Saturday, December 31, 2011

If I were king of the forest...what? I can't say that...

The last day of 2011

They say time flies and you don’t really get until you are older and the days merge to weeks and weeks to months before you know it.

Still just as much time has gone by 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 525,600minutes I know the last bit because of the musical Rent, but the point is whether you are 6, 16 or 60 you had the same amount of time.

Usually when you are in those in between 16 and 60 days there is a ton of stuff to do and the more stuff there is to do the fast time seems to go by because we have something to occupy your time.

Like for instance some days when I’m at work time seems to go by so slowly not because I have nothing to do, I just don’t always enjoy what I’m doing.

When I’m at home playing kill’em all dead video games the current one is Battlefield 3 and it is Bad Ass and I’ll admit I do more of the dying than the killing in most games time seems to slip by rather rapidly. Which is odd because the few times I’ve really been shot at seems to be forever, different story.

I’ve made a few new friends this year, and I won’t say lost a few friends but a few people I don’t have contact with any longer. I need to start a second jones calendar because that one is getting up there. You know a general jones not a specific jones.

The one jones is 3594 days and is not likely to get reset to zero … well ever… not likely doesn’t mean won’t ever but the temperature in hell is likely to be zero before the chance of that improves at all.

All in all I would say that 2011 was a pretty good year. Doodle got a new car, Stunt boy started high school, We all went to Cali to celebrate some family stuff, and lots of every day joys occurred every single day.

They say if you set your expectations low enough you’ll never be disappointed.
But what is wrong with some low expectations
If my significant other gives me a hug or kiss it’s going to be a good day
If you don’t have a significant other and have kids, if my kids tell me they love me it’s a good day
If you have friends and they talk to you or see how you are doing it’s going to be a good day or it was a good day if you do the daily summery of your day in your head.

I read things and it seems to be that we all set ourselves up to be disappointed or to fail because our expectations are too high or are unreasonable. That isn’t to say you should settle for good enough and striving for better is a good thing. So long as it isn’t an obsession.

We all have these ideas of perfection and how we want our lives to be but really how often are things ever really perfect or exactly how we want them to be. Sometimes by looking at the big picture we forget that to get there are a million little things that have to happen first and the million little things are important.

I could be more specific about a few of them or give an example or three but we all know what we don’t like about our lives and we know what to do to change our lives. Sometimes we really choose not to change our lives or we see what it takes to change what is happening and say it’s not worth it or that is not possible now.

The not possible now is sometimes the part of the equation that people outside looking in at the life they are giving a critical review fail to see. It’s easy to say that if someone has a failed they did something to cause that failure.

If you want to buy a new thing and the new thing costs so much money and you can only save so much money at a time it take x number of pay periods to figure out how long you have to wait to get said thing And you thought math wasn’t important in school. However today, getting said thing, not possible also not impossible just not happening today probably not tomorrow either. Perhaps someday but it is a building process.

You don’t have the perfect relationship started after one date.
You aren’t going to drop ten pounds after the first week of diet and exercise
You aren’t going to be the BAMF in the forest the first day you play a video game.

I don’t make resolutions at this time of year because, change what you don’t like everyday or at least start that change everyday. I lost drawing over the years, something I do for me and I enjoy it, I’m not the best artist in the world and I’m sure if I offered it up for pubic review it would be completely torn apart as lacking this, or it lacks depth, or the theme is too simplistic. I know all of those things and I say them in my head after I draw anything and I quit drawing. I started up again a while ago not sure when but I draw something nearly everyday.

I quit writing a while ago and if you scroll through the blog you’ll see the big gaps when I have lost track of doing this thing I like to do too. But I started doing this again as well. You know what you like to do and you know what brings you joy. Do those things.

You know what you don’t like about you or your job or your life. Change them don’t wait for the big calendar flip day to do it just start little by little. The next thing you know it will be 3 years 4 months and 20 days since you quit smoking or what ever it is that you changed. I haven’t been keeping track of that since I quit and had to figure it out just now.

Be you, and damn the H8rs

Happy Calendar Flip day to all of you all out there in the world who use the Julian calendar for those of you who don’t and there are those who don’t, hey how you doing today hope you have a good day too.

And if you have a Mayan Calendar fear you now have 353 days before the world ends, have a nice day.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I swear to Bob

Burp, excuse me I was trying to think and then the burp happened and I thought I would share it with you. What… don’t roll your eyes at me, I said excuse me. That’s right take your mean muggin’ else where.

So the other day my BS meter was full. I had exceeded my annual quota for the year and lucky for me it has occurred very close to the end of the year. I know to set it just a bit higher for next year with an annual increase.

The formula I use is take the number of lies I know people told me, times that by .25 because I’m sure I bought a few that were plausible and gave people the benefit of the doubt. Then take 20 percent of that number and add to it the increase percent of inflation, population growth and the number of years without a raise. This gives me a pretty fair guess about how much I’ll be lied to in the year. Then I set my expectations accordingly.

This is helpful because it keeps me from saying to people with whom I’m speaking really you are going to sell me that story. I don’t even know you and could come up with a story that is more plausible than that crap.

Which, if I did go ballistic on someone I could loose my job and that would be a bad thing.

But the other day the person was telling me a whooper and I said well you know I just don’t believe what you are telling me. They looked at me like well why not and then started the story over. I said at the end of the second verse same as the first, that is what you just told me, I still don’t believe that is true. The person wasn’t sure what to do then but start the same story again for the third time. With no new details or even a change of words. Even when telling the truth you’ll change it up a little but the main facts are consistent.

Now I’m not a human lie detector and I don’t think polygraphs are anything more than a way to measure someone’s discomfort with saying certain things. Certainly some people are uncomfortable telling a lie, but some people are not even a little uncomfortable with a lie.

Hook most women up to the machine and have them say the word Moist and you’ll get a detection for a lie, ask a little kid if they believe in Santa and you’ll see a truthful statement.

And there is one of the things about polygraphs that make them useless as truth or lie detectors. If you believe what you are saying is the truth and you aren’t nervous about being locked in a room with a detective or agent then you’ll pass.

But if you are an introvert, have some social anxiety issues, you might have the person thinking you are lying about your own name even with 20 people saying yes that is that person. Well the machine says it’s not. Sorry the computer says, “No”.

The thing is without any physical evidence you simply do not know what a person is telling is true. Not even if they tell you it is true, even when the information is damaging to the persons reputation, because you don’t know maybe the person wants to be disreputable.

You can certainly guess that things are true or not and little pieces of evidence help to support your guess one way or the other.

In other news,

My eyes hurt and I need coffee.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I am not a morning person

Days when staying asleep aren’t really very high on my list of things which are favorites.
Mainly I think because I don’t have anything to do… or I’m not in the habit of doing something productive on those days when I wake up at half past stupid o’clock.

Stupid O’clock is a real time it’s 5:00 a.m. so if you get up then you wake up at stupid o’clock. I can’t decide if it should be capitalized or not. I’m going with not unless it is at the beginning of the sentence.

I have a friend who wakes up regularly at stupid o’clock, she is in bed daily usually by 7:00 p.m. I know before most third graders. Part of her need to wake up then is due to a commute and partly due to water issues and room mates / showering schedule. Thankfully she isn’t first on that list because that would mean she was getting up at OMGFMLIE O’clock Which is Oh my god fuck my life it’s early O’clock. It was something else but I can’t remember what it was now.

I usually wake up at normal times between 6:30 and 7:00 and some times I wake up at OMGFMLIGBL O’clock which is Oh my god fuck my like I’m gonna be late o’clock.

Those days are a lot less fun than these when I can’t sleep, because on those days I feel like I’m running around with my head cut off most of the day.

Days like today I’ll fell tired a few times and different times and get revived, usually in a cup of coffee somewhere.

It would be cool if you could get those video game revives. Like in MAG there is the fabreeze of life. It’s a health spray that brings you up to full health and is this blue mist that you spray at the person. In Battlefield 3 you have defib paddles and first aid packs.

The first aid packs are possessed by some sort of demon or have a pixie in them because you just toss them at the peoples feet and they are instantly getting better. The defib paddles are used when you have been shot and bring you back. Yeah the holes in you from the bullets that killed you are instantly healed by the defib paddles.

When ever you do this the avatar you revive says something like “thanks doc” or “I needed that”, usually it’s helpful but there is one when you are playing the Russians “it says “take that you muther fucker”, I think the downed avatar is calling the player who killed him or her a muther but maybe it’s you for reviving them. I’m not sure.

I will some times play the video games when I wake up at stupid o’clock because nothing gets you up and pumping like running around killing things in videogame form.

I don’t think I have insomnia but rather I have a paranoia when ever I’m on call that I won’t hear the beeper sound if sleep too deeply. My ex said when she woke up in labor with doodle I said “its ok lay down” and patted the mattress next to me. I don’t remember this but this was said when she liked me so there is probably some truth to it. So yeah I will sleep pretty deeply. I thank the Air Force for this ability because I worked swings and mids most of the time while I was in the service and slept at odd times.

Odd times for the jet pilots that is, so we would be trying to sleep while they are running 70 jets up for the daily flights. YAY, not yay the first few weeks you are sure you are in hell, but then you develop this ability to tune it all out and sleep, like a stone. Sure it’s helpful but it can be hazardous like when someone sets your barracks room on fire. Not mine but a guy down the hall. He had no idea and thankfully several of us were awake. The idiot firebug was caught but not before he set a few other fires and the guy in the barracks fire was fine with no burns we caught that fire pretty quickly.

In other news

The holidays went well and I think everyone is pretty happy with everything. Beta and I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes and the US version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Both were very good if you were wondering about seeing them.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Not a creature was stirring, I am not a creature

This one will be rather short as I don’t know how much time I have before the house wakes up. I’m sure I have at least an hour or more.

The dynamic duo are both teens now, one in her last months as a teen and the other a frosh. Sleep is the most important thing to a teen once they start doing it. There lies the rub, getting them to sleep, but once their down it’s hard to get them back up.

So getting up Christmas mourn is not the priority that it once was, like the girl in the hallmark commercials doodle would have been announcing the days until with great joy for all around. 8 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes

Now it is 8 hours, 24 minutes 29 seconds in and not a creature is stirring well except me and the animal farm.

We’ve enjoyed breakfast already and are working on the morning routine.

But the beta unit’s phone just blasted some dance tune download so it is proof that somewhere in the rest of the world is moving around too.

There is a pile of gifts under the tree to be opened once the teens rouse from their slumber so I’m thinking 10ish perhaps but I could be proven wrong

Doodle came over last night to eat with stunt boy and I and their grandmother (beta unit). Everyone was really polite about my less than stellar stuffed shells. Even I’ll admit that they were not grand at all but they were edible. More than edible really just not spiced enough, so they were a little lacking in the tasty area. So no taste explosion more of a taste fizzle.

Then we watched our favorite Christmas movie, Love Actually. Well I’m not sure that is stuntboys favorite because he kept playing minecraft throughout but Doodle, Beta and myself were quoting favorite sections.

Doodle and I both did the OOOO…would we call her chubby line. Followed by the Yes Sir there is a pretty sizable ass there line.

Jinx you owe me a coke.

Anyway, it is a fabulous movie and the machine needs to stop trying to copy it with every other freaking holiday out there, because they have all been fails. I’m not even going to see the New Years Eve on because I know it’s going to suck more than a noob in a shooter game

Merry Happy Whatever Days, hope everyone is enjoying themselves and is having a wonderful time.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas eve day

It is Christmas Eve, early as in still day light and it will probably still be about 24 hours before the slashing into paper fury begins. The oohs and awes and OMG thanks that is just want I wanted are heard. Well that’s what you want to hear anyway, so hopefully it will be … or heads will roll. Just kidding putting heads of people on spikes is more a Valentines day tradition than it is a Christmas sport.

Doodle did that one year, but not on Christmas and not real people just several of her Barbie dolls were decapitated and their heads put on spikes in the front yard, you know so as to ward off barbarians.

Stuntboy hasn’t ever decapitated anything that I know of at least and is a very good child. Not that doodle is not a good child, but good would be the word most people think of when they think of stuntboy. That said he has had more run ins with the police asking him what he is up to than any other kid that I can think of. Doodle never had any, well that she told me about.

That will be for Christmases in the future, when stunt boy is 18 and the statue of limitations for punishments is over for everyone. Oh hey dad did you know that we did that or this thing when were 15. Some of it you do know about and then some of it you don’t.

I know this is coming because we played that game with the alpha and beta unit once we were all beyond the 18 year old barrier. I don’t think they knew everything we told them we had done.

I think they knew about the other one stabbing me in the leg, but I’m not certain. There was no hiding the machete wound to the other ones face he got they other time we were fighting with real machetes, yes that implies more than once. Although there wasn’t much that the other one and I ever got away with. The peacemaker however got away with all sorts of stuff and even if we told on him, I know how un brotherly he still got away with it. The units would say it does not compute the peacemaker wouldn’t do that and he would look at us and be like “fug u enz guys” which without the southern accent is fuck you guys, which he seemed to pick up and the other one and I did not. Go figure?

An example of the peacemaker getting over on the units was this, they believed he was allergic to grass, but he could mow anyone’s yard around ours for money and no effect if he tried to mow ours his eyes by a miracle would swell shut. How did this miracle occur? He would rub handfuls of grass in his eyes, yup. Then of course they would swell shut and tear up and the units would be you boy will have to do all of his yard work. WTF??? He would be like I don’t work for free but you fuckers can. He likes to use the work fuck too, not poetic license he says it more than a military unit and that is a lot. He dropped that information bomb on them years after the other one and I were saying he isn’t allergic to grass only the kind that you rub in his eyes.

However Stunt boy is just a pup still and it will be a few more Christmases before the enlightenment bombs start falling in the invisible fortress but I don’t think there are as many as my brothers and I dropped on our parents.

In other news

Doodle goes away to go away college soon and there will be much sadness in the land.

Stunt boy has suggested that December 23 be a new holiday Christmas Eve, Eve. I think most of the working world and school children would agree that such a thing should be a holiday. So, President Obama if you are reading my blog, what I really want for Christmas is for you to make my son’s idea a reality and declare December 23 as Christmas Eve, Eve and that it is a national holiday. (fingers crossed)

Hey the has been to my blog before, the office of the executive that’s the big B so you never know. Although it was during W’s time in office and there was a bikini issue that day so it might have been for other reasons.

Merry Happy Whatever Days to all of you and to all a good day or good night that you celebrate.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely, but probably not as it will be Christmas day and the beta unit will be here and that is time for visiting. So Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fun times at the invisible fortress

Sorry the writing hasn’t been happening here lately. The problem now is one of not over indulgence but the lack of it. I know how un American of me. I or We as this refers to Stunt boy and myself, only have one computer here at the invisible fortress.

I know the name implies that there would be state of the art high tech everything and lots of it. Surprising how little high tech you need when your fortress is invisible.

Recently Stuntboy has been more into playing his PC games rather than console games. Which have PC versions and are computer programs just played on a rather different computerized thing, which generally leaves the computer free for me to indulge myself with blogging and whatever else that strikes me.

Now I could be the kind of Dad that says, hey punk my computer get off the thing.

But as I’m not a paid writer and the blog at the moment is really just a think that is for fun and relaxation it seems a bit ass hat ish to kick him off

Being as it was someone else’s choice that I get to miss half his life and if it were completely up to that person it would be all of his life but that’s a different story. I have been really been able to put things in perspective as to importance.

I don’t think having two lives has had any permanent damage to my psyche. You know one week I’m single dad, then the next week I’m just single. Now when doodle was living here full time it was just single dad all the time and stunt boy was here half the time.

I prefer the single dad with kid weeks to the single dad weeks without kids. There are certainly things I don’t like about being a single dad but all of those generate back to the “egg donor” in the picture. However we aren’t going on that rant.

So Stunt boy has been using the computer and I haven’t been able to access it until very later in the day and then we were doing other things together.

Like the other day Doodle even came over and we watched Tucker and Dale v. Evil
Too funny, if you have ever seen a teen slasher movie, this movie is a parody of those and it is terrific. The guys who play Tucker and Dale are a great team and I was laughing start to finish. Doodle and Stunt boy also thought it was a great movie.

Doodle is moving away soon to go to a go away college so it was nice to have some hanging out together time. She even got to color a pixie while she was here.

Well time to get things more together for the holidays. I may have time to do some stuff over the next few days but if not Merry Happy Whatever Days to all of you all.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If you think of a good name let me know

So I was in a church the other day. No, I’m fine thanks for your concern. However when I was in the church I notice on the dais there were Saloon doors and I think now that is a dogma which might stir some interest.

However to my dismay I was informed that it wasn’t a new faith but part of some thing about the perils and sin of strong drink.

Exasperated sigh … really? Well that’s no fun I muttered to myself and walked away. But I thought hmmm… what would a church be like if there were a bar inside.

Now before you get all hells yeah and stuff this isn’t going to be the church of drunken iniquity but one of moderation and enjoyment of the finer spirits

So some commandments might be:

1. Thou shalt not partake in the spirit until thou hast reached 21 years
2. Thou shalt no take another’s spirit when they go to the restroom
3. Thou shalt not allow the creeper to put GHB or Rohipnol in the drinks
4. Thou shalt not waste the spirit which included vomiting it up on the day of partaking or before one has slept after partaking of the spirit
5. Thou shalt not partake whilst in the performance of deeds or operating a conveyance of any sort

Those are just a few of the ones that come to me on the top of my head

The day of partaking can be any day really so there isn’t really a high holy day in the church of the spirits I haven’t really thought of a really cool name for this church, religion, whatever.

Then you the sermons could be interesting

Today we read from the Gospel according to Jack Daniels

In the beginning there was nothing and it was sad. Then the lord said there should be something to spread joy through the universe and then there was whiskey. The lord partook of the whiskey and said it was good and shots were passed to all.

Then on the second day someone said I would prefer a blend that was bit smoother. The lord waved his hand and there was bourbon. The lord partook of the bourdon and said it too was good and shots were passed to all.

Then on the third day someone said I prefer a spirit which is clear. The lord pulled from the earth a potato and squeezed it and vodka flowed forth. The lord partook of the vodka and said it was good also and shots were passed to all.

Well you can see were all this goes. There are even high profits other then Jack Daniels, there is Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, Jose Cuervo, Sir Arthur Guinness, Lord Calvert, Captain Morgan and many many others.

The Legendary Cutty Sark which sailed far and wide to spread the word to the faithful.

I think attendance in the churches might be a bit higher if you got a shot on your way in and of course you have to wait an hour before you drive so if the faithful partake again they are there for two.

If you are feeling low the lord sayeth unto thee taketh a shot and all will be well but thou shalt not taketh more than three or there shall be woe and despair.

Now who can argue with that sort of thinking?

This may even be a long lost faith. Ben Franklin said Beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy.

Perhaps he was quoting some lost scripture verse from the letter of Bud to the Wisarians. We just don’t know

The tower of Babel story was because the people lost their way and were building the maddest rave palace in all the lands and partook too much of the spirits and blasphemed the spirits and each spirit was cast to a different land.

We just don’t know but really if there were a way to make the partaking of spirits a part of the faith maybe it would be seen with some respect and not abused. Who knows?

I’ll drink on it and let you know … see that even works well

Or Lets have a drink together and discuss this matter.

It just really works to bonding all of humanity

In other news

I’m just not sure how to put this but I’m not sure that I can get to where I want to be because where I want to be is not where I can be and getting there isn’t possible even though I know I would be good at things were I able to get there but I can’t

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Only you can prevent censorship, please read I'll be off my soapbox tomorrow

Well seems that our government is lying down and being whore again to corporate America.

Big Business is acting like it can just pimp slap a few senator and congressmen around give ‘em a good load of money and get whatever law they need to protect their out of date business models.

They say that online piracy is bleeding them dry and they must stop it now before the economy suffers more.

Granted you should be able to make money, but you don’t have the right to create legislation to stifle the person who builds the better business model.

Stealing is stealing and piracy of material that has a copyright is stealing. I get it I understand that argument.

So you go after that person.

They argue that there are too many people stealing that it will cost too much to deal with them all through normal legal channels.

So the real problem is that your business model saw the changing landscape of the digital age and did not do anything to adapt to that landscape.

You know it isn’t like the internet just sprang out of the woods one day and said here I am. It has been around since the 60’s yeah the internet is a hippy that’s why it likes to be free.

But Corporate America is the Flattop no fun guy who wants it all.

The legislation that our Congress and Senate are considering giving into will enable big business to shut down entire sites for misuse of copyright.

So you know those songs you love to share on facebook, well that just got facebook shut down and you are going to be sued for thousands of dollars for misuse of that copyrighted material.

The RIAA, MPAA have tried to sue every advancement in technology out of existence because they don’t adapt their business model

Today a person who has a friend with a talent for directing a well put together music video can get his friend’s band a viral video and then set up a website to distribute that music and or video without the use of the RIAA.

A person can make a movie and have it distributed with out signing with a major motion picture studio.

Then the person owns the copyright to that material and that is the real issue not that piracy is killing their profits but that these industries are no longer providing a service that is needed and in most cases does not provide the consumer with a product that they want to buy.

Itunes and the like do understand a better model. They only charge you for the songs you want. The RIAA has been in constant pissing contests with Itunes because of the pricing issue. Steve Jobs, wanted to see a library of songs available for download that was massive and largely affordable stating that even at .05 cent a song if you sell a million copies of the song it is a lot of money and it didn’t cost you anything in comparison to make it available to mass market like a CD does now.

Just for an example if that million copies sold represents a single person each that is less than one percent of the entire US population buying a song. Imagine if you were really massively appealing and sold like 20 million copies of the song that is still not even 10 percent of the country.

That is where the problem lies, these old business models don’t want to change and they don’t want to share profits either.

The thing is that people are making stuff on their own with out a corporate job and copyrighting it and own the technology themselves.

Used to be to be able invent some thing you had to be working with the corporations and because you were using their resources and their shared technology they owned the product you invented.

It doesn’t work like that anymore and the giant corporations are pissed off, so pissed off that they want to control the single largest communications system in the world, the internet.

The bills SOPA and PIPA will give them the ability to shut down whole search engines if they produce search results with links with possible infringements to copyrighted materials.

Google could be shut down by a CEO of a motion picture studio.

It won’t stop with that do you have a photo of yourself wearing a team jersey from a professional sports team? How about a hat or a t-shirt?

You could be sued for posting that photo because you don’t own that logo and you aren’t licensed to promote that product. So pay us a licensing fee or be sued. But first we are going to shut down your website and anyone who has linked to your website. They may even be sued with you.

This is not a slippery slope argument big business thinks they can control everything they want with the passage of legislation to further empower them to control information and control what you will be exposed to, thus controlling what you know exists and that will be only the things that they own the copyrights too and nothing else will be allowed to thrive.

It is called censorship and it has to be stopped.

Tell your congressman or senator that you do not support SOPA and PIPA that these pieces of legislation do not serve the best interest of a free enterprise system and are wrong. There are legal measures in place already to handle the problems they just don’t give the business the control they want over the business landscape.

Adapt or die used to be the approach to business, you make a better product, you make a better services standard you don’t sue your competition out of existence and then force the passage of legislation that will give you the control to decide what gets to advance and what does not get to advance.

You can do your part by going here

or here

The latter will send an email to the congressman or woman from your district.

If you like a censorship free internet you have to speak up.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Saturday, December 17, 2011

WOW, not J Woww but WOW and Stuff


I read this last night after I wrote the I love my job part deux, but didn’t read all of the posting.

It would appear that the site on which I first started posting my blog, diary, journal whatever you want to call it has come up with a way with a publisher to print the blog as a book.

OMG and stuff.

Wait it gets better.

Once you have it done you can make it available on paperback to buy on Amazon.

OMG twice as much as the first time with a hand flutter and possibly hopping and stuff.

Now I certainly understand that I would probably sell ten copies at the most if I did that option but ten copies is ten copies and I don’t think there would be any profit at all but I would have a book

I’ve been doing this for a while, like a long while there are over 1700 entries on the blog.

Granted one of them says I have to pee and that is all and another is I am so drunk

But in both cases they were certainly very accurate statements.

In the I have to pee entry, I had to pee so bad I think I peed for five minutes without pause.

Then in the I am so drunk on it took 15 minutes to type because I was seeing double and had to type with one hand and log into the diary and all that too.


Things that worry me are

One I so needed to proof read my entries because there are things in there that the way they were said are awfully bad grammar. So much so that someone may think that English was third language and not my mother tongue. I could go back and edit some but that is a lot of editing and it’s not as simple as it sounds. So that isn’t likely to happen not because I couldn’t do it, there simply isn’t the time

Two, there are things in there which are unflattering to me and to some others.

Three there are things in there which are pretty personal and while I put them out there to be seen by anyone do I want it in a book form? I know not much different but it feels different.

I’m pretty excited about this and I am considering doing it despite my concerns. It is certainly something that I can’t just plop the money down for but it isn’t terribly expensive either.

What to do, what to do?

Would you buy a copy for standard paperback prices or less because there are no other promotional and admin costs?

Would you do this if you were or are a blogger?

In other news

The plan after the plan has been launched but that has not yielded any results

There is a plan b which involves my foot and a nail fortunately I am current on my tetanus so lockjaw isn’t a problem but I’m not sure I really want to step on a nail intentionally. I have done this several times by accident and that is the oddest feeling having a nail slide out of your foot because you really don’t feel it go in so much as you are just suddenly in pain and not really able to move your foot from the spot in which it is nailed. Well bottom up but still nailed to a spot.

That sliding out feeling … shudder

Being stabbed is the same more pain same sliding feeling, yes I know because the other one stabbed me once upon a time but that is a different story.

There is a reason to have the thing published

One because I do have rather interesting stories now and then

Two, I have some prose I would want printed at least once

Three, this is a bucket list thing

Four, I don’t have a four yet.

Well I’m off to think on this some more and work too (insert frown) let me know your thoughts if you care in a comment. Thanks and stuff

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Friday, December 16, 2011

More reasons to love my job

Every job you have will have, has its ups and its downs

The quirky little things that make it uniquely interesting

One of the things is lying, or trying to tell a version of the truth with the least incriminating facts about the teller in the story, which we talked about yesterday.

Today’s topic is that sometimes there are bugs in my job and I am not an exterminator. From the great big buggies like OMG I didn’t think that many roaches could be in one place.

To the ugh I freaking itch all over my body the second after someone informs you that a person you have been in contact with has a body mite of some sort or other.

There are several kinds out there too.

I know isn’t that neat.

And by neat I mean FML WTF they don’t pay me enough to deal with the heebee geebees that you get when ever you think about it. I’m sure its just a random itch, it is winterish the air is drier, means your skin gets drier meaning you itch more.

Then the back of you mind says MITES


Hot shower and wash everything you’ve touched time.

Now I shouldn’t have been involved in this situation but a coworker says hey inviso boy help me out here

Ok because I’m helpful and stuff

Tell him what he’s won Chuck

Ok Alex, you have now been exposed to the contamination du jour. YAY! streamer and confetti time APPLAUSE

In all fairness the coworker didn’t know about the contamination and we are all not infected but still suffering from the PTSD symptoms of the event. I have scratched a raw spot on my wrist from the psychological freak outs but will be fine soon I’m sure. Well fine for me.

And compared to another person I was talking with today who shared that one day last week she was puked on, peed on and got a traffic ticket all in the same day.

Yay! I’m not sure who wins here me for not having the worst day since yesterday or her for having a trifecta of maladies.

Win or loose I really did feel bad that all that happened to her and even if they were only one a day and not all together it still would have been a close call to win or loose.

Being barfed on is no fun and that is just a fact.

Being peed on is certainly as bad and I’m not really sure which is worse. At least pee is sterile but still shudder and yuck and toss in a gross and I’m sure if its not your pee or your kids you may want to vomit. Ok being peed on is worse.

Then getting a ticket too even after you tell the ossifer that you’ve been peed on and barfed on…. but you know what, now that I think about it that probably is something they hear every weekend.

However I’m sure most of the people telling that story to the officer (spelled wrong earlier on purpose) were also the people who peed and barfed on themselves. So yeah I sort see why that wouldn’t win any points, it isn’t even remotely original.

In other news

I had to surrender my man card today. Well I didn’t have to but I did. I’m not going to talk about it right now because one I did it voluntarily and two because I had a plan which didn’t work as planned, like most plans but still I wasn’t a chicken shit and attempted the plan. So you know how about a little something for the effort.

Now in fairness to me keeping my dignity I did try to execute said plan but it failed. Also in fairness I’m certainly not in any kind of practice with this sort of thing and it was the first time I tried to execute a plan in almost 8 months so there is that too.

But I have set in motion a plan which may work in my getting my man card back from the authorities. Which they should have someone else’s man card hanging on the same push pin but I will deal with this or I won’t because even without a card I can not wallow, yeah none of that stuff before this is wallowing right? Right.

In other good news

I get to play a lot of my favorite game this weekend. No not the video games, the beat myself up emotionally then build me back up again so I can beat myself down again sort of weekend. Should be fun and I’m looking forward to it. Hooray. Not hooray

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I love my job

I love my job. One of the things I love the most about it is the stories I hear on a daily basis. By stories I mean, creative versions of the facts surrounding an incident or situation. In other words people lie to me but not your normal lies, you know like… no that looks fabulous on you or I love you or it’s not you, it’s me.

Nope the lies I get are either really creative or not at all creative.

On the creative lies I think WOW, that is a really good story I may have to remember that one and the non creative ones I’m thinking oh come on aren’t you even going to try to put any effort into this at all?

Now I do try to remain un jaded and not think that everything people tell me is an out and out lie. But believe me the, I know you’re lying to me because your lips are moving joke isn’t a joke some days.

As to the creative stories I sometimes think do they wonder if I believe what they are telling me or do they know that I pretty much know that everything they are saying isn’t even remotely true. Hell the truth isn’t even in the same time zone as what they are selling.

Any sentence that starts with …Well that’s because… is most likely not going to be followed by a completely true statement.

Really the truth is like a spice that they add to the story to give it just enough credit to make you want to listen to more.

Some times I think you know it might save a lot of time if I just say, let me stop you there, now let’s back up and go from the beginning with more truth and less fiction. Ok ready …go…, Well that’s because… Ok try again … Well the truth is… not going to be following that lead into a story

Then there comes that point in the conversation when you have to delicately tell them you don’t believe anything that they have told you.

I just say well there are two versions of the story or more and there is no way for me to really know what has happened because I wasn’t there when it happened. What I do know is this and I have to do this so what we are going to do now is this, fill in the blanks with what ever I’m asking them to do

It seems to work and I think that many of them really think that I have bought their line because they will stick to it through out the course of time I have to work with them.

In other news

There is a new GI Joe movie. The trailer looks pretty good and I know the first one wasn’t the best movie ever but it was good enough to see on the big screen.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WTF Wednesday #14

WTF Wednesday # 14

Now before you read this I know there are certainly more critical things I could be writing about than the following topic

Second that you may not care about the topic at all not even a tiddly bit

My WTF of the week is gamer cheats and douches. Now if you are reading and you are like ok inviso boy what the heck do you have to say about this issue.

First is that cheats and douches are two different things. You can be both but not all douches cheat but all cheats are douches.

Second, if you are a cheat, seriously WTF? Is it that important to you to be the top of the leader board for a video game? There is no award for this 99.999999 percent of the time. Yes sometimes there are prizes for being the best ever. But you can be damn sure they are going to snoop all up in your device and if you have a hack, a bootleg, an aim bot, download or enhancer of any kind you’ll be disqualified and then they get to keep the loot.

So there are tons of things out there make the game easier for you to get lots of points, kills, live longer, what ever the hindrance is to your success there is something out there to help you through this. Well you cheating douche the point is that you figure it out and succeed on your skill not someone else’s enhancers.

The games I like to play are first person shooters, if you don’t know what that means it is basically you see what you would see in the game world if you were in the game. You don’t see your avatar except for the tool you are using, most of the time it is a firearm of some kind or other.

Aimbots and locators are cheats used a lot in these types of games by cheating douches. Aimbots mean they just have to pull the trigger and their weapon automatically locates target. Well unless you are a terminator you can’t do this and it is a douche move.

Locators allow you to see through everything in the world to see where your enemy is. You are not superman and you can’t see through buildings or anything else.

Glitch Switchers – making the game lag or skip to your advantage causing other players to freeze while you move around them or they move by you while you are not really in the game for a second because you have frozen yourself out of it. This sort of douche baggery is seriously annoying.

All of these things and the others out there are so annoying but even more annoying is that these cheating douches are the biggest shit talkers in the games.

I p-owned you dude and then the T-Bagging starts

WOW are you a two year old? You killed me because you cheated and then you are going to talk about your mad skilz and then attempt to make me feel bad but making a computer person perform a sexual act on a dead avatar body.

Yup you are a genius.

Then there are the non cheating douches

These are players who do things to rack up points and kills because they can.

Now these morons will group together and they talk more shit than the cheaters. The favorite thing these people and I use the term people as loosely as you can because I’m not certain that they are people.

The thing about shooters, is that you have to spawn into the game at some location and then you run about and do some objective or just kill other players.

These douches, will go to the point were the opposition spawns in and kill you before you can move or move very far. It’s no fun to play in those games. Of course these dipshits will be well the game doesn’t stop you from doing it so I’m going to do it.

True, the game doesn’t stop you from doing it, but do you ever wonder why most of the matches you are in end with people quitting or you end up in games where even bigger douches do the same thing to you. Of course you don’t wonder that, because the would mean you were capable of rational thought and you aren’t, my bad for assuming you were thinking people

I mean I certainly understand a group does better than a single player and I do understand tactics and strategy.

You want to protect an asset in map with a group then I respect that it means I have to use tactic and strategy to get around you. And if I die ten times that way that’s ok I can concede that you did better than me.

However when your plan is to use the fact that I will appear at a specific point and you kill me before I can move, that is a douche move and you know it. And it makes you a douche and even worse than the cheaters

Glitchers and Campers are a another form of douches these individuals will hide in an area of the map that opposing players can not get to or exploit a flaw in the program which makes you immortal. If you are going to kill other players do it where you are a target as well. Even if you are using a drone, the drone is vulnerable or should be.

There are a ton of other things these idiots and asshats do in the games that just take the fun out of them for most of the other players The game developers do try to level it out. First generation shoots the spawns were in game which didn’t move and campers would just wait for you. So then the developers created randomizing spawns so if there were a lot of douches around a spawn then the randomizer would spawn you else were but they were always the same locations. Which just divided up the douches into multiple groups to kill everyone who spawned. Then the red lines were created if you crossed the red line you die This is where the technology is currently some games have invulnerability for a few seconds at spawn but it doesn’t give you enough time to get away but it can allow you to kill one person but if five are shooting at you the result is the same you die and the douches live.

The developers do understand that the douches are not the ones making them money, and try to keep the games fun for the mass of players. But what ever change they develop ends up being abused by the douches. The cheaters get bans but will open up a new account and are back in the system within minutes and while they loose their stats they are back in the games doing the same douche things again and downloading the same cheats until they get reported under the new name.

Thing is these are games not ways of life for the players. Even the game developers die in game, now they will give themselves better toys in game but they made the game, they spent the time writing the code they have earned a slight edge. But do you notice they don’t’ make themselves immortal and then just run around killing everyone and they don’t spawn camp or use aimbots or do anything that makes it completely impossible to be beaten.

So WTF, cheats and douches get a life and don’t live on these games. Seriously there are lots of other things to do. They are fun but they are only games.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I am not an acronym

Today was a day where I was engaged in playing my favorite game, which if you haven’t been following my stuff is bagging on myself. I was having a rather good round when real life super hero guy says, you really need to dial it back a bit on that or take it easy on yourself.

To which I replied, but I’m really good at that game.

He said, I know it’s concerning

Real life super hero guy is a friend that I work with who may have been given another nickname in here are some point but I think this one does fit because he is the only person I know who if given super powers would use them for good purposes.

Me, not so much. I can take a completely legit idea and turn it into a criminal enterprise idea in less than a minute. Not that we ever act on these things I’m more an idea guy or planner. Hey every successful thing needs a good plan.

Now I might do some good things but I know too that there would be some completely self serving things too.

However real life super hero guy would be that clean cut real super hero and not think twice about the powers having any other purpose except for good.

We will be talking and he will say, Wow how did the conversation end up there.

Shrug, it’s a gift, a tiny little bit of evil gift but a gift none the less.

Anyway I’m taking it under advisement and may take s few days off from the bagging on me sport.

There was a reason for the bagging but I don’t want to let it out just yet so I’m not telling you and by you I mean the people who may or may not read this stuff.

I know I re read some times and I wonder too if I can actually speak the English. Sorry, but it is part of my acronym

In other news

The current semester ended and I have a few weeks off between now and the spring semester.

In other, other news

I’m still not feeling the holiday thing yet I’m going to try really, really hard over the next few days to get that bug, which I may be catching because I was singing a variation of a holiday song, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but I was singing it’s the most wonderful time for a beer. Which I think it may be an instant classic

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wish Kat Dennings was my really good friend

So my new favorite TV show is 2 broke girls. I like this show because it finally has a show that is honestly rude. I really thing it is because it is making fun of the situations and not really making fun of the people in the situations. But it certainly does some of that too.

It is just so gloriously inappropriate. I think if I attempted to say much more I would just ruin it.

In other news, which isn’t really news but I’m going to call it news anyway is that it must have been freaking if you’ve been my client before show up at court today day. I swear if I can’t find clients anymore I’m hanging out at the court house they will show up. No seriously one in ten people walking in the doors were people I’ve had to work with before. I am more than a little surprised that I didn’t get slapped or called a bad name there. I think I may have been if I weren’t standing with an armed police man part of the time and the rest of the time sitting next to a guy who looks like he has been a guest of the DOC.

In other news that is really news coffee is awesome, I didn’t say it was current news.

Ok I’m keeping it short tonight and I might kill some avatars or watch some netflix what to do… what to do…

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Merry Happy Whatever Day

The holiday season is upon us and I’m having a hard time getting into the holiday season. I think part of it is that around this time of year there really are not any traditions that go along with the holiday. Well I did have one tradition and I am going to carry on with it which is the writing of letters to Santa from me to my kids. However they are both now at an age where they no longer believe and it has removed part of what I loved in doing that for them.

That magic may exist, an innocence that no matter what anything in the world is possible that reindeer can fly and that a portly elf has a magic bag that can hold enough prizes for everyone in the world, and there is a legendary fortress existed where few dare to live where toys of every shape and size were made.

Awesome little thought, sadly we all let that thought go. The really sad part isn’t that kids put away the notion of the elf and the reindeer. Many also loose the part that anything in the world is possible. Now it may not be magic that makes it possible but why can’t that be true.

I suppose it is for some people the real true believers, not in myth and legend but the believers in themselves. I can do it. They usually have a few people around them that say you can do it too. Or they are fueled by the haters who are saying no you can’t, and do it to say YES I CAN.

I think the thing that is keeping me out of the holiday spirit is the money thing, if nothing else 2011 as a year has shown the MONEY is the true religion in this world especially in the US. Sorry to get up on a soap box here but really it has taken over every part of our lives.

Most of the bills I pay are payments to banks I’m sure most of your bills are to banks as well. And if you consider that mortgage lenders are banks that specifically deal with one type of banking the loaning of money for property then apart from utilities and groceries all my money goes to banks.

The whole thing just consumes my joy and I think part it is that this is the high holy holiday for the god of money

The holiday is further driven apart by intolerance, one group so focused that the day isn’t recognized for the prescribed meaning. Which it isn’t really what the true purpose of this holiday was made up to do. And in that line of thought perhaps how we celebrate it by bowing down to corporate greed we are doing exactly what was intended. Which is to submit to the will of those above us. In case you lost me in my lack of being clear. The Church, and that would be Christianity decided that that pagans, any non Christian were still holding on to too many celebrations involving the winter solstice.

So it is decided that the Christian calendar would celebrate the birth of Jesus at the same time taking away the need for the pagan holiday. Because the census mentioned in the birth of Jesus story happened in the summer so in all likelihood Jesus was born in late August or early September not December. Problem there is the autumnal equinox is not a big deal and people were too busy with the harvest to celebrate too much and it what they did was mainly drink a lot once the harvest was pulled from the fields and stored for the winter. Then there is the preparing of the foods so they will last the months to come so every one is still too busy until winter when if you don’t have it done by now well it is too late phuck it lets celebrate a good year and hope for a better one to come.

Work and a better year to come by doing better work and perhaps smarter work is the true meaning of the holiday not the birth of anyone.

On the other side of it the intolerance of those who aren’t in the one group being offended by the other groups holiday and the sayings. When in Rome do as the Romans do. The US is a predominately Christian nation. The Christians celebrate Christmas, hell there name is in the holiday, made up or not it is there way of celebrating. Let them and if someone says Merry Christmas and you don’t subscribe to that being a real holiday so what. Let them say it and then say Happy Chanukah back to them, or Happy Kwanza or happy holidays, Happy Festivus or have a Cool Yule or just say thanks.

Now Christian doesn’t get attitude when those who are different than you fire back their holiday sayings …it’s about Tolerance. Not everyone thinks the same and it is a good thing we are not Borg, I’m not really a Trekie but it fits with a single thinking race, one thought for all. The thing is when some one says happy holidays or some other saying which is not merry Christmas lots of people get all bent and are like WTF OMG what a load of crap they we can’t have it our way. Dontcha know this is about the birth of Geebus goddabbit. Firetruck and stuff.

Take a deep breath because one, it isn’t and second it’s ok if people are different. And if your political governing body has a holiday festival and to be all inclusive of all people regardless of their faith and doesn’t call it a Christmas Festival its because they are political and not religious. Let your church have its own Christmas thing and then you know what because it’s a church the political people and everyone else can’t say you can’t call it that. Because you can, and you can say merry Christmas until your lips fall off.

Point is that we have to be more tolerant of each other and the counter argument to this is that if your political body has a festival this time of year and calls it a Christmas Festival and you aren’t Christian, like me, you can one not go, two except that this is Rome and the Romans will do as they please, or three have your own holiday function even if that holiday function is to do nothing. Now you may want to vomit every time you walk out the door or turn on any mass media thing but hey it’s the holidays if nothing else you get a day or two off from work. But don’t be the same hater that you hate and for the same reason of intolerance.

In other super happy fun time news my stupid dog howls all wolf like when the fire engines play their sirens like the fire trucks are part of a pack that she needs to communicate with. Being that I live very near a fire station it happens a lot. I don’t mind that she does this because I know that wolves are not going to show up on my door step, I worry that my neighbors might because she bays really loudly. They haven’t yet but if they do, I might just say well she’s a wolf what do expect, she isn’t nearly big enough to be a wolf and looks a little special and by special I mean a bit slow in the thought processing area, but she is pretty.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Friday, December 9, 2011

Adventures in Shopping

Last Saturday Doodle and I went shopping for the holidays. Now you may be thinking have you finished all your shopping for her yet? The answer to your general inquiry is, No. See the way the whole shopping for Doodle for the holidays works is that she will do one of the following

One, She will just go shopping with you and just wander around and put things in the cart she likes which is what we did Saturday

Two she will email you a list of all the stuff she wants complete with links to where on the internet you will find said items. Which is very helpful.

The last way is that she will buy all the things she wants and gives you the receipt and the items for wrapping or if she really wants the item right now the receipt so it can be wrapped. Which she opens and then goes oh yeah I love that present.

I like the last two options but the first one is my favorite because we get to spend time together. She says the same thing.

This last adventure of shopping was event filled. I saw lots of co-workers out doing their shopping. We had a horrible time in one store finding anyone to help us.

Doodle is one to speak her mind and in one place she wanted one thing which they did not have in the store, and once we were able to find a person to help us they told her the thing she wanted was only available on line. To which she said something like well nice that you put a sign up.

Which played out with me looking at the sign for said thing and the particular style she wanted said on line only but very faintly but it was there.

Then Doodle was like Oh, well then I guess you are right. Which I’m not sure if she was flirting with the sales boy or not. I mean he wasn’t unattractive but I just don’t like to think about her mac-ing on boys in front of me, and I don’t like seeing boys mac-ing on her… it’s a Dad thing. To us they are always little girls and no matter how old she gets there is always a part of me that sees her in the little white cowboy boots, Jeans shorts and pink shirt and that oversized backpack off to her first day of school.

So we soon left that store and on to the next one, the mac-ing part is important for this part of the story.

We are making good progress in this store and I got to hang out in parts of stores that I don’t usually go into. Yup the girl sections, now I’m an adult about this and when I’m in a relationship and the partner says oh hey you need to pick up this or that girl product I’ll do it and don’t think twice about it. Not sure why some guys won’t buy that stuff. But make up and that stuff is confusing and they generally don’t ask you to do that shopping. I just figured it magically replenished at the house because I never saw it being bought.

However, this store ended up having another shopper who was enthralled with Doodle and would not take her eyes off of her. I was like wow who knew. This particular stalker was a girl who was perhaps 16 maybe 17 and she literally could not keep from staring at Doodle. Doodle was completely oblivious to the whole thing until I said I think you have a fan. And she looked over and saw the girl staring. At first she said no, she isn’t looking at me until 15 minutes later and she is still gawking. Doodle is like do they think you can’t see them looking at you?

When we were leaving that area we had to walk right toward Doodles fan girl and she stared hard the whole time until the fast two feet when she turned 180 degrees so she could watch her walk away. Of course she was burning holes into Doodles back. I know this because I looked over from the register and she was still looking.

Hopefully she gets this whole stare down thing under control and isn’t so obvious about checking people out. I mean looking if ok but really take a picture it does last a little longer and in this day and age you can do that with a ton of devices and then you can walk around the corner and decide if you have a good photo or not and if you do stare to your hearts content.

In case you are keeping count that would be Doodle 2, invisible don 0…Yup nobody was stalking me at any of the stores. Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess I’ll go eat worms.

In other news.

Stunt boy and I were at his dental appointment yesterday and they were all amazed at how tall he is getting these days. Which he is, so next year the Jay and Silent Bob thing might work as a Halloween thing. Hopefully by then I won’t fit my part as well

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

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Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just a bunch of random stuff

So I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and the topic came up that I may not be normal.

This came up via a statement, “Have you tried being normal, it might help.”

To which I replied, “No”

But I really I don’t consider myself as not normal. I think I am more on the opposite fringe but certainly not in the middle of conventional but not un conventional either.

Lost is more likely a better classification. Although I’m right in the middle of a crowd.

Then I wonder, what is it that makes people perceive me as not normal. I mean I don’t think I look all that odd, and I certainly have a very conservative wardrobe, I don’t even have exotic pets. You know just the regular dogs and cats.

Still there must be something that stands out because it’s a pretty common theme that people who know me will say, dude you are not right.

(insert me shrugging with a chagrin)

In other super happy fun time news

I will be bringing back the WTF Wednesday segments so that should be fun.

In other just ordinary normal type news

I am about a third to perhaps 40 percent complete on all of my holiday shopping, so yay for that.

I finished watching the whole series of Caprica, which I really liked and I’m not sure if they are doing more of those … I hope they do.

I also finished watching all of the Jericho series. I’ll talk more about that one later and see if I get any NSA hits

I think I’m going to start watching the Stargate SGU series

I love netflix if you didn’t catch on but now I think I’m going to go kill some avatars or have people kill my avatar. The latter is usually how that goes.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Monday, December 5, 2011

baby fever

So recently there has been baby fever going around the work place.

People having babies like it is a contagion … seriously

Everybody is having babies… well not everybody but a lot

Which generally brings about the whole men are such wimps humanity would have gone extinct long ago if it were up to men to have the babies.

I really don’t like this thinking, A… because it is sexist and I don’t deal it out so I don’t expect to take any B… it is simply not true. And before you wheel out the femi-nazi torture wagon I’ll explain.

First and I know you women will agree. Men are just stupid. It is true we just aren’t smart when it comes to this sort of stuff. We won’t buy the very simplest form of birth control and use it now. Do you think we would remember to take a pill everyday? Hell do you think we would ever get to the doctor to have them prescribed? Yeah, we don’t go to doctors and we wouldn’t start just because we got pregnant.

Second, we like sex too much and coupled with not being on birth control means lots of getting pregnant. We just would and we wouldn’t get better even with counseling. We will have sex if we are dying… getting a little pregnant isn’t going to be a real turn off.

Third men will make a game out of everything. Do you really think getting knocked up would be any different? No, lots of men already consider sex a game, getting pregnant would just go right along with that. I got pregnant within 5 minutes of my ovulation. I bet I can do it in three. You’re on. Sad thing is, you know it’s true.

Not only would we be making a game out of who could get pregnant the fastest. We would see who could have the most kids, the biggest kid, fastest birth, longest birth, longest pregnancy

Men would be bragging oh hell I was pregnant for 11 months, just held that little bastard in there and wouldn’t let him out. OH yeah My kid was in me so long he could walk when he came out.

Yes we are big wimps when we get sick or pass a kidney stone but if there is pride on the line we will suck up all sorts of pain and not utter a sound

Simply put we are not a responsible bunch and if the baby making bit was up to us the world would be so over populated it wouldn’t be funny and the humans would become extinct not because we just died out due to dwindling numbers. It would because there just wasn’t enough food on the planet to feed all the people.

So see it is probably for the best that you are the ones having the babies and not us.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's all connected trust me

When you want something bad enough you see it all around you. You notice the little subtle nuances of it everywhere. You loose focus on every thing else around you. Good or bad it makes no difference, nothing is as important as the thing you want.

Then you have to wonder can everyone read it on you, or smell the desperation of wanting that one thing? Do you radiate that thing you want?

Other people want the same things that you want and maybe just as badly. However we don’t make easy on the other seekers.

The thing too is that I’ve been trying to find this thing for a while now. The thing is now I’m not sure what it is that I want anymore. Do I want the truly organic thing or do I just want the prepackaged predictable thing.

A truly virtual world would be awesome, I know I would be a person addicted to that sort of thing. I can give or take the MMORPG things because there isn’t really a sensory aspect to those worlds.

Total immersion into a virtual place, then depending on the parameters the laws of physics, gravity, all the pesky things that keep you from really enjoying your full potential could be altered to allow things to be different there and more in your control.

Isn’t that really the thing that scares us all about anything we seek is not being in control.

But really we delude ourselves into the idea that we have control in the first place. Sure we set our alarms to wake us up as a particular time but we don’t control time it moves on without a seconds thought about you.

We can get in a plane but we can’t really fly or thumb our noses at gravity.

You may even burn something up but all you have done is change how those particles exist and you haven’t really destroyed anything

Yes you may have deprived someone of how they liked the current arrangement of those particles but they still exist just in a less desirable form.

We even invent governing structures, political, economic, moralistic, to feel that we control the world around us.

But we don’t have any control over any of it. Our minds are free to do as we please but we convince ourselves we aren’t free that someone else has the control

Unfortunately other’s believe that the some are in control and help them enforce these invented rules that serve in most cases not the best for mankind but what is best for a particular set of men. I mean all people men and women not just the male gender when I say men. It can mean different things. Don’t be so literal all the time. See it’s like this when I say oh she is dating some loser. If I’m talking about someone who I have real chance of dating he probably is a loser. If I’m talking about Ashley Greene from the Twilight series and say she is dating some loser I mean some hugely successful guy who has it more together than me and I don’t stand a chance of replacing him so rather than feel inferior outwardly I’m just gonna say he’s a loser and it makes me feel better. You probably understand all the hate the Beib gets now too. So not the point though.

The thing is we are really our biggest obstacles, we get in our own way, we get in the way of other peoples dreams all for the fear that we won’t reach our own if someone else gets theirs. And sometimes we think we want a thing but we really may not want it as much as we think we do. Why do you want what you want, really and truly, You can tell me I’m a good secret keeper.

Wow this jumps to more places than my ADHD dog trying to get at a squirrel.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Thursday, December 1, 2011

They do it all the time

I wonder some times why it is that I find myself in the particular situation I am in currently. Then I’m reminded that some of my choices certainly contribute to the current state of affairs. I am sorry I can not be clearer than that because it isn’t entirely my right to discuss such things.

So Bruce and I sit around and discuss these things and I really don’t want to be there with Bruce because nothing ever changes and the stories are all told before.

Today was muthersday, that day of the month when you pay all the muther fuckers you owe money too. I don’t particularly like this day of the month. In fact I really hate this day of the month. Because I am reminded that as much as I want to change the afore mentioned situation the muthersday cards I have to send out bimonthly really prevent any real change. Or at least not in any meaningful way until I am completely invisible then of course it won’t matter at all.

I could stop sending my muthersday cards which I know a good many people who have done this and you know what they aren’t any worse off, nothing happens to them. Nothing, they don’t loose their jobs, they don’t loose their friends, they keep most of their things. Nothing changes in their lives. And it’s not just those who stop sending in their muthersday cards. But its also all the muther fuckers who just don’t give a fire truck about those people sending in all the muthersday cards and will be like you know because this other jack off didn’t send in their muthersday card you’ll have to give us more in your next muthersday card. Which really makes me not like all the muthers and the muthers who are not sending in their cards too.

I am not sure which group I don’t like more, it really is a toss up. Because the non card senders are really just doing exactly what all the muthers are doing, just not as creatively.

In other super happy fun time news.

There isn’t any super happy fun time news the muthers took all my fun today.

Maybe I’ll have some tomorrow.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So I'm not your average guy

I noticed today when someone read a thing that the average person does this fill in the blank so much or so often optional specified period of time my answer is I don’t do that that much or I do that way more than that or I’ve never done that.

I suppose it is a good thing to be not so average but reading some of them seems to be that I may be a bit further out in the rye than I thought.

Today’s thing was really only because I choose not to do that thing that it was and not because I couldn’t do that thing. I’m not saying what that thing is because it isn’t related to the point. I could just as easily been any number of things and it wouldn’t have applied to me.

Then later there was a further comment that I am not acceptable by conventional standards. I mention this not to garner any empathy or sympathy or attention just that coincidentally the day I notice one thing not fitting there is an unsolicited response to confirm said thing from a party unaware of the former information.

I see a me in my mind that is a compilation of me as I’ve grown there is a me from every age, stage, event in my life in my mind making my mental self image. I know that my mental self image is not what other people see. Hell I don’t even see my mental self image when I look in the mirror. I will sometimes see photographs of myself and it takes a minute for it to register that is me in that photo.

Some people say that I don’t like myself which is not true, I like the who, I am. I just don’t think that other people like that person. Mostly I don’t care if anyone likes me, mostly.

No one can say they truly do not care what anyone thinks about them. There are those times when you wonder what do we really know about what people think about us.

We know what they tell us they think but is it really what they think? Or is it some version of their thoughts packaged to be the most consumable by you when you ask.

So I’m not normal and I’m ok with that, I less ok with that other people may not be ok with my not being normal or average or what ever.

It feels at times though that the fringe is closer than when I last looked and that people don’t see me. They see past me, through me or that more likely I’m like what ever the visual equivalent is to white noise. You need it to fill in the spaces between things but it isn’t really important.

Of course it may just be the day and that while I’m trying to keep my mind from something it will not allow me to not go there. So much space between then and now and still the lights around doorways in the dark make me leery. Because what you find on the other side isn’t always what you hope.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

One step beyond

The dead have a way of remaining a mystery to us. We know what we know about those who have been with us and no longer share this level of existence.

This time of year has been a time when the death circles nearer for me, reminders of what was once and exists now only in that place between.

They say cats are half in and half out of the world of the dead, probably where the whole 9 lives things comes from, odd too that they are one of the few animals that will and are equipped to fight back even before they can see.

Why give that ability to any creature, unless there is a need for it.

What lies beyond? No one really can tell you until you’ve gone but we dismiss those who say they have.

Is the light they see the light of the after life or is it the light of the next life beginning of a rebirth.

Recently, I had a conversation with my father, which doesn’t seem an odd thing to say, unless you consider that he has been dead for the last 8 years.

This was as real a conversation that I have ever had awake in every respect. I woke from that conversation with a sense that things between my father and I were more settled than they have been.

We were getting along when he died, but to say we were close as father and son would not have been something anyone would have ever said of us. However, we were getting there.

Then he died.

There were things left unsaid between us as there are with any one who has lost someone. However I know that our last words were words of kindness.

In our recent conversation it was a continuation of where things were going in our time here if there were more time here.

Who knows, maybe it was just all the cold medicine, but I don’t think it was. This was real or at least it was for me. I can’t prove it to anyone else and the thing is I don’t need to prove it to anyone. Maybe it was just a collection of memories blending together and forming a dream conversation fulfilling some gap or void in that relationship. Maybe it was really a visit from his energy that remains in this world and we are just more willing to allow that energy to interact with us while we are asleep.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nap Attack

Ever notice that napping and sleeping are completely different

I mean apart for the whole length thing because a nap can certainly be longer than you intended it to be.

I just woke from a nap the began much like a computer popping up and saying a threat has been found on your computer an emergency power down will begin in 5 …4…3…2…1


The screen fades to black before you can stammer out wait what?

So I was feeling better when I woke up today but I suppose that my internal scans were like nope we found a nest we need to divert all energy to combat mode

The germ fighting part of me asks, What is the alert human doing?
The brains responds, Nothing critical.
The germ fighting part says, Good, shut him off
The brain says that may take a bit
The germ fighting parts says, Shut him off now and stares at the brain
Then the brain says Ok, never breaks eye contact with the germ fighting part and reaches back and hits the emergency shut off. Whirrrrrrrrr blip power gone.

This was the kind of nap when you wake up, it feels like you have to pull your head back out of some hole in sleep land

Apart from being sick naps are different that sleep.

Naps you can fall out in a three piece suit with a tie, try to sleep like that, not happening unless you are Barney Stinson. Sleep requires a delicate balance of clothing based on the temperature, bed clothing, atmospheric pressure and the tilt of the earth.

During naps you can sleep face down on concrete, try to intentionally sleep there, you’ll walk around in a circle more times than a dog trying to mash down grass that doesn’t exist in your living room trying to make that seem a bit softer before committing to a lay down.

Naps really require no preparation at all, while getting ready to go to sleep is full of ritual and prepping and primping it’s like you are getting ready to give it up the first time. We all know that didn’t go as planned. And if it did good for you, nice work I mean that really most sincerely that takes effort to resist urges…ok wait off topic

Naps don’t require you to empty your brain of your troubles. You can have a million things on your mind and still be able to get your nap on. Have one little thing bothering you come time to sleep. I’ll be in to ask about the shadows, lines, cracks, holes in the ceiling later.

So times naps even turn in to sleep. You know that ones where you fell into a nap than wake up look at the clock and realize that is now past your regular time to go to sleep but too early to get up and call it an early start to the day. You have to avoid making the statement I’ll just go to sleep because you’ll lay there awake for an hour or more before drifting back off, but if you just say I’ll just nap a while longer then get up you’ll be back out faster than you can do math when you decide to hit the snooze button in the morning.

Mostly you don’t have that pressing need to pee after a nap like you do after you’ve been down for a sleep.

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it is your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it is not your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015

Friday, November 25, 2011

I think you are standing on my chest...

So I survived Thanksgiving but I may be referred to as Typhoid Man from now on. It appears that my body decided that because I have the next few days off it was the perfect time to let off the biohazard bomb in my body. By 4:30 in the afternoon I’m sure the grim reaper will be coming to see me soon and I spent the better part of the next 16 hours sleeping or rather trying to sleep. I’ve been coughing so much my kidneys hurt. Yay. (chagrin)

In other super happy fun time news

When you order fries to go from the fast food places there are two kinds of fries

The first kind are the fries in the packet, container, bin, bucket, or what ever thing they serve the fries to you in. Those fries are really good.

The other kind of fries, are the bonus fries. The bonus fries are those that end up on the bottom of the food bag that have escaped the container. You only get bonus fries when you get take out. The fries that fall onto the try in store are just spillage fries and it’s not the same.

The bonus fries are the same really as the other fries but they some how they taste just a little bit better than the regular fries. Because you don’t know that you have them until all of the regular fries are gone and then …

Bonus fries. That is the joy at the bottom of the bag

Well today stunt boy and I are coming back from the other one’s house and he got hungry. So we stopped, ordered and got back on our way. So we share the regular fries and then he eats his dead animal sandwich and then bonus fries.

Except that this time it was Bonus Fry

Stunt boy ate the only Bonus Fry, he didn’t even offer me half he just ate it

It was a very sad thing and the thing is I really want fries now because I didn’t get any bonus fries

In other news… I’m going to try not to die. Anyone have a bio hazard sign?

Well, that’s all for now, other stuff tomorrow most likely

Happy Birthday if it’s your birthday and a very merry un birthday if it isn’t your birthday

Thank you for reading, please subscribe, you know if you are reading this on blogspot or on diaryland. If you are reading on face book well you are already subscribed. Aren’t you happy.

Have a great day and play nice in the neighborhood.


PS 3 Gamer Tag: invisible don

PO Box 4425 Roanoke VA 24015