control. BBC and TIA

Still in other news invisible don lives I hope read regularly at with cool photos and maybe even more fabulous prizes.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


under the radar

I notice that most work places don't allow the dictionary in the building... workers might actually be able find words like; morale, sympathy, happiness, serenity, totalitarianism, dictatorship, disenfranchisement, antidisestablishmentarianism... Ok that last one was just for fun but you get the point... stay under the radar if you can it's a short week for most of us and it's almost done

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.
