Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WTF Wednesday #14

WTF Wednesday # 14

Now before you read this I know there are certainly more critical things I could be writing about than the following topic

Second that you may not care about the topic at all not even a tiddly bit

My WTF of the week is gamer cheats and douches. Now if you are reading and you are like ok inviso boy what the heck do you have to say about this issue.

First is that cheats and douches are two different things. You can be both but not all douches cheat but all cheats are douches.

Second, if you are a cheat, seriously WTF? Is it that important to you to be the top of the leader board for a video game? There is no award for this 99.999999 percent of the time. Yes sometimes there are prizes for being the best ever. But you can be damn sure they are going to snoop all up in your device and if you have a hack, a bootleg, an aim bot, download or enhancer of any kind you’ll be disqualified and then they get to keep the loot.

So there are tons of things out there make the game easier for you to get lots of points, kills, live longer, what ever the hindrance is to your success there is something out there to help you through this. Well you cheating douche the point is that you figure it out and succeed on your skill not someone else’s enhancers.

The games I like to play are first person shooters, if you don’t know what that means it is basically you see what you would see in the game world if you were in the game. You don’t see your avatar except for the tool you are using, most of the time it is a firearm of some kind or other.

Aimbots and locators are cheats used a lot in these types of games by cheating douches. Aimbots mean they just have to pull the trigger and their weapon automatically locates target. Well unless you are a terminator you can’t do this and it is a douche move.

Locators allow you to see through everything in the world to see where your enemy is. You are not superman and you can’t see through buildings or anything else.

Glitch Switchers – making the game lag or skip to your advantage causing other players to freeze while you move around them or they move by you while you are not really in the game for a second because you have frozen yourself out of it. This sort of douche baggery is seriously annoying.

All of these things and the others out there are so annoying but even more annoying is that these cheating douches are the biggest shit talkers in the games.

I p-owned you dude and then the T-Bagging starts

WOW are you a two year old? You killed me because you cheated and then you are going to talk about your mad skilz and then attempt to make me feel bad but making a computer person perform a sexual act on a dead avatar body.

Yup you are a genius.

Then there are the non cheating douches

These are players who do things to rack up points and kills because they can.

Now these morons will group together and they talk more shit than the cheaters. The favorite thing these people and I use the term people as loosely as you can because I’m not certain that they are people.

The thing about shooters, is that you have to spawn into the game at some location and then you run about and do some objective or just kill other players.

These douches, will go to the point were the opposition spawns in and kill you before you can move or move very far. It’s no fun to play in those games. Of course these dipshits will be well the game doesn’t stop you from doing it so I’m going to do it.

True, the game doesn’t stop you from doing it, but do you ever wonder why most of the matches you are in end with people quitting or you end up in games where even bigger douches do the same thing to you. Of course you don’t wonder that, because the would mean you were capable of rational thought and you aren’t, my bad for assuming you were thinking people

I mean I certainly understand a group does better than a single player and I do understand tactics and strategy.

You want to protect an asset in map with a group then I respect that it means I have to use tactic and strategy to get around you. And if I die ten times that way that’s ok I can concede that you did better than me.

However when your plan is to use the fact that I will appear at a specific point and you kill me before I can move, that is a douche move and you know it. And it makes you a douche and even worse than the cheaters

Glitchers and Campers are a another form of douches these individuals will hide in an area of the map that opposing players can not get to or exploit a flaw in the program which makes you immortal. If you are going to kill other players do it where you are a target as well. Even if you are using a drone, the drone is vulnerable or should be.

There are a ton of other things these idiots and asshats do in the games that just take the fun out of them for most of the other players The game developers do try to level it out. First generation shoots the spawns were in game which didn’t move and campers would just wait for you. So then the developers created randomizing spawns so if there were a lot of douches around a spawn then the randomizer would spawn you else were but they were always the same locations. Which just divided up the douches into multiple groups to kill everyone who spawned. Then the red lines were created if you crossed the red line you die This is where the technology is currently some games have invulnerability for a few seconds at spawn but it doesn’t give you enough time to get away but it can allow you to kill one person but if five are shooting at you the result is the same you die and the douches live.

The developers do understand that the douches are not the ones making them money, and try to keep the games fun for the mass of players. But what ever change they develop ends up being abused by the douches. The cheaters get bans but will open up a new account and are back in the system within minutes and while they loose their stats they are back in the games doing the same douche things again and downloading the same cheats until they get reported under the new name.

Thing is these are games not ways of life for the players. Even the game developers die in game, now they will give themselves better toys in game but they made the game, they spent the time writing the code they have earned a slight edge. But do you notice they don’t’ make themselves immortal and then just run around killing everyone and they don’t spawn camp or use aimbots or do anything that makes it completely impossible to be beaten.

So WTF, cheats and douches get a life and don’t live on these games. Seriously there are lots of other things to do. They are fun but they are only games.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

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Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

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