Sunday, January 22, 2012

I think I should have made a left at...

Sometimes I wish I had taken a different path in life, tried something new when I didn’t said yes when I said no, said no when I said yes.

How much would it have really mattered in the grand scheme of things?

Can simply turning right instead of left make all the difference as Frost suggest in the path less taken.

Although the poem is metaphorical for choices we make and not following the crowd or what is popular and going with your heart or you mind.

However the crowd is so large now is there really a path less taken? I think certainly there is a less taken road. ‘He who dares, wins’, to borrow from the SAS, you won’t know if you’ll fail or win unless you try. You certainly don’t succeed at that thing if you don’t try and you end up somewhere else and perhaps that is also a win just a different sort of winning. No I’m not giving homage to Sheen there.

In your life what choices have you made that have put your life where it is now, when you said no, when you could have said yes. I don’t care when you said yes because that puts you where you are by choice saying no puts you where you are but you may have been in a different place.

For me certainly there have been choices that I ponder, I don’t regret them but wonder what might have been. However I know if I made those choices the two people I love the most would not exist. Doodle and Stunt boy are here because I said no, when I could have very easily said yes. My life would have been different and theirs would not be at all.

A simple choice I made while sitting in a chair hung over and not giving it much thought at all has made all the difference. Or because I didn’t allow that path to continue I ended up where I was supposed to be by a different route?

The latter would be fate or destiny but I pretty sure if I had said yes that things would have ended up much differently. The choice was to reenlist or not. I choose not. If I had chosen yes, I would have remained in Europe for as long as they would have allowed me. I probably would have been deployed into the first Gulf War as many of the people I was serving with did. Then what? See the timing there is critical. Would I have been still in the sand box or back in the US in time to meet the person who is their mother? It is possible? There would have been a brief window where that could have happened. She was where I could have met her. The me who did meet her was wearing a foot high Mohawk, the alternate me would have been very short hair and military, a very different me on the surface anyway.

Who knows? Maybe there is such a thing as fate and things work out the way they are supposed to work out, maybe it’s just dumb luck and we try to make since of it all with concepts like destiny and fate and others.

In other news.

I really don’t see how my cats can poop as much as they poop. The pee thing has me equally baffled. They don’t really drink and eat that much where they heck is it all coming from? Seriously If I took the weight of the food I give them and then weighed their poop. The poop would weigh more. Getting at the amount of liquid in and out is far too complicated because you have to pull it from the litter and then figure for loss in the clay that you can’t get back and it’s just too much work. I would like it if one day a week they just would not poop and only pee half as much. That would even things out of bit. Anyone know how to constipate a cat?

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

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Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

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