Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Happy Whatever Day

The holiday season is upon us and I’m having a hard time getting into the holiday season. I think part of it is that around this time of year there really are not any traditions that go along with the holiday. Well I did have one tradition and I am going to carry on with it which is the writing of letters to Santa from me to my kids. However they are both now at an age where they no longer believe and it has removed part of what I loved in doing that for them.

That magic may exist, an innocence that no matter what anything in the world is possible that reindeer can fly and that a portly elf has a magic bag that can hold enough prizes for everyone in the world, and there is a legendary fortress existed where few dare to live where toys of every shape and size were made.

Awesome little thought, sadly we all let that thought go. The really sad part isn’t that kids put away the notion of the elf and the reindeer. Many also loose the part that anything in the world is possible. Now it may not be magic that makes it possible but why can’t that be true.

I suppose it is for some people the real true believers, not in myth and legend but the believers in themselves. I can do it. They usually have a few people around them that say you can do it too. Or they are fueled by the haters who are saying no you can’t, and do it to say YES I CAN.

I think the thing that is keeping me out of the holiday spirit is the money thing, if nothing else 2011 as a year has shown the MONEY is the true religion in this world especially in the US. Sorry to get up on a soap box here but really it has taken over every part of our lives.

Most of the bills I pay are payments to banks I’m sure most of your bills are to banks as well. And if you consider that mortgage lenders are banks that specifically deal with one type of banking the loaning of money for property then apart from utilities and groceries all my money goes to banks.

The whole thing just consumes my joy and I think part it is that this is the high holy holiday for the god of money

The holiday is further driven apart by intolerance, one group so focused that the day isn’t recognized for the prescribed meaning. Which it isn’t really what the true purpose of this holiday was made up to do. And in that line of thought perhaps how we celebrate it by bowing down to corporate greed we are doing exactly what was intended. Which is to submit to the will of those above us. In case you lost me in my lack of being clear. The Church, and that would be Christianity decided that that pagans, any non Christian were still holding on to too many celebrations involving the winter solstice.

So it is decided that the Christian calendar would celebrate the birth of Jesus at the same time taking away the need for the pagan holiday. Because the census mentioned in the birth of Jesus story happened in the summer so in all likelihood Jesus was born in late August or early September not December. Problem there is the autumnal equinox is not a big deal and people were too busy with the harvest to celebrate too much and it what they did was mainly drink a lot once the harvest was pulled from the fields and stored for the winter. Then there is the preparing of the foods so they will last the months to come so every one is still too busy until winter when if you don’t have it done by now well it is too late phuck it lets celebrate a good year and hope for a better one to come.

Work and a better year to come by doing better work and perhaps smarter work is the true meaning of the holiday not the birth of anyone.

On the other side of it the intolerance of those who aren’t in the one group being offended by the other groups holiday and the sayings. When in Rome do as the Romans do. The US is a predominately Christian nation. The Christians celebrate Christmas, hell there name is in the holiday, made up or not it is there way of celebrating. Let them and if someone says Merry Christmas and you don’t subscribe to that being a real holiday so what. Let them say it and then say Happy Chanukah back to them, or Happy Kwanza or happy holidays, Happy Festivus or have a Cool Yule or just say thanks.

Now Christian doesn’t get attitude when those who are different than you fire back their holiday sayings …it’s about Tolerance. Not everyone thinks the same and it is a good thing we are not Borg, I’m not really a Trekie but it fits with a single thinking race, one thought for all. The thing is when some one says happy holidays or some other saying which is not merry Christmas lots of people get all bent and are like WTF OMG what a load of crap they we can’t have it our way. Dontcha know this is about the birth of Geebus goddabbit. Firetruck and stuff.

Take a deep breath because one, it isn’t and second it’s ok if people are different. And if your political governing body has a holiday festival and to be all inclusive of all people regardless of their faith and doesn’t call it a Christmas Festival its because they are political and not religious. Let your church have its own Christmas thing and then you know what because it’s a church the political people and everyone else can’t say you can’t call it that. Because you can, and you can say merry Christmas until your lips fall off.

Point is that we have to be more tolerant of each other and the counter argument to this is that if your political body has a festival this time of year and calls it a Christmas Festival and you aren’t Christian, like me, you can one not go, two except that this is Rome and the Romans will do as they please, or three have your own holiday function even if that holiday function is to do nothing. Now you may want to vomit every time you walk out the door or turn on any mass media thing but hey it’s the holidays if nothing else you get a day or two off from work. But don’t be the same hater that you hate and for the same reason of intolerance.

In other super happy fun time news my stupid dog howls all wolf like when the fire engines play their sirens like the fire trucks are part of a pack that she needs to communicate with. Being that I live very near a fire station it happens a lot. I don’t mind that she does this because I know that wolves are not going to show up on my door step, I worry that my neighbors might because she bays really loudly. They haven’t yet but if they do, I might just say well she’s a wolf what do expect, she isn’t nearly big enough to be a wolf and looks a little special and by special I mean a bit slow in the thought processing area, but she is pretty.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

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Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

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